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Topic: Revelation (Book)

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Episode Topic Audio
2013-10-02 Calvinists Tending to be Cessationists: Does it seem that most Calvinists are cessationists, having an intellectual experience towards spirituality? Caller is going to go down & see John MacArthur's conference called, "Strange Fire".
"Worship Before thy Feet": What is this verse in Revelation 3 talking about? They won't be worshipping us, will they? [Revelation 3:9]
Nero fitting the bill of 666: If Nero did represent the calculation of 666, wouldn't that put the date of Revelation much earlier than 95 AD?
2013-09-26 Slain from the Foundation of the World: NASB says seems to apply the phrase, "slain from the foundation of the world" in a completely different location, changing the meaning. Is that true? [Revelation 13:8]
Quakers: Do you know anything about the Quakers? Do they really not have a pulpit, so anyone can go up & speak instead of just having it for a sole Pastor?
Calvinism & Arminianism: How are Calvinism & Arminianism different? You believe in Arminianism?
2013-09-18 Righteous Still & Filthy Still Isn't there a verse in Revelation that says that it'll become so evil in the last days that they are set in their ways that it's impossible to change? [Revelation 22:11]
2013-09-18 Adding to the Bible: What do does Steve think of these passage of Scripture in Revelation that says anyone who adds or takes away from the Bible (or Revelation), that it's going to be bad for them? [Revelation 22:18-19]
2013-09-17 Sorcery, Drugs & Pharmakeia: Are we supposed to be using mind-altering drugs for healing since it's a form of sorcery according to Revelation? [Revelation 18:23, Revelation 9:21, Revelation 21:8, Revelation 22:15, Galatians 5:19-21]
2013-09-12 Scarlet Beast and the Harlot: Who is the Scarlet Beast and the Harlot? [Revelation 17, Revelation 18, Revelation 19]
Dating of the Book of Revelation: When was the book of Revelation written?
2013-08-28 The Bride of Christ: Who is the Bride of Christ? There seems to be some confusion because some parts of Scripture say one thing, & then another part says something else. Can Steve help him out? [Revelation 19:7, Ephesians 5:22-33, Revelation 21:9]
The Parable of 10 Virgins: Some people think that "the Bride of Christ" & "the church" are distinctively different, that the Bride is consecrated to Him, ready to go, whereas you have your "wordly" Christians. Is there any truth to that? [Revelation 19:7
2013-08-26 Harlot Being Jerusalem: Is the Harlot Jerusalem & the "Great City" in Revelation 17 talking about Jerusalem & 7 mountains & the beast seems to be talking about Kings. I'm I right on that? [Revelation 17:1-18]
First Resurrection meaning Born Again: So if the first resurrection in Revelation 20 means being regenerated, coming to life in Christ, what if we Fall Away but come back, does that still count as the "first" resurrection? {Revelation 20, Hebrews 6:4-6]
2013-08-26 Harlot Being Jerusalem: Is the Harlot Jerusalem & the "Great City" in Revelation 17 talking about Jerusalem & 7 mountains & the beast seems to be talking about Kings. I'm I right on that? [Revelation 17:1-18]
First Resurrection meaning Born Again: So if the first resurrection in Revelation 20 means being regenerated, coming to life in Christ, what if we Fall Away but come back, does that still count as the "first" resurrection? {Revelation 20, Hebrews 6:4-6]
2013-08-22 70 AD Judgment: Are all these passages of Scripture talking about the 70 AD judgment also? [Romans 16:20, 1 Peter 10:13, 1 Peter 4:7]
7 Letters to the 7 Churches: What did the 7 churches in Revelation have to do with 70 AD?
2013-08-19 Prophecy Fulfilled: Do you think all prophecy has been fulfilled?
Apocalyptic Events in Revelation: Do you think the apocalyptic events in Revelation have been fulfilled? [Revelation]
The Anti-Christ: Who do you think the anti-Christ is?
2013-08-13 God's Judgment Currently: Is God judging nations right now? [John 3]
Letters of Revelation to Asia: Why were the letters in Revelation only sent to Asia?
2013-08-12 Revelation Fascination & not Love for Jesus: It seems that loving Jesus & loving poeple is more important than what's going to happen in the end times, the caller thinks.
2013-08-12 God's War on Terror, Islam, Prophecy and the Bible by Walid Shoebat: Caller thinks a book called, "God's War on Terror: Islam, Prophecy and the Bible" by Walid Shobat is an excellent book on the books of Daniel & Revelation & understanding eschatology.
2013-08-08 144,000: Who are the 144,000? Were they chosen by God? What is their purpose? [Revelation 7, Revelation 14:1-5]
2013-08-05 Mark of the Beast Future: Caller wants to contest that the Book of Revelation is all future, especially the Mark of the Beast.
2013-07-31 Millennial Reign: Why don't you believe in a literal 1000 years? [Revelation 20]
Defending Dispensationalism: Discussion Defending Dispensationalism.[Daniel 9:24]
2013-07-30 Blotting Out Names-"Book of Life": Because scripture says only that names are blotted out of the "Book of Life", are our names in there before we are born? [Revelation 3:5].
Ezekiel's Temple Still Future: Caller's pastor thinks there's no way Ezekiel is not talking about a future temple.
2013-07-29 Teaching Revelation: Church doesn't teach from the book of Revelation & caller is concerned about that.
2013-07-25 "Dog" in Scripture: In addition to referencing gentiles, can you give other meanings of the word "dog" when used symbolically in scripture? [Philippians 3:2, Revelation 22:15, Deuteronomy 23:18, Matthew 15:22-28, Matthew 7:6]
2013-07-23 "Earnest Expectation of the Creature": Can you explain the passage in Romans 8 regarding the creature expecting a new body in light of 2 Peter & Revelation? [Romans 8:18-25, 2 Peter 3:13, Revelation 20]
2013-07-23 "I Make All Things New": What is the reference for the verse you cited earlier about, "See, i make all things new"? [Revelation 21:5]
2013-07-15 666 in the Old Testament: Is there any significance of 666 in the Old Testament, as with the number in Revelation? [1 Kings 10:14, Revelation 13:18]
Propitiation: Can you talk about the word, "Propitiation"? [Romans 3:25, 1 John 2:2, 1 John 4:10]
God Hates the Sin, but Loves the Sinner: Caller's pastor thinks God's hates the sin and the sinner who's doing the sin? [Romans 5:6]
2013-07-10 Mark of the Beast & Commerce: Can you explain the "Mark of the Beast" and not being abe to buy or sell? [Revelation 13:17]
2013-07-09 3.5 Years in Revelation: Can you explain the 3.5 years described in Revelation?
God taking the Jews out of Jerusalem: Why did God take the Jews out of Jerusalem and Israel?
2013-07-09 666 in the Old Testament: Caller asks about the number "666" in the Old Testament. [1 Kings 10:14]
2013-07-01 God's Foreknowledge, Sovereignty & Free Will: How do we have free will if God knows everything that's going to be happening in the future? [Psalms 139:14, Revelation 13:8]
2013-06-11 The Plagues of Revelation: If the plagues happen after Jesus comes back, why would they be necessary?
2013-06-10 Sin After Jesus' Second Coming: Is there going to be the possibility of sin after Jesus comes back? [Revelation 21:4, Revelation 22:3]
Eating in Eternity: Will we be eating in eternity?
2013-06-06 4 Views of Revelation: Caller enjoys Steve's book, "Revelation, 4 Views".
"A Woman Shall Encompass a Man": What does Jeremiah mean-"a woman shall encompass a man"? [Jeremiah 31:22, John 16:21, Zechariah 3:9, Zechariah 14:7]
"Nor the Desire of a Woman": What does it mean of the king "nor the desire of a woman"? {Daniel 11:36-37]
2013-06-06 Hell-Jehovah's Witness & their View of Annihilationism: Can you talk about "eternal torment" in hell & the Jehovah's Witness view of Annihilationism? [Matthew 7:25-26, Revelation 14:10-11, Revelation 21:8].
2013-05-31 Caller comments on the "Heart": Caller agrees that the concern of Jesus is always the heart.
"Federal Headship": Could you comment on "Federal Headship" and what that really means? [I Colossians 1:13].
The "Two Swords:" Could you comment on the directive to the disciples about the "two swords' in Luke? [Luke 22:35-38, Matthew 26:52, James 5:6, Ephesians 6:17, Revelation 19:15, Isaiah 53:12, Mark 15:28].
2013-05-30 Symbolism in Revelation: Caller suggest how easy it is to understand the symbolism (tanks and horsemen) of the book of Revelation.Very humorous call-See: YouTube;
2013-05-29 200 Million Horsemen in Revelation: What is the Futurist's view of the literal meaning of "200 million horsemen" in Revelation? Recommended YouTube video: "How Many Horseman?" [Revelation 16:12, Revelation 9:16-18].
2013-05-27 "Morning Star" as Satan in Isaiah: Is it possible that the reference to the "man" and the "morning star" in Isaiah could be a reference to an angel? Recommended; topical lecture, "Topical Isaiah." [Isaiah 14:12, Luke 10:18, Isaiah 14:15, Job 38:7, Revelation 22:16, Numbers 24:15-17, Revelation 12:7-10, Matthew 11:23].
2013-05-27 "Rest" in Death & the Grave: Why don't people bring up these verses in Isaiah about death being a "rest" in bed? [Isaiah 57:1-2, Philippians 1:21, Revelation 12:11].
2013-05-24 Financial Debt: Should I allow someone take advantange of me regarding a bill she claims I owe, as a witness to Christ? [Proverbs 18:1,I Corinthians 6, Colossians 3:17, Romans 12:18].
Destination of Satan: Comment about the origins of Satan; If Satan was created as he is, then it seems unfair for him to be cast into eternal fire. [Revelation 20:10, Revelation 20:19].
2013-05-22 Origin of Satan: How could the angels have sinned if they were in heaven? Is there sin in heaven? [Isaiah 14:12, Ezekiel 28:12-17, Luke 10:18, John 12:31, John 8:44, I John 3:8].
Satan in Heaven: Didn't Satan have access to heaven because he was walking to and fro in Job? Then, was he not cast out of heaven? [Job 1:7, Job 2:2, Revelation 12:7-10].
2013-05-22 Revelation's War in Heaven: Could you offer some cliff notes on Revelation's war in heaven and the casting out of Satan? Recommended; verse-by-verse lectures & topical "Spiritual Warfare". [Revelation 12:7-12, John 12].
2013-05-15 Date of the Writing of Revelation: What date of writing do you support, and what are some of the most important points to consider? Recommends book by Steve; "Revelation-Four Views." [Revelation 11:1-2].
2013-05-13 Charitable Organizations (501c3): Comment regarding what is allowed under 501c3 (charitable organizations) and how the government will shut a church down that talks about the antichrist and Jewish gangsters. [1 John 2:22, Revelation 2:6].
2013-05-09 Heaven-Immediately or Later: When someone dies, do they go immediately go to heaven, or do they lie in the grave for years? [Luke 23:43, Luke 16:19-31, Philippians 1:23, 2 Corinthians 5:8, Revelation 6:9].
2013-05-08 The Unclean Widow: What made the widow unclean in Luke 4 paralleled to I Kings 17? [Luke 4:26-38, I Kings 17:7-16, Acts 10:9-16].
Binding Satan (the Strong Man): Can you help me sort our the binding of Satan, the taking of the strong man's house, and Satan being loosed? [Luke 11:21, Mark 3:28, Matthew 12:29, Revelation 20:7, I Peter 5:8].
2013-05-07 What are We to Buy?: What are we being told to buy in Revelation 3? [Revelation 3:17, I Peter 1:7].
2013-05-02 "Jesus" or "God" Blessings: Does it make any difference if one says, "Jesus bless you" vs "God bless you." [Acts 7:59, Revelation 22:20].
2013-05-02 Five Horsemen in the Apocalypse: Were there 4 or 5 horsemen in the Apocalypse? [Revelation 6:8, Revelation 19:11].
2013-05-01 Justice: Caller shares a Steve Gregg quote on justice: "God cannot ignore justice without becoming an unjust God."
Jesus Not Always SO Sweet: Comment; The church is mistaken about how sweet Jesus always is and the following verses show this. [Matthew 7:23, Revelation 2:22-23, Revelation 2:5, Revelation 3:16, John 14:9].
2013-04-30 Satan-Dragon & Dinosaur: Do you think that Satan was a real dragon-like a dinosaur? [Ezekiel 28:14, Isaiah 14:12, Revelation 12:3-4, Revelation 12:9, Isaiah 27:1].
2013-04-29 "Eternal Fire" or "Annihilation" of Hell: I was listening to a Seventh Day Adventist program about hell and wonder if you could talk about the various views of Hell? [Matthew 10:28, Luke 12:47-48, Matthew 10:15, Matthew 25:46, Revelion 14:11, Revelation 20:10, Revelation 20:14, I Corinthians 15:26].
2013-04-29 Baby Jesus' in House, Not Stable: Did someone take Mary and Jesus into a house, moving them from the stable? [Matthew 2:16, Matthew 2:11].
Hell & Abraham's Bosom: In the story of the rich man and Lazaras in Abraham's bosom, when did hell become, hell? [Revelation 20:14].
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