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Topic: Satan (Devil)

Showing 101 to 150 of 535.
Episode Topic Audio
2022-08-30 Angles & Demons: Can angels & demons communicate instantaneously?
Hell & Bottomless Pit: If hell is in the heart of the earth, then how can it be a "bottomless pit?" [Revelation 20, Matthew 12:40].
Jonah's Hell Prophecy: Did Jonah prophesy about being in hell comparing it to the belly of the whale?
2022-08-16 Devil's Abilities & Limitations: Could you share any scripture that indicates that the devil can speak into people's minds? [Matthew 16:23].
Devil's Abilities & Limitations: Since we have the mind of Christ, how can we have thoughts coming into out minds from Satan?
2022-08-16 Devil's Abilities & Limitations: Could you share any scripture that indicates that the devil can speak into people's minds? [Matthew 16:23].
Devil's Abilities & Limitations: Since we have the mind of Christ, how can we have thoughts coming into out minds from Satan?
2022-08-03 Satan's Origins: Where did Satan come from? [Isaiah 14:12, Proverbs 16:4, Genesis 1:26-28].
2022-08-03 Origins of Satan: Does the Bible back-up what I have been taught about the origins of Satan? [Isaiah 14, Job 1]
Satan-Fallen Angel: Is it false to say that Satan is a fallen angel?
2022-08-03 Origins of Satan: Does the Bible back-up what I have been taught about the origins of Satan? [Isaiah 14, Job 1]
Satan-Fallen Angel: Is it false to say that Satan is a fallen angel?
2022-08-03 Satan Need's God's Permission: Why did Satan get permission from God to test Job?
2022-08-02 Satan & Apostasy: What do you think of my response to someone who had abandoned the faith when I answered why God created Satan?
2022-07-29 Satan Bound or Not: If we are living in the millennium, then is Satan bound today? [Revelation 20:1-2, Revelation 20:7].
Saved by Baptism: Is there any other way to be saved, other than baptism?
Saved by Baptism: What about the verses that say you are saved by Baptism? Does one have to have water avialable when evangelizing? [Acts 8:36].
2022-07-19 Global Warming: Caller comments on "global warming" as a result of hearing a previous call about it.
Animals Talking: Do you think that all the animals talked before the fall in Eden (like when Eve spoke with the serpent)?
Animal Sacrifices: Did God eat the animal sacrifices?
2022-07-08 Satan-Not a Fallen Angel: Does scripture support the idea that Satan was created evil from the beginning, particularly "he was a murderer from the beginning"? [John 8:44, I John 3:8].
2022-07-05 Release or Loosing of Satan: About the "releasing of Satan for a little while", are there other verses that relate to this in the scriptures? [Revelation 20, Revelation 11, 2 Thessalonians 2, Genesis 3:15, Colossians 2:15, Hebrews 2:14,l Isaiah 2, Isaiah 11, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 54]
2022-06-23 Satan Still Active: Could you explain how Satan is still active and continuing to deceive, in light of Revelation 20 and his being locked up? [Revelation 20:3].
2022-06-15 Ephesians: Could you talk about Ephesians 2-3 - is it the same audience? [Ephesians 2:7, Ephesians 3:10].
Sower, Seed, Binding of Satan: From the "Parable of the Sower", can Satan still take the seed, even though Satan is bound? [Hebrews 2:14, Colossians 2:15].
2022-06-13 Considering Lucifer as a Fallen Angel: Caller shares why he thinks that Lucifer was a fallen angel. [Revelation 1:20, Jude 1:13].
2022-06-10 Origins of Satan (Lucifer): Isn't there evidence for sin and unbelief in heaven because of the fallen angels and origin of Satan? [Revelation 12:4].
2022-06-09 Fallen Angels: What would make a third of the angels listen to other stupid angels and rebel against God? [Genesis 6, James 1:14, Revelation 12:4, Daniel 8:10, Daniel 12:3-4].
2022-06-07 Lucifer's Rebellion: Where did Lucifer get the evil thought to rebel against God, if everything is perfect in heaven?
2022-05-20 Free Will in the Afterlife: Do you believe that we will have free will in the afterlife, and if so, what would keep us from sinning?
Slavery: Did God allow people to take slaves after they conquered other nations?
2022-05-18 Good & Evil in Eden: Because there was a Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil, does that mean evil was already in the garden? [Genesis 1:31, Genesis 3:1].
Satan's Origins: Do you lean toward the view that Satan was created by God or He was a fallen angel?
2022-05-18 Good & Evil in Eden: Because there was a Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil, does that mean evil was already in the garden? [Genesis 1:31, Genesis 3:1].
Satan's Origins: Do you lean toward the view that Satan was created by God or He was a fallen angel?
2022-05-11 Satan's Origins: What other divine character could Satan be, if he was not a fallen angel? [2 Corinthians 11:14-15, Ezekiel 28:12f].
2022-05-11 Origins of Satan: Could you clarify what you said about the origins of Satan? Are you saying that God created a morally bad being?
Eliakim & Catholicism: Could you talk about the idea that support for Catholicism is the story of Eliakim? [Revelation 3:7, Isaiah 22, Matthew 16].
2022-05-10 Satan Hates Christians: Does Satan hate Christians? [John 8:44, Job 1-2].
Satan as a Tester: Didn't you say that Satan was created as a tempter?
Satan Thrown into the Lake of Fire: If Satan was created to be a tester, then why would God throw Him in the Lake of Fire? Would this be against the character of God? Revelation 20:15].
2022-05-10 Satan Hates Christians: Does Satan hate Christians? [John 8:44, Job 1-2].
Satan as a Tester: Didn't you say that Satan was created as a tempter?
Satan Thrown into the Lake of Fire: If Satan was created to be a tester, then why would God throw Him in the Lake of Fire? Would this be against the character of God? Revelation 20:15].
2022-05-10 Satan Hates Christians: Does Satan hate Christians? [John 8:44, Job 1-2].
Satan as a Tester: Didn't you say that Satan was created as a tempter?
Satan Thrown into the Lake of Fire: If Satan was created to be a tester, then why would God throw Him in the Lake of Fire? Would this be against the character of God? Revelation 20:15].
2022-05-10 Satan Was an Angel: Caller disagrees with Steve about Satan and his origins. [Revelation 12:7].
2022-05-06 Satan Bound, but Yet a Roaring Lion: When Jesus said He bound the "strongman", is it contradictory to other verses, like he is like a "roaring lion" and later, Satan will be sealed up? [Matthew 12:29, I Peter 5:8, Revelation 20:3, Matthew 28:18].
Loving Your Enemies: How do I love my enemies when they are doing such heinous things, like killing innocent babies? [Psalm 139].
2022-05-06 Sin in Heaven: Since a good angel fell, how do we know we won't mess up, sin, and get kicked out of heaven? [Galatians 5:17].
2022-04-25 Lucifer: How does one get a being out of the word, "Lucifer"? [Isaiah 14:12, Isaiah 14:16, Revelation 22:16].
2022-04-15 Spiritual Beings on God's Side: Who are Christians to say that those in various religions and cults who interact with other spirits, sometimes in nature, are wrong? [I John 4:1-3].
2022-04-11 Sin in One's Dreams: If we sin in our dreams-is it the devil, and do we need to repent?
Interpreting Dreams: Should one attempt to interpret one's dreams?
2022-03-31 Satan's Access to Our Minds: How much access does Satan have to our minds?
Speaking to Satan:: Should we address Satan directly? [Revelation 12:11].
Flesh Vs Satan Tempting Us: How do we know when it is the Devil vs our own flesh tempting us? [Matthew 12:26, Acts 17:30].
2022-03-31 Satan's Access to Our Minds: How much access does Satan have to our minds?
Speaking to Satan:: Should we address Satan directly? [Revelation 12:11].
Flesh Vs Satan Tempting Us: How do we know when it is the Devil vs our own flesh tempting us? [Matthew 12:26, Acts 17:30].
2022-03-31 Satan's Access to Our Minds: How much access does Satan have to our minds?
Speaking to Satan:: Should we address Satan directly? [Revelation 12:11].
Flesh Vs Satan Tempting Us: How do we know when it is the Devil vs our own flesh tempting us? [Matthew 12:26, Acts 17:30].
2022-03-29 Satan Can't Touch Us: How is it that that Satan can't touch us, when we experience evil? [I John 5:18-21, 2 Corinthians 12:7-11, John 14:30, John 16:33].
2022-03-29 The Great Deception: Do you think that the acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle and marriage could be the great deception spoken of in 2 Thessalonians? [2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, Matthew 24:24, Revelation 20:7].
2022-03-22 Disciples of God or Satan: Since scripture says if we continue in His word, we become His disciples, do we then become Satan's disciples if we continue in lies? [John 8:12, John 8:31, John 8:44, 2 Peter 1:4].
Jesus Not Born: What do you think of a pastor who teaches that Jesus was never born, but was always God who came directly to earth?
2022-03-02 Cain & Abel: What do you think about these two interpretations of the warning issued to Cain about his needing to do well? [Genesis 4:6-7, Genesis 3:16, Romans 5:7].
2022-03-01 Michael and Satan: What was the conversation between Michael, the archangel, and Satan? [Jude 1:9].
Wager Between God and Satan: Where is the story about the wager between God and Satan? [Job].
Brother Lawrence: What do you think of the book by brother Lawrence named, "Practice of the Presence of God"? Recommended books; "Imitation of Christ" by Thomas à Kempis and "Pilgrim's Progress" by John Bunyan.
2022-03-01 Michael and Satan: What was the conversation between Michael, the archangel, and Satan? [Jude 1:9].
Wager Between God and Satan: Where is the story about the wager between God and Satan? [Job].
Brother Lawrence: What do you think of the book by brother Lawrence named, "Practice of the Presence of God"? Recommended books; "Imitation of Christ" by Thomas à Kempis and "Pilgrim's Progress" by John Bunyan.
2022-02-23 Satan Challenges God: Do you think that God had to prove His righteousness because of Satan's challenge in Job? [Job 2:4, Romans 3:24-26].
2022-02-15 Why Curse the Serpent?: Why would God make the serpent pay the dues for Satan inhabiting it in the Garden of Eden? [Revelation 12:9, Genesis 3:14, Matthew 12:43].
2022-02-10 Satan Reading our Thoughts: Can the enemy read our thoughts? [Matthew 16:23].
Mind-reading Technology in the Hands of Satan: If there is ever a technology that could read minds, could the enemy get ahold of it and use it against us?
2022-02-10 Satan Reading our Thoughts: Can the enemy read our thoughts? [Matthew 16:23].
Mind-reading Technology in the Hands of Satan: If there is ever a technology that could read minds, could the enemy get ahold of it and use it against us?
2022-02-07 Outer Darkness is Not Hell: What do you think of the idea that "outer darkness" does not refer to the Lake of Fire (or hell)? [Matthew 25:30, Revelation 21-22].
Satan's Limitations: Since the devil is not omnipresent, can he only harass one person at a time? [Ephesians 6:12, Matthew 12:24-28].
2022-02-02 Old Testament Hebrew Poetic Language: Did Job's friends and the prophets actually speak in poetic form, or where they just recast in poetry when the story is told?
God Uses the Devil: Does God actually use the devil to accomplish His will at times? [Acts 2:23].
2022-01-24 Satan Not Ominpresent: Because Satan isn't omnipresent, he would have to get permission from God to go to a particular country or person to do evil, right?
2022-01-07 Satan Released: If the devil is released from the pit, could unbelief be what he has perpetrated? [Revelation].
Revelation Written by a Mad Man: Could the book of Revelation be the ravings of a mad man?
2021-12-29 Serpent Seed Doctine-Cain: What do you think of the doctrine who says that Cain was the seed of Satan? [John 8:39-44, John 1:12, I John 3:10, Genesis 4:1].
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