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Topic: Revelation (Book)

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Episode Topic Audio
2022-01-28 Contradiction in Creation of Man: Is there a contradiction in Genesis when it says that male and female were created, but then later, He creates Eve? [Genesis 1-2].
Enough Room in New Jerusalem?: Are all the believers going to live in the New Jerusalem, as there doesn't look like there is enough room for them? [Revelation 21-22, Hebrews 12:23, Galatians 4:26, Revelation 21:9].
2022-01-28 Jesus' Second Coming Already Happened: What verses do you appeal to that support your idea that Jesus will come back again in the future? [Revelation 21, Revelation 22, Psalm 2:8, Psalm 115:16, Revelation 5:10, Genesis 1:26-28, Matthew 5:5].
2022-01-24 Getting More Grace: Can one get more grace and what is the difference for the believer vs non-believer? [Matthew 5:45, James 1:17, Psalms 103:10, Ecclesiastes 8:11, Revelation 2:21, Romans 2:21, I Corinthians 15:10, I Corinthians 3:10, 2 Corinthians 12:9, 2 Peter 1:2, I Peter 5:10].
2022-01-21 David's Imprecatory Prayers Do you think that David's imprecatory prayers were not the will of God? {2 Timothy 4:14-16, Matthew 21:13, Revelation 6, John 2].
2022-01-20 Amillennialism Among the Church Fathers: How could the early church fathers have missed the idea that Revelation is really describing AD 70, rather than the Second Coming in end times?
2022-01-20 Alpha & Omega (First & Last): Could you help me to understand Jesus' reference to the first and the last (Alpha & Omega)? [Revelation 22:13, Revelation 1:8].
2022-01-18 Dead Church: What do you think about a dead church? Should I leave my church or stay there and pray for it? [Revelation 3:1, Zechariah 2:4].
2022-01-13 Eternal Security or Once Saved, Always Saved: What do you think about the doctrine of Eternal Security, and the idea that you can sin without danger? Recommends last lecture in the series called "Content of the Gospel". [John 15:1-6, Mark 4:17, Matthew 13:21, Luke 15:24, I John 5:11-12, Revelation 2:10].
2022-01-07 Satan Released: If the devil is released from the pit, could unbelief be what he has perpetrated? [Revelation].
Revelation Written by a Mad Man: Could the book of Revelation be the ravings of a mad man?
2022-01-07 Satan Released: If the devil is released from the pit, could unbelief be what he has perpetrated? [Revelation].
Revelation Written by a Mad Man: Could the book of Revelation be the ravings of a mad man?
2022-01-07 Symbolism of the book of Revelation: Is all of the book of Revelation symbolic, or just some of it? [Revelation].
"Jezebel Spirit": Is it correct to say that a woman has a "Jezebel spirit"? [Revelation 2:20].
Steve Gregg's Church Attendance: Are you part of a church group that meets regularly?
2022-01-07 Symbolism of the book of Revelation: Is all of the book of Revelation symbolic, or just some of it? [Revelation].
"Jezebel Spirit": Is it correct to say that a woman has a "Jezebel spirit"? [Revelation 2:20].
Steve Gregg's Church Attendance: Are you part of a church group that meets regularly?
2022-01-06 1000-Year Reign: Could you explain the 1000-year reign (Millennium) and the New Earth? [Revelation 20:7-9, 2 Thessalonians 1:9].
2022-01-05 The 24 Elders in Revelation: Who are the 24 elders in Revelation?
The 24 Elders as the Church: What do you think about the idea that the original texts disagree with the interpretation of the word "us", rather than "them" or "men". [Revelation 5:9-10].
2022-01-05 The 24 Elders in Revelation: Who are the 24 elders in Revelation?
The 24 Elders as the Church: What do you think about the idea that the original texts disagree with the interpretation of the word "us", rather than "them" or "men". [Revelation 5:9-10].
2022-01-05 Pray to God or Jesus: Should I pray to God or to Jesus? [Ephesians 3:14, Matthew 6:9-13, John 16:23-26, John 14:6, Revelation 22:20, Acts 7:59].
Dinosaurs Died in Flood: Didn't all the dinosaurs die in the flood?
2022-01-04 Israel Signing a Treaty & the Antichrist: What kind of treaty will Israel sign, as prophesied in Revelation 6? [Revelation 6, Daniel 9:26-27].
2021-12-29 "The Lord's Day" in Revelation: Can we say that "The Lord's Day" is Sunday in Revelation 1? [Revelation 1:10].
Scribal Errors in Scripture: Could you talk about the possible scribal error in Luke 11? Do these errors happen often? [Luke 11:51, Matthew 23:35].
2021-12-28 Josephus' Historical Accuracy: Is it possible that some of what Josephus wrote could have been exaggerated to puff up the Romans? How do we know we can trust what he wrote?
Augustine's Value to Christian History: What was good about Augustine? [Romans 5:12].
Isaac Newton's Commentary on Revelation: Why didn't you use Sir Isaac Newton's commentary on Revelation when you did your commentary, "Four Views of Revelation"?
2021-12-27 Praying to Jesus: Do these verses seem to indicate that we should pray to Jesus, rather than to God? [I John 5:13, Ephesians 3:14, John 16:23, Revelation 22:20, Acts 7:59].
2021-12-27 "Idealist View" of Revelation-Recommended Book: Was it the book "More Than Conquerers" by William Hendriksen the one you recommended on "Idealism"?
Fold-out Timeline: Are you familiar with fold-out timeline, "Adams Synchronological Chart or Map of History"?
2021-12-23 External Evidence for Early Writing of Revelation: Is there good external evidence for the early writing of the book of Revelation?
2021-12-22 Mark of the Beast: Can someone be fooled into accepting the "mark of the beast"?
"Mark of the Beast" & "Mark of God": Doesn't it seem like no one ever refers to the "Mark of God" when they refer to the "Mark of the Beast"? [Revelation 13:16-17 Revelation 14:1, Deuteronomy 6:6-9, Romans 6:16].
The Symbolism of the Gematria: Is the Gematria (666) symbolic of a name?
2021-12-20 Vengeance of the Saints: Was the time of vengeance described in Revelation 6 about when Jesus comes back? [Revelation 6:10, Matthew 23:34, Matthew 23:29].
Do Not Resist Evil Men: How should one explain the scripture to not "resist and evil man"? [Matthew 5:39, James 5:6, Matthew 5:44].
2021-12-20 Our Responsibility for Adam's Sin (Original Sin): In a book about the Westminster Confession, it is said that we are responsible for Adam's sin, can you clarify? [Romans 5:12, Deuteronomy 24:16, Ezekiel 18:19-20, 2 Corinthians 5:10, Revelation 20:13, I Peter 1:17].
2021-12-17 "Rule Over" Things on New Earth: What does it mean to "rule over many things"? Are we going to help Jesus rule on the earth? [Matthew 25:23, 2 Timothy 2:12, Revelation 5:10, Romans 8;17, Psalms 2:8, Psalms 37, Matthew 5:5].
2021-12-14 Dispensationalism: Who helped you decide the Dispensational view was not true, and how long ago did you make your changes?
2021-12-14 Hades, Hell, Lake of Fire & the Grave: What is Jesus saying when He says, "It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell", if it really is just the grave? [Matthew 5:30, Matthew 5:22, Revelation 20:14].
2021-12-13 Heaven: What do we know about heaven? How much will it be like earth? [Revelation 21, Revelation 22:3, I Corinthians 13:9-12].
2021-12-13 Satan Manipulates the Weather: Can Satan manipulate the weather?
Herod's Slaughter of the Innocents: Do you think that the women who lost their children to Herod's slaughter of the innocents, ever learned it was about Jesus? [Revelation 12:1-4].
2021-12-10 Symbolism of the Book of Revelation: What is the significance of the symbolism of the "lake of fire" and the throwing of the beast in the lake? [Revelation 19:20, Revelation 6, Revelation 20].
Revelation & AD 70: Do you understand Revelation 19 from AD 70 to the end of the world?
2021-12-10 Symbolism of the Book of Revelation: What is the significance of the symbolism of the "lake of fire" and the throwing of the beast in the lake? [Revelation 19:20, Revelation 6, Revelation 20].
Revelation & AD 70: Do you understand Revelation 19 from AD 70 to the end of the world?
2021-12-09 Burden is Easy, but Count the Cost: Why did Christ say, "My burden is easy, my yoke is light", but also we must count the cost? [Matthew 11:30, Luke 14:28, Galatians 2, Philippians 4:13].
Millennium & Wars on Each Side: Could you talk about the suggestion that there are two wars, like book ends, on either side of the millennium? [Revelation 19-20].
2021-12-06 Old Testament Support of Children in Heaven: Doesn't the scripture in Samuel, where David says he will go to his child one day, indicate that children go to heaven to be with God? [2 Samuel 12:23, Mark 10:15].
Jesus Said Hell Exists: Doesn't the fact the Jesus talks about hell in various ways, such as weeping and gnashing of teeth, indicate that hell does exist? [Revelation 20:10, Matthew 25:41, I Timothy 6:16, Matthew 13:42, Luke 13:28].
2021-12-06 Amillennialism & Reigning with Christ: How does the Amillennial view see the way we are reigning with Christ? Are we reigning on earth now? [Ephesians 2:6, Revelation 20:4-6].
2021-12-02 When Satan Was Cast Out of Heaven: Was Satan cast out of heaven before the fall or at Jesus' resurrection? [Revelation 12:7-11, I John 2:1-2, Romans 8:33-34, John 12:31. I John 3:20-22].
2021-12-02 Jesus Advocating for Us: Is Jesus advocating for us in heaven now, and what is it that He is advocating? [Revelation 12:11, I Thessalonians 4:14].
2021-12-01 "Get Behind Me, Satan": When Jesus said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan", what did he actually mean? [Matthew 16:23, Revelation 12:9, Revelation 20:9, Revelation 13:11].
2021-12-01 River Euphrates Drying Up: Could you clarify your thoughts on the river Euphrates drying up and the following scripture indicating Jesus' return? [Revelation 16:12, Revelation 16:15, Revelation 11:8, Isaiah 1:21].
2021-12-01 Trump Sounds & Dead are Raised: Would you explain the chapter in Thessalonians about the trump sounding, the dead rising, and how that ties in with the 7-yr tribulation? From where do these views originate? Topical lecture recommended; "When Shall These Things Be?" [I Thessalonians 4:15-16, Matthew 24:21, Revelation 7:14, Daniel 9:24-28].
2021-11-29 Revelation View of Steve Gregg: Which view of the book of Revelation is the view that you hold and why? Recommended verse-by-verse on Revelation.
2021-11-24 Blessing a House: If someone wants their house blessed because of suspected demonic activity, is it something that is biblical to do? [Revelation 18:2, Jeremiah 51:37, Matthew 12:43].
2021-11-24 Politician's Reprobate: Caller comments on Steve's view that "most politicians have a reprobate mind."
Revelation Not Written by John: What do you think about the premise of the author of "The Story of Christianity, Gonzalez, who seems to think that Revelation was not written by John? [Acts 4:13].
Steve Gregg's View of Hell: Don't you think it is time to come out of the closet and reveal your view on Hell is a Restorationist?
2021-11-22 Is Revelation Yet to Come: Is the prophecy in the book of Revelation yet to come? Recommends; "Revelation; Four Views" & "Empire of the Risen Sun-Vol 1" by Steve Gregg. [Revelation 12:10, Psalm 8-9].
2021-11-19 Heaven & Earth Passing Away: Would you expand on the scripture that indicates that "heaven and earth will pass away"? [Matthew 2:35, 2 Corinthians 5:17, 2 Peter 3:10, Isaiah 65-66, Matthew 5:17-18, Luke 21:33, Luke 16:17, Revelation 21, Romans 8:19-23.
2021-11-19 Praying to Jesus: What do you think about praying to Jesus? [John 16:23-26, Ephesians 3:14, Acts 7:59, Revelation 22:20, Matthew 7:11, Luke 11:13, Acts 1:15-26, Acts 4:24-27].
2021-11-17 Not in Heaven for Eternity: What scripture indicates that we won't be in heaven for eternity? [1 Thessalonians 4:15, 2 Peter 3:7-13, Psalm 115:16, Romans 8:22, Revelation 21:1-2].
2021-11-15 3rd Temple to be Built in the Future (End Times): Is there a 3rd temple to be built in the future, but instead of animal sacrifices it will be for praise? [Revelation 11:1-2].
Olivet Discourse & End Times: Did I understand you correctly about Matthew 24 (Olivet Discourse) relative to A.D. 70 and future end times? [Matthew 24:14, Acts 2:5, Colossians 1:23-26, Matthew 28:20].
2021-11-15 Hell, Hades & the Lake of Fire: Can you help me understand Hades (or hell) better, if hell is thrown into the Lake of Fire? [Revelation 20:14-15, 2 Peter 2:4, Revelation 6:7-8].
2021-11-15 Overcome: What is it that we have to "overcome"? [Revelation 3:20, Revelation 12:11, John 16:33, I John 2:14, I John 5:4-5].
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