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Showing 13,901 to 13,950 of 24,566.
Date Topic Audio
2018-8-07 21 Days to Get to Daniel: If God is all powerful then why did it take 21 days? [Daniel 10]
2018-8-06 Christians & Capital Punishment: Do you have an opinion on the Death Penalty & what is it?
2018-8-06 God Intervening Nations: Does God still intervene in nations today?
2018-8-06 Too Much Emphasis on End Times: Sometimes it's asked, why do we spend so much time on studying eschatology & what part of the Bible should we be paying more attention to? & it's been said that a 1/3 of the Bible is about prophecy, so maybe it's important?
2018-8-06 Sleep Paralysis, Demon attacks & Spiritual warfare: Caller tells about a personal experience with a demons, & calling on the name of Jesus. He would like to know what Ephesians 6 has to do with this? [Ephesians 6:12]
2018-8-06 Gnosticism: When did Gnosticism begin? [Acts 8]
2018-8-06 The Number 666: Is the Number 666 figurative or literal?
2018-8-06 Calvinism & Arminianism: Calvinism & Arminianism, what side of the fence are you on? What about being dead in trespasses & sins in Ephesians? What do you do about there are none righteous? What do you do about Titus which say, Not by works of righteousness, but by His Mercy has He saved us. [Ephesians 2:1-2, Romans 3:10, Titus 3:5]
2018-8-06 Revealed by Fire: Is this talking about having regrets & shame if people don't live for God or is it talking about something else? [1 Corinthians 3:13]
2018-8-03 Wedding Attendees: We are having wedding conflicts over who to invite to be in the wedding. [1 Corinthians 5:9-11]
2018-8-03 Armor of God: Do you have the full armor of God on all the time?
2018-8-03 World Peace? Why is there no world peace?
2018-8-03 Lust: What does the word "lust" mean?
2018-8-03 Surrendering to God: What does it mean to surrender to God?
2018-8-03 The Impeccability of Jesus: Could Jesus have sinned? [Hebrews 5:7]
2018-8-03 Unequally yoked w/ Business Partners: The being unequally yoked is mostly talking about marriage, right, but what about business partners? [2 Corinthians 6:14]
2018-8-03 Apostles Written Record: How come there is not more a record written by apostles?
2018-8-03 Jesus & The Early Church practicing Communism: Would Jesus, His disciples & the early church be considered communists?
2018-8-03 End of Days: What can you tell me about the "last days"?
2018-8-03 Inner Healing: Would you have any problem working with people who did "inner healing"?
2018-8-03 Magi: Can you tell me about the biblical Magi?
2018-8-03 Marriage License: Why do I need a piece of paper to get married?
2018-8-02 Unitarianism & the Trinity: A very convoluted discussion about why the caller think Unitarianism is more plausible than the Trinity. [Hebrews 1-2]
2018-8-02 Book of Job: Is the book of Job pseudepigraphal? Is it a real story of a real event?
2018-8-02 Nation of Israel: Is the nation of Israel legitimately a fulfilled prophecy? Was it founded by the will of God?
2018-8-02 144,000: What can you tell me about the 144,000? Are they all jewish? is it literal? Is it in the future?
2018-8-02 Israel's Conversion: Galatians 3:38 Romans 9:6 Galatians 3:
2018-8-02 After the Rapture: After the rapture will there just be moral people? Or will there be immoral ones too?
2018-8-02 2 Judgements: Are there two judgments, one when you die and one when He comes back, a Great White Throne Judgment?
2018-8-02 Two Witnesses in Revelation 11: Who are the 2 witness of Revelation 11? [Revelation 11:3-12]
2018-8-01 Hyper-Grace & Repenting: Hyper-grace people are going to have a rude awakening if we don't take account of our sins as we go along, repenting for them. What do you think?
2018-8-01 Christian Living, Spirituality: What is your opinion about living in the city as opposed to out in the country as far as being able to live a Christian life?
2018-8-01 Death but Rapture: What happens upon death? How does 1 Thessalonians 4:13 work with meeting Him in the air? If we die, do we come back down with Him from Heaven?
2018-8-01 Heaven for Eternity: Are we going to be in Heaven for eternity?
2018-8-01 Seventh Day Adventist & Soul Sleep: Seventh Day Adventists say that we are going to be asleep until the resurrection or the 2nd coming of Christ. going to be in heaven forever?
2018-8-01 Deathbed Conversion: Can an Adolph Hitler type person really be saved in a deathbed conversion if they really repented?
2018-8-01 Transforming your Mind: We need to completely transform our mind from sin and think about God. [Matthew 7:13-14]
2018-8-01 The Dimension of Time: How did time begin & what is experienced in time once someone dies?
2018-8-01 The 2 Witnesses: Who are the 2 witnesses in Revelation 11? [Revelation 11:3-12]
2018-8-01 Gimmicky Churches: I'm trying to find an good alternative church because the churches for today seem to be too gimmicky.
2018-8-01 Unicorns in the Bible: What does the word "unicorn" mean in the Bible?
2018-8-01 Christian Literature on all your information: What was the website you were talking about? Are there any resources, printed material, on all your info? [
2018-7-31 Death: What happens after we die? What happens to our bodies? Our Souls or Spirits?
2018-7-31 Amillennialism: How does amillennialism affect your hope?
2018-7-31 "I Never Knew You": Doesn't what Jesus tells the miracle workers at the Judgment that He NEVER knew them prove that you can't really lose your salvation since He didn't say I knew you at one time, but now I don't? He said He NEVER knew them! [Matthew 7:23]
2018-7-31 Musical Instruments in the Church: Caller believes we are not allowed to use instruments,
2018-7-31 Spouse Saved by Default: Is paul saying that the unbelieving spouse is saved by default? [1 Corinthians 7:12-16]
2018-7-31 Michael Murdock & the Seed: What is Michael Murdock & seed money ministries saying by growing the seed? My mom thinks I should send him some moneys.
2018-7-31 Born Again....& Again: You can't be born again & again & again & again, so you shouldn't really be able to lose your Salvation.
2018-7-31 Acapella Music: Caller thinks it's Church History that the church didn't use musical instruments for the first few centuries, but it was just for singing & making melody in their hearts.