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Date Topic Audio
2018-2-26 Linen Healing: Does linen in the Bible have healing powers?
2018-2-26 Women in Ministry: Women as deaconesses or teachers, etc.
2018-2-23 Billy Graham: Any thoughts about Billy Graham?
2018-2-23 Jesus Physical Appearance: Jesus humble looking at His first appearance and attractive at His second coming.
2018-2-23 Ezekiel 28 King of Tyre: (Followup February 22, 2018, 9th call) Can help me understand king of Tyre or Satan in Ezekiel 28. [Ezekiel 28]
2018-2-23 OT and Revelation: Old Testament symbolism is also in the book of Revelation
2018-2-23 Cremation: Does it say anywhere in the Bible that we are not to get cremated?
2018-2-23 Continual Confession for Stumbing into Sin: Do we have to continue to confess when we stumble into sin after we are saved?
2018-2-23 Celebrating Easter and Christmas: Is it true that you feel Easter and Christmas is just another day and not special?
2018-2-23 Thank You Call: Caller just wanted to say thank you to Steve.
2018-2-23 Women as Pastors: Can a woman pastor a church according to the Bible?
2018-2-23 Current Challenges of the Church: What do you think are the current challenges of the church?
2018-2-22 Jesus not being Ressurected: Was there any danger of Jesus not being resurrected?
2018-2-22 The Cup at the Last Supper: In Luke 22:17-20, is the cup in verse 17 the same cup in verse 20? [Luke 22:17-20]
2018-2-22 Noah's Curse of Canaan: Why did Noah curse Ham's son Canaan & not Ham?
2018-2-22 Mary Magdalene: Was the "case closed" against Mary Magdalene because of no witnesses? [John 8]
2018-2-22 Speaking what you Believe and Word of Faith: Is Paul saying we can have whatever we believe and speak? [2 Corinthians 4:13, Psalms 116:10]
2018-2-22 Catholicism and Protestantism: Can you comment on the Protestant belief that Roman Catholic church is a heresy and the Catholic Church saying Protestantism is a heresy?
2018-2-22 Mark Long or Short Ending: Does Mark 16 end at verse 8? [Mark 16]
2018-2-22 Lent: Can you explain Lent?
2018-2-22 Satan in Ezekiel 28: Is it true you don't think Ezekiel 28 is talking about Satan/Lucifer? [Ezekiel 28]
2018-2-22 Pathway to Victory, Robert Jefferess: What do you think about Pathway to Victory and Robert Jeffress?
2018-2-21 Calling a Person a Fool if They Don't Believe in God: Is my son a fool for not believing in God? Is it ok to call someone a fool? [Psalms 53:1, Matthew 5]
2018-2-21 Grace: Has God Always Operated Under Grace?
2018-2-21 Pluck Out Your Eye: What does Jesus mean when He says pluck out the eye?
2018-2-21 State of the Dead: What is your personal view of the state of the dead?
2018-2-21 Jesus Carrying the Cross: Did Jesus fall down 3 times when carrying the cross? Did He carry the cross at all?
2018-2-21 Life in Other Parts of the Universe: Is there life in other parts of the universe with which God interacts?
2018-2-21 Tithing: Is tithing a biblical principle?
2018-2-21 Soul & Spirit: Is there a difference between "soul" & "spirit"?
2018-2-21 Covenant Theology: Would you say you follow covenant theology?
2018-2-21 Mormonism: Does the scriptures indicate that Mormons/LDSs are not Christian?
2018-2-20 Taking God's Name: Not taking the Lord's name in vain. Does it mean you are not to say the word "Yahweh" casually as the Jews believe?
2018-2-20 Vision for Church: What did Jesus & Paul have as a vision of what "church" is? Is the way we do church today just based on tradition?
2018-2-20 Abortion in Numbers 5: Is the passage in Numbers 5 describing an abortion? [Numbers 5:11-31]
2018-2-20 Appointing Someone to a Church Position: Should you appoint qualified people when there is an open position in a church organization?
2018-2-20 Remarriage (follow-up): If my wife leaves me, does that mean I am free to remarry?
2018-2-20 Authority to Forgive Sins: When Jesus gives the disciples authority to forgive sins, is this just for Apostles or all believers? [John 20:23]
2018-2-20 OT Sacrifices: Were the sacrifices in the Old Testament believed to be for forgiveness of sins at that time or just a covering for future forgiveness?
2018-2-20 Forgiveness: If someone doesn't repent, you don't have to forgive?
2018-2-19 Israel Covenants: Who is the root in verse 16 and does it relate to verse 27? [Romans 11:16,27]
2018-2-19 Vocational Guidance: How do I know what career God is calling me to?
2018-2-19 God's Knowledge: What did God mean when he told Abraham "now I know that you fear me" with regard to Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son?
2018-2-19 Salvation through Christ: Can you resolve perceived tension between the following biblical statements: salvation is through Christ alone, the only way you can come to Christ is to be drawn [John 6], God is seeking people to worship him in spirit and in truth [John 4]?
2018-2-19 Last Supper at Mark's Mother's House: If the last supper was at Mark's mother's house, why did they not know where to go and had to be lead there?
2018-2-19 Broken and Fallen World: We were not given a choice to be born. Why do you think God chose to put us in this fallen world?
2018-2-16 Jesus Learned Obedience: What does it mean when the bible says, Jesus learned obedience by the things He suffered? [Hebrews 5:8]
2018-2-16 Jesus Interrogation: Is Jesus interrogation for 4 days in Mark 12 parallel to preparation of the lamb in Exodus 12 when Jesus was being investigated? [Mark 12:1-7]
2018-2-16 Steve's Notes: Do you have notes when you are teaching? [Editor's Note: At the time of this call, was not available, but you can now find all/most of the at that site.]
2018-2-16 Key of David & Binding and Loosing: What is the key of David and what are we allowed to bind and loose? [Isaiah 22, Revelation 3, Matthew16 & 18]