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Topic: Revelation (Book)

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Episode Topic Audio
2020-10-20 Today's 21st Century View: In light of the Amillennial view, where exactly in scripture do we put today's (21st Century) events? [Revelation 20:9].
2020-10-16 Where Do We Go Upon Death: Where do we go the minute we die, to heaven or in suspension until the resurrection? [I Thessalonians 4:13-16, I Corinthians 15, 2 Corinthians 5:8, Revelation 6:10].
2020-10-15 What is Yet to Come in the Book of Revelation: What do you think is still left to happen in the book of Revelation? [1Thessalonians 4, Acts 1:11, Revelation 11:15, 2 Thessalonians 1:8, Matthew 24:2, Revelation 1:1, Luke 21:7].
2020-10-14 America Discussed in Jeremiah: Is America being discussed in Jeremiah? [Jeremiah 50:12, Revelation 11:8, Isaiah 1, Jeremiah 50-51].
2020-10-14 The Millennium: Where would you put the 1000 year millennium in Revelation 20? [Revelation 17-20, Matthew 12, Colossians 2:15, Hebrews 2:14, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
2020-10-14 Mark of the Beast: Could you explain the "mark of the beast"? [Revelation 13:16-18, Revelation 14:1, Deuteronomy 6:8].
2020-10-13 Dispensationalism Destroyed: Doesn't this verse destroy Dispensationalism entirely? [John 5:28, I Thessalonians 4, Revelation 20, John 6, 2 Peter 3, John 12:48, Revelation 21].
2020-10-08 Antichrist Developed by Monk: What monk was it that you referred to about trying to come up with information about the antichrist? (Francisco Ribera). [1 John 2:18, Daniel 8, Revelation 13, 2 Thessalonians 2].
2020-10-05 Revelation About the Future Rather than AD 70: Why do you suppose that so many people think that the book of Revelation is about the future, rather than AD 70?
2020-09-29 Paradise & The New Jerusalem: Is not the New Jerusalem called "Paradise" [Revelation 2:7].
Abortion to Save the Life of the Mother: What is your thoughts on an abortion in the case of threat to the mother's life?
2020-09-24 Isaiah's Son: What ever happened to the son born to Isaiah? [Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 8, Matthew 1:23, Isaiah 37:22, Revelation 12].
2020-09-21 Do Not Take Away From the Scriptures: Would you put a finer point on the passages about the Bible about "not adding or taking away from scripture"? [Revelation 22:18, Deuteronomy 4:2 & 12:32, Proverbs 30:6, Colossians 2:21, Genesis 3:3].
2020-09-21 Jesus Killing Jezebel's Children: Does Jesus kill Jezebel's children in the future? [Revelation 2:20-23].
2020-09-17 Former Membership in Cults: Should one who once belonged to a cultic group, should they have their name taken off the rolls?
War in Heaven: How can there be war in heaven? [Revelation 12:7, Daniel 10].
2020-09-16 Feast of Tabernacles for the Return: Why do the Dispensationalists and others think that the feast of trumpets relate to the return of Christ? [Acts 2:1, Leviticus 20, Numbers 29:1, John 1:14, Acts 1:7, Matthew 24:36, Matthew 24:44].
2020-09-16 When Did Steve Gregg Change His Mind About Dispensationalism & Interpreting Revelation: About what year did you change your mind about most of Revelation being about the end times, instead being about 70AD?
2020-09-15 Revelation Prophesy for Our Times and Our Future: Does not this verse prove that Revelation prophecy has not yet happened and that it is about our future? [Revelation 3:10, Luke 2:1, Acts 2:5, Colossians 1:6].
2020-09-14 The 144,000 in Revelation: Who do you think is the 144,000 in the book of Revelation? [Romans 2:28, Revelation 14, James 1:18].
2020-09-14 COVID Vaccine & The Mark of the Beast: Do you see a connection between the "mark of the beast" and the new COVID vaccine? [Revelation].
2020-09-14 Prophecies in Daniel & Revelation: If Revelation was written before 70AD, then what do the prophesies in Daniel 2, 7, and Revelation 13 represent? [Daniel 2, Daniel 2:44, Daniel 7:12-13, Daniel 7, Revelation 13].
Christ Conquers & Reigns: Doesn't the image of Christ conquering and reigning have a future fulfillment when He reigns physically, since He certainly doesn't reign now? [Colossians 1:13, Philippians 2:8-11, Daniel 7:14, Matthew 13:24-30].
Birds in Trees = Evil?: Doesn't "birds in trees" represent evil in scripture? [Ezekiel 31, Ezekiel 17, Daniel 4, Matthew 13].
2020-09-10 Satan-An Angel That Fell: Was Satan an angel that fell? [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 26-31, Luke 10:18, Revelation 12, I Timothy 3:6, John 8:44, I John 3:8].
2020-09-10 Full & Partial Preterism: Would you help me understand the basic differences between Full & Partial Preterism? [Luke 19].
What Prophesy is Yet to Come?: What prophesy do you think is yet to come?
2020-09-10 Full & Partial Preterism: Would you help me understand the basic differences between Full & Partial Preterism? [Luke 19].
What Prophesy is Yet to Come?: What prophesy do you think is yet to come?
2020-09-09 Idealist View of Revelation: Would you help me understand the "Idealist" view of Revelation?
Praying in the Spirit: How does one pray in the spirit, if they don't speak in tongues? [Jude 20, I Corinthians 14:14, Ephesians 6:18].
2020-09-09 Modern Israel & Demonic Rejection of Christ: Could the Jewish people rejecting Christ parallel the verse about the demons coming back in force once the exorcized did not fill themselves back up with Christ? [Matthew 12:45, Luke 11:26, Matthew 23].
2020-09-08 Andrew of Caesarea: Are you familiar with Andrew (Andreas) of Caesarea's commentary from 1614 and did you figure out what his view of Revelation was? [Revelatioin 13].
2020-09-04 Getting on the Narrow Path: Contemplating on the verse about "the narrow path", I am concerned that myself and some of my friends are not really on it. Can you help direct me? [Matthew 7:13-14, Matthew 26:41, James 3:2, Matthew 16:24, I John, Revelation 7:9, John 13:35].
2020-09-02 Atoning Death of Jesus: Was Jesus' death what atoned for our sins, or what there more to it? [Isaiah 53:6, I Peter 2:24, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Revelation 14:10].
2020-09-02 Christ Dying for Our Sins, Past, Present, Future: Did Christ's suffering on the cross include feeling the pain of my sins, as He actually felt them at that moment also-sort of outside of time? [Revelation 18:8].
Jesus' Amount of Suffering Due to Enormity of Sins He bore: Did Jesus suffer more on the cross because He was suffering for such an infinite number sins? [Revelation 13:8].
2020-09-02 Christ Dying for Our Sins, Past, Present, Future: Did Christ's suffering on the cross include feeling the pain of my sins, as He actually felt them at that moment also-sort of outside of time? [Revelation 18:8].
Jesus' Amount of Suffering Due to Enormity of Sins He bore: Did Jesus suffer more on the cross because He was suffering for such an infinite number sins? [Revelation 13:8].
2020-09-02 The Beast and an Unbeliever's Doubts: A non-believer comments on his view of the possible meaning of the beast being the internet . He also comments how the predictions of Jesus' return damaged his view. [Revelation 13].
2020-09-01 The Lord's Day: Is "The Lord's Day" Saturday or Sunday?
Seventh Day Adventism: So what do you think about the faith of the Seventh Day Adventist church?
2020-08-31 Who is in Charge on Earth?: Who is actually in charge on earth? [Proverbs 21:1, Psalms 34:7, Daniel 2:24, Romans 8:28].
The Earth Getting Worse Till the End: Do you think that the earth is going to get worse progressively before He returns? [Revelation 20:7-8].
2020-08-28 Addressing Jesus or the Holy Spirit in Our Prayers: Is it acceptable to address Jesus in prayer, or are we disobeying him to not address God directly? [John 16:23-26, Acts 4:25-30, Ephesians 3:14, Matthew 7:11, Matthew 6:9-13], Luke 11:13, Revelation 22:20, Acts 7:59, Ezekiel 37:9].
2020-08-28 Beasts & Kings in Daniel & Revelation: Why in Revelation 13, do you not see an individual king,in addition to the kingdom, similar to it appears in Daniel? [Daniel 7:17, Revelation 13].
2020-08-26 Remaining in Christ: Do you think this verse indicates that "remaining" in Jesus affirms Pelagius' ideas about free will, grace, and choice? [John 15:5, James 1:17].
Adam & Eve Needing to Eat of the Tree of Life: If Adam & Eve had to eat of the tree regularly, why did they only have to eat of The Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil once to be forever cursed with death? [I Timothy 6:16, Revelation 22:3].
2020-08-26 Time of Great Trouble (Tribulation): Does these two verses about a time of great trouble relate to each other? [Matthew 24:21, Daniel 12:1-4, Exodus 9, Joel 2, Daniel 10-12, Revelation 22:10].
2020-08-24 The Two Witnesses: Who do you think the two witnesses are in the book of Revelation? [Revelation 11].
2020-08-19 The Names of Noah's Sons: What do you think about the meaning of the names Shem, Ham, Japheth, as dark, light and gray and its relationship to racial tensions?
"Days of Noah" & End Times: Do you think that we are facing the times described "as in the days of Noah" and in the book of Revelation? [Matthew 24:37-39].
2020-08-19 Eternal Security or Lost Faith: How do you reconcile the promise of eternal life in scripture to your view that one can lose that faith? [John 5:24, Genesis 3:23, Revelation 22:3, John 3:36, John 6:38, Galatians 5:6].
2020-08-19 Identifying the Kings in Isaiah & Revelation: Who are the kings referred to in these scriptures in Isaiah and Revelation? [Isaiah 60:3, Revelation 21:24, Malachi 4:1, Luke 1:78-79, Matthew 4:12-14, Isaiah 9:1-2, Luke 2:29-32, Isaiah 52:15, Romans 15:21].
2020-08-17 Satan Was Not a Created Being: Caller disagrees with Steve saying the Satan was a fallen angel and not a created being. [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28, Revelation 12:7-9].
2020-08-14 The Movie, "The Coming Convergence": Have you heard of the movie, "The Coming Convergence" and could you give me some feedback about the predictions from it? [Ezekiel 38-39, Matthew 24].
2020-08-10 "Man of Sin" in the Temple of God: Could you explain passage about the "man of sin" being revealed and sitting in the temple of God? [2 Thessalonians 2:3-12, I Corinthians, 2 Corinthians].
The Beast and the False Prophet: Would you explain the beast and the false prophet? [Revelation 13, Revelation 19:20, Revelation 20:14].
2020-08-10 God Can't Look Upon Evil: If God can't be in the presence of evil then how can Satan be in heaven? [Habbakkuk 1:13, Zechariah 3:1-2, Revelation 12].
2020-08-10 Calvary Chapel's View of End Times: Could you clarify what differences you have with Calvary Chapel and why they would consider some of your views as heretical?
Angels Could Fall Again: If angels have fallen in the past, what prevents them from falling again? [2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6].
2020-08-07 Wood, Hay, and Stubble: Would you comment on the meaning of the verses about building on wood, hay and stubble? [1 Corinthians 3:14-15, 1 Corinthians 1-4, Malachi 3, I Peter 2:5, I Peter 1:7, Matthew 10:22, Revelation 2:10, I Thessalonians 3:3-4].
2020-08-06 New Age vs. Christianity: Would you talk about the differences between the "New Age Movement" and Christianity?
New Age & the Antichrist: Would you clarify if the deception of the New Age Movement can be linked to the beast? [ I John 2, 2 Corinthians 11, Revelation 13, 2 Thessalonians 2, Daniel 8-11].
2020-08-05 Lake of Fire Destination of the Beast: What is the chronology in Revelation 19-20, when the devil is thrown into the lake of fire in 20:10, but in the Amillennial view the beast and false prophet would have already been thrown there. [Revelation 11-12, Revelation 19-20].
2020-08-05 Notes for Revelation: Do you have downloadable notes for your lecture series on Revelation?
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