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Topic: Marriage (Remarriage)

Showing 1 to 50 of 625.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-10 Marriage & Divorce in Scripture: Is Paul discussing marriage and divorce in 1 Corinthians 7? [1 Corinthians 7:27-28, 1 Corinthians 7:15, 1 Corinthians 7:39, 1 Corinthians 7:1-7].
2024-07-01 Polygamy in the Old Testament: what does the Bible teach about polygamy? [Malachi 2:15, Ephesians 5:21, Psalm 127:3-5].
"Will Not Taste Death": Did some not ever die in the generation that heard Jesus say "some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom?" [Matthew 16:28, Mark 9:1, Luke 9:27, John 14:23].
2024-07-01 Polygamy: When Jesus said "it was not so from the beginning" it seems like he was clarifying that polygamy was not acceptable. [Matthew 19:8, Genesis 1-2].
2024-06-19 Divorced Christians & Future Possible Remarriage to Others: What should two Christians do when they divorce if they cannot get back together? Can one who committed adultery remarry? [Matthew 18:15-16, Matthew 19:9, 1 Corinthians 7:12-15].
2024-06-12 "Sanctified" by One's Spouse: What does the verse about being "sanctified" by one's spouse in 1 Corinthians 7? [1 Corinthians 7:14-16, 1 Peter 1:15-16, Leviticus 11:44-45, Leviticus 21:7].
2024-06-10 Isaac & Rebekah: Did Isaac officiate his wedding to Rebekah? [Genesis 24:26].
2024-06-03 Complicated Marriage Situation: I rushed into marriage while I was separated from the mother of my children (to whom I was not married). Now, I think we might have reconciled. What now?
2024-05-27 Wife Divorcing Me: How should I conduct myself as I am being divorced, to do things right and possibly remarry in the future?
2024-05-27 My Marriage in the Eyes of God: Where does my now-long marriage stand before God if my wife was married before?
2024-05-27 Remarriage: If my future brother-in-law (who is Catholic) objects to my upcoming Protestant marriage to his sister, how do I maneuver regarding family relationships?
2024-05-01 Loopholes Justifying Divorce & Remarriage: Caller shares his concern about many trying to find loopholes to justify their divorce and many marriages.
2024-04-30 Remarriage after Divorce: Could you help me understand more about remarriage after divorce?
2024-04-18 Remarriage Never Allowed: Is remarriage never allowed, even though divorce allowed? [Matthew 5:32].
2024-03-19 Unrighteous Christian Divorce: How does a Christian who divorced without proper cause and remarried make that right? [1 Corinthians 6:9-10].
2024-02-27 Married to a Divorced Man: If I married a divorced man, am I an adulterer?
2024-02-13 Homosexual within the Family: In light of the fact some Christians and churches say homosexual unions are acceptable, what are your thoughts on what the Bible says about it since it has just been introduced to our family? [Matthew 19:5-6, 1 Corinthians 5:1, Jude 1:7, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21, Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:27].
2024-02-13 The Blood of Abel: Why is the blood of Abel included with the Pharisees' guilt? [Matthew 13:34-35].
Odd Verse in its Context in Luke: It seems like the verse in Luke 16 about marriage and divorce is out of place. Is it a segue to something that I am missing? [Luke 16:18].
2024-02-09 Attending the Wedding of a Homosexual Couple: About attending a homosexual couple's wedding, why did you allow that a pastor (Alistair Begg) might have a reason for doing so? [1 Corinthians 6:9].
2024-02-06 Alistair Begg & Attending a Gay Wedding: What do you think about the Alistair Begg fiasco (his advice about attending a gay wedding)?
2024-02-05 "Two Shall Become One": Does the passage in Genesis that says "the two shall become one" mean that one is incomplete when not married? [Genesis 2:24]
2024-01-15 Complicated Marriage & Both in Infidelity: Can this complicated marriage scenario with both involved in infidelity allow for the believer to be remarried? Rec: Topical Articles, Divorce and Remarriage.
2023-12-28 Overly Emotional & Focused on Evangelism: What should I do about my overly emotional focus on evangelism and having no interest in general entertainment, my wife, outside activities, and such? [1 Corinthians 7:34].
Church Fellowship (Buena Park CA): What do you think of the Church "The Way Fellowship" in Buena Park, California? Is it a good church?
2023-12-18 Attacked by Negative Thoughts: What should you do when you are attacked by negative thoughts, guilt, and regrets?
2023-12-07 Wives Who Won‘t Submit: How far does a husband go if his wife will not submit? [Ephesians 5:22-25, 1 Peter 3]
2023-12-07 Praise & Worship: Is there any difference between praise and worship? [1 Corinthians 11:2, 1 Corinthians 11:17, 1 Peter 2:5, Romans 12:1, Philippians 4:18, Hebrews 13:13]
Understanding Women: What does scripture mean to "dwell with understanding" regarding your wife? What about the “weaker vessel?” [1 Peter 3:7]
2023-12-01 Mormon Marriages: Are Mormon marriages valid? [1 Corinthians 7:12-15]
2023-11-16 Women Officiating at Weddings: What do you think about women officiating at weddings? [1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, Titus 2:4].
2023-11-14 Sexlessness for the Unmarried: Is there some compensation for those who will never be married because they are barred from sexual fulfillment? [Job 5:7, John 16:33]
2023-11-08 Polygamy: Can one practice polygamy today without going against scripture? [Genesis 1:27, Mark 10:6, Matthew 19:4-6, Deuteronomy 17:17, Ephesians 5:25-33, Genesis 2].
2023-10-20 Marriage Licenses: How do we know if someone is married, if no certificate is necessary?
Certificates of Divorce If the Bible says that a man had to give his wife a "Certificate of Divorce" then would it not follow that they must've had "Certificates of Marriage" then also? [Deuteronomy 24:1-4, Matthew 5:31-35].
2023-10-20 Marriage Licenses: How do we know if someone is married, if no certificate is necessary?
Certificates of Divorce If the Bible says that a man had to give his wife a "Certificate of Divorce" then would it not follow that they must've had "Certificates of Marriage" then also? [Deuteronomy 24:1-4, Matthew 5:31-35].
2023-10-17 Abandonment in Marriage: What should I do about my wife who has recently abandoned me? How long should I wait? [Matthew 18:15-17, I Corinthians 7:12-15].
2023-09-29 Age of Consent (Sexual Activity): What is the correct age of legal consent?
Cohabitation Instead of Marriage: Do you have to be married in a church or can you just live together and consider yourself married?
2023-09-29 Age of Consent (Sexual Activity): What is the correct age of legal consent?
Cohabitation Instead of Marriage: Do you have to be married in a church or can you just live together and consider yourself married?
2023-09-13 Who Baptizes?: Who is qualified to baptize us?
Many Marriages: Isn't it unacceptable for people to marry and divorce so many times?
2023-09-12 Paul's "Trouble" & Single Life: Could you explain 1 Corinthians 7 when Paul refers to "trouble" and living a single life? [1 Corinthians 7:26-29, 1 Corinthians 7:34-35].
2023-09-06 Divorce & Remarriage: Not time for the call - referred instead to the topical article at the website, "Divorce & Remarriage."
2023-08-21 Only One Person for You: Do you believe there is only one right person for someone (for marriage)? [1 Corinthians 7:39].
God Speaking-about Possible Spouse: Do you think God would speak to someone to break up a seemingly healthy and happy dating relationship?
2023-08-15 Married Spouse Transitioning to Opposite Gender: What about a spouse who is medically transitioning to the opposite sex. Does the spouse have the right to divorce?
2023-08-15 Unequally Yoked & Love: If I did not marry for love but for health reasons, how does that affect being unequally yoked with an unbeliever? [1 Corinthians 7:12-15].
2023-08-14 Unequally Yoked: Could you share scriptures about being "unequally yoked?" How would being married to an unbeliever affect me in eternity? [2 Corinthians 6:14, 1 Corinthians 7:39, 1 Corinthians 7:12-15].
2023-08-08 Marriage Ceremony Officiants: Can any Christian perform an appropriate marriage ceremony?
Metaphors in the Book of John: Could you clarify to whom you were referring, Jesus or John, when you said they were speaking in metaphors in the Book of John?
2023-08-04 Pedophilia, Child Brides, Arranged Marriages: How do I make a biblical argument against pedophilia and child brides?
Marriage for a Child: What about a young boy king in scripture - would he be married off to a woman?
2023-08-04 Jealousy: What do you think about a pastor who is jealous of his wife talking to me, when she has been my friend for many years? [Exodus 34:14].
2023-07-28 No Divorce & Remarriage Allowed: Why would no divorce and remarriage be allowed after Jesus came, when the Old Testament allows so many wives and King David's betrayal? [1 Corinthians 7:1-16]. Rec: Topicla article: "Divorce and Remarriage."
Permission for Polygamy: Why was God so permissive to allow for polygamy in the Old Testament?
2023-07-27 Divorce Complications & Abstinence in Marriage: Am I living in adultery in my second marriage? Though married, should I be abstaining while I figure this out?
2023-07-05 Illegitimate Remarriage: If a friend of mine married again, after divorcing without grounds, what are the guidelines for me as a friend?
2023-06-30 Marriage Licenses & Vows: Do Christians have to get a marriage license and obey the law of the land? [Matthew 19].
2023-06-30 Marriage without a License: What do you think about a cohabitating couple just saying their vows before two witnesses instead of getting a license to avoid some financial penalities of a legal wedding?
2023-06-15 "Things of the World" (spiritual vs material): Regarding the "things of the world," is there a correlation between 1 John 2 and 1 Corinthians 7? [1 John 2:15-17, 1 Corinthians 7:31-34, 2 Timothy 4:10].
Compromised by Unbelieving Spouse: What if the Christian spouse is caused to compromise in life by the unchristian spouse?
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