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Topic: Satan (Devil)

Showing 401 to 450 of 535.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-08-22 Satan meaning Adversary: Does Satan mean adversary?
2016-08-01 The Morning Star: How can the term "morning star" refer to both to Jesus & the Devil? [Revelation 2:28, Revelation 22:16, Isaiah 14:12]
2016-07-27 Grind Him to Powder & Broken if you Fall on Stone: What does this verse mean? [Matthew 21:44]
Addressing Satan: Is addressing Satan Biblical? [James 4:7]
2016-06-02 Lucifer becoming Satan: I was told by a friend of mine telling me that Lucifer turned into Satan after being cast down from heaven with a 3rd of the angels, They all being punished by being sent to earth. [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28]
2016-05-06 Satan being Punished: If satan was as Satan from the beginning, why does he have to punished, why was hell created for him & his minions?
2016-05-06 Lengthing our Days: God knows the number of days we are going to be alive, & we can possibly shorten them by our own actions, but what about lengthing them, like when He told Solomon he would or when Hezekiah got 15 years added? [1 Kings 3:14, 2 Kings 20:6]
Satan a Murderer from the Beginning: How was Satan a murderer from the beginning exactly? [John 8:44]
2016-04-20 Eve Misquoting God: Eve misquoted the command of God about not eating from the forbidden fruit when she said not to even touch it?
Adam being a god: Before they sinned, was Adam the "god" of this world, but then Satan became one after that?
First Prophecy of the Bible: What does this verse mean, a head blow to satan? Does this verse mean that we have authority over Satan like Jesus did? [Genesis 3:15]
2016-04-13 The Binding of Satan: As an amillennialist such as you are, what is your view about the "binding of Satan" then? [Revelation 20:2-3, Luke 11]
2016-04-01 Satan having but a Short Time: Can we link these 2 verses together about Satan having a short time? What does Steve think about this idea? [Revelation 20:3, Revelation 12:12]
2016-03-23 Bowing Down to People: Joseph's brothers bowing down to Joseph, or Nebuchadnezzar bowing down to Daniel, were those instances inappropriate, bowing down to them? [Genesis 42:6, Daniel 2:46]
The Prince of Persia: The Prince of Persia in Zachariah are both referred to as men & angels, that it is interchangeable. So he thinks Isaiah & Ezekiel is talking about the devil, Satan, once being Lucifer. [Zachariah 1, Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28]
2016-03-17 Origins of Satan: Where did Satan officially come from? He was up in Heaven during the book of Job. [John 12:31, Revelation 12:9-10]
Spiritual Wickedness in High Places: What is Ephesians talking about spiritual warfare & spiritual wickedness being up in heaven in the spiritual realm? [Ephesians 6:12]
Timing of Satan's Creation: Was the Serpent Satan? Was he created after Adam & Eve were created? When were the angels created?
2016-03-17 Origins of Satan: Where did Satan officially come from? He was up in Heaven during the book of Job. [John 12:31, Revelation 12:9-10]
Spiritual Wickedness in High Places: What is Ephesians talking about spiritual warfare & spiritual wickedness being up in heaven in the spiritual realm? [Ephesians 6:12]
Timing of Satan's Creation: Was the Serpent Satan? Was he created after Adam & Eve were created? When were the angels created?
2016-02-26 Spiritual Attacks or God's Testing: I'm trying to differentiate between having spiritual attacks from the devil or is God orchestrating testing?
2016-02-04 Satan a Fallen Angel: I have a friend telling me that Satan was Lucifer & is a fallen angel, but I can't find it anywhere in the Bible. Can you tell me where I might find it? [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28, Revelation 12:3-4]
2016-01-06 Seed of the Serpent & Woman: The seed of the woman & the seed of the serpent, is this spiritual seed or physical seed that it is talking about? [Genesis 3:15]
After Fall born of the Devil: So then every one who was born after the Fall until converted is a seed of Satan?
2015-12-29 Destroying the works of Satan: If Jesus defeated Satan at the cross, why does Satan still seem so powerful? [1 John 3:8]
2015-12-18 Lucifer & the 1/3 of the Angels falling: Did Satan's Fall happen before Adam & Eve were created? [Revelation 12:4, Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28]
2015-12-10 Law of Double-fulfillment: You as a partial preterist think that most prophecies have been fulfilled, but what about double-fulfillment prophecies?
Satan being bound, Jesus plundering his house: Isn't Satan doing the same thing to the church what Jesus is supposed to be doing to Satan, plundering it, destroying it, creating havoc?
2015-12-08 Satan's Fall from Heaven: Why did Satan & the fallen angels fall from heaven?
2015-11-18 The Millennium: What if we slip again like Adam & Eve did after we are in Heaven, after Satan is loosed again? [Revelation 20, Genesis 3]
2015-11-04 The Origins of the Devil: I heard that you don't think Lucifer became the Devil, is that true? [Isaiah 14:12, Ezekiel 28,
2015-10-29 Women Pastors: What about the verse which says, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." [Galatians 3:28]
Devil: Is he literal, a real individual?
2015-10-26 Satan being bound: Why is he released once he is bound? [Revelation 20:2, 7-10]
2015-10-16 Lucifer Not Being Satan: Why does everyone think Lucifer is the name for the Devil? [Isaiah 14]
2015-10-15 Anti-Christ: Does it say anywhere in the Bible where the anti-Christ is going to come from?
Lucifer & the Cherubim: Lucifer was the anointed cherubim? [Ezekiel 28]
Lucifer being a Fallen Angel: Was he the most powerful angel, even more powerful than Gabriel & Michael, or were they all on the same plane? [Ezekiel 28:12-19, Isaiah 14:12]
2015-10-14 The Existence of the Devil & Evil: If Christ is all knowing, why did He create the Devil & evil?
2015-09-28 JW's & Satan: What has Steve heard about Jehovah's Witnesses thinking that Satan is almighty?
2015-09-04 Revelation 20 & Partial Preterism: Caller agrees w/ Partial Preterism, but has a hard time understanding [Revelation 20] & Satan being loosed for a 1000 years. Can Steve help?
2015-09-03 Satan a Fallen Angel or the Tempter: If Satan was created at the Tempter, we'd have to attribute evil to God because Satan would have no culpability? Why would God judge Satan? You couldn't really say Satan was evil then.
2015-09-01 The person Job Getting a New Wife: Did Job get a new wife at the end of his latter days?
Chastised by the Lord or Being Attacked by Enemy: How can we know if we are being chastening by the Lord or being attacked by the Devil? [Hebrews 12]
2015-08-11 Satan Putting Thoughts in Mind: Can Satan put thoughts in our mind, & does that mean he can get in the mind of a Christian, & can he read our thoughts?
2015-07-23 Spiritual Warfare/Christians Authority: Who is the real enemy? Is Satan considered a proper name? If that's not his name, what authority do we have to rebuke him as a Christian?
2015-06-11 Satan originally being Lucifer: Caller heard that Steve doesn't think Satan was Lucifer. Is this true?
2015-05-13 Binding of Satan: Where does it say in the Bible that JESUS is going to be the one that actually binds Satan? [Revelation 20:1-3, Matthew 12:29]
2015-05-13 Jesus Doing Away w/ the 10 Commandments: Jesus didn't do away w/ the 10 Commandments, but as a matter of fact, ENHANCED them, made adultery even MORE than just the act.
Binding of Satan: All the Binding of Satan is is him being alone for 1000 years by himself. [Revelation 20:1-3]
Hell not being Forever: Caller believes that we don't burn forever, but are annihilated.
2015-05-05 Devil Coming Has Short Time: What is this short season that Satan has or will have? When does it start & end? Are they both talking about the same event? [Revelation 12:9-12, 20:3]
2015-04-29 Elect & the Blinded: In Romans, who are the Elect & who are the ones that are Blinded? [Romans 11:5-8]
Condemnation of the Devil: In 1 Timothy, what does it mean, the condemnation of the Devil? [1 Timothy 3:5-6]
2015-04-10 Doctrine & Teaching: What is Paul saying in 1 Timothy 4:12-16 about Teaching & Doctrine? [1 Timothy 4:12-16]
The Devil having been Lucifer: Caller wants to confirm that he heard Steve say that he doesn't believe the view that Satan was at one time the fallen angel, Lucifer?
2015-03-25 Satan (anit Christ) or Jesus First: At the very end, who’s going to come first, Satan (anti Christ) or Jesus? Or how's it going to work?
2015-03-20 Satan being Omnipresent: Is Satan omnipresent?
2015-03-20 Satan's Network (from 3 calls ago): Satan's on a chain, & we have to apply some common sense, & Satan is not doing everything bad that happens to us.
2015-03-20 Satan a Murderer from the Beginning: Is there any evidence or tradition that Satan was a murderer from the beginning? [John 8:44]
2015-03-05 Calvinism: Would it be unjust for God to make a group of people who had no possibility of salvation, & throw them in hell? Isn't that the same think as you saying that God just created the devil to be a tempter & then God punish him for it? Isn't that the exact same thing?
2015-03-03 Lucifer being the Satan (or not): Caller has always been under the impression that Satan was the fallen angel Lucifer, had never heard of another view, until he heard Steve talking about it. [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28, Revelation 12:3-9, Luke 10:18]
2015-02-26 Lucifer (the Devil): Lucifer fell out of Heaven after he was tempted, so does that suggest that we could be still tempted even once we get there?
2015-02-10 King of Tyre or an Angel (Lucifer): It seems it is talking about an angel in the latter part of [Ezekiel 28].
2015-02-05 Lake of Fire & the Devil & Angels: If God just made the Devil as a "tester" as Steve surmises, why would God then punish him for doing what he was created for?
2015-02-03 Body, Soul & Spirit & the Devil: Is it possible, since the Devil is a spirit, that God can't "destroy" him, so that's why he, the beast & the false prophet will be tormented all day & night for eternity? [Matthew 10:28 Revelation 20:10]
2015-02-02 The Loosing of Satan: Why would we want to loose Satan after he is bound up? [Revelation 20:1-3]
2015-01-21 Tertullian & Lucifer being a Fallen Angel: Did Tertullian believe & come up with Lucifer Falling from Heaven?
Zeal, even if misguided, is good: Even though caller thinks Rusty, who's been calling in a lot lately regarding the perseverance of the saints, is wrong, but that at least he has enthusiasm for what he believes.
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