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Topic: Revelation (Book)

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Episode Topic Audio
2015-09-17 Revelation & Slaves: This is about the 3rd time this caller called to talk about Revelation & Slaves. [Revelation 22:18-19]
2015-09-15 The Dating of the Book of Revelation: What is the ONE thing that makes Steve think the book of Revelation was written before 70 AD?
2015-09-11 Teaching Steve's book on the 4 views of Revelation: Caller is about to teach a class using Steve's book & wants some pointers on how to do it, Revelation, Dispensationalism, Replacement theology, Supersessionism.
2015-09-09 Dating of the Book of Revelation: Have you ever heard that 50% of the Bible scholars of today believe that Revelation was written before 70 AD?
Revelation Written in 95 AD: What would Steve do/believe if it WAS proven that the Book of Revelation was written in 95 AD?
2015-09-08 End Times - Man Child: Who is the "Man-child" in Revelation 12 talking about? [Revelation 12:5, 13]
"Short Time": So if Jesus ascended to heaven 2,000 years ago, the devil/dragon has been doing his thing for that long, & THAT'S not a short time, is it? [Revelation 12:12]
Little Horn & Times & Times & Half of Times: Again, how can it be a short time if Satan has been doing his work since Jesus ascended to Heaven? [Daniel 7:8, 8:9, 12:7]
2015-09-01 "Revelation, Four Views, A Parallel Commentary": Do you have any ideas on the best way to read your book on the 4 views of Revelation?
2015-08-28 Dispensational Views: What would it take for Steve to change his mind that he's wrong about Dispensationalism? Like seeing the Man of Sin in a 3rd temple?
2015-08-26 Eschatology - the word Zao in Revelation: You say Zao appears 3 times in the Bible (Revelation), but Zoe 148 times in the Bible.
2015-08-24 Partial Preterism: Time Indicators, "soon", "short", have to apply to the WHOLE book of Revelation, & not just apply it whenever you want, saying some things really are short & some things are a long time off. [Revelation 1:1, 22:6]
2015-08-14 BSF (Bible Study Fellowship): Discussion about the group & a little bit about Steve's lectures on eschatology & the differing eschatological views.
2015-08-12 All Prophecy Fulfilled in Relation to 70 AD: 70 AD suggests that all the prophecies have been fulfilled. Is there ANYTHING in Revelation (or Daniel or any other eschatological chapter of the Bible) that has NOT been fulfilled yet?
Signs of the Times: It says in the Bible that when you see the clouds approaching that you'll know it's about to rain & that's what the caller thinks, you can see it all culminating together. [Matthew 16:32-33, Revelation 17:10-11]
2015-08-06 4 Headed Beasts in Revelation: Is this talking about the way the Levitical Priests went through the desert, & so Revelation 5 having something to do w/ that? [Revelation 5]
2015-07-28 Garden of Eden 2: End of Time being like the Garden of Eden, is there a verse that says that? [Revelation 21 & 22]
Being Born-Again: The Bible doesn't really say anything about accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord. So how does a person become a member of the Kingdom of God, a Christian?
Kingdom of God: When was the Kingdom of God established? At time of John the Baptist or at Pentecost?
2015-07-28 Dating of Revelation: Where does Steve get his information that makes him think the Book of Revelation was written before 70 AD?
2015-07-22 Date of Revelation: When was the Book of Revelation written?
Amillennialism/Partial Preterism: Everything is fulfilled for the last 2,000 years except for Jesus actually coming. Is that the way it really is?
2015-07-16 Divorce for Financial Benefit: Is it reasonable and acceptable to divorce because it's more expedient financially!
Two Witnesses: Have the 2 Witnesses already happened or not? [Revelation 11]
Hell-Eternal Torment: Is it not against God's character to burn people forever & ever?
2015-07-10 Chronology on the books of John: When was the Gospel of John written, his Epistles & the Book of Revelation?
2015-06-26 The book of Revelation & the Second Coming: The caller said that she heard Steve say the book of Revelation is NOT about the Second Coming of Christ. She thought that it was!
2015-06-26 The Book of Revelation: What was the point of John even writing the Book of Revelation if everything was already fulfilled before it was written?
2015-06-25 Mystery, Babylon: Is Mystery Babylon referring to America? [Revelation 17:5]
2015-06-02 Dispensationalism, Amillennialism & the Date of Revelation: If Revelation was written in 96 AD, how could it be talking about 70 AD?
2015-05-29 The Seven Trumpets & Prophecy: How does Steve interpret the seven trumpets, "not a blade of grass was left standing" & so on. [Revelation 8:2,6]
2015-05-22 Many Interpretations of End Times: Why is the Bible written in such a way that there are SO many theories about what happens in the End Times?
2015-05-15 Amillennialism & the Tribulation: How can the Tribulation fit within the 1000 years?
2015-05-12 Understanding Revelation: Caller wants to know why all these wicked people are going to be outside the gate when we are in Heaven? [Revelation 22:14-15]
2015-05-05 The Millennial Reign: Will it be governed by the Mosaic Law or by the Law of non-aggression? How would Jesus reign on David's Throne? what about wild animals eating straw, mingling w/ the Lamb & the children? Where can I learn more about this?
2015-05-05 Devil Coming Has Short Time: What is this short season that Satan has or will have? When does it start & end? Are they both talking about the same event? [Revelation 12:9-12, 20:3]
2015-05-01 Mark of the Beast: What does Steve think the Mark of the Beast is?
2015-04-30 "Great Riches To Nought": What does it mean, "For in one hour so great riches is come to nought", or "for in one hour is she made desolate"? [Revelation 18:17-19]
Babylon being the United States: Is the United States by any chance Babylon?
2015-03-19 Let him that is Holy remain Holy, Let him that is Filthy remain Filthy: What does, "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still"? [Revelation 22:11]
2015-03-02 The Book of Revelation: What is the value of the Book of Revelation for us today?
2015-02-27 1/2 Hour Silence in Heaven: What is the 1/2 hour of silence in Heaven? [Revelation 8:1-3] Has numerous questions in Revelation but different paradigms, so didn't really answer.
2015-02-25 Two Witnesses & 666: Has Steve ever heard of 666 being the WWW? (World Wide Web)
2015-02-24 Time & Sequence of John's Writings: When was John's experience at Patmos, & when did he write his gospel & his epistles?
2015-02-20 Seven Spirits in Revelation: Who are the 7 Spirits in Revelation? [Revelation 1:4, Revelation 3:1, Revelation 4:4, Revelation 5:6]
2015-02-18 Avenging our Blood & Beheading: Are the beheadings that happen in the last part of Revelation by any chance what they are asking about when they ask, "When will our blood be avenged?" [Revelation 20:4, Revelation 6:9-11]
Jesus' Second Coming: What are the things that must still be fulfilled before Jesus comes back? Could He come back today?
2015-02-13 Being Selected as an Elder: What is the proper way to be chosen as an Elder of the church? What about the laying on of hands when you choose people for leadership of the church?
The word "quickly" in Revelation: What about the word, "quickly" on both ends of the book of Revelation?
2015-02-10 Dragon or Beast in Revelation 13: In some versions of the Bible it says in Revelation 13:1 that it is a "beast" & some versions say it's a "dragon". Which is it?
2015-02-02 The Loosing of Satan: Why would we want to loose Satan after he is bound up? [Revelation 20:1-3]
2015-01-30 The Book of Revelation: I have a friend I debate with, sharing with him partial preterism, but he's suggesting I'm adding or taking from the book of Revelation. [Revelation 22:19]
2015-01-23 Eternal Security: Once Saved, Always Saved, went to Calvinism for awhile, but has been learning in Revelation about overcoming, conquering, fighting the good fight.
2015-01-23 Prophecy fulfilled: Is Ezekiel 12:11 talking about something that is going to happen in the future or has already been fulfilled? [Ezekiel 12:11]
The Two Witnesses: Who are the 2 Witness in Revelation 11?
2015-01-09 The Book of Revelation: Is it true Steve doesn't believe that the book of Revelation is written for us today? What about the 1000 years? What about the Second Coming?
2015-01-06 Strong Delusion & Satan Loosed: God says He's going to send a strong delusion. Are the Scriptures in both 2 Thessalonians & Revelation talking about the same time period? A delusion & Satan being loosed? [2 Thessalonians 2, Revelation 20]
2014-12-17 Jesus' Appearance in Revelation: What does Steve make of Jesus' appearance in Revelation? [Revelation 1:12-16]
Santa Claus: What about teaching children about a Santa Claus?
2014-12-03 Radio Programs & the Narrow Path: There are some radio shows that just seems to disagree with your teachings.
Date of the Book of Revelation: Wife & I debating the dating of the book of Revelation, my wife thinks way after 70 AD, i think before 70 AD.
Baptism: Is water baptism necessary for salvation?
2014-11-14 Last Trump of God: You don't find anything about the "last trump" & the resurrection in Revelation. Why not?
Prophecies in the Book of Revelation: I just don't understand the book, but as far as what I believe, things just seem to be falling in place. (A lengthy discussion about things in Revelation, especially of the Millennium.)
Watching for Signs: Don't we need to watch for signs, especially after the gospel has been preached around the world?
2014-11-14 Last Trump of God: You don't find anything about the "last trump" & the resurrection in Revelation. Why not?
Prophecies in the Book of Revelation: I just don't understand the book, but as far as what I believe, things just seem to be falling in place. (A lengthy discussion about things in Revelation, especially of the Millennium.)
Watching for Signs: Don't we need to watch for signs, especially after the gospel has been preached around the world?
2014-10-13 Church Fathers Regard to Revelation: It is the contention of the caller, who is doing a followup from a previous show, that the early church fathers did use & consider the book of Revelation inspired, even though it wasn't in the canon of Scripture.
2014-10-10 Church Father, Calvinism & Partial Preterism: I was listening to one of your lectures, you saying none of the Church Fathers believed in Calvinism, so that's a good argument that it's not correct, but, they didn't believe in Partial Preterism either, but the further we are getting away from it more people are believing it, including yourself. So why should we consider one aspect of what the Church Fathers thought, but not another?
Book of Revelation: Since the book of Revelation wasn't in the canon of Scripture for a long time after all the other books, what did they consider the book as, just a inspirational, informative book, like the book of Maccabees?
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