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Topic: Marriage (Remarriage)

Showing 451 to 500 of 625.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-06-02 Marriage & Divorce pre-Christian: Marriage questions about getting mzarried & divorced before becoming a Christian & now becoming a Christian, what about restitution?
Doctrine of Imminency: Jesus coming back 40 years after the Nation of Israel was created, teaching His coming is imminent, Doctrine of Imminency. What does Steve think?
2016-05-09 Bad Romantic Relationship after False Pretense: Should i forgive somebody & continue to be in a relationship with someone who feigned Christianity, but is getting worse & worse now.
2016-05-03 Committing Adultery by Default: If a husband divorces his wife except for adultery, he causes her to commit adultery by default, is that true? [Matthew 5:31]
2016-04-28 Guilty of Adultery continuously: So is it true that anytime you remarry someone who was divorced, are your or they committing adultery with that person forever?
2016-04-26 Marriage Age: What age should people marry?
2016-04-21 People on earth Besides Adam & Eve: Before Adam & Eve were there people on the earth because otherwise who did Adam & Eve's kids marry?
2016-04-12 Infidelity & Getting Back Together: A husband left wife to live with another woman & has a child with her, but he & wife, who never actually divorced, want to get back together again. What does Steve think he should do?
2016-04-06 Wife Leaving Husband: My wife has left me for another man, & we are still married, but how long should I leave the door open for her?
2016-04-05 Unequally yoked with an Unbeliever: I now all of a sudden find myself being unequally yoked an unbelieving spouse because I just became regenerated by my wife did not. How do I deal with this? Why didn't God let her become regenerated too?
2016-03-15 Married Couples Classified Information: Women are trying to justify sharing secret stuff with their husbands on the ground that they are now "one". Isn't that a form of gossip? What does Steve think about this?
2016-02-16 Marriage after Divorce for Adultery: Is it okay for a guy to get remarried even though he got divorced because he was guilty of adultery?
2016-02-03 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: After reading the Bible about marriage, adultery & divorce, caller is wondering if she's allowed to be remarried. [Matthew 5:38]
2016-01-12 Couples having sexual relations while engaged: Is it okay to have sex while you are engaged, before you are officially married?
2016-01-06 Biblical Definition of Marriage: What is the biblical definition of marriage?
Engaged Couple being Intimate: What would you say about a couple are living together, having sex & justifying it because they are going to be getting married?
2015-12-22 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage Situation: I've called before re: this situation, but i'm wondering the coldness i'm having w/ my wife for the last 6 months.
2015-12-17 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage Situation: If a man marries a 2nd wife, but wants to go back to his 1st wife, can he? [Deuteronomy 24]
2015-12-16 Marriage, separation, divorce situation: Concerned about not putting my wife's need ahead of mine even though she wants to separate for me.
2015-12-02 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: What if a wife divorces her husband who HASN'T committed adultery? [Matthew 5:32]
2015-11-23 Paul & Slavery & Marriage: If we no longer accept Paul's view about slavery, why do we have to accept what he said about marriage? [1 Corinthians 7, Ephesians 6:5-9]
2015-11-13 Covenant: God is love, so how can a prenuptial agreement be considered an expression of the involving both covenants? [1 John 4:8, 16, John 3:16]
Abrahamic covenant: What if Abraham had been disobedient in his own covenant w/ God, what would've happened then?
2015-11-10 Marriage & Children: Love toward wife more important than children, is that true? [Matthew 19:5-6]
2015-10-30 Marriage Difficulties: What is Jesus' point of view of divorce, separation & marriage, & especially of a wife who denies her husband? [1 Corinthians 7:3-5]
2015-10-30 Intimate Relations at Husband's beckoning: That's very interesting that the previous Q was asked because mine is related: What if the husband is being unreasonable when he wants to have sex?
2015-10-28 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage Situation: (On these marriages Q's I'll just let the caller say their situation....except to say he wasn't a Christian when he got a divorce.)
2015-10-27 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage Question: Do I have to become a eunuch for the rest of my life even though my wife is the one who divorced me...twice?
2015-10-23 Joshua's time & our time: The Jews not marrying Pagans back in the their time, but does this carry over to our time as well? [Joshua 23:12, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18]
2015-10-13 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage Situation: A preacher told the caller that he can't remarry unless his ex-wife is dead. Is this true? [Caller shares his story.]
Porneia - Fornication: Pastor sent him an article that the greek word, "Porneia", is only talking about the betrothing period or of a harlot.
Street Preacher: The preacher telling the caller all this is actually railing on him because he had been in this situation himself.
2015-10-06 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage Situation: Should the caller consider marrying someone or not?
2015-10-02 Desiring to Control your Husband, a Nagging Wife: What does the Bible have to say about a wife nagging her husband, what IS nagging in a marriage, & what you consider nagging & not nagging? [Genesis, 3:16, Proverbs 19, 21, 27]
2015-09-24 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage Situation: Caller has anxiety, worry about the new situation he has found himself in as he's about to get a divorce, it sometimes getting the best of him & wants some Scripture to lean on, or some advice listen to.
2015-09-23 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: Can a Christian remarry once they are divorced?
2015-09-01 The person Job Getting a New Wife: Did Job get a new wife at the end of his latter days?
Chastised by the Lord or Being Attacked by Enemy: How can we know if we are being chastening by the Lord or being attacked by the Devil? [Hebrews 12]
2015-08-31 Marriage & Salvation: Caller is concerned about his Marriage, & also wonders if he has had such a true conversion experience since he's having so much trouble w/ his marriage.
2015-08-18 Marriage, Divorce & Adultery Scenario: Caller wants to talk about situations when you are committing adultery biblically. [Matthew 5:31-32, Matthew 19:8-9]
2015-08-17 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: A marriage & divorce marriage scenario:
2015-08-13 Legitimate Divorce: Caller has heard that if a man gets a divorce, even if it was justified, he no longer has the eldership qualifications to be an Elder. Is that true?
2015-08-04 Marriage Advice: Why is it best NOT to get a divorce despite infidelity, the caller would like Steve to explain. [Malachi 2:16]
2015-07-21 Reconciliation after Unfaithfulness (Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage): Caller wants to reconcile w/ his ex-wife & he was the one at fault, but she absolutely refuses, so the he wants to know if he can move on w/ his life, & remarry.
2015-07-20 Concerned About Newly Baptized Person: Someone who just became baptized, & really engrossed into the sermons, was just found out that he is going through a divorce but hanging out w/ another woman who comes to church w/ him w/ all her kids, & wondering if it's he's in an adulterous relationship even after he just got baptized.
2015-07-20 Marriage: Fiancé got his fiancée pregnant, so got married at a court, but is wondering if they should get married in a traditional wedding at a church in front of a whole bunch of people.
2015-07-17 John Calvin: John Calvin persecuted Anabaptists, & while it's true Paul persecuted Christians, he hadn't been a Christian yet. Doesn't believing Christ change you from wanting you to do that?
Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage question: What if the spouse who was NOT guilty wanted to come back to them even after the other person had been married & had kids?
2015-07-17 Marriage & Divorce Discussion: Caller submits that the reason most marriages fail is because they should've never gotten married in the first place.
God Uses People: God uses people whether Christian or non-Christians, God is complete control.
2015-07-17 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: After a divorce happens, even if the person is not guilty, should NOT try to get remarried to the former spouse, especially if they've been re-married & have kids, this caller thinks, according to [Deuteronomy 24:1-4].
2015-07-16 Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage: After abusive behavior of my ex-husband and a divorce, I remarried, but am I now committing adultery?
2015-07-16 Divorce for Financial Benefit: Is it reasonable and acceptable to divorce because it's more expedient financially!
Two Witnesses: Have the 2 Witnesses already happened or not? [Revelation 11]
Hell-Eternal Torment: Is it not against God's character to burn people forever & ever?
2015-07-15 Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Situation: Caller thinks his sister who got divorced wants to now marry the person she left her husband & he is concerned she is committing adultery.
2015-07-13 Resurrection - Marriage will cease: Caller doesn't understand no marriages after Resurrection? [Luke 20:28-38], especially 34.
2015-07-13 Most Perfect Mate: We won't be married in Heaven, but we'll have the Most Perfect Mate, according to the caller by the Holy Spirit.
2015-07-10 Forgiving: Going to hell for not being able to forgive someone, caller is concerned about it.
2015-07-08 Same-Sex Marriage Ruling: Caller would Like Steve Gregg to weigh in on this ruling again about Same-Sex Marriage, & wants to ask a question to get him going on it: There's sort've a problem because even some of the Christian denominations are accepting it, so there's a lot of confusion by other Christians, but it's all about, "What did Jesus say about it?"
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