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Date Topic Audio
2017-11-21 Steve's Lectures About Rapture: A lengthy discussion about Steve Gregg's lectures on about the Pre-Tribulation Rapture.
2017-11-21 Exorcisms: Are exorcisms only performed by the Catholic Church or in all Protestant denominations as well?
2017-11-21 God's Will at Big Choices: Finding God's direction when life is taking some big turns
2017-11-21 Angel Traveling Speed of Thought: Gabriel's immediate action regarding Daniel's prayer, & how long does it take to get answers to prayer? [Daniel 8:14]
2017-11-21 Living in Sin: Confronting people who are living in sin.
2017-11-21 Performing a Wedding you have Doubts about: What about performing weddings if you have some hesitancy about the union?
2017-11-21 Intermarriage: What does the Bible say about interracial marriage?
2017-11-21 Converting to Catholicism: What counsel would you give for someone who's about to convert to Catholicism, mainly because of being in love & wanting to marry her?
2017-11-20 Twinkle of an Eye & the Light of the Eye: Verses that talk about the eyes, one about the twinkle of an eye & one about the light of the eye, is there any correlation? [1 Corinthians 15:52, Matthew 6:23]
2017-11-20 Boundaries Against Toxic People: You can be nclean from touching clothing? is this parallel to being careful about being around certain people & situations [Jude]
2017-11-20 Once Saved, Always being Saved: Can a Christian lose their salvation once they are saved, & if they can, how can they?
2017-11-20 Jesus' Resurrection: After Jesus' Resurrection, James was allowed to see Jesus even though he didn't believe in Him at the time & only fellow believers got to, but the reason is probably because James was his brother.
2017-11-20 Worshipping Jesus & God the Father: Did Jesus ever command to be worshipped? What is required for worship? Worshipping God through song?
2017-11-20 Church Discipline involving Adultery: A couple living in fornication, someone being involved w/ someone who is still married. What should the church do? [Matthew 18:15-17]
2017-11-20 Abomination of Desolation: What is the Abomination of Desolation. (no time for answer)
2017-11-20 Appreciates the Narrow Path: Caller appreciates the Narrow Path.
2017-11-20 Signs of the Cosmic Apocalypse: Have you ever heard of the signs of the Apocalypse, the Sun going dark, the moon becoming dark? (Again, no time to answer.)
2017-11-17 Holiness of God & Permitting Suffering: Regarding the goodness/holiness of God, why would an all-loving, all-powerful God not step in & prevent horrific human suffering?
2017-11-17 Falling in Eternity: What if I can't go the distance in the next life, in the new heaven & earth, since we are required to be good SO long; for eternity?
2017-11-17 Calvary Chapel: Discussion about Calvary Chapel's revival, seeker sensitive, Chuck Smith, gimmicks in the Four Square movement.
2017-11-17 Not Being Completely Cleansed: People who have not been properly cleansed, not saved, how does this apply to people now who don't do it all right? [2 Chronicles 30:17-19]
2017-11-17 Marriage by Church or State for Financial Reasons: So what about getting married by the church or official state sanctioned marriage, for financial considerations.
2017-11-16 Calvinism & the Elect: Calvinism & arminianism discussion involving election, being in Christ, predestination, free will, the whole gamut
2017-11-16 Holy Spirit Entering a Believer: When does the Holy Spirit enter the believer or when do they receive baptism of the Holy Spirit? By the laying on of hands?
2017-11-16 Pastor & Church Issues: The size of the church has been shrinking, & they are going to beam in another pastor's sermon virtually. Is that a good idea?
2017-11-16 Betrothed or the Bride of Christ: Is the Body of Christ, the church, a betrothal or the actual bride of Christ right now? [Matthew 26:29]
2017-11-16 Being a True Follower of Christ: The essentials of Christianity, what does it take to be recognized as a believer by God?
2017-11-15 Calvinist are the only Christians: Calvinist comment on the Facebook said that only Calvinists are really Christians. What would you say about that?
2017-11-15 Near-Death Experiences: The problem with near death experiences is that claim they have a 2nd chance when most people won't.
2017-11-15 Healing: Doesn't this passage of Scripture mean that if elders come & pray for you that you will be healed? [James 5:14-15]
2017-11-15 Jehovah's Witnesses & Mormonism: Can you address cults such as Jehovah's Witnesses) & Mormons/LDS's?
2017-11-15 Applying Partial Preterism to parts of Revelation: Partial preterism, which parts of Revelation does Steve think is still to come?
2017-11-15 The Lecture on 4 Views of Revelation: Caller appreciated his book &/or lectures on the 4 views of revelation.
2017-11-15 Dealing with Hauntings or Evil Spirits: I'm wondering what you think of hauntings or evil spirits? Caller shares a story.
2017-11-15 Twisted View of First Fruits: About tithing, pastor says we need to give our entire first fruits, our entire pay check, to them.
2017-11-15 Ghost Hovering: A caller's daughter dating someone who appears to have a ghost hovering near them, do you think daughter is still in danger?
2017-11-13 Communion: Does Communion connect us to Christ like the Tree of Life did?
2017-11-13 Tree of Life & other Trees in the Garden: Was the Tree of Life as a type of Christ? What other symbolism do the trees in the garden of Eden represent?
2017-11-13 Polygamy: Why did God allow polygamy in the Old Testament?
2017-11-13 Still asked to Teach even though Different View: We've been asked to teach even though we disagree about hell. (follow up to a call he made couple weeks before.)
2017-11-13 Tongues of Fire & Consumed by Fire: There was the Day of Pentecost when the Flames of Fire were on people, & the animal sacrifices that were consumed by fire, are they somehow related? [Acts 2]
2017-11-13 Sabbath Obligatory: Are we still supposed to keep the Sabbath? We are no longer bound to the law, but what about the other 9 commandments?
2017-11-13 Qualifications to Baptize: Who can do the baptizing? Can anyone baptize?
2017-11-13 Pre-Tribulation Rapture: I was always taught that the rapture would happen BEFORE the tribulation. Is this true? [1 Thessalonians 4:13-18]
2017-11-13 Healing: What does the Bible teach about healing?
2017-11-13 Jesus Body at His Return: When Jesus rose from the dead, did He have the same body He had before He came down here or a newly glorified body? Will Jesus have the same body He had at His resurrection when He returns? [Acts 1:9-11]
2017-11-13 Most Effective Way to Share the Gospel: What is the best information to share when evangelizing the gospel?
2017-11-10 No Marriage in Heaven: There is going to be no marriage anymore in heaven? [Matthew 22:30]
2017-11-10 Chaplains Suddenly Appearing at Church: Church brings in new attendees that call themselves Chaplains & wear jackets with that title.
2017-11-10 The Unseen Realm: Have you ever heard of "The Unseen Realm" by a Michael Heiser & wondering what you think about it? He says God had 2 families. [Psalm 82]