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Topic: Satan (Devil)

Showing 451 to 500 of 535.
Episode Topic Audio
2015-01-13 Attacked from the Enemy (Satan): How would you describe being attacked by the enemy (the devil)?
2015-01-06 Lucifer is a queer demon: We have a prophet amongst us with new revelation about Lucifer/Satan.
2014-12-23 Satan Knowing Our Thoughts: Is there anywhere in the Bible where it says Satan can't or can read our thoughts?
2014-11-24 Satan - Lucifer: Bright & Morning Star & Day Star, is there a difference between the 2? [Revelation 22:16, Isaiah 14:12]
2014-11-13 Satan's (Lucifer's) Pride: If Satan wasn't originally Lucifer like the traditional thought is, why did Paul warn about new converts becoming elders, lest they get pride in their heart & fall like Satan did? (1 Timothy 3:6) [1 Timothy 3:6-7, Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28]
2014-11-10 Lucifer as Satan: Who started first teaching that Lucifer was Satan? [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28]
2014-10-14 Kingdom of God: We aren't in the full phase of the Kingdom of God right now, are we? Isn't there way more of it to come?
Stone Crushing the Feet Of Nebuchadnezzar's Image: Caller thinks that the Stone crushing the image, the feet, is more referring to the Second Coming rather than it being fulfilled when Jesus came the first time. [Daniel 2:45]
Satan defeated at the Cross but a Roaring Lion: How do harmonize that Satan was overcome by the power of the cross, but it also says he's a roaring lion? [1 Peter 5:8]
2014-10-14 Satan Being Loosed: Satan is supposed to be loosed & deceive the nations for a little time after the 1000 years. When is that supposed to take place? [Revelation 20:7-10, 2 Thessalonians 1:8]
2014-10-08 King of Tyre: Is Ezekiel 28 talking about the King of Tyre, or the Devil, like most people think it is actually referring to?
2014-09-24 Devil & his Minions: What is the Biblical reason that God allows the Devil & Minions to scourge us in addition to what we already have to deal with in our own evil desires & carnal nature? So many things stacked against us, in addition to him & his associates! Why? {James 4:7]
2014-08-25 Creating Satan: Why did God create Satan if He knew was going to do bad things?
2014-08-06 Pastoral (Spiritual) Covering: Someone with that much power over you, how is that biblical?
Belial: What does the name/term, "Belial" mean?
Deliverance from Reoccurring Dreams: What does Steve think of reoccurring dreams or nightmares the caller is having?
2014-07-31 Parable of the Sower: It almost seems like the Devil has power to prevent us from learning about God. Is that true? [Luke 8:12]
2014-07-31 Satan an Angel: Where does it say in the Bible that Satan was originally an angel? a Cherub?
2014-07-25 The land of Israel: Even though Israel owns the land right now, they haven't always owned it, but God promised them that they'd own it foever, & God promised Abraham that his seed would be as the dust of the earth, the stars of the sky. [Genesis 28:14, Genesis 13:16, Galatians 3:16, Romans 4: , Psalm 2:8]
The Jews Flourishing: If Satan could stop the flourishing of Israel, would he be making God out to be a liar?
Killing the Jews: There is no rhyme or reason as to why people would want to kill the Jews, including the Muslims.
2014-07-24 Prayers an Abomination: I heard a preacher recently say that if we have any sin in our heart, God will not answer us. Is that true? [Psalms 66:18, Proverbs 28:9]
The Perfect Christian: Some people seem to have a wrong idea of what being a Christian is. It doesn't mean you are PERFECT at all times.
Satan tempting: Does Satan try to get us to think we are the only ones going through a sin/temptation & that it's okay to succumb to it? [1 Peter 5:8-9]
2014-07-22 Sovereign of the World: Who is Sovereign of this world? Is it God or Satan?
2014-07-22 Satan being created: Why did God create Satan if He knew he was going to turn out the way he turned out?
2014-06-24 Millennium being the Church Age: If the Millennium is right now, during this Church Age, w/ Satan being bound up, how do all the major wars, holocaust, fit into the scheme of things? [Revelation 20:1-8 Matthew 12:27-29 Mark 3:22-30 Luke 11:21-22]
2014-06-11 Millennium: Are we in the Millennium right now, the "Millennium of Righteousness", or not? If so, how come there's so much evil in the millennium? How are we ruling & reigning w/ Him right now? What about the binding & loosing of Satan? [Revelation 20-21] (a very, very long answer.)
2014-06-03 1000 reign - Millennium: Why is Satan released? What is his agenda during this time? Does the War of Armageddon happen during this time?
2014-05-28 Hebrew English Interlinear Bibles: Caller is looking for a Hebrew English Bible that has the word "Lucifer" instead of "Shining/Morning Star". Is there such a source?
1000 years in Revelation: So ifSatan has been bound up for 1,000 years, is this the millennial reign we're talking about, & is he currently bound right now? [Revelation 20:2]
2014-05-19 Devil a Fallen Angel: If the Devil is not a Fallen Angel, then God must've had some purpose in creating him? What is the difference between temptation & testing?
2014-04-24 Street Preaching & the "Lord, Save us from Your Followers" Movie: Follow-up comments are about Street Peaching & the documentary Steve has been recommending. Most Street Preachers are going to places where people don't really want them, thus sometimes doing more harm than good. [Isaiah 42, Matthew 12]
The Elect being deceived: Is that possible, the elect could be deceived? Did Jesus bind satan, & the gospel can go out, but then he'll be able to deceive the nations again after he's loosed. [Matthew 24, Revelation 12]
2014-04-22 The Beast & the False Prophet & the Millennium: How can the Millennium be part of the church age if the Beast & the False Prophet & Satan are all cast into the lake of fire BEFORE the Millennium?
2014-04-18 It is Finished: What did Jesus mean when He said, "It is Finished!"?
Satan being Bound: So you say Satan is bound. If that is true, what was Peter talking about the Roaring Lion then? [1 Peter 5:8]
2014-04-17 Scripture about the War in Heaven: Caller is interested in all the verses that talk about the War in Heaven with Satan. [Revelation 12:7-12]
2014-04-09 Casting Satan to Earth: Why did God cast Satan to planet Earth right where human beings were going to be?
2014-04-07 Jesus Fighting Satan for the Keys: I've heard that during the 3 days of the death of Christ, that He fought w/ the Devil to get the Keys of Death & Hades. Is this true? [Psalm 16, Revelation 1:18 , Hebrews 2:14]
2014-03-31 Satan: How could God be mad at Satan in the Garden of Eden for tempting Eve if He created Satan to be the tester? [Genesis 3]
2014-03-11 the Book mentioned in Acts: The author of Acts mentions a book, do you know what book he was talking about? [Acts 1, Luke 1]
Traditional eternal view of Hellfire: So since you think Satan was created in the state he is in right now, doesn't it stand to reason God would also create an eternal hell even though it SEEMS against His nature? [Revelation 20:10]
2014-02-28 They overcame him by the blood: Who the "they" in [Revelation 12:11]?
2014-02-26 Bible throwing curve balls: I really believe in the fundamental essentials of Christianity, such as Jesus Christ &, the main & plain things, but then the Bible just throws weird things out there that we have to believe like literal creation, people burning in hell, & God creating Satan. Can you help me with the weird things that it seems to teach?
2014-01-29 [Genesis 3:15]: Who is "thy seed", who is, "her seed", & what does "it" mean? [Genesis 3:15]
2014-01-14 A Liar & a Murderer from the beginning: Wasn't Satan a created being, a good/neutral being? How did he become so evil? When did the demons join him? When it says that he was a murderer & a liar from the beginning, is that just hyperbole to prove a point about him? [John 8:44]
2014-01-07 Jesus' Death being a Surprise to Satan: Was Jesus' death on the cross a surprise to Satan? Is there a possibility he didn't know Jesus was going to rise again & really defeat him? [1 Corinthians 2:7-8, Psalm 16:10]
Wednesday Crucifixion: Is it possible Jesus was crucified on Wednesday & not on the traditional view of Friday?
Bible Translations & Andrew Murray: So do you think the NKJV is the best, & what do you think about Andrew Murray?
2014-01-07 Satan's Knowledge: The Devil is the opposite of the Fruits of the Spirit, so is it possible that he just gave in to murdering Jesus even though he knew it was going to hurt him in the end just because that is his nature?
2014-01-07 Binding Satan/the Strong Man: When did Jesus bind Satan? [Mark 3:27]
Prayer: Do you have any advice on how to spend quality time in prayer?
2013-12-23 Satan Knowing Our Thoughts: Can Satan read mind?
2013-12-23 Satan making people misunderstand you: It is possible that satan or demons can make something says someone says be completely misinterpreted by his/their trickery? [1 Corinthians 2:11]
The Mentally Ill: Is God going to treat the mentally ill like He will with children who can't really grasp the true meaning of the gospel?
2013-12-10 Satan giving Jesus all the Kingdoms: How did Satan even have the power or ability to give Jesus all the Kingdoms during His temptation? How did he get them?
2013-12-06 "Everlasting Covenant" in Isaiah: In this passage in Isaiah, God refers to the "Everlasting Covenant." It doesn't appear to be either the Old or the New, as it appears to be worldwide, so to what is this referring? Could it be at the end of the world? Is the city referred to, Babylon? [Isaiah 24:1-6, Luke 1].
Satan a Fallen Angel: Caller comments on his belief that Satan was Lucifer, who was originally an angel. [Job 1, Revelation 12]
2013-11-25 Satan a Fallen Angel: When trying to tell my brother about something you said about Satan not being a Fallen Angel, he told me about Revelation 12, but when I looked at that, it seems to be still be something happened in the future. What do you say? [Revelation 12:4]
Satan being a Fallen Angel Origins: When did the idea that Satan being a Fallen Angel start?
2013-11-25 Satan a Fallen Angel: When trying to tell my brother about something you said about Satan not being a Fallen Angel, he told me about Revelation 12, but when I looked at that, it seems to be still be something happened in the future. What do you say? [Revelation 12:4]
Satan being a Fallen Angel Origins: When did the idea that Satan being a Fallen Angel start?
2013-10-30 Origin of Satan: If God didn't want Adam & Eve to fail, then why would He make a permanent "tester" by giving them Satan?
2013-10-25 Holy Spirit Origins: Has the Holy Spirit always been or when was He created?
Angels Created: When were the Angels Created?
Lucifer & Fallen Angels: So you don't think Lucifer was a Fallen Angel? Where did he come from then?
2013-10-14 Serpent or the Devil: When God gave the curse to the Serpent for deceiving Eve, saying that he'd be crawling on his belly, was He actually talking to the serpent or the Devil himself?
Devil Tempting Jesus: Where did the Devil get the wherewithal to tempt Jesus the way he did?
Visitation by Evil Spirit: Caller reminds Steve about his apparitions & talks about it again.
2013-10-14 Serpent or the Devil: When God gave the curse to the Serpent for deceiving Eve, saying that he'd be crawling on his belly, was He actually talking to the serpent or the Devil himself?
Devil Tempting Jesus: Where did the Devil get the wherewithal to tempt Jesus the way he did?
Visitation by Evil Spirit: Caller reminds Steve about his apparitions & talks about it again.
2013-10-07 Origin of Satan: Do you have any insights as to the original of Satan? Was he created evil? [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28, Proverbs 16:4, John 8:44, 1 John 3:8]
2013-10-07 Never Water Baptized: I haven't been water baptized yet, & I heard that it's not necessary for salvation, but i should still do it?
Origins of Satan: What do we know about the origins of Satan?
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