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Showing 22,401 to 22,450 of 24,078.
Date Topic Audio
2013-9-25 Christians Being Wrong: Christians are just irresponsible, so make it foolish to believe what they believe.
2013-9-25 Evidence outside the bible: Is there any evidence outside the Bible that Jesus rose from the dead?
2013-9-25 Resurrection of Jesus: What is the historic the Bible...of Jesus' resurrection?
2013-9-25 Halloween: Caller is surprised that Steve would say that Halloween was a good holiday. (He didn't.)
2013-9-25 Healing the Sick: This verse in James almost makes it sounds like it's a sure thing that a person will be healed if they are prayed over. What do you say? [James 5:14-15]
2013-9-25 Infant Baptism: Is infant Baptism Biblical?
2013-9-25 Prophecy: Caller heard that Psalms 83 is a prophecy about future events. What does Steve say? [Psalm 83]
2013-9-24 Baptism Necessary for Salvation: What does the Bible say about Baptism for Salvation?
2013-9-24 "None Seeking after God" What does it mean that no one is seeking God? [Romans 3:10-11, Psalm 14, Psalm 51]
2013-9-24 God Chooses People & Thief on Cross Baptized: God Chooses people, the caller thinks. Also, caller thinks the thief on the cross was baptized by public declaration. [1 Corinthians 1:26]
2013-9-24 God Failiing: If not everyone is seeking after God, isn't God failing?
2013-9-24 Anger about People taking Advantage of Food Charity Program: Caller is mad that some people who are taking advantage of the Food bank program & wonders if she has a right to be angry.
2013-9-24 Church of Christ: What do you think about the "Church of Christ" denomination?
2013-9-24 Jesus Sinless: Jesus wouldn't have been able to escape Original Sin if that doctrine was true, isn't that right?
2013-9-24 Original Sin: Why do preachers believe in Original Sin & preach it? [Romans 5:12-21]
2013-9-24 Regenerated Christians: Do you consider Seventh Day Adventists born-again, regenerated Seventh Day Adventists?
2013-9-24 Seventh Day Adventists & Revelation Seminars: When Seventh Day Adventists have Revelation Seminars & they get converts for Baptism, they are getting baptized into their church, right?
2013-9-24 "Refuse to be offended": I really enjoyed the series of lectures called, "Refuse to be Offended". (At the end of the call it starts becoming very distorted.)
2013-9-24 Baptism: Church of Christ People think you MUST be baptized in order to get to heaven, even though it is commanded, but if you don't, you are doomed, & the thief on the Cross didn't matter because it was before the New Covenant.
2013-9-24 Christians & Current Social Trends & Lecture: Caller was wondering if Steve he recorde the talk he had just had on current social issues such as homosexuality & terrorism, & would he give some of the highlights of that meeting.
2013-9-24 Halloween: Is Halloween celebration Satanic? How do Christians feel about it? (Steve's had a very bad connection all of a sudden & has to reboot halfway through the answer.)
2013-9-24 Heavens: How many heavens are there? [2 Corinthians 12:2]
2013-9-23 Animals in Heaven: Will animals go to Heaven?
2013-9-23 Forgiving Ex-Husand: Caller is trying to forgive her husband.
2013-9-23 Seeing our Loved Ones: Will we see our loved ones in heaven?
2013-9-23 Glory of God (Shiloh): When did the glory of God Leave the temple? At the ripping of the Curtain?
2013-9-23 "Go & Sin No More": Can we really go & "sin" no more?
2013-9-23 Nazarene & Nazareth: Mary & Joseph lived in Nazareth, but where does it say in the Old Testament that Jesus was a Nazerene? [Matthew 2:23, Micah 5:2]
2013-9-23 God's Spirit Striving: Did the Holy Spirit leave right before the Flood & then come back at Pentecost? [Genesis 6, Acts 2:1-4]
2013-9-23 Jesus' Broken Body: When it talks about communion in the Bible, only one time it uses the phrase, "His broken body", & so does it matter if the word "broken" or not?
2013-9-23 Baptism: Do I need to get rebaptized since I didn't understand everything when i did get baptized?
2013-9-23 Lucifer (Satan) Being a Fallen Angel: Was Satan a Fallen angel? [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28, Revelation 12]
2013-9-20 Increasing Faith & Forgiveness: Can you please expain this passage in Luke both about increasing your faith, talking about a mustard seed & talk about the relationship with the master & servant, which doesn't seem very loving. [Luke 17:3-10]
2013-9-20 Michael the Buddhist: Time & Space doesn't exist.
2013-9-20 Eternal Security, Once Saved, always saved: Caller is convinced that there's no way we can loose our salvation, can't be snatched away by the devil. [John 10:28]
2013-9-20 Jesus Losing None: I thought Jesus didn't want to lose any? [John 17:12]
2013-9-20 Steve Gregg & other Theologians: Caller thinks Steve is wrong & points out that some pretty important theologians also disgree with Steve's belief, so he must be wrong.
2013-9-20 Marian Apparitions: What can you say about "Mary Appariations"?
2013-9-20 The Sun of Righteousness Arising: The Light or the Sun or the Son in Malachi 4 will be a blessing to the righteous & a devastation to the wicked, the caller points out. [Malachi 4, Revelation 6:12-17]
2013-9-20 God's Will & Free Will: We are supposed to do God's will, but we as human beings have a free will.
2013-9-19 Job's Children: Why did God let Job lose his children? Listener thinks that sounds very mean of God.
2013-9-19 All Scripture Inspired by God: When it says in 2 Timothy that ALL Scripture was inspired by God, he was only talking about the Old Testament Scriptures at the time, wasn't he? [2 Timothy 3:15-16]
2013-9-19 Studying The Mosaic Law: So we shouldn't worry about studying the Old Testament law?
2013-9-19 Struggling with Sin: Paul says we are always going to be struggling with sin, but then a verse in Hebrews seems to say you can't be struggling with sin, that you can't sin anymore. [Romans 7:14, Hebrews 10:26]
2013-9-19 Let your Yes be Yes & your No be No: What did Jesus mean by, "Let your yes be yes & your no be no"? [Matthew 5:33-37]
2013-9-19 Open Theism: Caller is reading a book about Open Theism & wondering what Steve thinks of it.
2013-9-19 Tithing: Are we supposed to still pay tithe? [1 Corinthians 6:2]
2013-9-19 Falling Away: Caller is concerned about Falling Away in light of Hebrews 6. [Hebrews 6:4-6]
2013-9-19 Interpreting Dreams: How do we know how to interpret dreams?
2013-9-18 Righteous Still & Filthy Still Isn't there a verse in Revelation that says that it'll become so evil in the last days that they are set in their ways that it's impossible to change? [Revelation 22:11]