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Topic: Revelation (Book)

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Episode Topic Audio
2023-03-02 Cursing the Fig Tree: Why would Jesus be upset when the fig tree wasn't producing fruit? [Matthew 21:18-22, Jeremiah 19:10]
3rd Heaven: Are there different levels of heaven? [2 Corinthians 12:1-6, Psalm 115:16, Romans 4:13, Revelation 22:3, Revelation 5:10]
Marriage Annulments: Could you clarify annulment from marriage?
2023-02-27 Marriage Supper of the Lamb: What is the symoblism of the characters in the "Marriage Supper of the Lamb?" [2 Corinthians 11:2, Matthew 22:1-14, Revelation 19:7].
2023-02-24 Rapture & Tribulation: Do you believe in the rapture and the seven year tribulation? [Matthew 24:21, Revelation 7:14, 1 Thessalonians 3, John 6, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, 1 Thessalonians 3:1-3].
2023-02-15 Symbolism of the Galilean Wedding (Wedding at Cana): How paralleled are the events of the Galilean Wedding, the church as bride, and relative to end times? [2 Corinthians 11:2, Revelation 11, Matthew 25].
Insight Through Nature: Do you think that one can gain some spiritual insight and parallels from nature and culture?
2023-02-14 Tribulation: Where does "the tribulation" actually fit in? Rec: Topical lecture/"When Shall These Things Be?" and "What are we to Make of Israel?" [Matthew 24:21, Matthew 24:34, Revelation 7:14, 1 Thessalonians 3:4].
2023-02-13 Millennial Views (Pre, A, Post): Could you explain the different "millennial" views? Rec: Topical lecture; "When Shall These Things Be?" (Pre, A, Post)? [Revelation 20, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
2023-02-10 Amillennialism: Have you heard this view of "Amillennialism" relatives the word for "living on" or "came to life?" What is your view? [Revelation 20:4-6, Revelation 13:3].
"Overlooking the Sins of the Gentiles": Does the phrase "overlooking the sins of the Gentiles" refer to them being saved? [Romans 3:25].
2023-02-09 Symbolic "Babylon": What does calling someone "Babylon" mean according to scripture? [Revelation 14:8, Revelation 17-19, Revelation 11:8, 1 Peter 5:13].
2023-02-09 Steve's View of End Times: Could you share your thoughts on end times? Rec: Steve's commentary on the book of Revelation; "Revelation-Four Views" or verse-by-verse or topical lectures on Revelation. [Revelation 13:1-18].
2023-02-08 Defining Full-Preterism: Is this a proper definition of "preterism?"
Is Jesus Coming Again?: Where does scripture say that Jesus is coming again? [Hebrews 9:8, Matthew 16:28, Matthew 24:30, Mark 16, Luke 21, Acts 1:11, 2 Timothy 4:1. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17].
Why is Jesus Going to Return?: Why would Jesus need to return if "we are absent from the body and present with the Lord?" Isn't that enough? [2 Corinthians 5:8, Revelation 5:10].
2023-02-06 Jesus' Return: Could you elaborate on your view of the events surrounding Jesus' return? [Matthew 25:1, 1 Thessalonians 4:17, Acts 28:15, Acts 1:11, 2 Peter 3:10-15, Romans 4:13, Matthew 5:5, Revelation 5:10].
2023-02-03 Many Antichrists vs The Antichrist: Where do they get the idea that there would be a particular coming "Antichrist" when scripture says there are many antichrists? [1 John 2:18, 1 John 2:22, 1 John 4:3, 2 John 1:7, Daniel 7:20-21, Daniel 9:26-27, Daniel 11:36-45, Revelation 13:1-18, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-9].
2023-02-01 Satan's Character & Role: Is it possible that Satan is not really only evil but more like a "prosecuting attornery" that God actually created for testing? [Revelation 12:9, Job 1-2, Zechariah 3:1-5, Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28].
Avoiding Temptation: What is the point of avoiding temptation and prayer to avoid them, if this is all part of the plan. [Luke 18:7, James 1:15, Luke 11:2-4, Matthew 5:9-13].
Skeptics Doubting the Reliability: How do you answer a skeptic that complains that there is something wrong with the teacher when everyone in Christianity has a differing opinion? [Proverbs 25:2].
2023-01-31 Hell; Three Views: Is it possible that there could be a combination of the possible views (for the correct view of hell)? [John 3:16, Revelation 21:8, Romans 6:23].
Hell in the Old vs New Testaments: Is it possible that the "Annihilation" view was true in the Old Testament, and the "Universal Reconciliation" view is true in the New Testament?
Hell: Do you think that the case is stronger for either of the alternate views of hell, over the traditional "eternal torment" view?
2023-01-23 "Whom I Love, I Chasten:" Caller corrects Steve's confusing two verses about "Whom I love, I chasen." [Revelation 3:19, Hebrews 12:6, Proverbs 3:11-12].
2023-01-20 Ark of the Covenant: Is the Ten Commandments still in the Ark and did Jesus put His blood on that Ark? [Revelation 11:19, Jeremiah 31:31-34, Jeremiah 3:16, Hebrews 9:21-28].
2023-01-19 Churches in Revelation: If the seven churches in the early chapters of Revelation were actual real historical churches, why were only those seven churches specifically addressed? [Revelation 2-3].
2023-01-13 Locust in Revelation Had Long Hair: Is there a relationship to the long hair on the locust in Revelation to men wearing long hair in our culture? [Revelation 9:8].
Jehovah Witnesses: Why do the Jehovah Witnesses translate John 1:1 as Jesus was "a" God, rather than as we do-as He was God? [John 1:1, Deuteronomy 32:39].
2023-01-12 Good Mormons & Salvation: Do you think that when a Mormon does good works with a sincere heart, God will take it into consideration? [Matthew 25:31-46, Romans 2:5-10, 2 Corinthians 5:10, 1 Peter 1:17, Revelation 20:12, Galatians 5:6, John 14:8, Acts 10:13-15, Galatians 6:1].
2023-01-10 "Carry a Sword": Would you give me your take on Jesus telling the disciples to first to "not take a sword", then later to "take one" with them? [Luke 22:35-38, Matthew 26:52, Ephesians 6:17, Revelation 19:15, Isaiah 53:12, Mark 15:28.
2023-01-09 Dimensions of New Jerusalem: How do you understand the dimensions mentioned about the New Jerusalem (Holy City) in Revelation? Literal or symbolic? [Revelation 21, Galatians 4:26, Hebrews 12:22, Revelation 21:11, Revelation 21:23].
2023-01-09 The Gospel Heard by All Before the End: Will eveyone have a chance to hear the gospel before the end comes? [Matthew 24:14, Colossians 1:23, Colossians 1:6, Matthew 28:18-20, 2 Peter 3:9].
"Every Eye Will See Him": Does the verse in Revelation about "every eye shall see Him" about the end of the world? [Revelation 1:7, Zechariah 12:10].
2023-01-04 Great White Throne Judgment: Are there two different jugments-"Great White Throne Judgment" and the "Bema Seat" held at different times? [John 5:28-29, Acts 24:15, Revelation 20:5-6, Revelation 20:13, John 5:24, Ephesians 2:2, Colossians 2:13, 2 Corinthians 5:10, 1 Peter 1:17, 2 Timothy 4:1].
2022-12-30 Losing one's Salvation: How do you arbitrate a discussion about whether one can lose their salvation? Recommended topical lecture; "Content of the Gospel" series, lecture on "Eternal Security." [Hebrews 2:3, Romans 10:9, Revelation 2:10, John 15:6, Luke 15:24].
2022-12-29 Economic Sanctions in History: Could you speak to historical examples of sanctions limiting "buying and selling" of the past in relation to the predicted "mark of the beast?" [Revelation 13, Revelation 14:1].
2022-12-29 Faith-Living the Christian Life: Where do you live your faith-between being a theologian and living with a child-like faith? [2 Corinthians 5:10, 1 Peter 1:17, Revelation 20:13].
2022-12-23 Marriage Supper of the Lamb: Are you pre or post-trib? When will the "Marriage Supper of the Lamb" be? [Revelation 19:6-9].
2022-12-21 First Resurrection: What is the ramification of the word for "having" being in the present tense, regarding the "first resurrection" in Revelation, and how does this affect the Dispensational view? [Revelation 20:6].
2022-12-16 "Pre-Wrath" Rapture: Can you debunk the "pre-wrath" view of Revelatlion? [Revelation 16, John 6:39-40, John 6:44, John 6:54].
The Saints in Revelation: Who are the Saints in Heaven in Revelation? [Revelation 7:9-17].
2022-12-16 "Pre-Wrath" Rapture: Can you debunk the "pre-wrath" view of Revelatlion? [Revelation 16, John 6:39-40, John 6:44, John 6:54].
The Saints in Revelation: Who are the Saints in Heaven in Revelation? [Revelation 7:9-17].
2022-12-15 Allegiance in Politics: Caller shares how he was drawn to listen to the show because of Steve saying that he was not partisan in his politics, but his allegiance was to God.
Events that Follow Death: What exactly happens after someone passes away? [Philippians 1:23, 2 Corinthians 5:8, 2 Corinthians 5:1].
144,000: I am fuzzy on the 144,000 in Revelation, can you clarify? [Revelation 14, Revelation 7, Hebrews 12:23].
2022-12-09 "Binding" of Satan During the Church Age: Did the early church fathers believe that the time from the early church until Christ's return is the time of Satan's being symbolically bound? Recommended; Topical Lecture: "When Shall These Things Be?" [Revelation 20].
"Mark of the Beast": Since there has never been a time when we have not been able to "buy or sell", what do you say to a Dispensationalist? Recommended; Topical Lecture: "When Shall These Things Be?" [Revelation 13:18, Revelation 14:1, Luke 2:1, Daniel 7:1-7, Deuteronomy 6:8].
2022-12-09 "Binding" of Satan During the Church Age: Did the early church fathers believe that the time from the early church until Christ's return is the time of Satan's being symbolically bound? Recommended; Topical Lecture: "When Shall These Things Be?" [Revelation 20].
"Mark of the Beast": Since there has never been a time when we have not been able to "buy or sell", what do you say to a Dispensationalist? Recommended; Topical Lecture: "When Shall These Things Be?" [Revelation 13:18, Revelation 14:1, Luke 2:1, Daniel 7:1-7, Deuteronomy 6:8].
2022-12-08 The Seven Letters of Revelation: Why were the Revelation letters addressed to the Greek or Turkish congregations, rather than the Jersusalem churches, since it was a warning? [Revelation 2, Luke 21:23].
Full Preterism vs Partial Preterism Steve clarifies that there is a significant difference between full and partial preterism, and mentions his new book; "Why Not Full Preterism."
Chronology of Revelation 19 & 20: When Jesus is riding on the white horse in Revelation 19 in His Second Coming, then is Chapter 20 a recapitulation of the church age. Recommended; Commentary, "Four Views of Revelation" by Steve Gregg.
2022-12-08 The Seven Letters of Revelation: Why were the Revelation letters addressed to the Greek or Turkish congregations, rather than the Jersusalem churches, since it was a warning? [Revelation 2, Luke 21:23].
Full Preterism vs Partial Preterism Steve clarifies that there is a significant difference between full and partial preterism, and mentions his new book; "Why Not Full Preterism."
Chronology of Revelation 19 & 20: When Jesus is riding on the white horse in Revelation 19 in His Second Coming, then is Chapter 20 a recapitulation of the church age. Recommended; Commentary, "Four Views of Revelation" by Steve Gregg.
2022-12-05 Faith or Sound Doctrine: Is it more important for a church to have more faith or sound doctrine? [Luke 12:23, John 13:35, Revelation 2:4].
2022-11-23 Jesus Has Already Come: Is this verse in Matthew 16 saying that Jesus has already come? [Matthew 16:28, Revelation 2:5, Isaiah 19:1, Matthew 19:21, Matthew 22, 2 Peter 1:16, Revelation 3:21, John 14:21].
2022-11-23 Questioning Steve's View of Revelation: You have not yet answered problems I see about your view of Revelation, such as, the date of writing, wormwood, earthquakes, Laodicea and the 144,000. Recommended; Verse-by-verse lectures on Revelation. [Revelation 8:11-13, Exodus 15:25, Haggai 2:6-7, Revelation 7, Revelation 14, Hebrews 12:22].
2022-11-22 Jesus is God: Where does it say that Jesus is God? Recommended; topical lecture; "Knowing God; Deity of Christ." John 1:1. Romans 9:5, Titus 2:13, 2 Peter 1:1, Revelation 1:8, Revelation 11:1, Revelation 11:17-18].
2022-11-16 The Tribulation & the Rapture: How long will the tribulation last after Jesus comes back? [Revelation 7:14, Matthew 24:21].
2022-11-15 Pre-Trib Treatment of the Jews: Why do Pre-Tribbers think that the Jews will be treated differently during the tribulation? [Exodus 19:5-6, Hebrews 8:13, Galatians 3:16, Genesis 17:4].
Unconditional Covenants to the Jews: Were there unconditional covenants with the Jews? [2 Samuel 7:12, John 10:16].
All Will See His Return: What do you say to someone who says that "every eye will see Him" is after the tribulation? [I Thessalonians 4:15, 2 Thessalonians 1:6-8, Revelation 1:7].
2022-11-14 Sparing the Righteous: How does the verse about God sparing the righteous from being put to death in Genesis 18 jibe with the plagues in Revelation? [Genesis 18:23-25, Revelation 7, Revelation 9:4].
2022-11-14 Discouragment in Prayer vs Hardness of Heart: If someone is struggling because of the discouragement in their failures in reoccuring sin, therefore finding it hard to pray, is their heart becoming hardened? [Luke 18:1-8, Daniel 10:10-14, Psalm 103:13-14, Hebrews 4:14-16, Revelation 12:12, Matthew 4:11, Luke 4:13, Matthew 26:41].
2022-11-11 Paradise: Is Jesus saying to the thief that He is going to meet him in the garden of Eden, when he says "Paradise"? [Revelation 2:7, Luke 23:43, 2 Corinthians 12:4, Revelation 22:1-3].
2022-11-09 Returning Jews: What do you make of the returning Jews to their homeland?
"All Israel Will be Saved": Does "all Israel will be saved" refer to believing Jews and believing gentiles together?
144,000: Is the 144,000 literal? [Revelation 14:4, James 1:1, James 1:18].
2022-11-08 1260 Days (3.5 years) in Revelation: Could you explain the significance of the 1260 days? [Revelation 11:2-3, Revelation 12:6, Revelation 13:5, Revelation 12:14]. Recommended; Verse-by-verse lectures on Revelation at
2022-11-07 Satan's Release: Is it possible that Satan is already being released at this point in time? [Revelation 20:7-8].
Two Witnesses: Could the defeat of the two witnesses in Revelation 11 be correlated to the "little season" in Revelation 20? [Revelation 11, Revelation 20].
2022-11-07 Satan's Release: Is it possible that Satan is already being released at this point in time? [Revelation 20:7-8].
Two Witnesses: Could the defeat of the two witnesses in Revelation 11 be correlated to the "little season" in Revelation 20? [Revelation 11, Revelation 20].
2022-11-04 Free Will vs "Once Saved, Always Saved": Have you ever thought that if "Once Saved, Always Saved" is true, then it ultimately is taking away our free will? [I Timothy 4:1, 2 Peter 2:19, Revelations 12:11, 2 Timothy 2:26].
2022-11-03 Millennial Reign: Is there going to be a literal, physical, millennial reign on earth when Jesus comes? Recommended; "When Shall These Things Be?" & commentary; "Revelation-Four Views."[Revelation 20:9, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
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