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Date Topic Audio
2020-4-09 Dispensations vs Dispensationalism: Caller seems to be trying clarify a distinction between "Dispensationalism" and "dispensations"? [Deuteronomy 18:15].
2020-4-09 God Sending Another Prophet Like Moses: Where is the verse about God sending another prophet like Moses? [Deuteronomy 18:15].
2020-4-09 Bible-Chapters & Verses: When were the chapters and verses added to the scriptures and when was it universally accepted by the church with those additions?
2020-4-09 Feeling Guilty Though Repentant: What do you say to a believer who has repented, but struggles with guilt about their past sins?
2020-4-09 New Commandments: Did anyone else, besides Jesus, give new commandments? [John 13:34, Proverbs 2:1, Matthew 28:19-20].
2020-4-09 Christians & Tattoos: Is there anything scriptural that would disallow a Christian from getting tattoos? [Ephesians 5:1, Leviticus 19:28].
2020-4-09 Closing Business in Observance of Christian Holidays: What would God have to say about a business not closing on Good Friday or other Christian celebration days? [Romans 14:5].
2020-4-09 Adult Son Sleeping In: Could you advise me as to how to hand my objections to my adult son sleeping in too late in the morning, and it is causing difficulties between my husband and I?
2020-4-08 Unpardonable Sin: Would you talk about the unpardonable sin and blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? [Matthew 12:31, Luke 12:10].
2020-4-08 Stones of the Ten Commandments: What was written on each of the two stone tablets of the ten commandments? 5 & 5 or 4 & 6?
2020-4-08 Lot-Unrighteous Man: Could you explain why Peter calls Lot a righteous man, when he was so dishonorable in his choices? {2 Peter 2:7, Genesis 19].
2020-4-08 Safety in the Pandemic (Coronavirus): Based on the verses about being able to pick up serpents, are we going to be protected with this Coronavirus pandemic, if we are reasonably careful? [Mark 16:18]
2020-4-08 Kennedy Family Cursed: Do you think there is a curse on the Kennedy family? And is it like the addictions we see today?
2020-4-08 Heaven Eternal: If heaven is eternal, then why would hell not be eternal?
2020-4-08 Saved from What: What did Jesus come to save us from? Is He interested in us only while on earth? [Matthew 1:21].
2020-4-08 Disciples Receiving the Holy Spirt: Could you help me understand exactly when the disciples received the Holy Spirit, as the accounts seem to differ? [John 20:22, 14:16, 16:7, 7:39, Acts 1:8, Ephesians 5:18].
2020-4-08 Being Watchful or Seeking Signs: Can you help me understand the difference between seeking signs and being watchful? [Revelation 3:2].
2020-4-08 Signs of the End Times: Because signs were given before disasters in the Bible, like with Noah, should we be expecting a warning that the end is near? [Matthew 24:38, Acts 1:7].
2020-4-08 Earth's Age: How old is the earth according to the Bible? [Genesis 1].
2020-4-08 Saved from Our Sins: Didn't Jesus come not only to save us from our sins, but from the penalty of sin? You implied we can be sinless? [Matthew 1:21, I Corinthians 10:13, Romans 6, I John 3:10].
2020-4-07 Comment on Coronavirus Quarantine Restriction for Churches: Comment on church services during Choronavirus quarantine.
2020-4-07 Elect Lady in 2 John: Is John talking to the church or a real lady in 2 John, when he speaks to the Elect Lady? [2 John 1:1].
2020-4-07 Scofield Bible: What do you think of the Scofield Bible?
2020-4-07 Gamaliel in Acts: Was the same Gamaliel in both passages in Acts 5 & 22? {Acts 5:34-39, 22:3].
2020-4-07 Simon and Simon Peter the Same: Is the Simon in Luke 11, the same as Simon Peter? [Luke 11].
2020-4-07 Softening of Saul's Heart at Stephen's Stoning: Was Saul's heart being softened when Stephen was being stoned? [Acts 22:10].
2020-4-07 70th Week in Daniel: When does the last half of the 70th week in Daniel end? [Daniel 9:27]
2020-4-07 Peter Popoff: What do you think about Peter Popoff?
2020-4-07 The Local Church: Are you familiar with "The Local Church"? What was your overall impression of them?
2020-4-07 Day of the Lord: What do you think the Day of the Lord refers to in Malachi? You actually believe it's the Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 AD? [Daniel 9:27, Malachi 4:5-6, Matthew 17:12].
2020-4-07 Comment about Quarantine: Comment about not going to church during the quarantine.
2020-4-07 Desertion & Guilt, Remarriage: Could you help me sort through my guilt that may have added to my faithless ex-wife? [Romans 8:1].
2020-4-07 Synagogue Visit in New York: Why did you go to a synagogue in New York?
2020-4-07 The Kingdom of God: How do you know which "Kingdom of God" scripture is referring to? [I Corinthians 2:9, 3:11, Luke 17:21, Matthew 12:28, Revelation 5:10, Ephesians 2:14, Isaiah 28:16].
2020-4-07 Peter-Not the Rock: Why do so many people think that Peter is the rock in scripture? [Matthew 16:18].
2020-4-07 Planetary Takeover: When Jesus comes back, will it be a planetary take over?
2020-4-07 Spacecraft at the Ascension: What was in the cloud that Jesus ascended in? Was it a spacecraft? [Daniel 7].
2020-4-07 Covid-19 & The Church Attendees Who Got Sick: Caller comment; Going to church is not a good idea, because several people became sick & 2 died from Covid-19 at a church choir practice, even though they practiced safety measures.
2020-4-06 God Withdrawing From Hezekiah: Could the event of God withdrawing from Hezekiah be applied to us and related to the tests we go through? [2 Chronicles 32:31].
2020-4-06 Destruction of Catholicism: Could you clarify Revelation 17, and if it could be about the destruction of modern day Catholicism (the new Israel)? [Revelation 14, 17, 19:2, Matthew 23, Romans 13].
2020-4-06 Modern Day Israel: Isn't it reasonable to assume that modern day Israel is a temporary custodian of the land?
2020-4-06 Upon Death - Asleep or With the Lord: Could you share your view on the contrast between "absent from the body, present with the Lord" and the idea that we sleep? [2 Corinthians 5:6,8, 12::2-3].
2020-4-06 God Allows Rape & Intercourse: Why would God allow rape and child molestation, and could He have not made a different way to make children so that no one could be hurt in that way?
2020-4-06 Coronavirus Pandemic - Should We Test God: Do you think it is right for church to stay open during this pandemic? Is it not tempting God?
2020-4-06 Born Again Misunderstood: Could the verse about being "born again" really mean that we will be born again later in the resurrection of the dead? [I Peter 1:3].
2020-4-03 Catholicism & Celibate Priests: How did Catholicism come up with priestly celibacy? Is this what is discussed in I Timothy 4? [I Timothy 4:3].
2020-4-03 God's Omniscience: Why would God imply that He doesn't know what is happening in Sodom & Gomorrah, if He does? [Genesis 18:21, 3:9, 4:9].
2020-4-03 God's Omniscience: What are some scriptures that teach us about God's omniscience, or His choice not to use it? [I John 3:20].
2020-4-03 Drawing Closer to God: Do you have advice on how to draw closer to God during this time of quarantine?
2020-4-03 Abortion Comment: Comment about the ramifications of abortion.