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Topic: Marriage (Remarriage)

Showing 101 to 150 of 625.
Episode Topic Audio
2022-11-16 Homosexuality: What do you think of gay people?
2022-10-26 Marrying One Who Has Been Divorced: Can Christians marry someone who is divorced, if they were not Christians when they divorced? recommendation; Read article on "Marriage" at the website.
2022-10-19 Sin After Salvation: Will I still be responsible for my sins after I have been saved? [I John 1:9, Luke 15:11-32].
Genders & LGBTQ Marriages: What do you say about all the accepted genders today and homosexual marriages? [Matthew 19:5-6, John 8:31].
2022-10-03 Divorce or Separation: Caller shares her pastor's insight about separation and divorce in scripture. Recommended; topical article on Marriage. [Matthew 7:31-32]..
2022-08-22 Marriage after Illegitmate Divorce: What happens if two people repent that were married after an illegitmate divorce? Article on "Divorce & Remarriage" at the website.
2022-08-22 Marriage between Cousins: Is it not acceptable to marry a first cousin?
Broken Marriages & Legal Paperwork: If two people have been separated from each other and are already involved with others, but do not have the legal paperwok, where does this stand?
Separation: If we have not been unfaithful, but separated, and my wife doesn't want me back, what do I do? Reommends artices and "Divorce & Remarriage" at the website.
2022-08-22 Marriage between Cousins: Is it not acceptable to marry a first cousin?
Broken Marriages & Legal Paperwork: If two people have been separated from each other and are already involved with others, but do not have the legal paperwok, where does this stand?
Separation: If we have not been unfaithful, but separated, and my wife doesn't want me back, what do I do? Reommends artices and "Divorce & Remarriage" at the website.
2022-08-22 Marriage between Cousins: Is it not acceptable to marry a first cousin?
Broken Marriages & Legal Paperwork: If two people have been separated from each other and are already involved with others, but do not have the legal paperwok, where does this stand?
Separation: If we have not been unfaithful, but separated, and my wife doesn't want me back, what do I do? Reommends artices and "Divorce & Remarriage" at the website.
2022-08-11 Marriage between Relatives: What about a female pastor who divorces and marries her ex-husband's cousin - and the surrounding church controversy?
2022-08-10 Christian Divorce & Unbeliever Remarriage: Can you clarify your position on Christian divorce and remarriage to an unbeliever? Recommends topical article. [I Corithians 7:12-15, Mark 10:9, Matthew 19:6].
2022-08-10 Christian Divorce & Remarriage: I just can't agree that getting a divorce means one forfeits his position as a believer.
2022-08-09 Divorce Indicative of Apostasy: I disagree with how you describe the ramifications of divorce and the connection between sin, disobedience, and apostasy. Are you misleading others in misrepresenting saving grace of God? [Matthew 7:21-23, Romans 10:9-10, Romans 6:16, Titus 1:16, Eccelesiastes 5:5, Romans 5:8, John 8:31, Mark 10:9, Matthew 19:6, Luke 9:23, Matthew 16:24].
2022-08-09 Marriage & Separation: Could you give me some thoughts about my bad marriage, and the choice to live separated from my husband? [Matthew 18:15-17, I Corinthians 7:12-13].
2022-08-03 Gender Pronouns: Do you address someone with a pronoun as they wish to be called, regardless of their evident gender? What would you do?
Not Taking a Husband's Last Name: How should I address my granddaughter and her live-in boyfriend, if she is not taking his name in their marriage?
2022-07-26 Lilith: Was Lilith before Eve? [Genesis 1:26-27, Genesis 2].
Adam & Eve: Is the reason we are supposed to be married is because Eve came from Adam's rib? [Genesis 2:24, Ephesians 5:31, I Corinthians 7:1-7].
2022-07-12 Amplified Bible: Is the Amplified Bible more accurate?
Husbands & Wives: Why is the order as it is when it says that men need to love their wives and the women must respect their husbands, and he doesn't also say the same in reverse? [Ephesians 5:25, Ephesians 5:33, Titus 2:4, I Peter 3:7].
2022-07-05 Kids Exposed to a Gay Couple: How do I think biblically about my grandchildren being around a gay couple and their child-if it will stumble them? [Matthew 18:6, Mark 9:42].
2022-06-22 Suicide: Caller share an alternate perspective on suicide.
Forsaking Your Family for Christ: What context would understand the verse about one who would forsake their family members for Christ's sake? [Matthew 19:29].
2022-06-09 Adulterer Still Saved?: Can a man who knew better, but was unfaithful to his wife of 50 years, can he still be saved? What if she doesn't know about it?
2022-06-02 Born "Gay": Could you clarify your position on whether some people be born "gay"?
Homosexual Marrying the Opposite Sex: Should a "gay" person go ahead and get married to the opposite sex, knowing that they are gay, in order not to burn in lust? [Exodus 4:11]
2022-05-30 Complimentarian vs Egalitarianism: Could you comment on the theological views of "Complimentarianism and Egalitarianism", not only in marriage, but in ministry? [Luke 2:50-51, John 13:1-17, Ephesians 5, I Samuel 5:29, Acts 5:29].
2022-05-24 Bible Steve Uses: What is the version of the Bible you use most?
Atheist: Homosexual Marriage: Atheist: What about homosexuals who are married,love each other and are monogamous? Doen't being married make it OK? [I John 5:3].
2022-05-17 Fundraising & Living by Faith: Could you talk about "fundraising" and "living by faith"? [Matthew 6:33].
Living by Faith: Did your choice to live by faith cause any problems with your wife in your marriage?
2022-05-16 "Fornication" in Scripture: Do you think that "Porneia" translated as "fornnication" is a poor translation? [Genesis 3:24, I Corinthians 6:16-17].
2022-05-16 Dating-How Long Before Marriage?: What is your recommendation regarding how long one should date someone before they marry? Recommendation; Topical Articles at the website.
2022-04-26 Unequally Yoked: In reference to an earlier call, caller suggest one not be concerned about what people may think of the Bible or Christianity (if you share your faith with a potential spouse).
2022-04-25 Cain & Abel's Wives: Regarding who, according to the Midrash (Hebrew Talmud literature), did Cain and Abel marry their twin sisters? [Genesis 5:3-4].
2022-04-12 Marriage Vows: If a couple has taken marriage vows with each other, but have not been licensed by the state, would you allow them in your church?
2022-04-08 Lesbian Wedding: Father of a lesbian daughter calls to disagree about attending a homosexual wedding.
2022-04-08 Church Membership, Co-habitating Unmarried Couple & Baptism: What do we do about a committed couple, living together, but not married, who want to be baptized and become church members? Do we get them baptized first? [I Corinthians 6:9].
2022-03-29 The Great Deception: Do you think that the acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle and marriage could be the great deception spoken of in 2 Thessalonians? [2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, Matthew 24:24, Revelation 20:7].
2022-03-25 Peter's Denial of Christ: Why did Peter deny Christ even when he had been told he would?
Origins of Marriage: How did the origins of marriage being a picture of Christ and the churchdevelop since there were no witnesses of Adam & Eve? [Ephesians 5:32].
2022-03-25 "Fornication" Grounds for Divorce: If a woman commits fornication, can a husband divorce her? And can he do so if he just wants to commit fornication? [Matthew 5:32].
Paul's Thoughts on Divorce: How does the question of "grounds for divorce" relate to what Paul says about it? [I Corinthians 7:10-15].
2022-03-25 "Fornication" Grounds for Divorce: If a woman commits fornication, can a husband divorce her? And can he do so if he just wants to commit fornication? [Matthew 5:32].
Paul's Thoughts on Divorce: How does the question of "grounds for divorce" relate to what Paul says about it? [I Corinthians 7:10-15].
2022-03-21 Evangelizing Homosexuals & Lesbians: How do I approach a homosexual or lesbian and share the love of God? [Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:5].
2022-03-18 Vows of Marriage Questioned: Am I free to leave the father of my child whenever I wish, since we do not have a functioning relationship nor have taken any vows?
2022-03-17 Seeking a Spouse: How does someone navigate seeking a spouse if they find that those that are more attractive seem to have less strength in their Christian walk?
2022-03-17 No Remarriage Allowed: Is it true that one must not remarry until their former spouse dies, even if they had grounds and/or have been divorced? [Matthew 19:9, Matthew 5:32].
AA (Alcoholic Anonymous): Caller comments on the value of Alcoholic Anonymous.
2022-03-17 Finding a Good Spouse: Caller comments that good marriage partners require not only compatibility, but endurability and having a life calling. [Psalm 15:4].
2022-03-15 Spouses that Abuse One Another: Does the Bible talk about someone staying with a spouse that abuses them?
2022-03-11 Free to Re-marry: If I committed adultery, my wife divorced me and remarried, am I free to remarry? [Deuteronomy 24:1-3, Matthew 5:32].
2022-03-11 Polygamy: What can I say to a woman who thinks that the Lord told her that it is acceptable to have two husbands? [Luke 11:24-26, Romans 7:2-3, I Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21].
2022-03-07 Companionship in Heaven: Do we rule out companionship entirely in the resurrection, or is it that we just do not marry? [Genesis 2, Mark 12].
2022-03-04 Adam & Eve: Did brothers and sisters marry after Adam & Eve?
2022-01-04 Remarriage in God's Sight: How does God look at our marriage if both of us were married before and neither of our former spouses have passed away? Recommends topical article on marriage at the website.
2021-12-31 Bonds of Marriage: What is this verse saying about the bonds of marriage, and its relevance to us? [Romans 7:4, John 15:1-6].
2021-12-31 Obligation to Former Wife: What is my obligation to my twice previously married former wife if I divorced her without grounds, before I was a Christian?
2021-12-31 Living with a Contentious Wife: How do you deal with living with a contentious wife? [John 1:16-17, Philippians 4:13, 2 Corinthians 1:8, 2 Corinthians 12:7-10].
2021-12-27 Catholic Priests Not Able to Marry: Why can't Catholic priests marry? [I Timothy 3, Titus 1].
Divorce & Remarriage: Is it an unforgivable sin to get divorced or remarry? [I Corinthians 7, I Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21].
Remarriage After a Groundless Divorce: What if there were no legitimate grounds for divorce and someone has already remarried?
2021-12-27 Catholic Priests Not Able to Marry: Why can't Catholic priests marry? [I Timothy 3, Titus 1].
Divorce & Remarriage: Is it an unforgivable sin to get divorced or remarry? [I Corinthians 7, I Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21].
Remarriage After a Groundless Divorce: What if there were no legitimate grounds for divorce and someone has already remarried?
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