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Date Topic Audio
2014-7-16 Walk according to this rule: What is this "rule" that Paul was talking about? Was it talking about being a New Creature in Christ? [Galatians 6:14-16]
2014-7-16 First shall be last, Last shall be first: What did Jesus mean by "the first shall be last, & the last shall be last"? [Matthew 19:30]
2014-7-16 Baptism & The Church of Christ: Isn't it wrong to believe that someone isn't born again until they are baptized, that it's a matter of faith before they are baptized, but getting baptized is just a public announcement that you are a follower of Christ?
2014-7-16 Sabbath: Wasn't Jesus oppressed for following the things in Isaiah 58, including the Sabbath? [Isaiah 58]
2014-7-16 Baptism: I can't understand baptism, if I need to do it again or not, if I met the conditions when I was baptized when I was 12 years old.
2014-7-16 (1) Jesus Crucifying Animals in the Millennium: There won't be future animal sacrifices like Dispensationalists purport, right? [Ezekiel 25:22, Ezekiel 40-48]
2014-7-16 (2) Jesus as Lord & God (His dual nature): So what do you think about Paul & Thomas calling Jesus Lord & God?
2014-7-16 (3) Replacement Theology & (4) The Body of Christ (Church): (3) We are to have nothing to do w/ the Old Covenant, isn't that right? (4) Do you think of the Body of Christ - His Church - going to ultimately prosper?
2014-7-16 Becoming Active in the church (LDS): Caller was wondering how to become more involved in his church, which is the Mormon/LDS church.
2014-7-15 Christians & Disciples: So in order to be a Christian, you also have to be a disciple, isn't that true? So we have to die daily as a disciple, yes? [Matthew 16:24, Luke 14, Acts 11:26]
2014-7-15 Lying Spirit: Who is this Lying Spirit that is mentioned in 1 Kings 21? [1 kings 21:19-21, Job 1-2]
2014-7-15 "Shadow of things to come": Do you think there are still feasts days to come? [Colossians 2:17]
2014-7-15 Did not come to destroy but to fulfill: How do you interpret that Passage of Scripture, that Jesus did not come to destroy but to fulfill the law? [Matthew 5:17-19]
2014-7-15 High Sabbath: So the High Sabbath is a Feast Day? [Colossians 2:14-18]
2014-7-15 History of the church throughout the centuries: What do you consider as "the church" throughout the history of time?
2014-7-15 Seal the book until the end: What does it mean when it says in Daniel to shut the book & seal it until the end? [Daniel 12:4]
2014-7-15 Understanding Daniel: So do you understand everything in Daniel? [1 Peter 1:10-12, Romans 16, 1 Corinthians 2, Colossians 1, Ephesians 3]
2014-7-15 Presuppositional Evidence & Calvinism: Some Calvinists think having evidence to prove there is a God is heretical.
2014-7-15 Sin Nature & Calvinism: Do babies go to hell when they die? [Psalms 51:5]
2014-7-14 Adding or taking from the prophecy of this book: Would Dispensationalists be guilty of the curse at the end of the book of Revelation? [Revelation 22:18-19]
2014-7-14 Dispensationalists: What do Dispensationalists believe?
2014-7-14 Mormons & JWs: Would you say Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses are guilty of adding & subtracting Scripture? [Revelation 22:18-19]
2014-7-14 Flawed Humans: Why did God make us flawed? [Psalms 139:14]
2014-7-14 God & Man: Why did God create us on a less level than Him, a lesser tier?
2014-7-14 God Creating Humans: Why did God make the human race? What is the point of making us?
2014-7-14 Asian Art: Caller heard a conservation between Michael the Buddhist & Steve once & decided to get rid of his questionable "Asian Art" as a result, & immediately had never had such a restful, peaceful sleep than he had had in a very long time that night!
2014-7-14 Narrow Path Website, page about Churches in local areas: Whatever happened to your page you'd said would be put on the website about contacting people of like-minded people in the same area for church?
2014-7-14 Baptism necessary for Salvation: Would you say it's not necessary to get baptized for Salvation?
2014-7-14 Perfect Love & Spiritual Gifts: Doesn't a "perfect love" for your brethren in Christ trump any spiritual gift you might receive, or, is it saying in order to be able to perform a spiritual gift you have to have a perfect love? [1 Corinthians 12-14]
2014-7-14 Jesus Broke the Sabbath: So you think Jesus actually broke the Sabbath? [John 5:17, Matthew 5:17-19, Colossians 2:14-18]
2014-7-14 Spiritual Gifts & love followup: So the gifts will just be perfected in love then, & so it's not the gifts that will disappear, but the immaturity of not having love in them? [1 Corinthians 12-14]
2014-7-11 Book of Daniel being Fulfilled: Do you believe pretty much everything in the book of Daniel fulfilled? The Daniel 8:14 prophecy of evenings & mornings was actually fulfilled by things that happened in the books of the Maccabees, which talked about celebrating the Hanukkah.
2014-7-11 Ark of the Covenant & Mary, the Mother of Jesus: Is there any evidence for the Ark of the Covenant being a pre-figuration of Mary, the mother of Jesus?
2014-7-11 The Branch of the Lord: Can you please explain the "Branch of the Lord"? Is it predicting Jesus? Not the remnant of Israel? are the proceeding or early chapters about judgments talking about Babylon or 70 AD? [Isaiah 4, 2:12, Jeremiah]
2014-7-11 Keith Green: What kind've guy was he, & can you talk about his music?
2014-7-11 Mansions of God: Wondering if you could tell me more about us being Mansions of God? [John 14:1-4]
2014-7-11 Church History - Eusebius: There's a story that Eusebius tells about King Abgarus writing a letter to Jesus about his sick son, wanting Him to come heal him, & Jesus replying that He'd send one of His disciples to heal him. Do you know anything about that?
2014-7-11 Sanctification - Protestantism vs Eastern Orthodox: Do you know the difference between the Protestants concept of Sanctification verses the Eastern Orthodox perception?
2014-7-11 The Blinding of Paul: is it safe to say that Jesus was the one that blinded Paul on the way to Damascus? [Acts 9:3-9]
2014-7-11 Olivet Discourse & the 3 Questions: The 3 questions the disciples asked Jesus, "When will the signs be? What shall be the signs of your coming? When will the end of the age be?", weren't the last 2 talking about the end of the world? [Matthew 24:3]
2014-7-11 Calvinism & Dispensationalism: What is the difference between Calvinism & Dispensationalism? You used to be a Calvinist or a Dispensationalist but not anymore? [Editor's Note: I think she obviously meant Calvinism & Arminianism.]
2014-7-11 Cyrus rebuilding the temple: 400 year gap, so the temple was still standing during King Herod's time?
2014-7-11 Interpreting the Book of Revelation based on the date it was written: So it's pretty important the Date of the writing of Revelation for partial preterists then?
2014-7-09 Dispensationalism: Is this a fair definition of Dispensationalism: Is their belief that when the Lord of glory returns, He's going to rule for 1000 years out of Jerusalem, & there's going to be a rebuilt temple & animal sacrifices?
2014-7-09 The Millennial Reign: You don't believe in the a literal millennial reign, but how do you then explain [Zechariah 14:16]?
2014-7-09 Sabbath Commandment in the NT: So you just admitted that the taking the Lord's name in vain commandment is not found in the NT, but that we still have to obey it, but then say the Sabbath commandment isn't found in the NT, but we still have to keep it, just like not taking the Lord's name in vain isn't, but still obey that. [Matthew 24:20]
2014-7-09 Taking the Lord's name in Vain in the NT: Where does it say not to take the Lord's name in Vain in the New Testament?
2014-7-09 Sabbath Obligation: Caller believes we still need to keep the Sabbath, & goes into a discourse as to why. [Colossians 2:14-18]
2014-7-07 Calvinism & 1 Family Member Saved: So is it complete orthodox Calvinism to think God only selected ONE member of a family & no one else?
2014-7-07 The (Secret) Rapture: How did this idea of a Secret Rapture all of sudden become a major doctrine?