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Showing 13,601 to 13,650 of 24,566.
Date Topic Audio
2018-9-24 Noah's Ark a parallel to Jesus Christ & the Gospel: Jesus and the cross reflected in the Noah's ark & the Pitch, is that a good parallel legit? [Genesis 6:14, I Peter 3:20-21]
2018-9-24 Only Begotten: What does the "only begotten" of the Father mean? [John 3:16]
2018-9-24 The 7 Spirits: The 7 spirits of God in Revelation paralleled to Isaiah 11:1-3. [Revelation 1:4, Revelation 3:1, Revelation 4:5, Revelation 5:6, Isaiah 11:1-3]
2018-9-20 Lawsuits: Can or should a Christian sue a non-Christian
2018-9-20 Patriotism: How far do we take it patriotism? Do we say the pledge allegiance to the flag?
2018-9-20 Paul's Spirit is with them: What does it mean when Paul said that his spirit is with them? [Corinthians 5:4]
2018-9-20 The Life of Joseph: Did joseph become fully an egyptian? Did he try to evangelize?
2018-9-20 Praying to Mary: I pray to Mary as a Catholic. What do you think about that?
2018-9-20 Sabbath Keeping Catholic: Keeping the Sabbath as a Catholic. I don't keep the Sabbath day very well, but what do you think about the importance of that?
2018-9-20 Agape Love: Isn't it unrealistic to love everyone? Benevolent, Charity.
2018-9-20 Pledge of Allegiance: Isn't saying the pledge "under God" making it okay to say?
2018-9-20 All Scripture Given By Inspiration: All the word of God is inspired, does that mean they were told word for word what to write, "auto-writing"? [2 Timothy 3:16]
2018-9-20 Appreciation for the Narrow Path: Caller praises Steve's show! And tells people to invite him to their town
2018-9-20 Catholic Prosecution: How can "Christians" who have slaughtered 1000s of people be eligible to have eternal life?
2018-9-20 God of OT & NT: How does the angry, wrathful God of the Old Testament transition into a merciful, loving Christ?
2018-9-19 Calvinism: Why do Calvinists feel so confident they are correct?
2018-9-19 Appreciation Comment: Caller just wanted to say Thank you for Steve Gregg & his radio show.
2018-9-19 Calvinism: If calvinists believe in once saved always saved, or they are predestined to be saved, what is the point in evangelizing?
2018-9-19 Losing Faith: Caller feels like he's lost his faith, finding it hard to go to church or read the Bible, looking for encouragement & motivation
2018-9-19 Israelites Faithful to the Covenant: When Israel claimed to have have been faithful to the old covenant in Psalms, were they kidding because isn't that why God allowed them to be captives of Babylon? [Psalm 44, Psalm 44:17]
2018-9-19 Unbelievers in Heaven after Death: Do Believers & UNbelievers go to heaven to wait until the judgment?
2018-9-19 Angel of the Lord: The angel of the Lord, is it talking about a regular angel or the Lord Himself? [Psalm 34:7, 2 Kings 19:35, Hebrews 1:14]
2018-9-19 Benefits for caring for Animals: Is there any heavenly benefits to caring for animals & strays? [Proverbs 12:10]
2018-9-19 Augustine: So Augustine mixed Greek philosophy with Christianity.
2018-9-19 Old Earth Creationism: What would old earth creationists say about animals not dying before the Fall?
2018-9-19 Salvation: Can someone who has never heard of Christ be saved? Can satan be saved?
2018-9-18 Calvinism, Jacob & Esau: It seems to be talking about Nations, so what do the Calvinists say about it again? [Romans 9-11]
2018-9-18 Fear God or Not: Why does it say in some place to fear God & other places it says NOT to fear Him? [Luke 12:32, Matthew 10:28]
2018-9-18 Parable of the Sower: Can you please explain the Parable of the Sower, all the seed falling on different kinds of ground, the meaning of them? [Matthew 13, Mark 4, Luke 8]
2018-9-18 144,000: The 144,000, why are the tribes different? Why the omission of Dan? How do they escape the plagues of the tribulation? What can you tell me about them?
2018-9-18 World Wide Church of God: Do you know of a network of a world wide church of God, & they they believe in sabbatarian worship.
2018-9-18 Cain: Who was threantening Cain?
2018-9-17 The Voice of God: How do we discern the Voice of God?
2018-9-17 Tithing: Tithing in the OT was different that the NT because it wasn't just cash. Is tithing optional or is it required?
2018-9-17 Losing Faith After College Education: Is my son still possibly saved even if they have been drawn away after college?
2018-9-17 Repentance: What is the true meaning of repentance?
2018-9-17 Nicolaitans, White Stones & New Names: Who are the Nicolaitans? What are the white stones in Revelation? Why do we need new names? [Revelation 2:15-17]
2018-9-17 Gifts of the Spirit: Do Gifts of the Spirit like miracles & tongues & the rest still exist?
2018-9-14 Denominations: What do you think of denominations, shouldn't we have unity & one church [2 Peter 2:18]
2018-9-14 Sword: Is the sword paralleled to the word bringing down strongholds?
2018-9-14 Dead Loved Ones: Is it possible our dead loved ones are speaking to us in dreams?
2018-9-14 Paganism: Historical pagans introducing ideas for Christianity/Judaism?
2018-9-14 Trinity: Trinity, Word & Spirit, & energy & heat
2018-9-14 Eastern Orthodox: Is the Eastern Orthodox Bible different than Protestantism, Catholics, etc?
2018-9-14 Trying not to be in the world: Not being of this world. (time is short just enough time to barely state her question)
2018-9-13 "What Would Jesus Do?": "What would Jesus do?", pondering the significance of that question, but wouldn't the more accurate question be, "What would Jesus have ME do?"
2018-9-13 Calvinism & Arminianism: What percentage of John Calvin's teaching do you disagree with (besides Calvinism itself)?
2018-9-13 Aborted Babies: Do aborted babies have souls?
2018-9-13 My Parents stopping having Children before Me: If my parents had stopped having children before I was born, would I have possibly been born somewhere else?
2018-9-13 12 Tribes: Who are the 12 tribes? Who is to rule over them in the regeneration?