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Topic: Satan (Devil)

Showing 351 to 400 of 535.
Episode Topic Audio
2018-03-21 Fire coming down from Heaven: What part of heaven did satan send fire from? [Job 1]
Powers of Heaven Shaken: What does it mean that the powers of heaven were shaken?
2018-03-15 Satan Fall like Lightening: "I saw Satan fall like lightening", was this literal, & what does it mean? [Luke 10:18]
2018-03-15 Satan & Music: Someone said that Satan was responsible for all the music of the earth. Is this true?
2018-03-08 The Devil's Powers: Does satan have powers to control us?
Our Carnal Nature: Are we being tempted of ourselves, our flesh, our carnal nature, just as much as we are being tempted by Satan?
2018-03-08 Adam wasn't deceived: Caller disagrees with Steve that Adam was deceived. [1 Timothy 2:14]
2018-03-05 Jesus as the Morning Star: A pastor said the famous passage of Scripture in Isaiah 14 is not referring to Satan, but that it's actually talking about Jesus. Is there any validity to this? [Isaiah 14:12, 2 Peter 1:9]
2018-03-01 Michael the Archangel: Adventists believing Jesus was Michael the Archangel. Is it heretical to believe that?
"Get Behind Me, Satan": Is Jesus talking to Peter or the devil when He said, "Get behind me, Satan!"? [Matthew 4:10, Matthew 16:23]
Pipes, Musical Instruments: What about all these pipes & musical instruments that seemed to describe Lucifer, Satan? [Ezekiel 28]
2018-02-26 Pictures of Dragons: Is having a drawing of a dragon in your house bad since Satan is depicted as a dragon?
2018-02-23 Ezekiel 28 King of Tyre: (Followup February 22, 2018, 9th call) Can help me understand king of Tyre or Satan in Ezekiel 28. [Ezekiel 28]
2018-02-22 Satan in Ezekiel 28: Is it true you don't think Ezekiel 28 is talking about Satan/Lucifer? [Ezekiel 28]
2018-01-11 Sons of God: Who are the Sons of God meeting w/ God about Job? Why would Satan be allowed to be there? [Job 1:6]
2018-01-09 Satan's Origins: Was Satan a fallen angel who had free will or was he always the devil? [Isaiah 14:12-16, Ezekiel 28:12-19, John 8:44, 1 John 3:8]
The Tester: If God made Satan the way he is, then He created evil, so how can that be? Also, if God created him to be a "tester", then why is he going to be punished for something he was designed to do?
2017-12-27 Satan-Lucifer: Who is Satan?
Sanctification: "work out your own salvation", "to do his good pleasure", salvation an on-going process? are we being saved?
2017-12-27 Satan an Angel: Was Satan an angel? Satan argued with God about Job, Jesus saw him falling out of heaven, so can you just explain about Satan?
2017-12-18 Satan Reading our Thoughts: Does Satan know our thoughts? How does he introduce things to our mind?
2017-10-30 Lucifer Not being Satan: Satan was in charge of angels, was a musician in heaven before his fall, how are we supposed to counter that? [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28, Revelation 12, 2 Corinthians 11:14]
2017-10-30 Satan Oppression or Just Bad Luck: How do we know when it's Satan attacking us or it's just bad luck, & is it important to know the difference between the 2?
2017-10-09 God Creating Us: Why did God create us? why are we here?
Lucifer Becoming Satan: Jesus said He saw Satan fall down from heaven like lightening. [Luke 10:18]
2017-10-03 Power of Satan: What was the power that Satan had prior to the cross? [Hebres 2:14-15]
2017-10-03 Satan being Lucifer: You say don't believe Satan was a fallen angel, was originally Lucifer? [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28, Revelation 12, 2 Corinthians 11:3]
2017-09-28 Devil doing bad things in Hell: Can the Devil rape women in hell? What about the Chaldeans & Job?
2017-09-27 Interlinear Greek Bible for both Manuscripts: Is there an interlinear Greek for both Alexandrian & Textus Receptus?
The Devil Understanding the Plan of Redemtion: "things which angels desired to look into", why did Jesus call Peter Satan? Satan not knowing God's plan for redemption, yet he tried to prevent Satan Jesus from going to the cross? [1 Peter 1:12, 2 Corinthians 2:8]
2017-09-08 God Creating the Devil: Why would God create a devil to tempt us, torment us, create havoc, when he's going to be held accountable in the end?
2017-09-07 Origins of Satan: Origins & nature of Satan being originally Lucifer. [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28]
2017-09-06 Lucifer the Fallen Angel: So are you saying Satan wasn't Lucifer who was a Fallen Angel? [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28]
2017-09-06 Lucifer Becoming Satan: Lucifer being satan. [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28]
2017-08-25 Never Hearing the Gospel: What about people who have never heard the gospel?
Satan Being Cast out of Heaven: When did the casting Satan of Heaven occur? [Revelation 12]
2017-08-21 Lucifer: Why was Satan called Lucifer which means, "light bearer"? [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28, 2 Corinthians 11:14]
2017-08-11 Origins of Satan being Lucifer: Can you tell me what you were talking about the origins of lucifer (satan)? I missed what you were saying earlier.
2017-08-07 Forgiving Satan: How come God doesn't just forgive Satan & reinstate him to Heaven?
Called to be a Minister: How can someone know if they are being called to the ministry?
2017-07-21 Binding the Devil: Can we bind the devil? Can we claim territory for the kingdom? Do we have the ability to direct angels? [Daniel 10, Matthew 12:29]
2017-07-11 Satan Being Omnipresent: How can people be pestered by satan at the same time on the earth if he's not omnipresent?
2017-07-10 Jesus' Ransom (Atonement) Involving the Atonement, who was Jesus paying the ransom to? I heard the early church thought Satan.
2017-07-03 God Creating Humans: Why did God create us?
Satan's Origins: Why & when was Satan created?
2017-06-26 Lucifer turning into the Devil: Lucifer turning into Satan & the King of Babylon & King of Tyre.
2017-06-05 Rebuking the Devil: Is it okay to rebuke the Devil? [Luke 10:19]
2017-04-25 Being Tempted by the Devil: Is there any evidence in Scripture that the devil can put thoughts into our mind?te
Gospel in a Nutshell: How would you phrase what the gospel is n a nutshell?
Gifts of the Spirit: So even if i don't have the gift of mercy, am i not supposed to still show mercy?
2017-03-07 Bible Interpretation of a Verse in Romans: Can you explain this Romans 8:10? [Romans 8:10]
Lucifer Becoming Satan: I don't see how Lucifer is correlated w/ Satan. [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28, Revelation 12]
2017-03-03 Forgiveness Towards the Devil: Should we forgive the devil? What about being angry at the devil?
2017-02-02 Lucifer & Satan: Is lucifer Satan?
Number of the Beast: Where do we get the number of the beast, 666?
2017-01-09 Historic Premillennialism: Historic Premillennialism viewpoint, amillennialism viewpoint discussion & Satan being loosed on the earth in the end times.
2017-01-06 Kings of Isaiah 14 & Ezekiel 28: I heard you talking about Satan & the kings in Ezekiel 28 & Isaiah 14 the other day, I missed one of the kings you mentioned. Will you talk about them again?
2016-12-20 Fornication: Why would Paul want someone who's already in the clutches of the devil be turned over to him? [1 Corinthians 5:5].
2016-12-08 The Binding of Satan: Caller differs w/ Steve about the binding of Satan & wants to discuss it.
2016-11-28 Gap-theory & Lucifer: There is a gap theory, & Lucifer was created during that time (as opposed to being evil from the beginning).
2016-09-23 Satan's Reason for Being: What was Satan's purpose of? What was his role? His origins? Did God create evil? [John 8:44]
2016-09-19 Michael the Archangel & Satan Disputing: Is it POSSIBLE that instead of disputing over Moses specifically they are disputing over Israel? [Jude 9, 1 Corinthians 10:2]
Sin Unto Death: What does this verse mean, "sinning unto death"? [1 John 5:16]
2016-09-19 Satan's Fall: Caller can't seem to find any real reference to it. [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28, Revelation 12, Luke 10:18, 1 Timoty 3:4]
2016-08-31 Holy Spirit & Satan Preventing Trips of Paul: How did Paul know when it was the Holy Spirit & then satan were stopping Paul from making trips? [Acts 16, 1 Thessalonians 2]
2016-08-23 Satan being Bound: Was Satan bound at the cross? Binding the strong man [Revelation 20, Matthew 12:28]
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