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Topic: Revelation (Book)

Showing 1,101 to 1,150 of 1,329.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-05-06 New Heavens & Earth: New heavens & new earth are created, new Jerusalem comes out of Heaven, so is it the new capital city? [Revelation 21]
2016-05-03 Physical Temple of Ezekiel to a Spiritual Temple of Revelation: How to do tie a real physical temple of Ezekiel 43 with a "spiritual" one? You seem to make it a physical one in Ezekiel to a spiritual one in the same chapter. [Revelation 22, Ezekiel 43:10-12]
2016-05-02 12 Stones in Revelation: Are the 12 stones representative of the 12 tribes or maybe the 12 stones of the ephod of the high priests? [Revelation 21:19]
Throne of God & Throne of the Lamb: Are there 2 thrones or one in Heaven, Revelation?
Tree on 2 Sides of the River: Are there's one tree on 2 sides of the rivers, so the trunk is split in 2? [Revelation 22:2, Ezekiel 37]
2016-04-19 "I Stand at the Door & Knock": Can we use this phrase, "Behold, i stand at the door & knock & if anyone opens the door, I'll come in" as a repentance tool to get people to repent & ask Jesus into their heart? [Revelation 3:20]
2016-04-13 The Binding of Satan: As an amillennialist such as you are, what is your view about the "binding of Satan" then? [Revelation 20:2-3, Luke 11]
2016-04-08 Arianism & Montanism: Can you tell me both about Arianism & Montanism?
Increase in Interest in Eschatology: Have you been getting an uptick in the amount of calls about Revelation?
2016-04-04 Olivet Discourse with Book of Revelation: Can we compare Matthew 24 with Revelation 6? What about Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 also?
Studying the Bible: Does the Bible tell you how to study the Bible?
Memorizing or Meditating on the Scripture: Are we supposed to meditate &/or memorize the Bible?
2016-04-04 False Prophet of Revelation: Who is the false prophet talked about in Revelation? [Revelation 19, Revelation 13]
2016-04-01 Narrow Path Lectures: Caller is concerned about the lectures he wanted to listen to that just cutting off. Technology not quite working as well as it's supposed to.
The White Horse in Revelation: Is the White Horse in Revelation 19 Jesus or what? (Jesus' second coming or an extension of the gospel.) [Revelation 19:11-19]
2016-04-01 Satan having but a Short Time: Can we link these 2 verses together about Satan having a short time? What does Steve think about this idea? [Revelation 20:3, Revelation 12:12]
2016-03-31 Date of the Book of Revelation: When was the Book of Revelatoin written & what style was it written in? People say it's very similar to Jewish writings before Jesus.
Having Doubt: Caller considers herself a Christian but is still a skeptic, still finds that she has a lot of doubt.
2016-03-31 Dan & Ephraim: Why are the tribes of Dan & Ephraim missing in Revelation? Numbers were used in uniform, a whole, for symbolic reasons in Revelation, so they had to maintain 12, even though there were 13 tribes?
2016-03-29 7 Spirits in Revelation: What are they 7 spirits that are found in Revelation, angels or what? [Isaiah 11:2] Revelation 1:4, Revelation 3:1, Revelation 4:5, Revelation 5:6]
2016-03-18 Staying in Current State: What does this mean, that some would be just & unjust, some would be filthy & some righteous, some holy & some unholy? [Revelation 22:11]
One Will be Taken, One Left: What does it mean "one will be taken, one will be left" mean? [Matthew 24:40-48, Luke 17:31-37]
2016-03-17 People following the Lamb (144,000): Who are the people who follow the Lamb or just who are the 144,000? [Revelation 14:4]
2016-03-07 Woman & Dragon of Revelation: Who is the woman & the dragon of Revelation? [Revelation 12]
2016-03-03 Forgiving an Unrepentant Person: What about forgiving someone who hasn't repented to you? [Luke 17:3-4, Matthew 18:21-35, Revelation 6:9-10]
Informing the Guilty Party: What if the guilty person doesn't know they they need to ask for forgiveness, repentance?
Sacrificing for your Enemies: So you'd sacrifice yourself for ISIS?
2016-03-02 Taking Parts of the Bible Literally: How do we know what to take literal, especially numbers in Revelation?
2016-02-23 24 Elders in Revelation: The Dispensationalist view is that the 24 elders represents the church, & if the 12 disciples are part of these, wouldn't John be including himself in them? Can you comment on this? [Revelation 4:4]
2016-02-23 Comments about 24 Elders & Preterism: Caller has a convoluted way of saying Revelation is mostly talking about 70 AD & not the future, talking about 24 elders & so on.
2016-02-22 Differing Groups of Saints: There isn't going to be different groups of saints, is there?
2016-02-17 The Revelation of Jesus: Can you explain the Revelation that was given to Jesus, which was then given to the angels, which was then given to John, & the 7 churches?
Women Apostles or Bishops: What is your take woman apostles in the Bible & are there any in modern times, apostles or bishops?
2016-02-16 Steve's Wrong about Preterism: Caller thinks Steve is wrong about preterism, & the 7 churches are Dispensations of time in light of read 2 Timothy 3:1-7. [2 Timothy 3:1-7]
2016-02-10 "What are we to Make of Israel?": Caller comments on lecture series “What are we to Make of Israel?”, saying how good they are, & that he's on his second time of listening to them.
Missing Tribe of Dan: Caller has a theory responding to a previous call about why Dan was not included in the list of Revelation 7. [Revelation 7:4-8]
Contradictory Numbers in Scripture: Was it 20 years or 40 years that the Ark remained in Kirjathjearim because the math doesn't seem to be working out in light of what it says in [1 Samuel 7:2, Acts 13:22]
2016-02-05 The White Horse: Who do you think the white horse actually is? Jesus? The roman armies when they first start the onslaught of Jerusalem? You don't seem hard enough on people who believe dispensationalism. [Revelation 6:1-8]
2016-01-12 Souls under the Altar: Who were the martyrs that were under the altar? Were they Slain for the Word of God? [Revelation 6, Revelation 7]
Innumerable Company (Great Multitude): Who are the Great Multitude in Revelation? [Revelation 7:9-17]
2016-01-06 Harmonizing End time Event Scripture: Are these connected in any way? [Daniel 12:10, Revelation 22:11]
2015-12-31 Reconciling Scripture [Matthew 6:33, 1 Corinthians 4:11]: How do we reconcile Jesus saying He'll provide everything we need, but then Paul saying we might go hungry & be beaten & so on? [Matthew 6:33, 1 Corinthians 4:11]
Reconciling Scripture - Meat Sacrificed to Idols: In Revelation it seems to be a big deal about eating meat sacrificed to idols, but not a very big deal to Paul. How do you reconcile those 2 things? [Revelation 2:14, 1 Corinthians 8:9-13, Revelaion 17:1, Revelation 1:20].
2015-12-30 The Ark of the Covenant: Is the Ark that is mentioned in Revelation 11 the same Ark of the Covenant? Do you believe the Ark of the Covenant is still in existence? [Revelation 11:19]
24 Elders: Who do you think the 24 Elders are? [Revelation 11:16]
2015-12-04 The Course in Miracles: What do you think about, "the Course in Miracles"?
Two Witnesses: Who are the 2 Witnesses of Revelation 11?
Woman of Revelation 11 & 12: Who is the pregnant woman of the last part of Revelation 11 & chapter 12?
2015-12-03 1st & 2nd Resurrection: What exactly is this verse about the 2nd resurrection? What was the FIRST resurrection? [Revelation 20:5]
"Souls under the Altar": Is it possible the "souls under the altar" is coming to fruition in Revelation 20:5 & the second resurrection?
Calculating the number of the Beast: So the number of the beast was to be calculated during the time the book of Revelation was written?
2015-12-03 Scroll & the 7 Seals: Isn't the Scroll & the 7 Seals more talking about the redemptive plan of salvation more than a judgment? [Revelation 5-7]
2015-11-25 Beasts - Kingdoms of Daniel 7 & Revelation 13: Caller just wanted to give his theory of the beasts of Revelation 13 & Daniel 7 & the gospel Matthew. Steve even thinks it could be plausible.
2015-11-24 "& his deadly wound was healed": I know you believe a completely different paradigm that do Dispensationalist when it comes to Revelation, but what do you think about the deadly wound being healed because I don't recall that happening to Antiochus Epiphanes? [Revelation 13:3]
Two Witnesses: So then who are the 2 Witnesses? [Revelation 11]
2015-11-23 Manifestation of the Sons of God: What does it mean, "the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God" in {Romans 8:19]? So does "manifestation of the sons of God" means He'll reveal Jesus to us?
The Woman of Revelation 12: They have a discussion about the woman of Revelation 12 that fled into the wilderness? [Revelation 12:6]
2015-11-11 Remission of sins: i'd really like to know the meaning of this verse, the "remitting or retaining the sins of people". What does that mean? [John 20:23]
"All you want to know about Hell": Caller likes both books of Steve Gregg, "3 views of Hell", as well as "4 views Revelation". Steve comments.
2015-11-11 Write the things thou hast seen, which are, which shall be hereafter: Are things involving that verse, the things John has seen, the things which are & the things will still have yet to take place, talking about things in chronological order? Revelation 1:19
2015-11-10 1st & 2nd Resurrection: Listening to your audio on Revelation, could you clarify the 1st resurrection & no mention of a 2nd resurrection, the 2nd death but no 1st death. Can you explain that? [Revelation 20, John 5:24, Ephesians 2. Colossians 2:12-13]
Dispensationalists: Where does the construct of Revelation not follow the chronological order like Dispensationalists think it does? [Revelation 11, Revelation 12, Revelation 6]
2015-11-10 Lukewarmness: Who are the hot, cold & lukewarm? [Revelation 3:15-16]
2015-11-09 Battle of Armageddon Statistics: Do you remember the call about the person who called in about the Battle of Armageddon, 200 million tanks?
Dispensationalism vs Preterism: Can you say what each camp DOES say about the 200 million army, both of Dispensationalism & Preterism? [Revelation 9:15-18]
2015-11-03 Historicism & 1,200 days: Can you explain the historicists view regarding Revelation 11 & the 1,200 days?
2015-10-27 Dating of the Book of Revelation: The church of Sardis/Smyrna wasn't even established until well after 70 AD, so there is no way Revelation could be written before then.
Sons of the Kingdom: Who are the people that come from the east & the west & sit down w/ Abraham, Isaac & Jacob & who are the Sons of the kingdom who will be cast out into outer darkness? [Matthew 8:11-12]
2015-10-21 John & the Island of Patmos: When was John on the island of Patmos?
Mark of the Beast: I don't think the Mark of the Beast has ever happened yet, & I was wondering how you accounted for that part?
2015-10-15 Mark of the Beast: What is the Mark of the Beast & 666, & so on?
2015-10-12 Steve's Mom, A. Wetherell Johnson & Bible Study Fellowship (BSF): So Steve's mom learned under A Wetherell Johnson's teaching in BSF?
Preterism, Church Fathers & John at Patmos: Eusebius says that John the Revelator was exiled at Patmos in 95 AD, so wouldn't that put a damper in the book of Revelation being written before 70 AD? [Revelation 1:9]
Dating of the Book of Revelation: So you use both external & internal evidence, & one of those categories gives more evidence for a late date, but the other one gives more evidence for an early date, is that right?
2015-10-01 Partial-Rapture Theory - Man-child Comapany God pulls some people faster than others, but the part of the gleaning is now considered wrong & caller thinks that another caller needs to take that into account. [Revelation 12]
2015-09-25 Ruling w/ an Iron Scepter: When does that take place, Ruling w/ an iron scepter? [Revelation 2:27]
2015-09-22 "Eat the Little Book": Is the little book in Revelation that John is asked to eat, is it the book he is dictating to him? [Revelation 10]
2015-09-21 Amillennialism: Caller thinks that the reason people USED to believe in Amillennialism is because they couldn't see Revelation being fulfilled like it is 1,800 yrs later, but thinks Dispensationalism is unfolding before her eyes.
2015-09-21 Revelation being fulfilled in present time: Are we in the period of time of?, the caller would like to know. [Revelation 3:9]
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