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Date Topic Audio
2022-8-26 Raising Children Around Unbelieving Family: Any advice about raising children around family members that don't believe as we do? If we choose to restrict access to some, is that not honoring your father and mother? [Matthew 18:6].
2022-8-26 Atheist; Apostasy-Conversion to Another Religion is Compromise of Integrity: Atheist; What does it say about one's integrity if they were born in Hinduism and converted to Christianity? Isn't that compromising your committment?
2022-8-26 Jesus Descended into Hell: Did Jesus descend into Hades, lower parts of the earth, or abyss? [Romans 10:7, Ephesian 4:9-10, Acts 2:27-31, Luke 16:19-31, I Peter 3:19-20, Revelation 20:14, Psalm 139:15].
2022-8-26 Paul Taught Different Gospels & Obedience to the Commandments in Matthew: How would your address someone suggesting that Matthew and Paul preach different Gospels and why we are not obeying all the commandments in Matthew to be saved? [Acts 20:24-25, I Timothy 6:3, Acts 28:30-31, John 8:31, Romans 10:9, Matthew 28:18-20, Luke 6:41, Matthew 7:21].
2022-8-25 Calvinism as a Heresy: Why is "Calvinism" not heretical?
2022-8-25 "King James Only" & Cults: What do you think about attending a "King James Only" church? Is it a cult?
2022-8-25 Baptism & Rebaptism: What do you think of being rebaptized on the anniversary of your infant baptism?
2022-8-25 Jesus' Return-"In This Generation": In Matthew 24 and the reference to " This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled"...did Jesus already come? [Matthew 24:1-24, Mark 13, Luke 21, Matthew 24:29-31].
2022-8-25 Lying: Is there a time when lying could be justified and acceptable? [Matthew 23:23, Mark 12:30-31, Matthew 22:35-40].
2022-8-25 Teaching Revelation as Applied to Us Today: What do you think about Malcolm Smith's teaching on the book of Revelation and placing the application to us to day, not the future. Recommends the commentary: "Revelation-Four Views" by Steve Gregg, or the free topical lectures at the website; "When Shall These Things Be?".
2022-8-24 Church Discipline & Correction of Fellow Believers: Have you ever seen correction as directed in Matthew 18 ever really work? [Matthew 18:15-20].
2022-8-24 Not Keeping Company With Some: How does the verse about not keeping company with those that are not living right play out in real life? [2 Thessalonians 3:6, 2 Thessalonians 3:14-15].
2022-8-24 Parachurches: Caller comments that many of the traditional churches are the subnormal churches and ministries like The Narrow Path are the real church.
2022-8-24 Laying Out the Gospel: What do you think about laying out the gospel in written form in a slightly softer way to some who have not been receptive before?
2022-8-24 Destined to Hell: Do you think some people are born evil and are destined to hell?
2022-8-24 Open Theism: What is "Open Theism"? Is it heresy?
2022-8-24 Kenosis Theory (Emptying): Do you think that the "Kenosis Theory" must be believed or is it heresy? [John 1:14, Philippians 2:7]
2022-8-24 Atheist: Believers Compared to Children in Scripture: Atheist (former evangelist): How does one reconcile the two opposing verses about giving up childish things and being directed to come as a child? [I Corinthians 13:11, Hebrews 5:13-14, Matthew 18:3].
2022-8-23 Gender Pronouns: If someone insists that I use a particular pronoun for them, with which I do not agree, is it wrong to comply?
2022-8-23 The Lord's Prayer: Is "The Lord's Prayer" to be recited as a group corporately, or individually prayed? [Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 11:1-13].
2022-8-23 Before the Creation: What was God doing before He creation? How does "time" fit in? [Deuteronomy 29:29, Proverbs 25:2].
2022-8-23 Disagreement Within a Fellowship: What can I do if I disagree with about 75% of what my fellow church members believe? [Proverbs 27:17].
2022-8-23 Tongues in Prayer: Could you be praying for something you don't understand when speaking in tongues? Recommended topical lecture; "Charisma & Character." [I Corinthians 14:2].
2022-8-23 Tongues Speaking Experience: Some time after a spiritual experience I think was the "baptism of the Holy Spirit", I spoke some odd words privately. Could this be "speaking in tongues?"
2022-8-23 Ezekiel's Temple: Is "Ezekiel's Temple" the second temple or one that will be built in end times? [Ezekiel 40-47, Ezekiel 43:10-11]. Article, "Making Sense of Ezekiel's Temple" at
2022-8-23 This Generation Will See Christ's Return: Is it possible that the generation following Israel becoming a nation will see the return of Christ? Reommended topical lecture; What are We to Make of Israel?" [Matthew 24:34, Luke 21, Mark 13].
2022-8-22 Improving My Prayers: How can I improve my praying and become more confident and trusting? [James 1:6, Psalm 115:2-4, John 8:44, Revelation 12:9, Matthew 7:11, I Peter 5:7, I John 5:14].
2022-8-22 Jesus in Hell: Did Jesus go to hell? And if one teaches that doctrine, is it teaching another gospel? [I Peter 3:19-20, Ephesians 4:9, Acts 2:27].
2022-8-22 Sacrifices to Moloch: Could you explain the verse about the statement that it never came to God's mind that peope would do such a terrible thing as sacrificing children to Moloch? [Jeremiah 32:35].
2022-8-22 Child Baptism or Baptism by False Teacher: If someone is baptized by a bad or false teacher, would that still count? [Isaiah 7:16].
2022-8-22 Marriage after Illegitmate Divorce: What happens if two people repent that were married after an illegitmate divorce? Article on "Divorce & Remarriage" at the website.
2022-8-22 Broken Marriages & Legal Paperwork: If two people have been separated from each other and are already involved with others, but do not have the legal paperwok, where does this stand?
2022-8-22 Marriage between Cousins: Is it not acceptable to marry a first cousin?
2022-8-22 Separation: If we have not been unfaithful, but separated, and my wife doesn't want me back, what do I do? Reommends artices and "Divorce & Remarriage" at the website.
2022-8-22 Thank You: Caller thanks Steve for the program.
2022-8-22 Filling of the Holy Spirit & Tongues: Could you talk abut "the filling of the Holy Spirit"? Is "speaking in tongues" and other fillings the same? Is it only for some? [Acts 1:5, Acts 1:8, Acts 2:4, Ephesians 5:18, Ephesians 1:13, Acts 8:16-17, Acts 19:6].
2022-8-22 Ex-Homosexual and Ex-Transexual: How does God perceive my friendship with some of those still in the lifestyle I left (homosexuality & transexual), and how do I proceed? [Romans 5:8].
2022-8-19 Pre-Incarnate Name of Jesus: What was Jesus' name before the incarnation? [John 1, Colossians 2:9, Joshua 5-6, Jude 1:9].
2022-8-19 Atheist: About Eschatology: Why is there a tremendous amount of interest in the apocalypse (eschatology)? Do you think the focus is healthy?
2022-8-19 Atheist: Jesus' Return: Isn't there a scripture that says Jesus would return before that generation would pass away? [Matthew 24:34, Matthew 16:28].
2022-8-19 Atheist: Rebuilding of the Temple: Do you think that the temple will be rebuilt and what would it mean if it is rebuilt?
2022-8-19 Christian Music: Why should the devil get all the good music?
2022-8-19 Apostle John Still Alive: Could John still be alive? [Matthew 16:28, John 21:23].
2022-8-19 Jesus Coming in His Kingdom: What does it mean "until you see the Son of Man coming in His Kingdom?" [Matthew 16:28, Isaiah 19:1].
2022-8-19 Apostasy: Why do some people get saved and persevere and some fall away and apostasize?
2022-8-19 "I Am": Do you think that the statement, "I Am", indicates God's eternal nature? [Genesis 1].
2022-8-19 Steve Gregg in the Northeast: How often do you go to the northeast?
2022-8-19 Time & Eternity: Do you think that "time" and "eternal" are synonymous?
2022-8-19 Worship Music: Comment about the nature of worship music and the various styles, often seemingly overly self-focused in today's churches.
2022-8-19 End Times & Jews Today: Are not most of the Jews today the ones who will see the return of Jesus? Recommended lecture; "When Shall These Things Be?" [Hebrew 8:6].