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Topic: Revelation (Book)

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Episode Topic Audio
2020-04-22 Sealed Prophecy in Daniel: When was the prophecy described in Daniel unsealed, and who unsealed it, under what circumstances? [Daniel 12, Isaiah 8:16, Revelation 22:10, 5:1-2].
2020-04-22 Date of Writing for the Book of Revelation: Would you review the arguments for the date of writing for the book of Revelation? [Revelation 11:1, 17:10, 13:18].
2020-04-22 Preterism & Events Surrounding A.D.70: How can Revelation be about events before A.D.70, if so much of the what is described happened after A.D.70? [Revelation 2:8-11].
2020-04-21 The Papacy & the Rider on the White Horse: Did the reformers believe that the rider on the white was the Pope or papacy? [Revelation 6:1, 13].
Pre-Tribulation Rapture: Does the phrase in Revelation 4 about the trumpet saying, "come hither" or "come here" refer to the rapture? [Revelation 4:1, 1:10, 19:7, I Thessalonians 4].
2020-04-21 24 Elders & the Church: Comment regarding the 24 elders as the church. [Revelation 4 & 5].
Revelation About AD 70, Instead of End Times: What is the main thing that causes you to believe that Revelation is primarily about AD 70 instead of about the end times? [Revelation 1:1-3, 22:10, Daniel 12:4].
2020-04-21 24 Elders & the Church: Comment regarding the 24 elders as the church. [Revelation 4 & 5].
Revelation About AD 70, Instead of End Times: What is the main thing that causes you to believe that Revelation is primarily about AD 70 instead of about the end times? [Revelation 1:1-3, 22:10, Daniel 12:4].
2020-04-20 Steve Gregg on Other Shows: Caller comments on hearing and seeing Steve on Roger Marsh radio show and on the History Channel.
Foreshadowing, Double Fulfillments, & Types for Revelation: Do you discount foreshadowing, double fulfillments and typing relative to the book of Revelation?
Bloodbath & Horses Bridles In Revelation: Where do you see the bloodbath described as deep as horses bridles as being fulfilled in Revelation? [Revelation 19 end, 14:20].
2020-04-20 Steve Gregg on Other Shows: Caller comments on hearing and seeing Steve on Roger Marsh radio show and on the History Channel.
Foreshadowing, Double Fulfillments, & Types for Revelation: Do you discount foreshadowing, double fulfillments and typing relative to the book of Revelation?
Bloodbath & Horses Bridles In Revelation: Where do you see the bloodbath described as deep as horses bridles as being fulfilled in Revelation? [Revelation 19 end, 14:20].
2020-04-16 Timeline of Prophecy: Where are we in the timeline of prophecy? [Revelation 11:15, Psalm 2:8, 37:11].
2020-04-13 Blessed-in the Name of the Lord: In Matthew 23, what is Jesus referring to when he says, "blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord? [Matthew 23:39].
The Beast in Revelation: Could you discuss the Beast in Revelation 13? [Revelation 13].
2020-04-09 Who are the Nations That are Saved: Who are the "nations of those who are saved"? [Revelation 21:23-24].
Reign Over Whom?: Who will we reign over in the New Jerusalem/ new earth? [Revelation 21:24, 5:10, 2 Timothy 2:12}.
2020-04-06 Destruction of Catholicism: Could you clarify Revelation 17, and if it could be about the destruction of modern day Catholicism (the new Israel)? [Revelation 14, 17, 19:2, Matthew 23, Romans 13].
Modern Day Israel: Isn't it reasonable to assume that modern day Israel is a temporary custodian of the land?
2020-04-03 Sign of End Times in COVID 19 (Coronavirus): How does it make you feel that the first horseman has brought pestilence in the pandemic of Coronavirus (COVID-19)? [Revelation 6:1-2].
Antichrist: How do you feel about the antichrist being a woman? [I John 2:18,22].
2020-04-03 Sign of End Times in COVID 19 (Coronavirus): How does it make you feel that the first horseman has brought pestilence in the pandemic of Coronavirus (COVID-19)? [Revelation 6:1-2].
Antichrist: How do you feel about the antichrist being a woman? [I John 2:18,22].
2020-04-01 Dating the Return of Christ: Did you say that you don't think that Jesus cares if we know when He will return? [Acts 1:7].
The Beast: Do you think that the beast has already come? [Revelation].
2020-04-01 Dating the Return of Christ: Did you say that you don't think that Jesus cares if we know when He will return? [Acts 1:7].
The Beast: Do you think that the beast has already come? [Revelation].
2020-03-30 Harold Camping, Prophecy, & the Last Day: Do you know what the method that Harold Camping used to try to determine the day of the second coming of Christ? [Matthew 24:36].
2020-03-27 Battle of Armageddon: What does the "battle of Armageddon" (Great Day of God Almighty) represent? [Revelation 16:14, 19, 11:8, Ezekiel 5:1-5].
2020-03-26 Hell-Which View: Would you articulate your own stand of the 3 views of hell? Do you believe that hell is eternal?
Importance of Understanding Hell: Isn't our understanding of hell far too important not to know? [2 Thessalonians 1].
Death and Hell: Is there anything in the Greek and Hebrew that better describes what kind of death we suffer, and how permanent it is, that will help us understand the consequence of sin and hell?
2020-03-25 End Times Cashless society: In light of recent government plans to make a cashless society, do you still think that it is a sign of the times according to Revelation and the U.S. is not the 2nd beast? [Revelation 13:11-13].
2020-03-20 Beast Into Hell in Revelation: How do you explain the verses about the beast and false prophet cast into hell if this is about 70AD? [Revelation 19].
Revelation about End Times: What parts of Revelation do you apply to 70 AD?
2020-03-20 Beast Into Hell in Revelation: How do you explain the verses about the beast and false prophet cast into hell if this is about 70AD? [Revelation 19].
Revelation about End Times: What parts of Revelation do you apply to 70 AD?
2020-03-20 Beasts in Revelation: I just want to point out the two beasts in Revelation and their identity and how it is connected to the papacy and Catholic church. [Revelation 13].
2020-03-20 Rapture Can Happen Any Time: What do you think about those that say that the rapture can come at any time, even though there seems to be some things that need to happen first? [2 Thessalonians 2].
2020-03-19 Steve's Book on Revelation-Comment: Just a word of appreciation for Steve's teaching and his Revelation book.
Uncleanness in Old vs New Testament: Can you clarify the difference between "uncleanness" in the Old Testament and its spiritual application in the New Testament? [2 Corinthians 6, 7:11]
Isaac & Ishmael: Can you help me to understand the significance of Isaac & Ishmael? [Galatians 4:21-31].
2020-03-19 Pregnant Woman in Revelation: Who do you think the pregnant woman in Revelation represents? [Revelation 12:9, 2:27, 17, 19, Genesis 37:9-10].
2020-03-17 Abraham Sacrifice of Isaac: Comment on Abraham's faith when told to sacrifice Isaac. [Hebrews 11:19].
Only 144,000 Saved: Why are there so few at the end, if only 144,000 are saved? [Revelation 7:1-8, 14:1-5, James 1:18, Ezekiel 9].
2020-03-16 666 Relative to a Percentage: Do you think that the use of the number 666 in the Bible could be representative of a percentage?
2020-03-16 Coronavirus Predicted: Do you think that things like the Corona Virus Pandemic are predicted in the Bible?
2020-03-12 Great Tribulation: Are we, as Christians, promised protection from the "Great Tribulation"? [Revelation 3:10, 7:14, Matthew 24:21, John 17:15, Exodus 11, Psalm 91:1-8].
2020-03-12 Third Temple: Do you believe that the third temple will be built? [Revelation 11].
2020-03-11 Revelation's Two Witnesses: What is your take on the two witnesses in Revelation? [Revelation 11].
2020-03-10 Steve Gregg & Calvary Chapel: Why did you leave Calvary Chapel?
Lonnie Frisbee (Calvary Chapel): Did you know Lonnie Frisbee?
Pre-Tribulation Rapture: If the Pre-Tribulation Rapture is a false doctrine, then isn't Calvary Chapel full of false teachers? And what should we do about this?
2020-03-10 Sin that Keeps Reoccurring: How does one deal with reoccurring sin that seemingly can't be beat? How does God forgive in this situation? [Matthew 1:21, I Peter 2, Psalm 119:11].
Tribulation & Rapture: Could you clarify more about the various positions on the tribulation and rapture? [I thessalonians 4:16-17].
2020-03-10 Dual Fulfillment of Prophecy: What do you think about dual fulfillment of prophecy? [Isaiah 8, Hebrews, Psalm 89:29, Matthew 24, Revelation].
Seven Churches in Revelation: How do you see the significance of the seven churches in Revelation?
Matthew 24: Do you think that Matthew 24 has implications for both past and present? [Matthew 24].
2020-03-09 Adding to or Subtracting from the Bible: Caller thinks Steve should tell the (former) Mormon caller about not adding or subtracting to the Bible, which he thinks the Book of Mormon does. [Revelation 22:18-19].
2020-03-06 Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Gog & Magog): Could you talk about Ezekiel 38 & 39, Gog & Magog? Particularly from the Partial-Preterist point of view? [Ezekiel 38-39].
2020-03-04 Symbolic vs Literal Bible Interpretation: Why do you take some things in the Bible as symbolic rather than literal, when it seems so clear that it is more often meant to be literal? [Revelation 1, 17, 4:5, Zechariah 14, Judges 9, 14].
2020-03-04 Pre, Post, & Amillennial Views: Do the three views of Pre, Post, Amillennial Views of Revelation seem to converge on the idea that this could be the time of when Satan is loosed?
2020-02-27 Revelation: Locust Are Helicopters: Are the locust in Revelation 9 really referring to helicopters used in the war in the 90s? [Revelation 9:1-12].
2020-02-24 Antichrist is the Papacy: You said that you don't think that the Antichrist is an individual man? But don't you think that scripture says it is the papacy? [Revelation 13 & 17, I John 2:18-22, 2 Thessalonians 2, Daniel 7 & 11].
2020-02-21 Illumination of Conscience: What do you think of doctrine "the illumination of conscience"?
Left Behind or Taken Where?: Regarding the rapture & tribulation, particularly the verse in Matthew about "one taken" ... is it to heaven or hell? [Matthew 23, Luke 17, Psalm 91, Proverbs 2, I Thessalonians 4, I Corinthians 15].
2020-02-20 Bodies in Hell: Do we know what kind of bodies the wicked will have at the resurrection, and would that have any effect on one's view of hell?
Warning of Destruction in AD70: Did the warning in Revelation for the believers to flee, have any effect on the churches in Smyrna & Philadelphia? [Revelation 2:9, 3:9, John 8:44].
2020-02-20 Beast & False Prophet: Why do you believe that the beast and the false prophet are not individual human, but rather a political system? [Revelation 6, 8, 12, 13, 16, 17, 20, Daniel 7, Matthew 25].
2020-02-20 Key to Understanding Revelation (Dispensational Caller): Caller believes that Daniel 11 is the key to understanding Revelation in a Dispensational way. [Daniel 11].
2020-02-14 Gospel of John-Date of Writing: Do you agree that the prologue in the gospel of John, is so deep, that it indicates that it was written later?
Revelation-Date of Writing: Can you clarify your stance that the book of Revelation was written earlier than 70AD rather than around 96AD as many scholars suggest? [Revelation 19].
2020-02-13 Revelation Alternate Views & Destruction in 70AD: Can you recommend a source that would detail more about what happened in 70AD and the horrendous events that took place? [Matthew 24, Mark 13].
Revelation:Four Views: How do you find all the books you read in researching your book on "Revelation:Four Views"?
2020-02-13 Revelation Alternate Views & Destruction in 70AD: Can you recommend a source that would detail more about what happened in 70AD and the horrendous events that took place? [Matthew 24, Mark 13].
Revelation:Four Views: How do you find all the books you read in researching your book on "Revelation:Four Views"?
2020-02-12 The Earth-Beyond the Last Days: Could you help me understand the demise of the earth after Jesus returns? [2 Peter 3, Revelation 21-22, 21:5].
Annihilation View of Hell: Can you help me understand the various Biblical views of hell, especially the "annihilation view"?
2020-02-11 The Millennium's 1000 years: Why do you think that the 1000 years is not really 1000 years, but instead symbolic? [Revelation 5:6, 20, Matthew 12, 2 Thessalonians 1:8, Psalm 90:4, 2 Peter 3].
Scripture-Symbolic or Literal: Isn't it a mistake to just randomly take whatever verses you want to as symbolic, when they might be literal? [Revelation 17].
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