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Showing 17,201 to 17,250 of 24,566.
Date Topic Audio
2016-11-10 Geneva Bible: What does Steve know about the Geneva Bible?
2016-11-10 KJV of the Bible: Is it true that King James said how it certain words could be translated in the King James Bible?
2016-11-10 World Wide Church of God: Is the World Wide Church of God a cult? Caller has a brother who joined it long ago, & still belongs to the side that did not reform from a cultic-like structure.
2016-11-10 Bethel church in Redding: They ran out of time last time they talked about it & caller was wondering if Steve had anything more to say about them.
2016-11-10 Drinking: We have liberty to drink alcohol, & if you don't agree with that, then you are being legalistic. [Galatians 5:1]
2016-11-09 Marrying Someone outside Faith & One becomes a Christian: What does the Bible say about marrying someone outside the faith? What if one becomes a Christian? What if one of the atheist couple becomes a Christian, is it still binding in God's eyes?
2016-11-09 Officiating the Marriage: What are the Christian rules by who you get married by, a Christian officiant?
2016-11-09 Two Atheists getting Married: If 2 atheists get married by a Christian official, is it recognized by God?
2016-11-09 Conspiracy Theories: American's follow conspiracy theories. It was a conspiracy theory that Iraq & Afghanistan were involved in 9/11. Caller thinks conspiracy theories are significant. [Isaiah 8:12]
2016-11-09 The Judgment: Why a judgment if our sins are forgiven?
2016-11-09 Politics: Political Discussion ensues a day after the election.
2016-11-09 Tourette's syndrome, Dementia: Sometimes people w/ Tourette's Syndrome, Dementia or near death all of a sudden start saying profanity who otherwise never did.
2016-11-09 Salvation by Faith or Works: Paul & James seem to be saying conflicting things about faith & works, can Steve reconcile them? [Ephesians 2:8-10]
2016-11-08 Politics, Leadership Comparison: Hillary as Jezebel, Trump as Jehu comparison on this election day.
2016-11-08 Secret Societies: Have Secret societies always been part of the program? Is the purpose of them to be in tune with the devil & do his dictates & win?
2016-11-08 Politics, Right to Life vs Pro-life: Caller can't support Trump because while he's pro-life, torturing the families of terrorists is just as bad or worse.
2016-11-08 Discipling New Converts: How do we prevent New Converts from being devoured by wolves? [Acts 20:29]
2016-11-08 Baptism: Baptism is a picture of how we should be living? [Romans 6:3-6]
2016-11-08 Hebrews Roots Debate: Caller comments on the debate Steve had just had over the weekend with a Hebrew Roots person, thinking that he did an outstadning job.
2016-11-08 Weakness of the Flesh: What is the "weakness of the flesh"? [Romans 6:19] Baptism: Baptism is a picture of how we should be living? [Romans 6:3-6]"
2016-11-08 Politics, Janet Marshal: Caller comments about C-Span, Christians or Conservatives can talk on their platforms, people
2016-11-08 New Apostolic Reformation Movement: Out of Bethel, does Steve know anything about them?
2016-11-07 Hebrews Roots: Do you think these people are motivated for the same reason as were the Jews & Pharisees, placing a hedge around the law, having a sincere heart?
2016-11-07 Rapture: What needs to take place before the Rapture happens?
2016-11-07 Being laughed at for Jesus: Caller being laughed at when talking about Jesus.
2016-11-07 Unsound Doctrine (of Pre-Rapture): Is the Pre-Tribulation rapture a Sound Doctrine?
2016-11-07 Cult-like churches: A Baptist church says that we had to be re-baptized into their church.
2016-11-07 Capital Punishment: Michael the Buddhist wants to continue talking about capital punishment which he had talked about in 2 previous shows also, pointing out David wasn't killed.
2016-11-03 John the Baptist & Locusts: They weren't supposed to eat insects, so how does John the Baptist & eating grasshoppers fit together? [Deuteronomy 14:19]
2016-11-03 Noah & 7 animals: So why did Noah take 7 of some animals, where did he get that from?
2016-11-03 Writing the Law: Did the Kings have to write the laws down themselves? [Deuteronomy 17:18]
2016-11-03 Second Coming & Judgment Day: What's going to happen to people who have never heard the gospel? [2 Thessalonians 1:8-9]
2016-11-03 Kingdom of God: How can people in Western society relate to the Kingdom of God because don't know about Kings & Queens & royality?
2016-11-03 Cremation: Is it wrong to cremate? (Caller's audio is very poor.)
2016-11-03 Truth of the Bible: Where can someone go to find the absolute, unadulterated truth? [The Narrow Path website?]
2016-11-03 Replacement Theology: Promised Land of Israel & Ephraim.
2016-11-02 Seventh Day Adventistism: Can Steve explain about SDAs verrsion of law & grace?
2016-11-02 Mark of the Beast: What is the partial preterist view of the Mark of the Beast? [Revelation 13]
2016-11-02 Slain in the Spirit: What are Steve's experiences with being "Slain in the Spirit"?
2016-11-02 Capital Punishment: Michael the Buddhist wants to continue talking about capital punishment which he had begun in a previous show.
2016-11-02 Seventh Day Adventists/SDA: Caller wants to defend the Investigative Judgment. [Daniel 7, 13, Luke 12:36]
2016-11-02 Mormonism & other Cults: Can you be a true member of the Mormon church or another cult & still be saved?
2016-11-01 Working as mandated by Bible: What if a person has such a disability that they can't work? [2 Thessalonians 3:10]
2016-11-01 Adam & Eve: Were Adam & Eve flawed before they ate the fruit & then realized they were after they ate it or were they not flawed until after?
2016-11-01 Division in the Church: All this division in the church seems to have a lot to do with Paul. Is there any reason it seems that way? Did Paul teach a different gospel than Christ?
2016-11-01 Sola Scriptura: There's the Bible but then there's Tradition, so where does tradition play a role?
2016-11-01 Traditions: Are there some actual traditions in the Bible that we are supposed to follow?
2016-11-01 Lowest of Men & Politics: God gives kingdom’s over to the lowest of men, relative to modern day politics. [Daniel 4:17]
2016-11-01 Modern-Day Prophets: Are there modern day prophets & what are the dangers of following someone who thinks they are a prophet but are not? [Joel 2:28]
2016-11-01 Evolution: What are Steve's beliefs on Evolution?