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Topic: Satan (Devil)

Showing 251 to 300 of 535.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-07-27 Satan Loosed Before Jesus Comes: Do you think that we are in the season where Satan has been loosed before His return (Amillennial View)? [Revelation 20, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
2020-07-23 Jehovah's Witnesses' View of Jesus: Jehovah Witnesses use Hebrews 1 & 2, to claim that Jesus is Satan's brother and He is not deity. Can you give me a response? [Hebrew 1:8-10, Psalms 45:6, John 20:17, Psalm 102:25-27, Luke 11:20].
2020-07-23 Satan in Heaven: Is Satan in heaven, and if so, why would we want to go there? [Revelation 12:10-11, Job 1, Zechariah 3].
2020-07-21 Satan Impersonates Dead People: Are these not verses that support the idea that Satan will come back and impersonate dead people? [2 Corinthians 11:14-15, I Samuel 28:13-29].
Soul Sleep: How do we differentiate between the way other religions talk about spirit life, if we, as Christians, believe that we go to heaven to live after death instead of into a soul sleep?
2020-07-17 Death & Soul Sleep: How do you justify your view that people go to heaven upon death if scripture is inspired, and clearly doesn't teach that? [Acts 2:29, Ecclesiastes 9:5, 2 Timothy 3:16, I Kings 11].
Devil Impersonating Long Dead in End Times: How can one know who the devil is when he comes in the end times and impersonates long dead people?
2020-07-15 Satan Taking Up Residency in Christian Lives: Could you tell me what the Bible says about Satan taking up residency in the minds and lives of Christians? [Hebrews 4:15, Matthew 4:1-11, Matthew 16:23, Genesis 3:6].
2020-07-07 Heaven or Heavens: Why do people say heavens, rather than heaven? [Genesis 1:1].
Manasseh's Age: Was Manasseh actually a literal 12-year-old when he became king? [2 Kings 22].
Binding of Satan and Deceived Nations: Could you help me understand how the binding of Satan can have already happened and be applicable today when the nations are still deceived? [Revelation 20:8, I John].
2020-06-30 The Millennium: Why is the 1000 years (the Millennium) not considered symbolic rather than literal by some, when it is clearly stated as a precise number? [Revelation 20:7].
Satan Bound for 1000 Years: How should one consider "binding the strong man" and parallel to the millennium? [Revelation 20:1-3, Matthew 2, Revelation 5:6, Revelation 17]. (Editor's Note: Answer continues after the break, in a separate call).
2020-06-30 The Millennium & Satan being Bound: Continuation from previous call about the Millennium & Satan being bound. [Matthew 12:29, Mark 3:27, Luke 11:21-22, Revelation 20:7-8]
2020-06-25 Job's Awareness of Satan: What did Job know about Satan and the meaning of his suffering? [Job].
Concern About Satan: Should we be concerned about what Satan is planning and doing? [Job].
2020-06-25 Job's Awareness of Satan: What did Job know about Satan and the meaning of his suffering? [Job].
Concern About Satan: Should we be concerned about what Satan is planning and doing? [Job].
2020-06-25 Good Books About Satan: Caller offers book suggestions on the topic of Satan: by Michael Brown.
Christian Fundamentalism: How would you define Christian Fundamentalism? Is is a good thing or a bad thing?
2020-06-23 Revelation 20-Angel & Satan: In Revelation 20, who is the angel, and when will Satan be released? [Revelation 20:1-9, Matthew 29, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
2020-06-15 Book of Job: Could you help me with the implications of the story of Job? Does God have to give permission to Satan to inflict us? [Job, Psalm 34:7, Psalm 91:11-12, Romans 8:28, I Peter 1:7].
2020-06-12 Telepathy & Occultism: Do you think that there is actually something like telepathy from demons?
Satan's Ability to Move About: Since Satan was walking back and forth in Job, can he travel really fast? [Job 1:7].
Get Behind Me, Satan: When Jesus said to Peter, "Get behind me Satan" was he talking about Satan or demons? [Matthew 12:26, Matthew 16:23].
2020-06-12 Telepathy & Occultism: Do you think that there is actually something like telepathy from demons?
Satan's Ability to Move About: Since Satan was walking back and forth in Job, can he travel really fast? [Job 1:7].
Get Behind Me, Satan: When Jesus said to Peter, "Get behind me Satan" was he talking about Satan or demons? [Matthew 12:26, Matthew 16:23].
2020-06-10 Christians Devoured by the Devil: Does the verse about the devil being like a lion seeking to devour us, how does this apply to Christians? [I Peter 5:8].
Thoughts from the Devil: Can the devil actually put thoughts into your heads? [Matthew 16:23].
Jesus Seeing the Devil: Did Jesus actually see the devil when he was tempted in the wilderness?
2020-06-10 Christians Devoured by the Devil: Does the verse about the devil being like a lion seeking to devour us, how does this apply to Christians? [I Peter 5:8].
Thoughts from the Devil: Can the devil actually put thoughts into your heads? [Matthew 16:23].
Jesus Seeing the Devil: Did Jesus actually see the devil when he was tempted in the wilderness?
2020-06-10 Christians Devoured by the Devil: Does the verse about the devil being like a lion seeking to devour us, how does this apply to Christians? [I Peter 5:8].
Thoughts from the Devil: Can the devil actually put thoughts into your heads? [Matthew 16:23].
Jesus Seeing the Devil: Did Jesus actually see the devil when he was tempted in the wilderness?
2020-06-05 Satan Bound: Would you help me sort out the meaning of being "bound" and just how Satan was bound? [Matthew 12:29, Revelation 20, I John 5:19].
Adam & Eve & The Tree of Knowledge: Did Adam communicate fully to Eve about not touching the tree in the garden?
2020-06-03 Binding of the Strong Man: How do you interpret the first couple of verses in Revelation 20 about Satan being loosed for 1000 years? [Revelation 20:2, Matthew 12:29, Luke 11:21, Colossians 2:15, Hebrews 2:14, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
2020-06-03 Binding of Satan in Chains: Caller shares a thought about the binding of Satan in chains symbolism.
2020-06-02 Lazarus & the Rich Man: Why do people think that the story of "Lazarus and the Rich Man" is not a real story of real, named, people, and going to hell? [Luke 16].
Watering Down Hell: Do you think that people think that the story of Lazarus & the Rich Man isn't about real people in order to water down the concept of hell?
2020-05-20 Wise as Serpents, Gentle as Doves: Would you clarify the directive to be wise (or cunning) as a serpent, but gentle as doves? It seems that characteristic is bad in the serpent. [Genesis 3, Matthew 10:16].
When the Serpent was Created: Was the serpent created as the same time as the rest of the animals in Genesis?
2020-05-20 Wise as Serpents, Gentle as Doves: Would you clarify the directive to be wise (or cunning) as a serpent, but gentle as doves? It seems that characteristic is bad in the serpent. [Genesis 3, Matthew 10:16].
When the Serpent was Created: Was the serpent created as the same time as the rest of the animals in Genesis?
2020-05-07 Hell Must be Eternal: How is hell possibly not eternal, particularly in light of reference to "tormented day and night, forever"? [Revelation 20:10, Revelation 14:11, Revelation 15, Matthew 25:41 & 46].
2020-03-30 Plea the Blood of Jesus: Is it wrong to "plea the blood of Jesus" over your house or other goods?
Plea the Blood of Jesus: Is is wrong to "plea the blood of Jesus" over your house or other goods? [Revelation 12:11].
Distancing Oneself from One's Family Member: Is is wrong to distance myself from my brother, if I don't think he is a good influence around my family?
2020-03-30 Plea the Blood of Jesus: Is it wrong to "plea the blood of Jesus" over your house or other goods?
Plea the Blood of Jesus: Is is wrong to "plea the blood of Jesus" over your house or other goods? [Revelation 12:11].
Distancing Oneself from One's Family Member: Is is wrong to distance myself from my brother, if I don't think he is a good influence around my family?
2020-03-27 Kingdom of God Enacted: Are we at that place in God's timeline suggested in Genesis 3, where the kingdom of God is enacted and progressing-in the crushing of Satan's head? [Genesis 3:15, Romans 16:20, Psalms 47:3,
Kingdom of God: Who is being grafted into the kingdom - is it now primarily gentiles, rather than the Jews? [Romans 11:11f].
2020-03-19 Jesus in Hell (Hades): Can you help me understand how or why Jesus went to hell (Hades)? [Psalm 16, I Acts 2:27, 31, Luke 23:43].
Michael Dare Not Condemn Satan: Why did Michael not dare condemn Satan in the book of Jude? [Jude 1:9].
2020-03-16 666 Relative to a Percentage: Do you think that the use of the number 666 in the Bible could be representative of a percentage?
2020-03-13 Repentance in Hell: Doesn't the Hebrews 9 verse prove that there is no chance to repent after death? [Hebrew 9:27].
False Teachers Today: Why do Christians not root out and expose false teachers like Rick Warren, the Pope, and Hillsong, among others, more agressively?
2020-03-11 Zacharius & the Course of Abia: What do you know about Zacharius and the "course of Abia"? [Luke 1:15].
Serpent Seed Doctrine: What do you know about the "Serpent Seed" doctrine? [I John 3:12-15, 8:44].
2020-03-04 Pre, Post, & Amillennial Views: Do the three views of Pre, Post, Amillennial Views of Revelation seem to converge on the idea that this could be the time of when Satan is loosed?
2020-03-04 First Sin on the Planet: Was the first sin committed by Eve or the Serpent?
2020-02-27 Origin of Satan: If Satan was created to be a tester, then why would God send him to be tormented forever in the lake of fire, just for doing that for which he was created? [Revelation 20:10].
Book-Before Dispensationalism: Are you familiar with the book, "Dispensationalism Before Darby" by William C Watson?
2020-02-26 Sin-Before or After Satan: Was sin made before Satan? [I John 3:8].
2020-02-18 Satan Bound in the Abyss: If Satan is confined to the abyss, then how does it effect my eschatology? [Revelation 20, John 12:31, Hebrews 2:14, Matthew 12:29, Colossians 2:15].
2020-02-17 Satan, Lucifer (Light-Bearer): Could you enlighten me as to how it is that Satan is associated to being a "light-bearer"? [Isaiah 14:12, John 8:44, I John 3:8].
2020-01-22 Binding of Satan: What does one do with the verses about Satan still being active in the world today, if he was bound at the cross? [Revelation 5:6, Revelation 20:3-9, 2 Corinthians 4:4, Colossians 2:15, Hebrews 2:14, 2 Thessalonians 1:8, I Peter 5:8, Mark 3:27, Matthew 12:29, I John 5:19].
End Times Timeline for Amillennialists: Would you outline the timeline of end times from the amillennial view?
2020-01-06 Translation Variance; God or Satan-in Isaiah: Why such a monumental translation variation of Isaiah 59-one implies it is referring to God, one to Satan? [Isaiah 59:19]
2019-12-19 Satan Fell Like Lightening: Could you clarify the meaning and application of the verse about "seeing Satan fall like lightening from heaven"? Is it about pride? [Luke 10:17-18, Revelation 12].
2019-12-11 Satan's Fall: What is your view about the fall of Satan?
End Times Views: Is it acceptable to not hold a position regarding end times views, such as pre or post-tribulation, rapture, etc.?
2019-12-06 Satan Repent: Did Satan have access to God in heaven, as when he was present in the story of Job? Could Satan ever actually repent one day?
2019-11-21 Satan Loosed: Will we know when Satan has been loosed? [Revelation 20:7-9].
2019-11-12 Satan-Literal Snake: Many think that it was actually a real snake in Eden, but I think that it was not literal - not really a snake? What do you think? [Genesis 3:1].
2019-11-11 Satan's Fall: If all that Satan did was to want to be like God, how is that a wrong thing? Isn't that what we are supposed to do?
2019-10-11 Satan's Timeline: Does Genesis 1 indicate when was Satan cast out of heaven? [Genesis 1:1-2].
2019-10-10 God Allowing Satan to Approach Him: If God can not tolerate sin, then how can He allow Satan to approach Him in the book of Job? [Job 1-2, Habbakuk 1:13].
Where Satan resides: Where is Satan? [Job 1:7, Ephesians 2:2].
2019-10-10 God Allowing Satan to Approach Him: If God can not tolerate sin, then how can He allow Satan to approach Him in the book of Job? [Job 1-2, Habbakuk 1:13].
Where Satan resides: Where is Satan? [Job 1:7, Ephesians 2:2].
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