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Topic: Creation(ism)

Showing 1 to 50 of 476.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-10 God's Intervention in Humanity: Does God play a role when we are conceived (or is it just random)? Does He prefer some over others, working harder on some than others? [Psalm 139:13-15, Matthew 10:29-31, Proverbs 29:1, Galatians 1:15, Romans 1:28, 1 Timothy 2:3-4, Jeremiah 1:5].
2024-06-06 Elder's Stance on Age of Earth: How do I respond to elders dispensing with a pastor because he believes in old earth? [Romans 5:12, 1 Corinthians 15:21].
2024-05-13 Adam & Eve - Perfect: Is it correct to say that Adam & Eve were perfect?
2024-04-25 Jesus-a Created Being: Would you clarify the views of Arius about Jesus as a created being? [Hebrews 1:3, 2 Corinthians 4:6].
2024-04-25 Light from God in Created Souls: Is Ezekiel 18 saying that the light from God creates each individual soul? What about John 1? [Ezekiel 18:4, Psalm 24:1, John 1:9].
2024-04-24 Coming out of Dispensational Premil: Can you help me with my final steps and confusion in leaving the Dispensational/ Premillennial view? [Genesis 2:1-4, Revelation 20, Isaiah 9:6-7, 2 Peter 3:8, Psalm 90:4].
2024-04-03 Evolution vs Creation: How would I explain the difference between evolution and creation to a non-Christian?
2024-04-02 Witnesses to the Second Coming: Will only true believers see the Second Coming of Christ? [Zechariah 12:10, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
Our Purpose (Existentialism): Why are we here? [Genesis 1:26, Matthew 5:5, Romans 4:13].
2024-03-20 Evolution (Old or New Earth): Do you think that God created a mature (aged) earth, as he did with creating a mature Adam and Eve?
Comment on Evolution: Caller shares thoughts on lack of evidence of evolution in the wild.
2024-03-20 Evolution (Old or New Earth): Do you think that God created a mature (aged) earth, as he did with creating a mature Adam and Eve?
Comment on Evolution: Caller shares thoughts on lack of evidence of evolution in the wild.
2024-03-15 Free Will: When was mankind given free will?
Thinking Capacity for Mankind: Were we intended to think when we were created?
Generational Curse: Were the Israelites under a generational curse while wandering in the wilderness?
2024-02-26 God Creating the World in Only Seven Days: How could we know what a "day" is to God, to allow Him to create the world in seven days? [Genesis 1].
2024-02-22 Disagreement-Young vs Old Earth: Caller disagrees with Steve about "young earth" theology and presents his case. [Genesis 1:11, Genesis 2:23].
2024-02-14 Replenish the Earth: Why does it say "replenish" the earth in Genesis, if there was nothing before? [Genesis 1:28].
The Septuagint: Has the difference between the Greek Septuagint and the Hebrew Bible seemed significant to you?
2024-02-12 God Made Adam & Eve-Who Else?: Who is scripture talking about in Genesis 2, when it says that He created Adam & Eve after he had already created male and female in Genesis 1? [Genesis 1:26-27, Genesis 2:3].
2024-02-02 Debate with Atheist: Are you going to debate with an atheist soon?
Science, Creation & Age of Earth: If you are convinced of the science that says the earth is a globe (rather than flat), then why don't you accept the science that says that the earth is old? Why do you reject the Gnostic gospels based on the first line lying about the authorship, if the first lines in Genesis are a lie, but you accept it?
Globalist vs Nationalistic Views: Why do Christians seem to support more of a nationalist view rather than globalist?
2024-02-02 Book on Science & Creation: Caller mentions a book he thinks is good called, "The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith: Exploring the Ultimate Questions About Life and the Cosmos" by Casey Luskin, Joseph M. Holden, and William A. Dembski."
2024-01-16 Beginning of Time: Is Isaiah referring to the beginning of time in Genesis? [Isaiah 46:10, Genesis 1:1].
Feasts of the Lord: Regarding the feast of the Lord in Leviticus 23, are they prophetic?
2024-01-15 Creation & Darkness: Can we assume that the darkness referred to in Genesis 2, is talking about evil? [Genesis 1:2]
Beginning of Evil: When does "evil" manifest after creation? [Genesis 3]
2024-01-15 Creation & Darkness: Can we assume that the darkness referred to in Genesis 2, is talking about evil? [Genesis 1:2]
Beginning of Evil: When does "evil" manifest after creation? [Genesis 3]
2024-01-05 Atheist's Skepticism about the Veracity of the Bible & Miracles: Atheist: Regarding the flood, research says that the heat produced by mountains moving would cause so much heat that everything would melt. He reports that the evidence about the miracles in the Bible moved him away Christian faith.
Atheist-Creation Story Untrue: If Genesis's story about the creation isn't true then would not the whole need for a Messiah be unnecessary?
2024-01-04 Jesus - Created or Eternal: What difference does it make whether we believe that God created Jesus, or that Jesus was eternal in His existence?
2023-12-20 Age of Earth (Evolution & Fossil Record): Though I believe in the biblical creation story, I have some problems reconciling it with science, evolution, and the fossil record. Can you help?
2023-12-18 Book: "The Last Reformation": Have you heard of Torben Sondergaard and his book, "The Last Reformation?" Sondergaard spent a year in U.S. prison.
Wording in Genesis about Creation: Is there any significance to the way the creation story in Genesis mentions "the evening and the morning it was the day?" [Genesis 2:1-3, Exodus 30:13].
2023-12-18 Creation vs Evolution: Do you have any bullet points that would help me present a defense for Evolution vs Creation to my sons? Rec: topical lectures on "Evolution" or "Questions of Origins" at the website, and Ken Hamm's "Answers in Genesis."
Priority Information to the Young: With the short attention spans of our youth, what do you think are the priority points we should specifically direct them to?
2023-12-14 Eden's Thorns: Was the garden already full of thorns and thistles or did God create them after the fall?
2023-12-14 Male vs Female: Is the fact that Adam was created after he made male and female significant and relative to the gender issue?
2023-12-08 "It is Good": What do you think about God not saying "it is good" after He created Adam? [Genesis 1:6-31]
2023-11-27 Creator God or Creator Jesus: Is the Creator God, the Father, or Jesus, the Son? [Psalms 33:6, John 1:1].
2023-11-20 God's Omnipotence vs Fallen World: Can you help me understand why God would create a humanity that would fall if He is all-powerful and all-knowing? [Genesis 6:6, Isaiah 53:3, Ezekiel 43:11].
2023-11-17 God Made Each of Us Individually: How do you think about the specific creation of each one of us by God individually? [Galatians 1:15, Jeremiah 1:5, Luke 12:7].
2023-10-16 Age of Earth: What is your view of the age of the earth? [Genesis 2, Psalm 121:4, Hebrews 10:12-13, Psalm 33:6, Psalm 33:9, Exodus 20:8-11].
Hell for Eternity: Appreciation comment: It is good to know that there are alternate views of hell that do not see it as eternal torment.
2023-10-06 Flat Earth (Defense): Can I share three points as to why knowing that the earth is flat is important to my faith?
2023-09-22 Creation Ended: Did God create every person individually? Isn't a baby being formed in the room a miracle of God? [Psalm 139:13, Jeremiah 1:5 ].
2023-09-18 Lucifer-Created Good or Evil?: Was Lucifer created good or created evil? [Isaiah 7:12, Ezekiel 28:16].
Missing Verses: Why are some verses missing in some translations, such as Matthew 17:21?
2023-09-14 Age of Earth: What are your thoughts on the age of the earth? [Genesis 1].
2023-09-13 Adam & Eve: Were there any other people on earth other than Adam & Eve? [Genesis 4:17, Genesis 5:4].
Cain & Abel: Where did Cain & Abel's wives come from?
Dinosaurs: When were the dinosaurs created? Before or after man?
2023-09-13 Comprehending the Eternal God: When someone cannot begin to understand God's eternal existence and timelessness, do you have any suggestions for a response?
2023-08-21 Old Earth vs New Earth: Caller comments on why the old earth theory seems impossible because of the dinosaur population and the timing of the introduction of death.
2023-08-18 Wuest's New Testament Translation: Are you familiar with the New Testament by Kenneth Wuest? Are they good? Is it similar to Amplified?
Ken Ham: What's your take on Ken Ham (Creation teacher)?
2023-08-16 Flat Earth & Creation: Caller comments on why Genesis didn't say the second day of creation was good, as it does about all the other days.
2023-08-16 Creation, Age of Earth, & Science: How do we reconcile the age of the earth, the creation story, and its description of a literal seven days, with science-carbon dating, etc.?
2023-08-15 The Second Day of Creation: Why did God not say that the second day of creation was "good" as He did about all the other days? [Genesis 1:8].
2023-08-08 Let "us" in Genesis: Who is speaking in Genesis 1, when it is said, "Let us ...?" [Genesis 1:26, Genesis 1:2-3, Psalm 33:6].
Raul Riess: What about Raul Riess of Calvary Chapel? Why didn't you mention him when you were talking about the movie "The Jesus Revolution?" Rec: movie; "Fury to Freedom."
2023-08-04 Contradictory Creation Stories: Does the creation story in 2 Peter 3 contradict the creation story in Genesis 1? [2 Peter 3:2-5].
2023-07-20 Earth Age Before This One (Gap Theory): What do you think about an earth age before this one, and one in the future? [Genesis 1:1, Exodus 20:8-11, Malachi 1:2-3].
2023-07-14 Creation Groaning: Is Paul alluding to any particular prophets in Romans 8 when he refers to "creatures" groaning with birth pangs? [Romans 8:22-29, 2 Peter 3:10-13, Isaiah 65:17, Isaiah 11].
2023-07-13 Neanderthals & Cro Magnon: Do you believe there were Neanderthals and Cro Magnons?
Adam-Not a Caveman: Did Adam look like us now? If so, where did the Neanderthals (Apeman, Cro Magnon, etc.) come from?
Age of Earth: Do you think Earth is only 6,000 years old?
2023-07-13 Neanderthals & Cro Magnon: Do you believe there were Neanderthals and Cro Magnons?
Adam-Not a Caveman: Did Adam look like us now? If so, where did the Neanderthals (Apeman, Cro Magnon, etc.) come from?
Age of Earth: Do you think Earth is only 6,000 years old?
2023-07-13 Dinosaurs & Giants: If the canopy over the earth theory made people big, does that explain why dinosaurs were so big? [Genesis 5].
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