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Date Topic Audio
2017-10-24 Elijah Writing a Letter after He was Gone: Elijah wrote a letter after he was gone? Was it possibly a different Elijah?
2017-10-24 Enoch & Elijah: Elijah & Enoch, what happened to them, because Enoch was not & Elijah was translated?
2017-10-24 No one has Ascended to heaven & Elijah's Spirit: No one ever came back from Heaven to give a testimony of their experience, is that right, & what does it mean that Elijah is to come in John the Baptist? [John 3:13, Malachi 4:5, Luke 1:17, John 1:19-25]
2017-10-24 Calvinism & Eternal Security: A calvinist caller calls to debate a little bit about eternal security, defining the sovereignty of God, defining free will, free choice.
2017-10-23 Daughter being Gay: Christian parents struggling with the fact that their daughter said she was gay, & the daughter has self-destructive behavior.
2017-10-23 Dispensationalism: What are your thoughts about Dispensationalism because they seem to be making sense?
2017-10-23 The 6th Month: What is the "6th month" referring to, the 6th month of the year? the 6th month of Elizabeth's pregnancy? [Luke 1:36]
2017-10-23 Signs of the Stars: The stars signs that was supposed to happen on September 23, 2017, what do you think about that?
2017-10-23 Appreciation Call: Just wanted to say thank you for your good answers, especially the last one.
2017-10-23 God Holding us Responsible for Adam's Sin: How can God hold the whole world responsible for Adam's sin? [Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:12-21]
2017-10-23 Mental Illness & Drugs: What can you tell me about mental illness & taking drugs to manage them?
2017-10-20 Hearing from God: People tell me all the time God spoke to them, but I never hear from Him. Why not?
2017-10-20 Agape Feasts: Shouldn't we have Agape Feasts for Communion like they did in an early church? [1 Corinthians 11]
2017-10-20 Frequency of Communion: Is there instruction of how often we are supposed to have communion?
2017-10-20 Yeshua: A friend telling me we shouldn't call Jesus "Jesus" but we need to call Him Yeshua, sacred names movement
2017-10-20 The Reformation: Do you believe the Reformation was inevitable?
2017-10-20 Septuagint & the Vulgate: Caller wants to know if his facts about Septuagint & the Vulgate are right or not.
2017-10-20 Not Being Contentious: Being Contentious, caller gives his interpretation of a Scripture. [1 Corinthians 11:16]
2017-10-20 The Samaritan Text & the Dead Sea Scrolls: Is the Samaritan Text even real & did it proceed the dead sea scrolls?
2017-10-19 AA Celebrity Recovery: Is AA Celebrity Recovery for the Christian?
2017-10-19 Music being a Gift: Is being a musician a (spiritual) gift?
2017-10-19 New Apostolic Reformation: Any information on the new apostolic reformation bethel church in Redding, CA.
2017-10-19 12-Step Program, AA Celebrate Recovery: Caller relates about a person who went to a church that had the 12 step program.
2017-10-19 Closed Communion: Hos is closed communion in churches that you visit even biblical?
2017-10-19 Celebrating Halloween: I'm doing alternatives for Halloween.
2017-10-19 Bible Camp Meetings: What do you think about Bible Camps? Have you ever heard anything negative about them?
2017-10-19 Swedish Baptist: What can you tell me about the Swedish Baptist?
2017-10-18 Responsibility for Salvation: Who's ultimately responsible for our salvation, us or the Holy Spirit?
2017-10-18 Discipleship: Do all the believers have to physically go out & make disciples of Jesus? [Romans 12:3-8]
2017-10-18 Gifts of the Spirit not for Today: I attended a church that said that the Gifts of the Spirit are not for today, so is that right?
2017-10-18 Transgenderism: Do you have a lecture on transgenderism?
2017-10-18 Melchizedek: Who is Melchizedek & his priesthood?
2017-10-18 Receiving the Holy Spirit: When do you officially receive the Holy Spirit? with the laying on of hands?
2017-10-18 Church Embracing Homosexuals & Lesbians: What are we do to about churches allowing gays & lesbians in with open arms?
2017-10-18 Westminster Catechism: What do you think about the Westminster catechism?
2017-10-18 Driven by Eternity: Are you familiar w/ a book "Driven by Eternity" by John Bevere? He says we need to really focusing on our Eternal Destiny.
2017-10-18 Lectures to start with: What lectures do you recommend that I start listening to?
2017-10-17 Why a Christian: You asked the other day a hypothetical question, Why be a Christian? Why believe in God? & I'd like to answer. [2 Timothy 2:15, Philippians 4:7-9]
2017-10-17 Cessation of the Spiritual Gifts: what is Cessationism? What Scriptures do they use to support this idea? When do they think the gifts came to an end?
2017-10-17 Separation of State & Church & the Anabaptists: What do you think about the separation of church & state, especially in relation to Anabaptists? (Steve continues answering this question after break even though he doesn't indicate that he will before break.)
2017-10-17 Full Maturity of the Church: What do you think it will look like when the church matures? [Ephesians 4:11-13]
2017-10-17 Mormons & Jehovah's Witnesses: Why do Mormons/LDS & JWs consider themselves Christians yet want to be apart from other believers & in fact only believe they are Christians?
2017-10-17 Full Preterism: What makes Full Preterism even a possibility?
2017-10-17 Jesus Second Coming already: What is the strongest support that Jesus did NOT come back yet?
2017-10-16 Church Father's belief of End Times: What were the Church Father's view of end times & millennium?
2017-10-16 Church Traditions & Customs & Head Coverings: What can you tell me about church traditions & customs, especially involving head coverings for women? [1 Corinthians 11:2-16]
2017-10-16 Communion & Agape Feasts: The Early Church had real agape feasts for communion instead of just a token bread & wine like nowadays.
2017-10-16 Women in Ministry I would like to know the reasons why a woman is not allowed to be a pastor or elder. Do you know the reasons? [1 Timothy 2:11-15]
2017-10-16 Secret Rapture: Is the rapture going to be pre-trib, mid trib or post trib?
2017-10-16 Rejoicing: What does it mean to rejoice? [Philippians 4:4]