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Topic: Revelation (Book)

Showing 1,001 to 1,050 of 1,329.
Episode Topic Audio
2018-05-25 Literal Creation Week: I believe in the perfect, literal 6 day creation week.
NIV Corrupted: It says it way different in the KJV compared to the NIV about the Rider of the White Horse. [Revelation 6:2]
2018-05-24 Lady Caught in Adultery: So was the story about the lady caught in adultery supposed to be there or not? [John 7:53-8:11]
Book of Life or Tree of Life: In Revelation 22, does say names won't be in the Book of Life or won't eat from the Tree of Life? [Revelation 22:19]
2018-05-08 UN Becoming World Government: How would you relate Revelation to today, say the UN starting uniting the nations into one, & had to worship the person in charge of the UN, sort've like an anti-type of Nero?
2018-05-03 24 Elders: Who are the 24 elders in Revelation? [Revelation 4, Revelation 5:8-10]?
24 Elders from the Calvary Chapel Viewpoint: Caller thinks Steve should take the pre-trib rapture from the Calvary's Chapel's Viewpoint, that he thinks it makes way more sense than an amillennialism.
2018-05-03 24 Elders: Who are the 24 elders in Revelation? [Revelation 4, Revelation 5:8-10]?
24 Elders from the Calvary Chapel Viewpoint: Caller thinks Steve should take the pre-trib rapture from the Calvary's Chapel's Viewpoint, that he thinks it makes way more sense than an amillennialism.
2018-05-02 America in Prophecy In the Book of Revelation, is mystery, babylon talking about America?
2018-05-01 RFID Chip & the Mark of The Beast: What do you think of these RFID chips & the Mark of the Beast?
2018-04-30 1000 year reign-the Millennium: Can you explain the 1000 yr reign/millennium? [Revelation 20]
2018-04-25 The Book of Revelation & Partial Preterism: What do you believe has been fulfilled in 70 AD in Revelation, & what is still fulfilled? [Revelation 1-22]
2018-04-17 Battle of Armageddon: When is the battle of Armageddon going to happen?
2018-04-13 The 144,000: In Revelation, are the 144,000 Jewish Rabbis? Messianic Rabbis?
2018-04-03 The Beast of Revelation 13 & the Mark of the Beast What do you think the Mark of the Beast is? the beasts of Revelation 13 are referring to Rome & the America & the Mark of the Beast, the caller thinks, is a national Sunday Law
2018-04-03 Timeline of Revelation: Where are we in timeline of Revelation? How much of it, in your view, has been fulfilled or not fulfilled?
Post-millennium view & amillennium view What is the difference between a Post-Millennialist & an Amillennialist?
2018-03-28 The Book of Revelation Prophecy: If Revelation was written just before 70 AD, only a few years before the roman ambush of 70 AD, how could that be enough time to get the prophecy out to 7 churches or Jerusalem?
Babylon & the Tribes of Dan, Judah & Benjamin: When you read about the 144,000 in Revelation 7, & all the tribes are mentioned except for the Tribe of Dan, but when the 10 tribes of Israel were taken by Assyria & Judah & Benjamin by Babylon, & the 2 tribes from Babylon returned, but what about the other 10?
2018-03-23 Bowls of Wrath & other Judgments: With you being an amillenianist & partial-preterist, what do you do w/ certain passages in Revelation?
Dating of the book of Revelation: When was the book written?
2018-03-23 Bowls of Wrath & other Judgments: With you being an amillenianist & partial-preterist, what do you do w/ certain passages in Revelation?
Dating of the book of Revelation: When was the book written?
2018-03-20 Apocalyptic Sections of the Bible Having a 2-fold meaning: What do you think about Revelation & other apocalyptic sections of the Bible such as the Olivet Discourse having two fold meanings, 70 AD & whatever is supposed to happen in the last days?
2018-03-19 Lake of Fire: Do you believe the lake of fire is literal, & is it the 2nd death? Is satan going to die for the 2nd time? Isn't fire for purification, restoration? [Revelation 21:8]
2018-03-01 AntiChrist & the Beast(s) of Revelation 13: I agree w/ your talk about 1 John 2 & the antiChrist, but Revelation 13 is a whole different ball of wax.
2018-02-27 Everlasting Gospel: Is the angel in Revelation proclaiming the Everlasting Gospel when he says, "Fear God and give glory to Him"? [Revelation 14:6-7]
2018-02-27 Image Speaking in Revelation: In Rev 13:15, is this possibly the state? Is the ability of the image to speak a demonic influence? [Revelation 13:15]
2018-02-26 Exegesis & Eisegesis: Can you explain exegesis and eisegesis?
"Go and Sin No More": When Jesus said, "Go & sin no more", was he telling her to literally never sin again?
The Woman in Revelation: Is the woman in Revelation the church or the mother of Jesus?
2018-02-23 OT and Revelation: Old Testament symbolism is also in the book of Revelation
2018-02-16 Early Dating of Revelation: Is there any validity in the early dating of Revelation and its prediction about the fall of Jerusalem?
2018-02-05 The 2 Witnesses: Discussion about the 2 witnesses in Revelation
2018-01-25 A Prophet Amongst us & the 4 Horsemen: A prophet calls, wanting to talk about the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse. [Revelation 6:7-8]
2018-01-19 Rider on the White Horse: Who is Rider on the White Horse in Revelation? [Revelation 6:1]
2018-01-18 Seven Spirits of God: Who are the Seven Spirits of God? [Rev 4, Isaiah 11:2]
2018-01-16 Catholic Church: You just got done talking about "sacerdotal". So are you saying the Catholic is sacerdotal?
America in the Bible: Is America in the Bible? Are we going to be the one remaining Sovereign Nation, won't have to worry about taking the Mark of the Beast?
2018-01-16 Pre-Tribulation Rapture My son is a strong pre-tribulation Rapture guy, but I align myself more w/ your beliefs, but could you give me some Scripture to give him to show that Dispensationalism is wrong? [Revelation 4, John 6:39-40, 44, 54, 12:48, Matthew 25:31, I Thessalonians 4]
2018-01-15 The New Earth, New Jerusalem: How come the people who are outside the gate are not in the Lake of Fire? [Revelation 22:15]
2018-01-12 Nicolaitans: Why exactly did Jesus hate the Nicolaitans? Who were they & what were their bad deeds?
2018-01-08 Two Witnesses: Who are the 2 witnesses in Revelation 11? What about the 1260 days, 3.5 years or 42 months? [Revelation 11]
2018-01-01 Revelation 144,000 What is the 144,000 in Revelation talking about?
2017-12-28 Modern Israel: Caller disagrees with Steve that the prophecies of Israel have been fulfilled & that you have to believe in the literalness interpretation of Revelation.
2017-11-29 Churches in Revelation so far Away from Epicenter: Why would the letters to the churches that are so far from Jerusalem so far away if this is a warning to the people in Jerusalem in 70 AD?
2017-11-20 Appreciates the Narrow Path: Caller appreciates the Narrow Path.
Abomination of Desolation: What is the Abomination of Desolation. (no time for answer)
Signs of the Cosmic Apocalypse: Have you ever heard of the signs of the Apocalypse, the Sun going dark, the moon becoming dark? (Again, no time to answer.)
2017-11-15 The Lecture on 4 Views of Revelation: Caller appreciated his book &/or lectures on the 4 views of revelation.
Applying Partial Preterism to parts of Revelation: Partial preterism, which parts of Revelation does Steve think is still to come?
2017-10-26 Harlot of Revelation: Is the harlot describing the catholic church like a lot of people think it is? [Revelation 17]
2017-10-25 Jesus on White Horse: Jesus on White Horse and its symbolism, but who are the armies that are following him? [Revelation 19]
2017-10-23 Signs of the Stars: The stars signs that was supposed to happen on September 23, 2017, what do you think about that?
2017-10-04 Book of Revelation in Chronological Order: There's a special blessing for reading the book of revelation & it's a book of prophecy, but is the Book of Revelation in chronological order? [Revelation 1:3]
2017-09-28 No Internet: Caller doesn't like not having Internet & is envious of people who do get to listen to all of Steve's archives.
Wormwood: Caller would like to know about Wormwood & the Trumpet Judgment. [Revelation 8:11]
2017-09-27 Exchanging Testimonies with Mormons: Mormon sharing their testimonies or sharing your testimony.
Correct Revelation Model of Interpretation: Caller doesn't think it needs to be either-or of a certain model of Revelation to believe.
2017-09-20 The Seals: What do the seals mean? [Revelation 7]
2017-09-18 Church being Us: The Church or the Mansions are us!
Drinking Urine & Eating Dung: Where does it say that in Isaiah that if you add or subtract one word in the Bible, you'll drink your own urine & eat your dung? [Isaiah 36:12, Revelation 22:18-19]
2017-09-05 Healing of the Leaves: Why are do you need leaves for the healing of the nations from the tree of life? [Revelation 22:2]
2017-09-05 Repentance after taking the Mark of the Beast: If you receive the Mark of the Beast, there is no repentance from that, is that right?
2017-08-31 Letters of New Testament Complete: When were all the writings of the New Testament complete?
70 Years: Is the year 70 AD Destruction of Jerusalem of any significance to 70 year captivity in Babylon?
2017-08-29 Angels & Stars: Who are the angels & stars that are talked about Revelation 1? [Revelation 1:16-20]
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