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Date Topic Audio
2014-12-02 Once Saved, Always Saved: Once Saved, Always Saved just isn't right!
2014-12-02 "The Republic" - Plato, Socrates: What do you think about Socrates, Plato & Aristotle having a lot of wisdom before Christ? The Republic which i'm reading just seems to have such good parallels to the Bible.
2014-12-02 Pagan Christianity by Frank Viola & George Barna: In a book called, "Pagan Christianity", which is about what's gone wrong in the Institutional church, it talks about the Pastoral Leadership mentality, which is more like tradition of man than biblical thing. What are your thoughts?
2014-12-02 Paul & Jesus' Gospel: People think that Jesus & Paul taught 2 different things. What do you think? [Galatians 5:6]
2014-12-02 Preaching Jesus' 2nd Coming Imminency: Is it necessary to preach the imminency of Jesus' second coming?
2014-12-02 Back to the Lord but Circumstances inhibitive: I have come back to the Lord, & I want to get married, but my girlfriend does not. Not sure what to do!
2014-11-26 KJV Translation of the Bible: My brother stands by the KJV only, that it's the most perfect Bible out there. What do you think about that?
2014-11-26 Being Healed God: What does the Bible say about God healing us? Do we have any part in it?
2014-11-26 Rapture & the Second Coming: Can you please explain the Second Coming of Jesus & the Rapture?
2014-11-26 Unitarians & the Nazarene Church: What do Unitarians believe? What about the Nazarene Church?
2014-11-26 New World Translation (JW's): Can you tell me about the New World Translation?
2014-11-26 Faith & Belief: Caller wanted to comment about Faith.
2014-11-26 Being Grafted: What was Paul saying in Romans 11 about being grafted in or out? [Romans 11:17-24
2014-11-26 Jobs because of Sin: What are all the occupations going to be in the New World since a lot of the jobs rely on things that are a result of sin?
2014-11-26 Bible Translations: I bought a Catholic Bible, & wondering the different translations between a Protestant Bible & a Catholic Bible of what King Agag's attitude was on his way up to meet seems to be quite different: cautiously, delicately, full of hope, cheerfully, trembling. [1 Samuel 15:32]
2014-11-25 Assurance of Salvation: I keep having a besetting then that I keep falling into, & so wonder if i'm saved or not.
2014-11-25 Muslims & Christians: Why do Christians hate Muslims?
2014-11-25 Act Like Men & Step up & Be Courageous: Have you ever heard of these meetings/video about being courageous men?
2014-11-25 3 Views of Hell: What is your view of Hell, Traditional, Annihilationism, & Universal Reconciliationism?
2014-11-25 Feeling Saved: You don't always feel saved, you have ups & downs, but you still might be saved!
2014-11-25 Knowing God: How do you really get to know God?
2014-11-25 Lady Ate her Child & King was going to kill Elijah:: Why did the King during the Famine want to kill Elijah after a lady confessed that she ate her son?
2014-11-24 Kingdom of God: Can we get kicked out of it once we belong to it or not? If we don't forgive others, Jesus said He won't forgive us. What does that mean?
2014-11-24 Death-bed Conversion: So if we repent right before we die, no matter if it's a deathbed confession or not, we are saved. What about someone like Adolph Hitler?
2014-11-24 Saved by Faith & Not Works: We are saved by faith, but not works, but I've always struggled w/ that because then a person thinks they can live a life of sin, & just have faith. What do you say? [James 2:14-15]
2014-11-24 Anointing of God: What does the Bible say about the Anointing, that you have to pay price to receive an anointing?
2014-11-24 Feeling God's Presence: What does the Bible say about "feeling good" at a church service, like a tingling, goosebumps type feeling?
2014-11-24 Satan - Lucifer: Bright & Morning Star & Day Star, is there a difference between the 2? [Revelation 22:16, Isaiah 14:12]
2014-11-21 Serpent-Seed Doctrine: What do you think about the doctrine that Eve had a physical relationship the serpent in the Garden, having Cain?
2014-11-21 All one in Christ Jesus: People think there's a contradiction between all being one in Christ Jesus, but in Corinthians it says there is a certain order of authority. Can you shed some light on that? [Galatians 3:28, 1 Corinthians 11]
2014-11-21 Infant Baptism: The church were the caller attends think that infant baptism is acceptable to become a member there. Isn't that an obedience problem, not obeying Jesus, doing baptism for the real reason?
2014-11-21 Parishioner Living in Sin: A Church Member is committing Adultery but still has a leadership position or has church membership. The church, however, refuses to practice church discipline. [Matthew 18:15-20]
2014-11-21 Traditions: Did the Pharisees, Sadducees & the Scribes have their own version of the law that wasn't part of the Mosaic Law?
2014-11-21 Courting a Church: How long should you go to a church before decide if it's a good fit for you or not?
2014-11-21 Jews Activities During Jesus' Time: Was there things Jesus didn't like that the Jews were doing when He was down here? [Matthew 5:17-19, Luke 18:10=14]
2014-11-21 Pharisees, Scribes & Sadducees: The Pharisees were the Orthodox Rabbis during Jesus' times? Was Jesus basically just trying uproot Judaism while He was down here? [Luke 9:28-36]
2014-11-21 Technical Issues: There is skipping going on in your shows, it's cutting out, can't hear everything you are saying.
2014-11-20 Baptized w/ Fire (Baptism of the Holy Spirit): What can you tell me about the Baptism of the Holy Sprit, or being baptized by Fire?
2014-11-20 Infant Baptism: What can you tell me about Infant Baptism?
2014-11-20 All Saved & Hardening of the Heart: There seems to be a contradiction that God wants everyone to be saved, but that He's also hardened people on purpose, such as Pharaoh. Why? Is this a contradiction?
2014-11-20 Sinners or Sins: Did Jesus die for our sins or did He die for us? [1 Corinthians 15:3]
2014-11-20 Dreams & Visions of Jesus to Muslims: I've heard that Muslims have been having visions & dreams about Jesus & have been accepting Him, but someone told me that God only sends dreams to believers. Is this true?
2014-11-20 God's Love & Power: It's hard to see God's love when you see all this evil around you.
2014-11-20 Marriage, No license (Spiritual Marriage): When did Marriage Certificates become a thing? Do you have to get one to get married or can you just get married spiritually? Were Joseph & Mary married before she became pregnant w/ Jesus?
2014-11-20 KJV Translators: So the KJV Translators said the King James Bible might not be perfect?
2014-11-20 Marriage & Divorce & False Accusations: Caller can't believe what is happening to her at the moment, her husband abandoning her, but not that, but falsely accusing her. What should she do?
2014-11-19 Strategies for Unity - Babylon & True Church: It's sort've hard to have unity in a church that claims all the other churches except theirs is "Babylon". The Seventh Day Adventist church even says this! We need to stay in such groups & try to tell show them why they are wrong.
2014-11-19 Peter's Vision of Unclean Animals: The vision the that Peter had about the sheet coming down from Heaven, is that metaphorical or was that God saying that all the unclean animals were clean too? [Acts 10, 11:1-18]
2014-11-19 KJV-Only Rebuttal: We don't have to depend on the scholars to translate the Greek & Hebrew correctly. For one thing, Augustine never knew Greek or Hebrew. For another, you can read a variety of Translations & get a pretty good idea of what is being said, are the opinions of the caller.
2014-11-19 Incarnation: If the Logos had not been conceived in Mary, would Jesus had just been a Man, being able to function like you & me? [1 Timothy 2:5, John 1:1-3, 1 Peter 3:18]