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Topic: Bible Study

Showing 1 to 50 of 453.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-12 Best Bible Translation for Old Testament Study: What is the best Bible to use for Old Testament study?
"Everlasting Father" and Understanding Scripture: Did Isaiah understand the description of Jesus as the "everlasting Father" was about Jesus as the Messiah? [Isaiah 9:6, 1 Peter 1:10-12, 2 Corinthians 3:15, Luke 24:45].
2024-07-09 Emphasis on Reading the Bible: Is there anything in scripture that says we should read the Bible regularly? [Psalm 1:1-3].
2024-07-02 Matthew Henry's Commentary: What is your opinion of Matthew Henry's commentary?
2024-06-11 Bringing Glory to God with our Lives?: What can you advise for those of us who have been in the Christian camp all our lives but need to mature and bring God glory? When will we see sanctification? Rec: Topical lectures and Steve's book "Empire of the Risen Son (Vol1 & 2). [John 8:31, Matthew 16:24].
2024-05-31 Hermeneutics in Bible Study: How can you assess a proper hermeneutics? Rec: Topical lecture. "When Shall These Things Be?" [Luke 21, Matthew 24, Mark 13].
2024-05-29 Simplifying One's Christian Walk: What about those who have decided to simplify their Christian walk instead of digging deep into things like Revelation? [Psalm 1].
2024-05-24 Through the Entire Bible: Caller recommends everyone take advantage of the verse-by-verse teaching through the Bible with Steve Gregg on the website (
Circumcision: Why did God choose circumcision to show conversion, particularly when it can't or wasn't applied to women? [Galatians 5:6].
2024-03-25 King of Tyre & Bible Chapter Titles: Who has the power to title the Bible's chapters and why would the title given be ignored? Isn't it irresponsible to apply something that scripture does not say? [Ezekiel 28:12-16, Isaiah 14:12-15, Ezekiel 26-28, Ezekiel 28:1, Ezekiel 28:12, Ezekiel 12:16].
2024-03-19 Masoretic Texts (Hebrew Texts): Do you know the difference between various Hebrew texts (Westminster Leningrad Codex and the Masoretic text)?
2024-03-13 Parable of the Sower: Do you think that the "Parable of the Sower" is teaching that there are two ways to lose your salvation? [Matthew 13:18-23, John 15:1-4, Luke 8:4-15, Mark 4:4-20].
Understanding Scripture: How do you understand the nuance of just reading the Bible and really understanding, especially when writers like James seem to stretch for the explanation? How do we know when to apply it to then or now? [Acts 15:14-17, Amos 9:11-12].
2024-03-07 Steve Gregg's Bible Familiarity: How many times have you read the Bible? How familiar are you with it?
Doomed? Impossible to Repent? : Am I doomed, with no chance of repentance, in light of Hebrews 6, because I have lived a backslidden life? [Hebrews 6:4-8, Matthew 19:26, 2 Peter 3:9].
Mark of the Beast: If you don't take the "Mark of the Beast" then aren't you automatically saved?
2024-02-29 Concordances (Pre Computers): How did they put together exhaustive concordances before they had computers?
2024-02-27 Questioning Authorship of BIble Books: If it were proven that an author of one of the books of the Bible was not accurate and not an apostle, how would it affect your faith?
2024-02-22 Languages in the New Testament: How do I find out if the book of Mathew was written in Hebrew, rather than Greek, like the rest of the New Testament?
2024-02-21 The Holy Bible (Original Order): What do you think of the Holy Bible in its original order?
2024-02-19 Trajectory Application of Scripture: What do you think about the trajectory method and application of Biblical teaching? [Galatians 3:28, Matthew 20:26-28].
2024-01-30 John MacArthur: What is the difference between your teaching and John MacArthur's teaching?
Doctrinal Differences: Why are there so many doctrinal differences if everyone is studying the same Bible and seeking the truth?
2024-01-26 2 Timothy & Disagreement Among Believers: Is 2 Timothy Paul's last writing? In light of 2 Timothy, if we are involved in discussions about scripture, is it "wrangling" over words? [2 Timothy 4:6-8. 2 Timothy 2:14, Proverbs 27:17, Isaiah 28:10-13, Luke 6:31, Matthew 7:12].
2024-01-23 Application to the Disciples Specifically: Why can't Jesus be only talking to the disciples in Ephesians 1, rather than everyone? [Ephesians 1:1-12, 1 John 1:3].
2024-01-12 Book on Forgiveness, Steve Gregg & A.W. Tozer: Caller recommends Tim Keller's book on Forgiveness "Forgive-Why Should I? How Can I?" He also compliments Steve on his submission in service to God, drawing on a passage from Tozer's writings.
Modern Israel's History & Terrorism: Would you comment on the historical progression of the current state of Israel? Did the Arab nations encourage the Palestinians to flee or did they just take it?
Organization-Bible Study Fellowship: Caller recommends that Bible Study Fellowship is an excellent fellowship and a good alternative to institutional church.
2024-01-08 The Bones in Ezekiel: Did the "whole house of Israel" or a remnant come back from Babylon and include some from all the tribes? And where do I find it? [Ezekiel 37:11, 2 Chronicles].
Commentaries: What commentaries would you recommend? Rec: Tyndale Commentary Sets, and any by F.F. Bruce.
2023-12-28 Growth Through The Narrow Path Ministry/ Radio Program: Caller expresses his great appreciation for his growth through The Narrow Path ministry and radio program.
Better (Non-Dispensational) Study Bible: Is there a better Study Bible for the partial preterist, non-dispensationalist?
Pope's Blessing Same-sex Marriage: What do you think about the Pope blessing same-sex marriage?
2023-12-19 Getting Started as a New Believer: As a new believer, where do I start? How do I find the right church? Rec:
2023-11-13 Italicized Words in Bibles: Why are there italicized words in Bibles?
Unspotted From the World: What does it mean to keep yourself "unspotted from the world?" [James 1:26-27].
2023-11-09 Removing Shoes: Why removing of the shoes in the story of the burning bush? [Exodus 3:5].
Punctuation in Scripture: Could you help with the varied placement of the period surrounding the words "in love" in different translations, such as in Ephesians 1? [Ephesians 1:4-5].
2023-11-01 Ezekiel (Later Chapters): Can you help me find the lectures about the last chapter in Ezekiel to better understand the application to the future or past? (Chapter 37:15-28).
2023-10-27 Olivet Discourse & The End of the Age: Where did the phrase about the "end of the age" in the Olivet Discourse [Luke 17, Mark 13, Luke 21, Matthew 24].
Matthew's Grouping of Events: How does one prove that Matthew is grouping (and conflating) events more by subject (Sermon on the Mount, Missionary, Parables, Relationships, Olivet Discourse), rather than chronologically? [Matthew 5-7, Matthew 10, Matthew 13, Matthew 18, Matthew 24-25].
2023-09-20 Wayne Grudem (Christian Book): Do you think that Wayne Grudem's book "Systematic Theology" is a good way to study?
Rebaptism: Should I be rebaptized if I feel as though I have been legitimately baptized in the Catholic church? [Acts 18:8, Acts 16:33, Acts 19:1-7].
Apostle's Baptism: Am I correct in thinking that there is no biblical record of the apostles being baptized after the baptism of John? [John 4:1-2].
2023-09-18 Lucifer-Created Good or Evil?: Was Lucifer created good or created evil? [Isaiah 7:12, Ezekiel 28:16].
Missing Verses: Why are some verses missing in some translations, such as Matthew 17:21?
2023-09-15 "Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth": How do we know when we are rightly dividing the Word of truth? [2 Timothy 2:15-19, Ephesians 2:8-9, John 17:17, 1 Corinthians 14:29, 1 John 4:1, 2 Peter 2:1, Acts 17:11].
2023-09-07 "Confirmation Bias": Atheist caller: How do you eliminate your "confirmation bias" when you view and study scripture?
Doctrinal Differences: Atheist: How do you justify all the different doctrinal differents in the many Christian denominations?
Determining Importance How do you determine what is more or less important? [Micah 6:8].
2023-09-01 Steve Gregg's Bible: Have you considered ever putting out your own study Bible, like a chain reference Bible? Rec:
2023-08-16 Warnings About Not Evangelizing: Does Ezekiel 3 say that we must warn all unbelievers of their fate or is it a warning to God's covenant people, instead? [Ezekiel 3:17-19].
Bible Study-Eisegesis vs Exegesis: Isn't it necessary to use eisegesis sometimes, rather than only exegesis? [John 5, Matthew 5:31, Luke 24:45, 2 Corinthians 3:16-18, 1 Peter 1:10-12, Galatians 3:29].
The Resurrection: Is our future Resurrection and immortality contingent on Jesus' death and resurrection? [1 Corinthians 15:42-43, 1 Corinthians 15:53, Philippians 3:21].
2023-08-07 Lazy Christians (Reading Cross References): If Christians would not be so lazy they would understand better if they just read the center column in their Bibles (the cross-references).
2023-07-27 Study Bibles & Commentaries: Can you recommend a good study Bible and Bible commentary? Rec: Tyndale Bible Commentaries and New King James Study Bible.
2023-05-25 Definition of "Glory": Could you define what "glory" means? [John 17, Hebrews 1:3].
Studying the Bible: Do you recommend a particular way to study the Bible? Rec: Verse-by-verse lectures at the website.
2023-05-11 The "Passion Translation": What are you thoughts on the "Passion Translation" of the Bible?
2023-05-05 Study Various Views: Caller shares how valuable it is to use reference books that present opposing theological positions and checking the context of proof texts.
2023-04-14 Teaching Children the Bible: Could you help me know how to articulate various biblical passages to my young daughter? [Psalm 146:3-7, Deuteronomy 6:6-8].
2023-04-10 Medicines, Vitamins and Doctors: What do you think about going to doctors and using medicines and vitamins, etc.? [Luke 5:31-32, Mark 2:17].
Getting Back to Scripture: How do I get back to the peace and joy of being in and memorizing scripture? [John 14:27, John 16:33].
2023-02-17 Unbelievers Reading the Bible: Do you think that the unsaved can learn from the Bible, or does one need the Holy Spirit to learn from scripture? [John 20:30-31].
2023-02-15 Disagreeing Views; Why is there so much contention and disagreement about scriptural things that don't matter?
2023-02-03 Finding a Good Church: What does one do if they are struggling to find a good and uncompromised church for fellowship? [Malachi 3:16].
2023-01-30 Jesus' Sinful Nature: Do you think that Jesus had a "sinful nature?" [Romans 3:23, Romans 7:23, Romans 6:20].
Assumptions Beyond the Bible: Why would people assume stuff that isn't in the Bible?
2023-01-26 BFS (Bible Study Fellowship): What do you think of "Bible Study Fellowship"?
Prayer: Do you pray outloud or silently?
2023-01-24 Rebuking Evil Spirits: What should we understand about rebuking unclean or evil spirits, both in ourselves and in others? [Jude 1:9, Daniel 10:10-14, Matthew 16:23].
Bible Reading for the Young: What would you recommend for young people for Bible reading? Rec: Topical lecture series; "Culivating Christian Character"/ "Cultivating the Word of God."
2023-01-18 Adam's Salvation: What are the reasons you have for thinking that Adam may have been saved? [Genesis 3].
Adam's Salvation: How could Adam have been saved if he no longer had access to the "Tree of Life" and he was already eternally condemned?
"Wisdom" Literature in the Bible: When will you have the next lecture in the "Wisdom" literature?
2023-01-12 Good Bible Schools: Would you be able to refer a good Bible college where they teach like you do-presenting all the reasoned points? Recommended: "Trinity College of the Bible and Theological Seminary", Evansville IN.
2023-01-10 Steve's Bible Studies: How do I find out when Steve has his Bible studies? announcements.
Achan's Sin: Can you comment on the sin of Achan and the severity of his sin, in contrast to the possibility of repentance? Also, that his family was also killed? [Joshua 7].
2022-12-22 Praying & Reading the Bible: Are there guidelines for the right way to pray and read the Bible-and how often you should do so? [James 4:3, Matthew 6:9-13, John 16:23-24, James 1:6, Matthew 17:20, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Luke 18:1, Romans 1:9, Psalm 1:2-3, Joshua 1:8, Luke 12:48].
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