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Topic: Marriage (Remarriage)

Showing 351 to 400 of 625.
Episode Topic Audio
2018-02-20 Remarriage (follow-up): If my wife leaves me, does that mean I am free to remarry?
2018-02-16 Wife Falsely Accusing Husband: What should the caller do about his wife who is accusing him of something he didn't do?
2018-02-16 Dating an Unbeliever: My daughter is dating a nonbeliever in hopes of converting him. If she were to marry him, and he is still not a Christian, would you walk her down the isle? [2 Corinthians 6:14-18]
2018-02-12 Biblical Grounds for Divorce: How can a Christian who gets divorced without biblical grounds, and then gets remarried, be forgiven and abide in Christ?
2018-02-07 God Ordained "Soul Mate": Does God ordain only one specific person for a Christian to marry?
2018-02-02 Wife Lost Faith & Effects on Children: What would you do if your wife was trying to subvert your children?
2018-01-31 Marriage problems: Caller is wondering about a friend who's marriage is on the rocks who found out his wife is having an affair, & wondering if he should confront her on it or not.
2018-01-30 Overwhelmed Dad, Husband, Wanting Alone Time: Caller needs time away from the pace of their life, but also knows he needs to care for wife and children. What should he do?
2018-01-29 Unequally Yoked: There's a situation in our church were an unequally yoked couple got married, a believer to an unbeliever, & what should be done in that situation? [2 Corinthians 6:14-18]
2018-01-23 Husband & Wife Worshipping Together: Should a married couple always attend church together?
2018-01-23 Marriage & Divorce: What are the exceptions regarding marriage and divorce [Matthew 5:32]
2018-01-16 Narrow Path website a ".com" instead of ".org": When you have your website with a ".com" instead of an ".org", it makes it harder for people to want to donate because they think it's for-profit ministry instead of a not-for-profit ministry.
Divorce: Considering marriage to a woman who divorced her husband without Biblical support.
2017-12-28 Husband/Father not Involved with Family: Husband doesn't engage with the family but is attached to computer, phone & TV, & it's just as if it's not a real marriage & wondering what to do.
2017-12-22 Christmas not Actual Jesus' Birthday: Caller challenging the idea that it is NOT Christ's birthday.
Jesus & Mary Magdalene: Did Mary Magdalene & Jesus have a romantic relationship?
Jesus' Social Life: Could Jesus have married & had sex or would that have been too unholy for Him?
2017-12-15 Marriage License issued from the State: Getting married without a state license.
2017-12-06 The Septuagint: Is the Septuagint reliable?
Divorcer Still a Christian: Is a woman who left her husband for no cause a true Christian?
2017-11-21 Living in Sin: Confronting people who are living in sin.
Performing a Wedding you have Doubts about: What about performing weddings if you have some hesitancy about the union?
2017-11-21 Intermarriage: What does the Bible say about interracial marriage?
2017-11-21 Converting to Catholicism: What counsel would you give for someone who's about to convert to Catholicism, mainly because of being in love & wanting to marry her?
2017-11-20 Church Discipline involving Adultery: A couple living in fornication, someone being involved w/ someone who is still married. What should the church do? [Matthew 18:15-17]
2017-11-17 Marriage by Church or State for Financial Reasons: So what about getting married by the church or official state sanctioned marriage, for financial considerations.
2017-11-13 Polygamy: Why did God allow polygamy in the Old Testament?
2017-11-10 No Marriage in Heaven: There is going to be no marriage anymore in heaven? [Matthew 22:30]
2017-11-09 Church Leadership: Church leader performed the ceremony of his daughter who was guilty of an adulterous relationship & got divorced. He remarried her without Biblical grounds.
2017-11-09 Free to Marry Again: Caller is wondering if she would be free to marry again though she left her husband, especially since he married again.
2017-11-09 Unequally Yoked Marriages: It's not wrong to oppose marriages that you know are not going to work.
2017-11-01 Institutional Church & the Early Churches: Modern institutional churches is in complete contrast to the apostolic or early church of the 1st century. [Hebrews 10:25]
Grounds for Divorce & Remarriage Discussion: God's view of marriage & faithfulness, but you can get a divorce if there's any impurity, like if your spouse is or becomes an alcoholic.
2017-10-31 Messing Up Life: I lost my first love, faith, went back into a life of sin & wondering what to do & how to deal w/ the ramifications of marriage & divorce & committing adultery.
2017-10-30 Marriage & Divorce & Remarriage: Can you talk about marriage & divorce, marriage rights, etc. that has been being discussed on the Narrow Path Forum? Have you been following it?
2017-09-26 Messing up, Wondering My Salvation: Wondering if I'm really saved, & I've failed God by marrying the wrong person. Will He forgive me anyway?
2017-09-15 Marriage or not: Wondering if a couple should get married or not because of legal issues
2017-08-28 Marriage License: So is a State license marriage mandated?
2017-08-24 Marrying 1st Cousin: Is it legal or morally wrong to marry your first cousin?
2017-08-18 Purpose of Marriage: What is the purpose of marriage?
Divorce in Book Ezra: Why did God allow divorce or even suggest it in the book of Ezra? [Ezra 9-10]
2017-08-07 Prerequisite to Being a Chaplin: I want to be a chaplain, but am living w/ my boyfriend, although we aren't not having intimate relations, but should I move out anyway? [1 Thessalonians 5:22]
2017-08-07 Marriage Problems: The caller & his wife are separating for the time being, & have been to a mental hospital, & he just seeks prayer from Steve Gregg.
2017-08-02 Living together, Unwed: My son & his girlfriend are living together, so will you please share to him that that isn't a good so he knows it's not only coming from us?
2017-07-27 For Sake of Fornication: For the sake of fornication, especially if a person gets pregnant, should they get married anyway?
2017-07-11 Slaves being Elders: Were slaves or could slaves be elders? does our culture like slavery? (A very long, drawn out conversation.)
Churches Authorizing Marriages: How would the church regulate secular marriages since they would have nothing to do with them, yet you saying churches need to be in charge of marriages instead of the state?
2017-07-07 Pearl before Swine: Should we vigorously attempt to witness our hope? [1 Peter 3:15]
Unequally Yoked Potential: A Christian friend is contemplating becoming involved w/ a non-Christian, but he fears she may just feign Christianity to win his heart, & then leave Christianity.
2017-07-07 Guilt about Marriage: We sometimes have to obey the letter of the law, but still feeling guilty about the marriage & divorce situation even though a minister married us.
2017-06-30 Marriage & Divorce: You said she's not a Christian if she wants a divorce, I disagree with that.
2017-06-30 Marriage Certificate: Do you need a state-approved document to be married? (cont after break)
2017-06-30 No Divorce: The early church they didn't allow divorce for any reason, is that right?
Steve's Residence City & Broadcasting: What city are you broadcasting from? Where do you live in California?
2017-06-30 Marriage for Financial Reasons: Marriage unofficially vs getting a state licensed but being sneaky for financial reasons seems like lying.
2017-06-30 Sex: Is sex a need or strong desire or want? (very garbled call)
2017-06-29 Marriage & Divorce Situation: I'm in a really abusive marriage, my wife won't divorce, but she's not being a wife.
2017-06-28 Never Remarry Until the Death of her Husband: What does this verse mean, that she can NEVER remarry if her ex-husband is still alive] [1 Corinthians 7:39, Romans 7:2-4]
2017-06-23 Adultery Acceptable: I have a friend who thinks it's okay to have sex w/ married women as long as they are 2 consenting adults.
2017-06-23 Marriage Symbolic: Is marriage is symbolic of the church to Christ? How can you convey that to a non-believer? [Ephesians 5:31, Genesis 2:24]?
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