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Date Topic Audio
2013-1-04 Christians Mystics (T.Austin-Sparks, Watchman Nee & A. W. Tozer): What do you know about T. Austin-Sparks, Watchman Nee & A.W.Tozer who are often identified as Christian mysticism?
2013-1-04 God's Sovereignty: Though we don't believe in Calvinism, can't He make people do what He wants should He choose?
2013-1-04 Renunciation: What do you think about renunciation of material possessions? [Luke 14:33]
2013-1-04 Controlling Events on Earth: Is this verse talking about Christians interceding for what happens here on earth? [Psalm 115:16]
2013-1-04 Additions & Forgiving Repetitively: How can God possibly forgive people with addictions, who continually ask for forgiveness but fall again and again?
2013-1-04 Our Compromised Government & Conspiracy Theories: What should Christians be doing about our compromised government in America? How can we live an dignified Christian life in light of likely true conspiracy theories?
2013-1-03 Witnessing & Testimony: What is the difference between Testimonies & Witnessing?
2013-1-03 Birth Control: Is it okay to use birth control to limit the amount of children in a family, especially if the father is not emotionally supportive in raising them?
2013-1-03 Augustine a Manichaean: Wasn't Augustine a Manichaean?
2013-1-03 Mary Couldn't Touch Jesus: Why was Mary prohibited from touching Jesus after the resurrection but the disciples were later allowed to? [John 20:15-17, Matthew 28:9]
2013-1-03 God Being Able to Multitask: How can God deal with so many people at the same time?
2013-1-03 Current Events & Eschatology: Shouldn't current events change your eschatological beliefs?
2013-1-03 Prophecies in Ezekiel: Weren't the prophecies in Ezekiel 38 & 39 fulfilled in the Book of Esther? [Ezekiel 38-39].
2013-1-03 Anthony Norris Groves & his Book: Have you ever heard of "Father of Faith Missions: The Life and Times of Anthony Norris Groves" by Anthony Norris Groves?
2013-1-03 Smoking Habit: I've taken up the smoking addiction again. Do you have any advice of how I should nip it in the bud?
2013-1-03 Lilith: Can you tell me about Lilith?
2013-1-03 Others Who Resurrected with Jesus: What about the saints who also rose with Jesus at His resurrection? Did they receive their resurrection bodies also? [Matthew 27:53-54]
2013-1-03 Inerrant Scripture: Is the Bible inerrant? [2 Timothy 3:16]
2013-1-02 Women Remain Silent: What did Paul mean when he said that women are to remain silent in the church? [1 Corinthians 14:34].
2013-1-02 Mary & Joseph: Were Mary & Joseph blood-related, half-brother & sister?
2013-1-02 Miracles during the Exodus of Egypt: Can you survey the miracles during The Exodus from when Moses met Pharaoh until the parting of the Red Sea? How long of a time duration was that?
2013-1-02 Age of Accountability: What happens to people who die before the Age of Accountability? Are sanctified by believing parents? [1 Corinthians 7:14]
2013-1-02 "Covering Cherub" Alludes to Satan: Are not the allusions to the "Covering Cherub" indicate it is Satan? [Isaiah 7, Isaiah 14:12, Ezekiel 28].
2013-1-02 Satan Alluded to Through the Hebrew: When Jesus says "Get behind me, Satan" isn't he actually talking to Satan, not really talking to Peter? Isn't the Hebrew all about allusions to alternate meanings (and types)?
2013-1-02 The Fallen Angel or Cherub, the Devil (Satan): Do you believe in the fallen angel and a personal devil, Satan? [Ezekiel 28:12, Ezekiel 28:14-16, Isaiah 14].
2013-1-02 Tattoos: Should I allow my son to get tattoos? What should I say to him [Leviticus 19:28, Romans 12:1]
2012-1-19 Catholic vs. Non-Catholic (Protestant)- Steve and Catholic Tim Staples continue the discussion. Topic: The Eucharist (Communion, Lord's Supper).
2012-1-18 Catholic vs. Non-Catholic (Protestant)-Marion Doctrine: Steve and Catholic apologist Tim Staples continue their discussion. Topic: Marion Doctrine (Mary, Mother of God).
2012-1-17 Catholic vs Non-Catholic (Protestant)-Hierarchy-Pope & Priests: Discussion between Steve and Catholic Tim Staples on the hierarchy in the church (Pope). [Ephesians 4:11, 1 Corinthians 12:28, Luke 10:16-23, 1 John 4:6, John 11:49-50, Matthew 21:41, Acts 1:20, Psalm 109:8, Psalm 69:25, Jeremiah 31:34, Hebrews 4:16, Hebrews 8:6, Matthew 18:18, 1 Timothy 4:14, 2 Timothy 1:6].
2012-1-16 Catholic Guest: Tim Staples: Steve introduces Tim Staples, host of the "Catholic Answers" radio program ( Steve and Tim discuss opposing views in the Catholic and Protestant Views.
2012-1-16 Catholic vs. Non-Catholic (Protestant)-Spiritual Authority: Steve and Catholic Tim Staples discuss the difference in views about the spiritual authority of the church. [2 Thessalonians 2:15, Matthew 18:15-18, Matthew 21:23-27, Isaiah 22:16-22, Acts 15, Matthew 23:2, Matthew 15, 2 Peter 1:20-21, Deuteronomy 17:8, Matthew 18:6, Matthew 20:25-29, 2 Peter 2:10, 2 Peter 3:15, 1 Corinthians 11:3, Matthew 23:10, 1 Samuel 2:2, Isaiah 51:1-2, Luke 10:16, Matthew 23:8, Ephesians 4:11, James 3:1, 1 Corinthians 12, Matthew 16:19].
2012-1-16 Catholic vs. Non-Catholic (Protestant)-The Stakes: Steve and Catholic Tim Staples discuss; If one doesn't think Catholics are correct but can be saved, then what is at stake? What is the benefit of being Catholic or Protestant? [Hebrews 13:17, Matthew 23:10].
2012-1-13 Faked Moon Landing: Do you think that the moon landing was faked?
2012-1-13 Man's Dominion on Earth: Is it true that God doesn't want us to go to other planets because we have been given dominion on earth? [Psalm 115:16].
2012-1-13 Satan's Power Over Earthly Events: How much influence does Satan have over the weather? Can he cause car accidents? [Mark 4:39, Luke 4:39].
2012-1-13 Defining a "Lie:" What is the definition of a "lie" or a "white lie" and when are they, or "half-truths," acceptable? [John 2:19, James 2:25].
2012-1-13 Jesus' Foreknowledge: Why did Jesus ask questions of some, if He already knows everything ahead of time? [Philippians 2:7, Luke 2:49, Acts 1:1, Matthew 12:28, Matthew 24:36, Luke 8:45].
2012-1-13 "What Have I to Do with Thee?" What does this phrase mean "What have I to do with you?" [Luke 8:28, John 2:4, Matthew 8:29].
2012-1-13 Jesus' Faith: Is there anywhere in scripture that says that "Jesus had faith?" [Galatians 2:16].
2012-1-13 "John the Baptist" & "Spirt of Elijah:" Can you explain the relationship between "John the Baptist" and the "Spirit of Elijah?"[Malachi 4:4, Luke 21:20ff, Luke 1:17, Matthew 11:14, 1 Corinthians 2:14].
2012-1-13 Elijah - "They Did Not Recognize Him:" What about the passage where Jesus is said to be Elijah, "but they did not know Him?" [Matthew 11:11-14, Matthew 17:12].
2012-1-11 Cremation: Caller disagrees with Steve about cremation being acceptable. [1 Corinthians 15:37].
2012-1-11 Resurrection & Afterlife: Doesn't scripture indicate that we are not disembodied after death until the resurrection? [1 Corinthians 5:4-8, 2 Corinthians 12:2, 2 Corinthians 4:16].
2012-1-11 "Wing of the Abomination": Can you explain what "wing of abomination" might mean? [Daniel 9:27].
2012-1-11 Greek Orthodox Study Bible: What do you think of this translation of Daniel 9 from the Greek Orthodox Study Bible? [Daniel 9].
2012-1-11 Timeline- Captivity in Babylon: Would you help me work out the timeline of 70 years of Babylonian captivity? [Daniel 9, Jeremiah 25].
2012-1-11 Mary Magdalene: From where did information about Mary Magdalene develop? [Luke 8:2-3, Luke 7].
2012-1-11 Steve Gregg Recordings: Is there a way to tell which recordings on the website are the newer ones?
2012-1-11 John the Baptist & Elijah: Could you explain the correlation between John the Baptist and the spirit of Elijah? [Malachi 3-4, Luke 21:20f, Matthew 11:14, Luke 1:17, John 1:21].
2012-1-11 Not Recognizing Elijah in John the Baptist: Could you explain the reference to John the Baptist and some not recognizing him as Elijah? [Matthew 11:11, Matthew 17:12].