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Topic: Marriage (Remarriage)

Showing 401 to 450 of 625.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-06-09 Unwed Couple Advice: More advice to on couple who the g/f is pregnant & he doesn't want to get married necessarily, there's always adoption.
2017-06-08 Unwed Couple: A couple living together, got pregnant, do they have an obligation to tie the knot for the sake of the child? The mom is threatening to abort baby if not married in a week.
2017-06-08 Jesus Attending a Gay Wedding: If Jesus had a brother who was gay, would He attend their wedding? should caller attend his brother's wedding?
2017-06-08 Unwed Couple: Suggestions on what to do about the pregnant girl friend.
2017-05-25 Wife Wants a Divorce: My wife doesn't love me anymore, & I admit that it's been a bad marriage but not grounds for divorce. Can you help me?
2017-05-23 Wife not being a Wife: When can, should someone move on if his wife is not being a wife?
2017-05-22 Dead Sea Scrolls: I heard that the Dead Sea scrolls were missing Esther, is that true? when it says to love your wife is that talking about "agape" love?
Loving Your Wife: When it says to love your wife is that talking about "agape" love? [Ephesians 5:25-33, Colossians 3:19]
2017-05-18 Evidential & Presuppositional Apologetics: What is the difference between evidential or presuppositional apologetics, especially regarding creationism.
Virtuous Woman of Proverbs 31: Should the Virtuous Woman in Proverbs 31 actually be being taught to a young girl?
2017-05-17 Polygamy & Concubines: Was polygamy & concubines encouraged in the Old Testament?
2017-05-15 Cleaving to His Wife: Why is this verse placed where it is because Adam & Eve haven't even had children yet? [Genesis 2:24]
2017-05-11 Married in Church or Court: Where are we supposed to get married, in the church or the courts?
Not Having Grounds for Divorce: What if you don't have grounds for divorce?
2017-04-11 Attending Gay Wedding: I think it IS acceptable to attend a gay marriage ceremony. [Matthew 5:13-15] (follow-up from 1/30/17)
2017-04-11 Attending Wedding of Divorced People: You just said we shouldn't attend a gay marriage/wedding, what about attending one of people who've been divorced?
2017-03-24 Living Together Before Marriage: What's wrong w/ people living together before they get married? Why do they have to do it publicly? [1 Thessalonians 5:22]
2017-03-22 Divorce & Remarriage: Caller explains a divorce & remarriage situation, & wants to know if she have grounds for remarriage?
2017-03-17 Being Unequally Yoked: I'd like to know what the Bible says about being unequally yoked in marriage? [2 Corinthians 6:14-18]
2017-03-17 Christ Marrying the Church: The church is married to Christ & when did He marry the church?
2017-03-15 "Love your Enemies": Who are the enemies that Jesus is talking about when He says to "love your enemies"? [Matthew 5:44]
The Divorced: Are divorced people living in sin?
2017-02-22 Joseph & Mary's Lineage of David: So both Joseph & Mary's lineage/genealogy goes back to David? [Matthew 1, Luke 3:23-38]
Jews intermarrying: Jews were not allowed to have interracial marriage, have intermarriage?
2017-02-17 No Divorce Ever: Pastor says people can't divorced under ANY circumstance. What do you think? [Matthew 19:9, Matthew 5:32]
2017-02-13 Spouse performing Masturbation: If a spouse is performing self-gratification, is that grounds for divorce?
2017-02-10 Wedding Vows: A caller from Denmark caller asking about wedding vows.
2017-01-30 Attending a Gay Wedding: Caller has a relative that is having a gay wedding & wondering if he should attend it or not.
2016-12-29 Marriage Infidelity: Caller committed infidelity, they got divorced, she got remarried, can he remarry now himself?
2016-12-27 Ministers performing civil marriages:g Should Christian ministers perform civil marriages?
Confusion of Face: What did ""confusion of face"" mean in [Daniel 9:8]?
2016-12-15 Marriage discussion: Complicated Issue.
2016-12-08 Marriage Problems: The wife has just completely shut down & won't even communicate w/ her husband & tell him what is wrong & he doesn't know what to do
2016-12-02 Father of Lights: Why is it plural "Lights" in James 1:17? [James 1:17]
Partial info given in each Gospel: Are there examples where Jesus says additional information from what He says in one gospel like He does when talking about cause for divorce?"
2016-12-01 Benny Hinn: Does Steve have any thoughts on Benny Hinn?
Converting Spouse: Caller has been trying to expose his wife to Jesus, & have her accept Jesus, & would like advice from Steve the best way to do that.
2016-11-17 Marriage Question: How do we know if a marriage is really of God or not? [Matthew 19:16]
2016-11-09 Marrying Someone outside Faith & One becomes a Christian: What does the Bible say about marrying someone outside the faith? What if one becomes a Christian? What if one of the atheist couple becomes a Christian, is it still binding in God's eyes?
Two Atheists getting Married: If 2 atheists get married by a Christian official, is it recognized by God?
Officiating the Marriage: What are the Christian rules by who you get married by, a Christian officiant?
2016-10-31 Re-marriage: A spouse is caught cheating, the other one justly divorces them, how long does the person filing for divorce have to wait?
2016-10-07 "Not Good for Man to be Alone": Is God just being practical about procreation or implying something romantic when He indicates that it is "not good for man to be alone"? [Genesis 2:18]
2016-09-29 Kent Hovind's Divorce: Caller commented on Kent Hovind's wife filing for divorce, & Kent Hovind (young earth creationist advocate) decided to remarry.
The Book of Romans: Who was the Book of Romans written for, people who are already Christians or unbelievers? [Romans 6:8-14]
2016-09-06 10 Missing tribes of Israel: Whatever happened to the other 10 tribes, since Benjamin & Judah came bacck?
2016-09-02 Sanctified by the Spouse: What does it mean that an unbeliever is sanctified by their spouse & what does "sanctified" mean anyway? [1 Corinthians 7:14]
2016-08-16 Waiting & Waiting in a very Difficult Marriage: Caller is wondering not sure what he should do in his bad marriage as he's been waiting for a very long time. Should he get a divorce or not? Get officially separated? Not get divorced at all?
2016-08-16 Be as though you have no Wife: Caller is wondering what Paul meant by "...that both they that have wives be as though they had none"? [1 Corinthian 7:29]
2016-08-15 Couple Hating each other: How can God possibly expect you to stay together if you don't love each other anymore?
2016-08-15 Marriage a Lifelong committment: A lifelong committment is what marriage is about, & divorces are just like fast-food express, getitng one anytime they want nowadays, Michael the Buddhist want to chime in regarding the first call.
2016-07-29 Remarry Again: Living with ex-husband but hesitant to remarry.
2016-07-11 Married in the eyes of God or not: In the eyes of God is the caller married? He thinks Steve should know just by the knowledge he has about his situation. [John 5] (call continues after break.)
2016-07-08 Marriage Vows Acceptable: matt 5:33-37, marriage vows, should they be allowed since Jesus told us not to make an oath?
2016-07-05 Lesbian Marriage: Christian man asked to give away a lesbian in a wedding ceremony. [1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Matthew 19:1-9]
2016-07-01 Married & Divorced, became Christians & Remarriage: Caller wants to know if their marriage is legitmate after her husband & her became Christians but having married & divorced before that? [1 Corinthians 7]
2016-07-01 Marriage & Divorce & Remarriage: Another marriage question with a lot of factors.
2016-06-30 Man still Obligated to First Wife: A guy's been divorced twice but another guy saying he is still married to first wife. Do you have any ideas?
Acceptable Sexual Positions: What are acceptable sexual positions in marriage?
2016-06-21 Common Law Marriage: Couples who are living together who haven't taken vows, is that a legitimate marriage?
2016-06-07 Marriage Vows: Don't Marriage vows need to have audience in order to be real, verified, genuine?
2016-06-03 One Spouse became Saved: I try to talk to my wife about Christ, but she tells me to quit talking to her about it, so what am I to do?
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