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Topic: Marriage (Remarriage)

Showing 601 to 625 of 625.
Episode Topic Audio
2013-07-08 Chapters & Verse Numbers in the Bible: Caller comments on previous caller about chapters & verse numbers.
Gay Marriage: We shouldn't let the state define marriage.
2013-07-08 Gay Marriage & Counterculture: Should Christians isolate into a corner because of a counterCulture mentality?
Jesus Movement Counterculture: Wasn't the "Jesus Movement" the closest thing that we have seen for a counterculture for our youth?
2013-07-02 Gay Marriage: When did we, as a country, lose the battle to the point where gay marriage is acceptable?
Judicial Rulings: It seems we are no longer a democracy or a republic because laws are being legislated from the bench.
Tower of Babel & America: Do you think we are becoming like the Tower of Babel (Sodom & Gomorrah)?
2013-06-28 Divorced & Remarried before Christian: If someone was divorced & remarried before they became born again, are they obligated to go back to their previous spouse?
2013-06-05 Henry VIII First Divorce: Was Henry the VIII the first Christian to get a divorce & be remarried?
Birth Control: When was birth control first allowed in the church? Why do about 90% of Christians get divorces and use birth control?
Catholic Church Crimes & the Pope as Antichrist: Catholic caller disagrees with the way information was presented about Catholic history and the early church. [2 Thessalonians 2].
2013-05-29 Virgin Given in Marriage: Is 1 Corinthians 7 referring to a father or a betrothed regarding the giving a women in marriage? [1 Corinthians 7:36-38].
Headcoverings: Where do you stand on "headcoverings" for woman? Recommended article; "Should a Woman be Veiled: [1 Corinthians 11:10].
2013-05-16 Divorce: If someone did not devulge her Sexually Transmitted Disease (STDs) before our marriage, how can having divorced her be justified in scripture? Do I need to remain single? [Psalm 15:4].
2013-05-14 Unlicensed Church Weddings Could you provide some insight to something many of us are very uncomfortable with-our pastor is performing church weddings without state licenses?
2013-05-09 Marrying a Non-Christian: What do you think about marrying a woman who believes in Jesus, but has not committed to Jesus and become a Christian? [2 Corinthians 6:14].
2013-05-07 Newly Devoted Christians Dating Each Other: How do I know if we will or should get married? I just want to do the will of God. [I Corinthians 7:1-2].
2013-04-12 Government Involvement in Marriage: In contrast to what you said about the state being the last place for Christians to look to, isn't the first role of government for good is to uphold and enforce marriage? [I Peter 2:14].
Government Upholding Lawsuits: Regarding Lawsuits, doesn't the government officials usually do the right thing in lawsuits and divorces?
Christians Are to Blame: Isn't it actually the fault of Christians when the government goes awry?
2013-04-12 Marriage Licenses & Divorce: Discussion of marriage licenses and government involvment in covenants and marriages.
2013-04-09 Legal Marriage: Does one need to be legally married or just committed to each other?
2013-04-02 Gay Marriage: Do you think it is the Christian's responsibiltiy to address "gay marriage"? [I Corinthians 5:12].
Polygamy: Is there anything in scripture that restricts Polygamy? [Matthew 19:4-6, Ephesians 5:21].
2013-04-02 Gay Marriage: Do you think it is the Christian's responsibiltiy to address "gay marriage"? [I Corinthians 5:12].
Polygamy: Is there anything in scripture that restricts Polygamy? [Matthew 19:4-6, Ephesians 5:21].
2013-03-22 Divorcing from a Polygamous Marriage: What does a Christians believer do if they had more than one wife while in another religion, but cannot divorce some of them, because they cannot be found? [I Corinthians 7:12-15].
2013-03-22 Will We Know Each Other in Heaven: Would I be aware of my wife marrying someone else, if I die and am in heaven? Will I know my wife and children or other family members in heaven? [Matthew 22:29-30, I Corinthians 13:9-12].
Steve Gregg's Financial Support: How do I support you financially?:
2013-03-20 Marriage Forever: If a woman cheats on her husband, is the husband still married to her forever? Recommendation to read Topical Article on Marriage at the website.
Jehovah Witnesses: Would you give an overview of the beliefs of the Jehovah Witnesses?
2013-03-19 Divorce & Remarriage: Is there earlier consensus on the Christian teaching on marriage than about 1500 (Reformation)? why do we see it now so differently? [Matthew 5:32].
2013-03-18 Children Go to Heaven: Do all children go to heaven? Is there an "age of accountability"? [Isaiah 7:16, Romans 7:9, Mark 10:14].
Those Who Have Never Heard the Gospel: What about those who have never heard the gospel? [Romans 1, Acts 17:30].
Marriage & Age Difference: What is your counsel about a woman 20 years older than the man she is dating and considering marrying?
2013-02-27 Leadership in Church: Caller comments on the need for leaders to be able to persuade their listerners, but also that the learners need to be persuadeable. [Hebrews 13:17].
God's Covenant relationship: Considering the picture of Israel being an faithful (adulterous) wife and the fact that Jesus later dies, did that allow Him to take another wife? [Jeremiah 3, Deuteronomy 32:21, I Corinthians 7].
Unforgiveness: If we don't forgive, does God remember our sins against us?
2013-01-22 Steve's Itinerary: When are you going to be in San Cruz again?
Enjoying a Read-in-a-Year Bible: Really enjoying a Bible that I can read in a year, & have a lot of questions in the margins but can't find them.
Knowing God's Voice: How do we know God's Voice because I am in a bad marriage of a husband who is a sheep in wolves clothing. How do you know you are living in God's obedience?
2013-01-08 Putting Away Your Wife: How do you reconcile Ezra saying to put away your wives & Jesus telling us not to? [Ezra 9-10, Matthew 5:31-32, Matthew 19:8-9]
2012-01-09 Loving a Married Woman: I have fallen in love with a married women.Though we are not seeing each other, how do I deal with this emotionally? [Matthew 5:27-28, Matthew 18:24-26].
If She Later Divorces: If the married woman I love, later divorces, may I then pursue the relationship?
2012-01-09 Loving a Married Woman: I have fallen in love with a married women.Though we are not seeing each other, how do I deal with this emotionally? [Matthew 5:27-28, Matthew 18:24-26].
If She Later Divorces: If the married woman I love, later divorces, may I then pursue the relationship?
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