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Topic: Marriage (Remarriage)

Showing 301 to 350 of 625.
Episode Topic Audio
2019-01-31 Homosexual Marriage: What does the Bible say about Homosexual Marriages? What do the Old & New Testament say about it? [Romans 1:26-27]
2019-01-29 Unwed Children: My children not married & all are in sexual relationships w/ their partner. They were raised Christians too. What should I say to them?
2019-01-29 Jealousy: Is it wrong for a Christian to be jealous of their spouse?
2019-01-28 Husbands Love your Wives: What is the meaning of this, loving your wife? [Ephesians 5:25]
2019-01-24 Marriage & Maturity: Isn't getting married better for your spiritual, mental & emotional growth? So isn't Paull sort've contradicting himself? [1 Corinthians 7]
2019-01-07 Loving an Abusive Spouse: If you have a spouse who is abusive, how do you love like the Bible requires, when there is no love? [1 Corinthians 13].
2019-01-04 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: Is a person in continuous adultery by being married to a 2nd wife after leaving his 1st wife? What if the person left the first wife before becoming a Christian?
2019-01-01 Marriage Vows in Heaven: If there is no marriage in heaven, when would the marriage vows dissolve? [Matthew 22:30, Luke 20:34-36. Mark 12:22-25, Romans 7:1-4, I Corinthians 7:39].
2018-12-26 Marriage & Divorce Question: I got a divorce in my 20s, but was an unbeliever & my ex-wife got remarried, so will God honor the marriage i'm in right now?
2018-12-12 Marriage, Divorce & Adultery: Ny mother remarried without having a cause for having left her husband, how do I deal w/ this? WHat does Deuteronomy 24 say about this? Should I forgive her?
2018-12-07 Desire & rule for Husband: "Your desire is to your husband & he will rule over you", what does that mean? [Genesis 3:16]
Enoch (& Elijah) not seeing Death: If they wages of sin are death, why didn't enoch have to die? [Genesis 2:27, Genesis 5:24, Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23]
2018-12-04 Loving your Wife: How do we love our wives if we don't please our wives? [1 Corinthians 7:33-34]
2018-11-21 Initiate a Relationship: Is it OK for a Christian woman to approach man if she would like to get to know him better?
2018-11-20 Methodist allowing Gay Clergy: Caller's church is coming up with a plan to allow same sex married people in the clergy. What does Steve think about that?
2018-09-26 Marriage & Divorce: Is Desertion or Abuse grounds for Divorce? A lengthy discussion about Marriage & Divorce scenarios.
2018-09-26 Marriage & Divorce: What if 2 believers get a divorce just because of unreconcilable differences? How would God view breaking the contract?
2018-09-25 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: Remarriage, abusive relationship, partner divorced discussion.
2018-09-24 Marriage & Divorce: What does the state have to do w/ marriage, divorce & licenses?
2018-08-24 Husband & Wives Directives: There are directives to men as to how to treat their wives, but are there directives to the wives as to how to treat their husbands? [1 Peter 3:5]
2018-08-15 Couple Worshipping at Separate Churches: A husband & a wife not worshipping together, one preferring the catholic church & another one preferring Protestantism. i'd just like your thought on that.
2018-08-03 Wedding Attendees: We are having wedding conflicts over who to invite to be in the wedding. [1 Corinthians 5:9-11]
2018-08-03 Unequally yoked w/ Business Partners: The being unequally yoked is mostly talking about marriage, right, but what about business partners? [2 Corinthians 6:14]
2018-08-03 Marriage License: Why do I need a piece of paper to get married?
2018-07-31 Spouse Saved by Default: Is paul saying that the unbelieving spouse is saved by default? [1 Corinthians 7:12-16]
2018-07-27 Marriage and Divorce: Biblical constraints on marriage and divorce [Deuteronomy 24]
2018-06-29 Marriage Problems: Husband thinks that wife is committing adultery, but she claims she isn't.
2018-06-22 Marriage, Divorce, Adultery & Repentance: What happens after a divorce & remarriage, & then repent? What about restitution?
2018-06-21 Marriage & Divorce: I'm committing adultery if I marry someone else even though my husband is the one opting out of our marriage? [Matthew 5:32]
2018-06-19 Advise for Newly Married Couple: A funny discussion of marriage success; humility & "I was wrong".
2018-06-15 Abuse Grounds for Divorce: What should a spouse do of an abusive spouse? Is that grounds for divorce, a violent husband?
2018-06-11 Marriage Validation: My pastor said we shouldn't sleep together until we are married by him even if got married at a court. Is that true?
2018-05-22 Divorce & Remarriage: A couple friends who have both been married before but who both got divorced not for fidelity are being told they can't get married by a pastor. What do you say?
2018-05-22 Pre-Marital Sex: A couple has been having sex before they got married, but the guy is a non-Christian, so should they get married because she is pregnant? [2 Corinthians 6:14]
2018-05-10 Mormonism - Baptism for the Dead: Is there anything in the Bible resembling baptism for dead like the Mormon church teaches? [1 Corinthians 15:29]
Mormonism & A New Name: What about getting new names when married in the Mormon Church? [Revelation 2:17, Revelation 3:12]
2018-05-07 Biblical Marriage Ceremony: What is the biblical pattern of a wedding ceremony to follow?
2018-05-07 State has more power than church for Marriage: Caller thinks the State only has the authority to hold couples accountable to their marriage rather than the church.
2018-05-03 Virtual Marriages: I hear people are getting marriage certificates online, getting married right there online. Are you familiar with that?
2018-05-02 Passion for Your Pre-married Spouse: Paul says it's okay to have passion for each other & NOT be sinning, but to get married, so isn't he basically saying sex before marriage is okay? [1 Corinthians 7:36]
2018-04-30 Christians who are pro-choice & who have no problem w/ Infidelity: I'm having a hard time dealing w/ Christians who claim to be Christians but have no problem with being unfaithful to their spouse, or remarrying or who are pro-choice. What should I do?
2018-04-24 David's Polygamous Relationships: Wasn't David's polygamous relationships actually adultery?
2018-04-19 Grounds for Divorce: Adultery, Abandonment, Abuse are they all grounds for divorce? A person who does remarry even though they were they cause can stay in that relationship as long as they show true repentance & restoration. What Do you agree? [Matthew 18:15]
2018-04-12 Polygamy: Polygamy wasn't in God's original design, so why did it become acceptable?
2018-03-28 Bride Claiming to be a Virgin but not: What if you Bride to be claims to be a Virgin, you get married & it turns out she isn't?
Marriage & Divorce: What if a wife is divorced for just causes? Is the person still marrying her committing adultery because she was already married even though it was for right causes?
2018-03-28 Bride Claiming to be a Virgin but not: What if you Bride to be claims to be a Virgin, you get married & it turns out she isn't?
Marriage & Divorce: What if a wife is divorced for just causes? Is the person still marrying her committing adultery because she was already married even though it was for right causes?
2018-03-27 Marriage & Divorce Situation: Not rightly divorced previously, has remarried & thinks he's in a pickle now. He explains his situation. Wants Steve's input.
2018-03-14 Adam & Eve & Noah: How old were Adam & Eve before they started having children? What about Noah & his wife?
2018-03-05 Marriage: What is the purpose of marriage, does it reflect our relationship to God? Why remarriage?
2018-02-28 Divorced but Living Together: My mom divorced her husband, my step-dad, and now lives together.
2018-02-27 Married People in the Ressurection: What will be the status or condition of people in the ressurection with regard to married couples? Will married people remember each other?
2018-02-26 Family Planning: Is it appropriate for believers who are married to put off having children?
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