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Date Topic Audio
2016-10-10 Church of Rome: Did Peter found the church that is in Rome?
2016-10-10 Literal Creation Story: Caller doesn't believe a literal account of creation [Genesis 1-6].
2016-10-10 New Heavens, New Earth & New Jerusalem: Are we supposed to take the new heavens, earth, and the new Jerusalem literally or symbolically? [Revelation 3:12, Revelation 21:1-4, Romans 8:19-22, 1 Peter 3:13]
2016-10-10 Ellen G. White: Do you know anything about Ellen G. White?
2016-10-10 "Just War" Theory: Is there justifiable war or occassion for self-defense, or should there be total non-resistance?
2016-10-07 Various Eschatologies-Dispensationalism: For someone that holds a different eschatology than some of their friends and finds it causing friction, how should I handle this?
2016-10-07 "Not Good for Man to be Alone": Is God just being practical about procreation or implying something romantic when He indicates that it is "not good for man to be alone"? [Genesis 2:18]
2016-10-07 Divine Reading & Contemplative Prayer: What about "Lectio Divina" (Divine Reading), contemplative prayer, and seeking experiences with God and hearing His voice? [Jeremiah 15:16, Psalm 19:10, Job 23:12].
2016-10-07 Bethel Church in Redding: About Bethel Church's view of the continuation of the office of apostles and prophets, what teaching can you suggest? Recommended: topical lecture "Charisma and Character."
2016-10-07 Mega-churches: If I have reservations about our church, but my wife and kids are enjoying it (worship is like going to a concert, using a paraphrased Bible), what do you suggest?
2016-10-05 Submitting to the Elders: Are we supposed to submit to our elders?
2016-10-05 God Shows Grace: To whom is God showing His grace in which Paul describes in Ephesians? [Ephesians 2:7, Ephesians 3:10, Ephesians 6:12]
2016-10-05 Voting: Political discussion ensues Caller is adamant that every Christian needs to vote.
2016-10-05 Communion: How do you administrate communion-by dipping the bread in the wine or drinking it?
2016-10-05 Hell-Universalism: Doesn't Matthew 7:13 dispel Universalism? [Matthew 7:13]
2016-10-05 Angels Cast out of Heaven: What is your view about a 1/3 of the angels being cast out of heaven?
2016-10-05 Apocrypha: Does the Apocrypha have any bearing on our salvation?
2016-10-05 Institutional Church: There seems to a lack of unity & love in the traditional, institutional church.
2016-10-04 The Mighty God: The definite "the": “The mighty God”, why does “the” get added when being quoted by Pastors though it does not appear in the original text? [Isaiah 9:6] (Caller not a Trinitarian.)
2016-10-04 Bartholomew & Nathanael: Are Bartholomew & Nathanael the same person? [John 1:45-49, Acts 1:13, Luke 6:14, Mark 3:18, Matthew 10:3]
2016-10-04 Being made in God's Image: What does it mean to be made in God's image? [Genesis 1:26]
2016-10-04 Coalition to attack Israel: What countries would attack Israel, if not Russia, ISIS, China & North Korea??
2016-10-04 70th week in Daniel: What is the correct view about the 70th week? Are all the weeks consecutive? [Daniel 9]
2016-10-04 Key of David: What is the "Key of David" in Revelation 3? [Revelation 3:7, Isaiah 22:22]
2016-10-04 Mormons (Latter Day Saints): Isn't the Mormon church the true church because they exhibit the Fruit of the Spirit & are the fastest growing church? [Galatians 5:22-23]
2016-10-04 Exodus from Egypt: Some say there's no evidence that the exodus out of Egypt ever took place.
2016-10-03 Eternal Security: Can you lose your salvation after you are saved?
2016-10-03 Bible Discrepancy of Israel in Egypt: There is seems to be a discrepancy of how long Israel was actually in Egypt. Can you clarify? [Genesis 15:13-16, Exodus 12:40-41, Galatians 3:16-17]
2016-10-03 Political Idols: If one votes for a candidate because they are pro-life, aren't they becoming idols?
2016-10-03 Tongues: Is the gift of tongues an unknown, or known language? [1 Corinthians 13:1]
2016-9-30 Noah: Why didn't God just strike everybody down & spare the animals? [Genesis 6]
2016-9-30 Pharaoh & the Plagues: Why did God kill the first born of all the families when they had little to do why the Jews weren't able to leave?
2016-9-30 Promises to Abraham: The promises of Abraham were fulfilled in Christ…to which promises was Paul referring to? {Galatians 3:16, Genesis 12:1-3}
2016-9-30 Two-fold Prophecies: Some prophecies have a two-fold meaning, is that true?
2016-9-29 Making Judgment Calls: Caller has a whole bunch of specific questions re: Settling conflicts: Who should settle judgments? Who to you go to when there is a conflict? [Matthew 18:15-19, 1 Corinthians 6:1]
2016-9-29 Kent Hovind's Divorce: Caller commented on Kent Hovind's wife filing for divorce, & Kent Hovind (young earth creationist advocate) decided to remarry.
2016-9-29 The Book of Romans: Who was the Book of Romans written for, people who are already Christians or unbelievers? [Romans 6:8-14]
2016-9-29 Grieving Loss: If all things are possible, then why do you still lose your loved ones [Matthew 9:16]
2016-9-29 Cremation: Is there anything in the Bible that says we shouldn't get cremated? Is it still possible to be resurrected?
2016-9-29 Rapture: Can you not believe in the rapture & still be a Christian?
2016-9-28 Free Will not really being Free: How do we have free will if we had no choice if we were born or not?
2016-9-28 Kingdom of God here & now: Is it right for us to imagine the Kingdom of God being on earth right now?
2016-9-28 Lord's Prayer: Why did Jesus say, "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven"? [Matthew 6:10, Daniel 2:35, Revelation 21:2]
2016-9-28 The 4 Different Views of Eschatology: What are all the views of end times, besides amillennialism & partial preterism?
2016-9-28 Disagreement with Steve about how he handled Alien Encounter Call: Caller thinks Steve should have let him talk longer.
2016-9-28 Numerology: Calculating numbers, such as the number of the beast in Revelation 13? How did the wise men calculate where & when Jesus would be born? [Revelation 13:18, Matthew 2:1-2]
2016-9-27 Calling on the Name of the Lord: Confessing that the Lord is God, Adonai, Lord, Yahweh, so when it says calling upon the name of the Lord, that just means ackowleding that Jesus is Lord. What does Steve think? [Romans 10:9 & 13; Joel 2]
2016-9-27 Aliens being Demonic: Have you ever heard of aliens being demonic beings?
2016-9-27 Political disagreement about Birther Issue: Caller has an issue w/ Steve’s comments regarding the birther issue.
2016-9-27 Steve Gregg Donations: How does a person denote to Steve Gregg's personal needs?