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Topic: Marriage (Remarriage)

Showing 251 to 300 of 625.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-04-17 Adultery & Remarriage: What does the Bible say about getting remarried after a divorce that involved adultery? [I Corinthians 7].
Private Covenant Marriage: What do you think about a covenant marriage, done privately (without witnesses) between two people without any government involvement? [Genesis 24].
2020-04-17 Adultery & Remarriage: What does the Bible say about getting remarried after a divorce that involved adultery? [I Corinthians 7].
Private Covenant Marriage: What do you think about a covenant marriage, done privately (without witnesses) between two people without any government involvement? [Genesis 24].
2020-04-15 Marriage & Children in the Millennium: Do you think that people will be getting married and having children in the millennium? [Revelation 20-21].
2020-04-07 Desertion & Guilt, Remarriage: Could you help me sort through my guilt that may have added to my faithless ex-wife? [Romans 8:1].
2020-03-12 Stuck With an Unfaithful Husband: Am I stuck with an unfaithful husband ? [I Corinthians 7:10-15].
2020-02-28 Marriage Without Intimacy & Overt Anger: How do you handle marriage conflicts according to Matthew 18, especially when one partner is withholding intimacy or have a bad temper? [Matthew 18, I John 4:19].
Justification for Withholding Sex in Marriage: Is it justifiable to withhold sex, if the partner is not loving, using i John 4:19 to justifiable? [I John 4:19].
2020-02-28 Marriage Without Intimacy & Overt Anger: How do you handle marriage conflicts according to Matthew 18, especially when one partner is withholding intimacy or have a bad temper? [Matthew 18, I John 4:19].
Justification for Withholding Sex in Marriage: Is it justifiable to withhold sex, if the partner is not loving, using i John 4:19 to justifiable? [I John 4:19].
2020-02-17 Guilt Over Our Past: Both my girlfriend and I suffer some guilt over our past relationships, can you advise and share some resources to help us? [I John 1:9].
2020-02-07 Marriage of Clergy: Why are Protestant ministers allowed to marry, and the Catholic priests are not? [I Corinthians 7:9, I Timothy 3, Titus].
2020-02-06 Sex Before Marriage: Where in the Bible does it say that sex before marriage, is a sin? [Malachi 2, Luke 8:21, Matthew 12:50, Mark 3:35, Exodus 22:16, Deuteronomy 22:13-30].
No Marriage License: Is it possible that some friends who have been together and have kids are married even though they don't have a marriage certificate? They do not profess to be Christians. What do you think I should share w/ them?
2020-02-06 Sex Before Marriage: Where in the Bible does it say that sex before marriage, is a sin? [Malachi 2, Luke 8:21, Matthew 12:50, Mark 3:35, Exodus 22:16, Deuteronomy 22:13-30].
No Marriage License: Is it possible that some friends who have been together and have kids are married even though they don't have a marriage certificate? They do not profess to be Christians. What do you think I should share w/ them?
2020-01-23 No Marriage License: What do you think about someone who doesn't want to get a marriage licence, they just want to consider themselves married spiritually?
2020-01-23 Marriage & Divorce: Could you speak to a previous marriage & divorce before one converts to Christ? [I Corinthians 7:12-13].
2020-01-03 Marriage & Divorce: If my wife divorced me without grounds many years ago, and I remarried, should I go back to her? [I Corinthians 7:15].
2019-12-19 Marriage for Life-No Exceptions: Is marriage part of "creation law" and therefore a commitment for life, regardless of the exception clauses in scripture? [Matthew 19:9, Genesis 2:24, I Corinthians 7:15, Mark 10, Luke 16, I Corinthians 5].
2019-12-12 Women at the Well: What do you think about the women at the well and the fact that she was married five times? [John 4].
2019-12-09 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: Are there any scriptural references that state it's okay for a believer to remarry after a divorce? [Deuteronomy 32:21, Romans 10:19, John 4:18].
2019-11-19 Marriage Vows: Would you comment on marriage vows and traditions in contrast to those in Biblical days?
2019-11-08 Wedding Vows & Separation: Is breaking vows (short of immorality) made at a wedding ceremony, reason to separate or divorce? And are separations acceptable?
2019-11-04 Marriage & ReMarriage: If two people divorce, but decide to remarry, what considerations are there if they had gotten involved with other, or married someone else, in the interim? [Hosea].
2019-10-22 Catholics & Protestants Marrying: Is it unbiblical for a protestant to marry a Catholic?
2019-10-21 Marrying a Divorcee Equals Adultery: Can you clarify thoughts about one marrying a woman who is divorced, then commits adultery? [Matthew 5:32, 19:9, I Corinthians 7:10-15, 39].
2019-10-18 Loving Others & Oneself: Is it correct to love my fiance more than I love myself.
Being the Best Husband: What are the best scriptures to study to help me become the best husband I can be? [I Corinthians 13, I Peter 5, Matthew 20:25-28, Ephesians 5].
2019-10-07 Family Responsibility: Did the apostles leave their families behind? [I Corinthians 7 & 9:5, Acts 9, Matthew 19, Mark 10].
2019-09-04 Marriage Until Death: Are you bound to your spouse until death, no matter what? [Matthew 5:32, 19:9, I Corinthians 7:12-15].
2019-08-16 Marriage in Heaven: Do you know if the church fathers, Eusebius or Clement, thought that there would be marriage in heaven, regardless of what Jesus taught? [Matthew 22:30].
2019-08-06 Alcoholism - Reason for Divorce: Is alcoholism a legitimate reason to end a marriage by a divorce?
2019-08-06 Inappropriate Television: Is it inappropriate for me to monitor the television shows that my wife watches and ask that she eliminate certain ones? [Matthew 4:29].
2019-07-19 Gift of Being Single: Are some people making a mistake by getting married, when they really should remain single? [I Corinthians 7, Jeremiah 16, Hebrews 13:4].
2019-07-18 Marriage: What does God consider the most essential elements of a marriage?
2019-07-17 Marriage, Remarriage: If a unbelieving spouse leaves, is the one left behind free to remarry? [I Corinthians 7:12-15].
2019-07-16 Marriage: When does marriage actually begin-in light of possible seriousness of a commitment made prior the ceremony or sanction of the state? [I Corinthians 6:16]
2019-07-12 Divorce & Remarriage: Is this pastor presenting a false teaching of the Sermon on the Mount, particularly about marriage and remarriage (reads quote)? [Matthew 5: 31 & 48, 7:2, Luke 6:36, John 12:48].
2019-06-27 Divorce & Remarriage: Do the Old and New Testaments contrast on remarriage and grounds for divorce? [I Corinthians 7:9-15].
2019-06-27 Moses & Divorce: Didn't Moses indicate that one should give a written bill of divorce when putting away his wife? [Deuteronomy 24:1-4].
Defiling the Body (The Temple): What does it mean to defile the body (the temple)? [I Corinthians 6:19, 3:17].
2019-05-31 Polygamy: What does the Bible have to say about polygamy? [Ephesian 5:29-33].
2019-05-17 Gift of Singleness (Being Single): Do you think there really is a gift of "singleness"? How do you determine if that is what you are destined for? [I Corinthians 7:7f, Matthew 19:10].
2019-05-14 Marriage & Divorce: How long is one bound to their spouse? What allows for a divorce? [Matthew 5:32, 19:9, I Corinthians 7:15].
2019-04-11 Divorce & Remarriage: Would you clarify the stipulations and extenuation circumstances surrounding divorce & remarriage?
2019-03-18 Divorce & Remarriage: What are God's thoughts about divorce? [Deuteronomy 24, Malachi 2]. When and under what conditions is one free from their obligation to the marriage []. Is restitution required? Will God forgive me if I'm the one guilty? [Matthew 5:31-32, I John 1:9].
2019-03-13 Living Together, Unmarried: What would you say about a committed Christian couple who live together, but decided to remain unmarried for the financial benefits?
2019-03-11 Incest: Didn't Adam & Eve's children have incestuous relationships?
Polygamy: Where does the Bible indicate that we should not practice polygamy? [Ephesians 5:22-32, Matthew 19].
2019-03-11 Incest: Didn't Adam & Eve's children have incestuous relationships?
Polygamy: Where does the Bible indicate that we should not practice polygamy? [Ephesians 5:22-32, Matthew 19].
2019-03-08 Adam & Eve: Were Adam & Eve the only people on the planet when they were created? Where did the children get their spouses? [Genesis 5:4]
2019-03-01 Resurrection: What about the resurrection and Enoch? Will there be marriage in the resurrection? Does Jesus' agreement with Enoch validate the inspiration of the book of Enoch? What is the difference of opinions of the Sadducees and Pharisees about the resurrection [Luke 16, Matthew 22:29-33]?
2019-02-26 Marriage & Divorce: What to do about counseling a Christian couple who are about to get a divorce?
2019-02-12 King David: It seems to go against God's character that David can have more than one wife. [2 Samuel 12:8, I]
2019-02-07 Marriage, Divorce & Inheritance: Caller is about receive quite an inheritance & wondering if he has to or should give some it to his wife who is divorcing him.
2019-02-07 Father or Husband: Is this talking about a girl's father or future husband? [1 Corinthians 7:34-39]
2019-02-01 Marriage: What determines when a couple is married in God's eyes or not?
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