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Topic: Marriage (Remarriage)

Showing 551 to 600 of 625.
Episode Topic Audio
2014-11-07 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: if both parties who got a divorce both go into adultery, are they both eligible to remarry?
Believing that you Receive: What does it mean to believe that you have received what you have asked for in prayer? [Matthew 21:22, Mark 11:24]
2014-11-07 Adulterers & David: if Adulterers can't make it into heaven, what about David & all his concubines? Wasn't he committing adultery?
2014-11-06 Remarriage: If you get remarried (for any reason), are you going to hell?
2014-11-06 Adam & Eve to Mt Siani: How was life before the law was given to Moses? How did the people live from Adam to Moses w/out the 10 commandments?
Clean Slate in Marriage: What if I got married & divorced before I became a Christian? Is it like having a clean slate then? [1 Corinthians 7]
2014-10-17 Obeying & Breaking the Commandments: You typically won't go to jail if you don't break the law, & same goes w/ keeping the commandments, we need to keep them for our longevity, for one thing!
Marriage: What constitutes a real marriage in God's eyes?
2014-10-15 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: It almost seems like Jesus focuses on the woman more than the male, that she was guilty for doing this or that. What are your thoughts on my wife divorcing me, no infidelity on my part? [Matthew 5:31-32, 19:3-9]
2014-10-10 Gay Marriages: Gay Marriages just became legal in Nevada.
2014-10-09 Gay Weddings: We shouldn't attend Gay Weddings, should we? I mean, we aren't just going there for the cake & some punch! When you go to a real wedding, you are saying you are endorsing it, celebrating it with them, but gay weddings are not real.
2014-10-09 Young Couple living together but not Married: What do I tell young couples who are living together, even have children, but are not married? It's fornication, isn't it? [1 Corinthians 6:6-9]
2014-10-09 Martin Luther: Caller thinks Martin Luther lost his first love.
Liberty & Child-bearing: It's your prerogative if you want to have children or not when you are having sex.
2014-10-09 Pre-Marital Sex & Fornication: Where does it say anything in the Bible about pre-marital sex being fornication?
2014-09-17 Polygamy: Wasn't there a commandment/rule about only having one wife in the Law of Moses? [Deuteronomy 17:17]
2014-09-15 One Flesh: Does getting married & becoming "one flesh" mean that we have to put all our money in the pot together or can we have separate financial responsibilities, separate bank acounts?
Formal Education: Does Steve Gregg have any formal education in the study of the Bible since he seems so well-versed in it?
2014-09-15 Marriage: Can you be married w/ out a marriage license?
2014-09-11 Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage: Isn't Divorce breaking a contract you made with God, & isn't that a sin?
2014-08-28 Grounds for Divorce: What if my wife left me 3 times? Where do I stand do you think?
2014-08-26 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: In what cases is it acceptable to get a divorce & are they allowed to remarry since it says you are committing adultery if you do? [Luke 16:18, Mark 10:10-12, Matthew 5:32, 19:9]
2014-08-26 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: Are a couple damned for life/eternity because they got married when they possibly shouldn't have?
2014-08-15 Marriage Prayer Request: Caller requests prayer for her struggling marriage.
2014-08-13 Separation & Custody Battle: What should I do about fighting for custody for my children when my wife wants to separate from me?
2014-08-12 Beast in Revelation 13: Is it possible that the Beast in Revelation 13 is our own evil flesh? [Revelation 13]
Getting Married w/ out a Piece of Paper: It says in the Bible that "For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh", so does that mean they don't need a minister or marriage license? [Matthew 19:5]
2014-07-31 Wives submitting to your husbands: How far does a wife need to "submit" to her husband as far as questionable sexual acts? [Colossians 3:18-19, Ephesians 5:21-25, 1 Peter 3:1 1, Ephesians 5:33, Hebrews 13:4]
Lord Mithras Some people think that the anti-Christ is going to be somebody who is hiding in London who's Lord Mithras.
2014-07-21 Sins of our Fathers: Compare the potential in-laws to your spouse to determine what your spouse is going to be like, the way they treat their family & so on.
Steve being married 4 times: Has Steve noticed this, his wives resembling their mother & family traits?
2014-07-17 Song of Solomon: What exactly is book of Song of Songs or Song of Solomon? Love letters, a love poem, just what exactly is it? [Songs of Solomon]
The Book of Hebrews: Who wrote the Book of Hebrews?
2014-06-30 Marriage & Divorce: If you marry, get divorced, get remarried & then repent, how can you be remain in the 2nd marriage if you truly repent & your first spouse is still alive? Wouldn't you be guilty of adultery? [Mark 10:1-12]
2014-06-23 Angry & Bitter Woman: Wants to know what to do about a relative who is Bitter & Angry, who, even though she is married for the 3rd time, thinks you shouldn't get married again once you're divorced.
Cutting off Ties: Should she cut off ties from friendship w/ her, even though she's a relative?
2014-05-16 Lust or Natural Attraction: Caller thinks the church is too simplistic regarding lust or natural attraction of the opposite sex, and thinks that they are wrong for thinking it's a sin that one of the reasons you are dating someone is because you are looking forward to having sex with them once you are married. [Matthew 5:28]
2014-05-14 Intimate Relationship before Marriage: Isn't it supposed to be that if you have sexual relations w/ somebody, or seduce them before you marry them, that you are supposed to marry them?
2014-04-23 Unequally Yoked: Is it okay for an unbeliever to be married to a believer? [2 Corinthians 6:14-18]
2014-03-27 Jehovah's Witness & Heaven: Is heaven up in the sky or does it become the new earth?
Kingdom of God: The Flesh & Blood will not inherit the Kingdom of God. [1 Corinthians 15, Colossians 1:13,
Being like Angels in heaven: So what does it mean we are going to be like angels in heaven? No longer married?
2014-02-27 Paul Being whipped: Paul being whipped the first time, but when he said the second time that he was a Roman Citizen he saved himself from being whipped, and they were in great trouble for whipping. [Acts 22:22-29]
Financial & Marriage difficulties: How do you take care of yourself in order to help someone else, namely my wife, since we are both having financial difficulties right now, & I don't know what to do.
2014-02-26 Apostles, Marriage & Children: Were any of the apostles married & did they have children? [1 Corinthians 9:5]
2014-02-18 Life after Divorce: There is hope even after a divorce that is inspired by your (former) spouse for no fault of your own. [Matthew 6:33]
2014-01-16 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: Can a divorced person ever remarry?
2014-01-06 Pre-marital Sex: I find no verse in the Bible prohibiting pre-marital sex. Am I wrong?
Divorced People getting Married: What about divorced people who get married?
2014-01-06 Pre-marital Sex: I find no verse in the Bible prohibiting pre-marital sex. Am I wrong?
Divorced People getting Married: What about divorced people who get married?
2013-12-24 Unqually Yoked: So we shouldn't get ever consider getting married to a non-believer? [2 Corinthians 6:14]
2013-11-06 God Hating Divorce: Why does God hate divorce?
2013-10-03 Biblical What are the verses for Biblical grounds for divorce? [Matthew 19:9, Matthew 5:32]
Steve Gregg Refusing to Divorce: Even though you had grounds for divorce, how come you chose not to iniate the divorce?
Joy & Peace in Suffering: How did you maintain having joy & peace in suffering? [Romans 18:8, 2 Corinthians 4:18]
2013-08-27 Tithing: Is tithing still mandated?
Fornication & Marriage: What are the defintions of Fornication & Marriages?
Incestuous Relationships in the Bible: Can't get married to people too closely related to you.
2013-08-26 Woman going Back to former Husband: In light of what it says in 1 Corinthians does a woman who gets a divorce, can she legally & morally go back to her husband without getting remarried? Does she have to get another marriage license? What if the husband is not a believer & doesn't want to get another one? [1 Corinthians 7:10-11]
2013-08-20 Polyamory: Call thinks polygamy is right around the corner.
2013-08-20 Attending a Gay Marriage: Should I attend a gay marriage even though I don't approve of it?
2013-08-15 Christian Attorney & Divorce: Should Christian attorneys help in getting people divorced?
2013-08-14 Attending a Gay Wedding: Should I attend a gay wedding?
2013-08-13 Marriage, Separation & Divorce: I'm legally separated, but my divorce has been in limbo for 3 years, not officially divorced, but even though i'm not LEGALLY divorced, am i permitted to start dating again?
2013-07-24 Polygamy: Why didn't God forbid polygamy?
2013-07-17 Unable to Forgive Ex-Husband: I can't forgive my husband, but I want to. If I don't, I won't go to heaven. But isn't that a selfish motive?
Unpardonable Sin: What is the Unpardonable Sin?
2013-07-09 Sexual Activity of Married Couple: What sexual acts are allowed within marriage?
2013-07-08 Gay Marriage: We can't call this a Christian country anymore because of people calling Gay unions "marriages."
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