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Date Topic Audio
2013-3-28 Our Names in the "Book of Life": How does my name get written in the "Book of Life" and can it be erased? [Revelation 3:5, Luke 10:20, Colossians 1:21-23, Revelation 13:8, Revelation 17:8, Hebrews 12:23].
2013-3-28 Long Life in Old Testament: Is there anything in scripture that explains when and why the length of life changed so dramatically? [Genesis 5, Genesis 11, Psalm 90:10, Genesis 1:6].
2013-3-28 Gifts of the Spirit & Cessationism: Is there something to distinguish between the gift (singular) of the Spirit, and the charismatic gifts (plural) through the laying on of hands to impart them, that requires one to manifest the charismatic gifts to indicate being filled with the Spirit? Could the support "cessation" of the charismatic gifts? [Acts 8-9, I Corinthians 12-14, Romans 12, Acts 19, Acts 2, Acts 10].
2013-3-28 Noah's Salvation: If Noah had refused to go into the Ark, would he have been still saved? Can this be paralleled to obedience regarding baptism?
2013-3-28 Jesus in Hell: How could Jesus descend into hell, if He commended Himself to His Father? [Psalm 31:5, Psalm 16, Acts 2:27, Psalms 16:10].
2013-3-28 Saying "God Bless You": I have noticed that you say, "God bless you" to everyone at the end of the show.
2013-3-28 What is Really Important - to Steve Gregg: What question would you like to hear asked? What is important to ask about?
2013-3-28 The Apostles' Martyrdom: What happened to the apostles? [John 21, Acts 12].
2013-3-28 Cyrus & Daniel in the Lion's Den: Did Cyrus let all the Jewish people go free after Daniel was thrown into the Lion's Den?
2013-3-28 Cyrus-Muslim? If Cyrus was a King of Persia, was he Muslim?
2013-3-28 Muhammad: Is Muhammad in the Bible?
2013-3-27 Adam & Eve: Don't you think that the story of Adam & Eve is hard to take literally, because the punishment seems excessively harsh because of their naive inexperience.
2013-3-27 Baptism-Immersed in Knowledge, not Water: Is it possible that Matthew is saying that we should baptism (immerse) people in knowledge and the studies of God, Jesus and the Spirit, and not really be talking about water baptism? [Acts 2:38, Ats 19:5, Acts 4:12, Matthew 28:19, Colossians 2:9].
2013-3-27 Last Words of Jesus on the Cross: What was the last words of Jesus on the cross, "into your hands I commend my spirit", or "it is finished"? [Luke 23:46, John 19:28-30].
2013-3-27 Bible School: Do you recommend that people go to school to learn more about the Bible, and which one would you recommend?
2013-3-27 Adopting a Mentally Challenged Child: Can you help us discern the ramifications of adopting a chld who is likely retarded and how it fits into God's will for us? Is it OK to ask for a confirmation or sign?
2013-3-27 The Great Comission-(Baptizing) Immersing People in the Gospel: Can it be that it is saying that we should be immersing (baptizing) people in who God is as we go on our way? [Matthew 28:16-20].
2013-3-27 Baptizing (Immersing): Caller thinks that the idea that it could be more accurate that we immerse others in God's power and authority, rather than thinking of it as in baptism with water. [Matthew 28:16-20].
2013-3-27 Adoption of a Mentally Challenged Child: Caller shares her perception regarding the earlier call about the couple praying about adopting a child.
2013-3-27 Calvinsim & Free Will (Dead in Sin): What do you say about the Calvinist view that people are dead in their trespasses and sins, therefore cannot choose God? Recommend: Topical Lectrue; God's Sovereignty & Man's Salvation. [Ephesians 2:1, Luke 15:11-32, Romans 1:18].
2013-3-26 "Baptism" Antitype of the Flood: Could you explain how Noah and the flood are a type of baptism, particularly since most often antitypes are more typically spiritual? [I Peter 3:21].
2013-3-26 "Revelation of Jesus Christ": Could you talk about "the revelation of Jesus Christ", as in the revealing of Christ, rather than as in the second coming? [I Peter 1:13, I Corinthians 1:7, Matthew 16:17, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Romans 8:5, 2 Peter 1:2-4].
2013-3-26 Harry Potter, Wizards & Sorcerers: Would you advise how to handle my children's fascination with the Harry Potter movies (the wizards and sorcerers, etc.)? [Deuteronomy 7:26].
2013-3-26 Symbolism of the "Donkey & Colt": Could you talk about the symbolism of the donkey and colt tied to the vine in Genesis 49 [Genesis 49:10-11].
2013-3-26 Children & Entertainment: Caller shares his views about children's entertainment that involved magic, etc.
2013-3-25 Celebrating "Holy Week": What are your thoughts on celebrating the "Holy Week"? [2 Corinthians 3:17].
2013-3-25 Easter: Because Easter origins were pagan and based on the moons, doesn't it make it actually not a Christian holiday we should celebrate?
2013-3-25 David and Bathsheba: Did David meet Bathseba before he saw her bathing?
2013-3-25 On-line Meetings for Steve: Caller recommends that Steve teach more on-line.
2013-3-25 Supernatural Experiences: How do you feel about supernatural experiences? Caller shares a couple of her experiences. [I John 4:1, I Thessalonians 5:21, Psalms 34:7].
2013-3-25 Cessationists (Ceasing of the Gifts): What do you think about Cessationists (ceasing of the gifts)?
2013-3-25 Do We Have the Right to Healing: What do you think about those that think every believer has a right to complete healing? Recommends topical lecture series; "Word of Faith"-"Is Healing in the Atonement" and "Healing on Demand". [Proverbs 13:12, Luke 17:2, Matthew 18:6].
2013-3-25 Those that Disagree: Caller commends Steve for the way he responds to fellow Christians who disagree.
2013-3-25 Lose Your Faith-No Chance to Return: Can one lose their faith, or backslide, and still come back to the faith? [Hebrews 6:4-6, Hebrews 2:9, James 5:20, Luke 1:37, Hebrews 5:13, Matthew 19:25-26, Luke 18:27, Mark 10:25, James 5:19-20].
2013-3-22 70th Week of Daniel: What is your position on the 70th week of Daniel? [Matthew 24:4-14, Matthew 24:15-26].
2013-3-22 Divorcing from a Polygamous Marriage: What does a Christians believer do if they had more than one wife while in another religion, but cannot divorce some of them, because they cannot be found? [I Corinthians 7:12-15].
2013-3-22 Filled with the Holy Spirit: Could you address what it means to be filled to the full measure of the Holy Spirit? How to you quantify or qualify that? [Acts 2, Acts 4, Ephesians 5:18, Galatians 5:22, Romans 5:5, Matthew 7:11, Luke 11:13, Ephesians 4:30, Ephesians 4, Colossians 3].
2013-3-22 Knowing God's Will: Can you know God's will without pushing on doors to open? [John 10:27-28, Psalm 37:5, Psalm 16:3, Proverbs 3:6, Colossian 3:15, Isaiah 55:12].
2013-3-22 Signs from God: If you were going to school part time, and got your work hours cut, would you take that as a sign from God?
2013-3-22 Steve Gregg's Financial Support: How do I support you financially?:
2013-3-22 Will We Know Each Other in Heaven: Would I be aware of my wife marrying someone else, if I die and am in heaven? Will I know my wife and children or other family members in heaven? [Matthew 22:29-30, I Corinthians 13:9-12].
2013-3-22 Lake of Fire & the CIty of New Jerusalem: Could you explain Revelation 20-22 about entering and exiting the city and the Lake of Fire? [Revelation 20:15, Revelation 21:27, Revelation 22:14, Hebrews 12:22, Ephesians 2]
2013-3-21 Samson as a Black Man: Is there anything in the Bible to support the idea that Samson was a black man, as depicted in the Christian TV series, "The Bible"?
2013-3-21 Samson in Movies: Because Samson's strength came from God, isn't it likely he was not a big strong looking guy, instead of the way he is depicted in Christian entertainment.
2013-3-21 Hell-Eternal Torment: Did I hear you correctly when you said that hell is not necessarily forever? [Romans 6:23, Matthew 10:28, 2Thessalonians 1:9, Ephesians 1:9-10, Colossians 1:19-20, Philippians 2:9-10].
2013-3-21 Universal Reconcilation: Can people repent after they die?
2013-3-21 Muslim Idiom Translation: What do you think about the Muslim idiom translation, where biological words are changed to be less offensive to that group?
2013-3-21 The "Emergent Church": What is the "Emergent Church"? Is it negative or positive?
2013-3-21 "Made in the Image of God": Could you talk about the creation and humans being "made in the image of God"? [Genesis 1:27, Genesis 3:5].
2013-3-21 Calvinism-Dead in Sin: Are there other points that support the idea that when scripture indicates that we are "dead in sin" is not about physical death, but spiritual-as in Prodigal Son? [Luke 15:24, Mark 2:17].