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Topic: Satan (Devil)

Showing 151 to 200 of 535.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-12-23 Lucifer, Morning Star, Venus & King of Babylon: Could you talk about the translation of the name, "Lucifer", into "Morning Star", and its use for the King of Babylon? [Daniel 2:37, Isaiah 14:12].
Prophets Changing Focus: Could a prophet be talking about one subject and then suddenly completely change the subject without warning? [Isaiah 14:12-16].
2021-12-23 Lucifer, Morning Star, Venus & King of Babylon: Could you talk about the translation of the name, "Lucifer", into "Morning Star", and its use for the King of Babylon? [Daniel 2:37, Isaiah 14:12].
Prophets Changing Focus: Could a prophet be talking about one subject and then suddenly completely change the subject without warning? [Isaiah 14:12-16].
2021-12-20 Satan Does God's Will: How does God use Satan to do His will, specifically relative to when Satan tempted David to number the people? [Job 1-2, 2 Samuel 24:1, I Chronicles 21:5, I Kings 22:23, I Kings 4:26, 2 Chronicles 9:25, James 1:13].
2021-12-15 A Christian's Fear of Satan: Could you talk about the Christian's fear of being attacked by Satan, and if we are not a threat to him if he is not doing so? [I Peter 5:8, James 4:7, Ephesians 6:10-18, I John 4:4, Luke 10:19, 2 Timothy 2:3-5, John 8:32].
2021-12-15 God Testing Our Faith: Did God allow me to get sick as a test of my faith? [James 5:11, Psalms 34:7, 1 Corinthians 10:13].
2021-12-13 Satan Manipulates the Weather: Can Satan manipulate the weather?
Herod's Slaughter of the Innocents: Do you think that the women who lost their children to Herod's slaughter of the innocents, ever learned it was about Jesus? [Revelation 12:1-4].
2021-12-02 When Satan Was Cast Out of Heaven: Was Satan cast out of heaven before the fall or at Jesus' resurrection? [Revelation 12:7-11, I John 2:1-2, Romans 8:33-34, John 12:31. I John 3:20-22].
2021-12-01 "Get Behind Me, Satan": When Jesus said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan", what did he actually mean? [Matthew 16:23, Revelation 12:9, Revelation 20:9, Revelation 13:11].
2021-10-29 Satan's Origins: Was Satan a musician and a good angel that fell? What does it mean that he was "a murderer from the beginning"? [John 8:44, I John 3:8, Isaiah 14:12, Ezekiel 28:12].
Satan Created as He is, Rather Than a Fallen Angel: If God created Satan as he is, from the beginning, would that cause a biblical problem?
2021-10-29 Satan's Origins: Was Satan a musician and a good angel that fell? What does it mean that he was "a murderer from the beginning"? [John 8:44, I John 3:8, Isaiah 14:12, Ezekiel 28:12].
Satan Created as He is, Rather Than a Fallen Angel: If God created Satan as he is, from the beginning, would that cause a biblical problem?
2021-10-27 The Devil's Children: Can the Devil have children? [I John 3:10-15, John 8:44].
2021-10-20 Serpent & Enmity with the Woman: Could you identify the characters in Genesis 3 as to who is the serpent and seed where there will be enmity with the woman? [Genesis 3:15, Revelation 12:9, Hebrews 2:14, Romans 7].
2021-10-19 Why God Created Satan: Why did God create Satan?
2021-10-18 The Fall of Satan & Adam: Is there any support of the idea that Satan and Adam fell at the same time? [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28].
Satan's Origin: Where do you think Satan came from? [I John 3:8].
Sodom & Babylon Symbolism: Is Sodom and Babylon being paralleled indicate how important symbolism is in scripture? [Revelation 11:8, Hosea 11:1].
2021-10-18 The Fall of Satan & Adam: Is there any support of the idea that Satan and Adam fell at the same time? [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28].
Satan's Origin: Where do you think Satan came from? [I John 3:8].
Sodom & Babylon Symbolism: Is Sodom and Babylon being paralleled indicate how important symbolism is in scripture? [Revelation 11:8, Hosea 11:1].
2021-10-18 Satan & Lucifer: Caller supports the idea that Satan is established in Isaiah and Ezekiel. [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28].
2021-10-15 Bad Times Before Jesus' Return (Tribulation): Are the Dispensational PreMillennialist and Amillennial Partial Preterists the only groups that tend to think that there is going to be some really bad things before the end of the world? [Revelation 20:3].
Postmillennialist View: Do postmillennialists see a specific marker beginning the millennium?
2021-10-13 God Created Evil: Did God create evil? [Genesis 2:9].
2021-09-29 Spirit Beings Neither Good or Bad: What do you think of John Walton's view that angels are neither good nor bad? [Job 1-2, 2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6, Revelation 12:9].
2021-09-29 Satan Being Cast Out: Is it the same event in Job, Isaiah, and Revelation, that refers to Satan being cast out of heaven? [Isaiah 14:12, Luke 10:18, Revelation 12:7-10, John 12:31, Matthew 28:18, Daniel 8:10, Daniel 12:3, Revelation 12:4].
2021-09-28 Lucifer, Not Satan: Could you tell me more about Lucifer not necessarily being Satan? [Isaiah 14:12].
Unanswered Prayer Because of Sin in One's Life: Does God not answer your prayers if you have secret sins in your life? [I John 5:14, I Peter 3:7, James 5:16, Psalm 66:18, John 14:13-14].
2021-09-17 Satan's Origins: Is it possible that the origin of Satan suggesting that he was created to be a tester, rather than a fallen angel, questionable, because God would not be giving him an option to have free will to choose salvation?.
Church Fathers or Prominent Teachers & Satan: Do any other prominent theologians or any church father also believe what you believe about Satan not originally being Lucifer?
Satan Not a Fallen Angel: Don't you think that your book on hell indicates that your view of hell is non-traditional and tends to support the idea that Satan was not a fallen angel?
2021-09-17 Satan's Origins: Is it possible that the origin of Satan suggesting that he was created to be a tester, rather than a fallen angel, questionable, because God would not be giving him an option to have free will to choose salvation?.
Church Fathers or Prominent Teachers & Satan: Do any other prominent theologians or any church father also believe what you believe about Satan not originally being Lucifer?
Satan Not a Fallen Angel: Don't you think that your book on hell indicates that your view of hell is non-traditional and tends to support the idea that Satan was not a fallen angel?
2021-09-17 Satan & Symbolism in Ezekiel: Are the references to the King and Prince in Ezekiel 28 the same people? [Ezekiel 28:2, Ezekiel 28:12, Ezekiel 31:9, Ezekiel 31:3].
2021-09-16 Satan Able to Tempt People After the Millennium: What do you think about those that think that Satan will be able to tempt people following the millennium? [Revelation 20:9, Mark 3:27, John 12:31, Colossians 2:15, Hebrews 2:14, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
2021-09-10 "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis: What do you think of the book, "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis?
Language at the Tower of Babel: Do you think that the language at the "Tower of Babel" was the same as "speaking in tongues?"
Television Series, "The Chosen": What do you think about the television series, "The Chosen?"
2021-08-30 Source of Job's Trials: Were the tests that fell on Job come from God, Job, or Satan? [Job 2:3, Job 23:10].
2021-08-27 The Millennium: What do you think "The Millennium" is referring to, if it is not literally 1000 years? [Matthew 12:28, 2 Thessalonians 1:8, Revelation 20].
Jewish Feasts Symbolize Christ & His Ministry: Some Christians believe that the holidays in the Old Testament are symbolic of Christ and His ministry. Do you think so? [Leviticus 23].
2021-08-25 The Devil's Tricks: Could you give me an idea of the various ways the devil seeks to deceive us? Recommends Topical lecture; "Spiritual Warfare-Resisting Devil's Devices."
2021-08-23 Bible as a Collection of Books: Caller comments on the Bible being a collection of many books, rather than a single book, which unbelievers need to understand to grasp the amount of evidence there is for the faith.
Satan's Awareness of the Accomplishment of the Cross: Was Satan aware of the outcome of what Jesus would do on the cross with His death? [Luke 4, Matthew 4, I Corinthians 2:8, I Peter 1:12].
2021-08-23 Struggle with Praying for Other's Requests: Can you help me with how to pray for other's requests, if it is what God may want for them? [Matthew 7:11, Luke 11:13, Matthew 7:7-8, James 4:2-3, I John 5:14].
Satan Bound: How is it that Satan is both bound on earth now, and yet is still busy doing things at the same time? [Matthew 12:29, Mark 3:27, Luke 11:21, Revelation 20:3].
2021-08-20 Satan's Language: What is Satan's language when he is speaking or tempting us?
2021-08-16 God or Satan Blocking My Calling: How do you determine who is blocking your progress in determining your calling, if not only God can block you, but so can Satan? [I Thessalonians 2:18, Revelation 2:9, Revelation 3:9].
2021-08-11 Binding & Release of Satan: Regarding the binding of the strongman, when do you think that Satan will be "released for a little while"? [Revelation 20:3-7, Mark 3:27, Matthew 12:29, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
2021-08-11 Persons Made Irredeemable: Would God allow Satan to make a person be made unable to be redeemed (through some evil devices and altered DNA, etc.)?
2021-08-10 Attaching Evil to Inanimate Objects: Can someone attach evil, or curses, to an inanimate object, such as a Bible? [James 4:7].
2021-07-28 Lucifer Before He Fell: Was the Devil, "Lucifer," before he fell? Recommended Topical Lecture Series on "Spiritual Warfare; Origins of Satan." [Isaiah 14:12-16].
2021-07-06 Ezekiel 28 Not About Satan: What do you think about the fact that Ezekiel 28 is usually said to be speaking of Satan, and yet it does not appear to be so, if you read the context? [Ezekiel 26-28].
2021-06-28 Premillennialist Church Father's Beliefs: Did the early Premillennial church fathers believe in the tribulation, the pre-trib rapture, and the antichrist?
Satan's Released & Loosed: Are there any signs to tell us what it will look like when Satan will be released and "loosed for a little while"? [Revelation 20:3-7].
2021-06-03 Satan's Release: When do you think that Satan will be released? [Matthew 12:29, Revelation 20:7, Psalm 91:1].
2021-06-03 Satan Bound, but Still Casting out Demons: If Satan has already been bound, how there can still be the casting out of demons after Christ came? [Revelation 20, Revelation 12, Matthew 12:36, Isaiah 49:6, Colossians 2:15, Luke 11:22, Hebrews 2:14-15, Matthew 28:18].
2021-06-01 Satan Released with Technology: Could you clear up a story I heard you tell about a preacher who indicated that Satan had been released with the development of technology and could it relate to this Daniel? [Daniel 12:4]
2021-06-01 Computer Language (Binary Code): Is it possible that the universal computer language of "ones" and "zeros" (Binary Code) is useful to Satan?
2021-05-25 Spiritual Oppression, Possession & Mental Illness: Could you help me understand the differences between spiritual oppression, demon possession, and mental illness? [Acts 10:38, Matthew 4:24, Galatians 5:16-18].
2021-05-18 Partial Preterist's Looking for Signs of His Coming: Do Partial Preterists have specific signs they think are indicating the coming of the Lord, as the Dispensationalist do? [Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13, Revelation 20, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
Satan Loosed: What does it look like when "Satan is loosed" in end times? [Revelation 20, Matthew 13:21, Mark 4:17, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
2021-05-13 Satan and Lucifer Not the Same: Repeat caller asks to again present her opinion that Satan and Lucifer are the same character. Recommended lecture; Spiritual Warfare-Origins of Satan.
2021-05-13 Worshipping Evil, Satan, Demons: In some religions, like the Hindus, people worship the devil. Why would people want to do this?
2021-05-12 Satan and Lucifer being the Same: Caller tries again to prove that Satan is being referred to in Ezekiel 28. Lecture recommended; Spiritual Warfare-Origin of Satan.
2021-05-11 Lucifer & Satan Controversy: Caller tries to make a case for Lucifer being Satan. Lecture recommended; "Spiritual Warfare-Origin of Satan." Continues after the break. [Isaiah 14:12, Ezekiel 28:12-19, Luke 10:18, Revelation 12:9-11]. (Steve continues talking about this subject after the break even though he doesn't indicate he was going to.)
2021-05-10 The Morning Star (Lucifer): Could you help me understand the use of the title, "The Morning Star" n (Lucifer)? [Revelation 22, Isaiah 14:12, Isaiah 14:5, 2 Peter 1:19, I Thessalonians 4, Revelation 1:1, Daniel 2:37].
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