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Date Topic Audio
2019-8-08 Bible Reading Discipline: How does one get more disciplined about Bible reading, especially during the difficult times? [I Corinthians 13].
2019-8-08 Praying to God or to Jesus: I pray to Father God, and feel as though I should be praying to Jesus, can you clear this up for me? [Matthew 6:9-13, John 16:23].
2019-8-08 Calvary Chapel Pastors: Were you at Calvary Chapel when Chuck Smith was there and did you know Skip Heitzig?
2019-8-08 Void & Formless: Do you believe that the world was void and formless initially, or did it become void and formless before it was to be inhabited?
2019-8-08 Name it and Claim it: I have a friend that is into the Word of Faith movement, and declares and claims things all the time about her beauty and finances, but I have trouble with this. Can you help me? [Matthew 19:21-24, 6:19-21, I Timothy 6:3-10, 2 Peter 2:1-3].
2019-8-08 Entangled in the Affairs of This Life: What does scripture mean when it says that no one who is in warfare entangles themselves with "the affairs of this life"? [2 Timothy 2:1-4, I Corinthians 10:31].
2019-8-08 Lillith & Adam: Was Adam married to Lillith, before he married Eve?
2019-8-08 Healing: I keep praying for healing, and I am remaining consistently in prayer and faithful, so why do we not get results quickly? [John 14:12, Isaiah 1:6, 53:4, I Peter 2:21-25, 2 Corinthians 12:8-10].
2019-8-07 Excess Funds: How should handle sudden excessive funds or a financial windfall? [I Corinthians 6:20].
2019-8-07 Adamic Curse: I think we are still under the Adamic curse, and there will be another holocaust.
2019-8-07 Shroud of Turin: I think the Shroud of Turin is authentic, and I know it intuitively.
2019-8-07 Third Temple: I believe there is going to be a 3rd temple.
2019-8-07 Adamic Curse: Are we not free form the Adamic curse?
2019-8-07 The Salvation Army: Is The Salvation Army a good group to donate to?
2019-8-07 Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Wondering about Steve's view of how one receives the Holy Spirit and baptism of the Holy Spirit? [Romans 8:9, Acts 2, 4, 18, 19].
2019-8-07 Paul as an Apostle: Was Paul an apostle? [Acts 14:14].
2019-8-07 The Rapture: What is your opinion of the timing of the rapture? [I Thessalonians 4, John 6:39, 40].
2019-8-07 Indwelling Holy Spirit Evidence: I am noticing some behaviors in my life that seem to be not as attentive to living a holy life - as I should be - so is that a sign that the Holy Spirit is not in me?
2019-8-07 John as a Witness: Is John speaking of himself as a witness to the ascension in John 1:14? [John 1:14, I John 1, Psalm 19].
2019-8-07 Sabbath: What day of the week is actually the sabbath? Do we need to keep the sabbath?
2019-8-07 "No More Sacrifice for Sin": I'm concerned about how this verse about "no more sacrifice for sin" and how it may apply to me. Though I have repented, have I trodden on the truth so much so, that I can't be forgiven? [Hebrew 10:26,17-18, 8:13,Jeremiah 31].
2019-8-07 Obeying the Law: Which laws do we, as Christians, need to continue to follow, and how do we know which ones do not apply? [Romans 7:2-6].
2019-8-07 Textual Criticism: Jesus said His words will never pass away, but textual critics claim that we are missing some of the words from manuscripts, how do we assess that? [Matthew 24:35]
2019-8-07 Waiting on God: I seem tend to try to fix things myself rather than waiting to hear from God, and then I seem to make it worse. Can you advise me? [2 Timothy 2:15, Proverbs].
2019-8-06 Trinity: Would you enlighten me about when the controversial text in 1 John 5:7 was incorporated into the Bible, and talk about its reliability?
2019-8-06 Paul's Thorn in the Flesh: Was Paul's "thorn in the flesh" actually God's allowance of demonic spirits to be sent to the Corinthian church? [2 Corinthians 12:7-9, Galatians 4:13-15, John 9].
2019-8-06 Alcoholism - Reason for Divorce: Is alcoholism a legitimate reason to end a marriage by a divorce?
2019-8-06 Inappropriate Television: Is it inappropriate for me to monitor the television shows that my wife watches and ask that she eliminate certain ones? [Matthew 4:29].
2019-8-06 Biblical Joy: How would you describe biblical joy ... is it a fact, feeling, emotion, and similar to happiness? [Acts 5:41].
2019-8-06 Word of Faith: What do we do if the college our daughter has chosen is one we don't approve of, because it is affiliated with "Word of Faith" and Kenneth Copeland?
2019-8-06 After the Exodus: Why didn't the children of Israel have better success when they came out Egypt and bondage?
2019-8-06 Free Indeed: Why were they upset when Jesus said, "if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed"? [John 8:36].
2019-8-05 Trinity: Someone from a Hebrew roots group (New Prophetic Apostalic Messianic) has recently challenged my view of The Trinity, how can I help work though his objections?
2019-8-05 Second Coming: What will trigger the lasts days and the second coming of Christ? [Matthew 24:14, Ephesians 4:13, Mark 4:29].
2019-8-05 Shroud of Turin: Is the Shroud of Turin the authentic shroud of Jesus?
2019-8-05 Third Temple: Will there be a third temple in Jerusalem? [Ezekiel 40-48, Zechariah 14, 2 Thessalonians 2, Revelation].
2019-8-05 Jesus Subordinate to God Eternally: Do you think that The Son is eternally subordinate to The Father, as do John Piper and Wayne Grudem? And where then would The Holy Spirit be? [I Corinthians 11:3, 15:24].
2019-8-05 Those Who Are Ignorant: How can we parallel Jesus' forgiving those who did not know what they were doing at the crucifixion, with people now, who don't know what they are doing? [Luke 29:34, Acts 3].
2019-8-05 Song of Solomon: Should the book, Song of Solomon, be considered an allegory or a love story, and what are the theological ideas one should draw from it?
2019-8-05 Homosexuality: How does one navigate this current environment and those who assume that we, who don't approve of a homosexual lifestyle, are hateful toward homosexuals?
2019-8-05 Jesus' Equality to God: If Jesus has the same authority as God, then why would Jesus not know about the timing of "The Second Coming"? [Matthew 24:36, John 10:30, Colossians 2:9].
2019-8-02 Nudity in Movies: Should Christians watch movies with nudity? If not, then should one not see the movie, "The Mission"?
2019-8-02 Leaving Dispensationalism: When you left Dispensationalism, how did your church respond?
2019-8-02 New Jerusalem: Is the "New Jerusalem" the church in the book of Revelation?[Galatians 4:26, Hebrews 12:22, Revelation 21:11, Ephesians 2:20, I Corinthians 15:43, Colossians 3:4].
2019-8-02 Saul Summons Samuel: Do you think that Saul actually summoned up the real spirit of Samuel? [I Samuel 28:11-20].
2019-8-02 Tithing: Would you clarify your position on tithing? [Malachi 3:10].
2019-8-02 Adam, Eve & Lillith: Was there another woman in the beginning with Adam & Eve, named Lillith?
2019-8-02 Deconstruction of Faith: What do you think about the newer term for losing one's faith, called "Deconstruction of Faith"?
2019-8-02 Emanuel Swedenborg: Emanuel Swedenborg, and others, have claimed that they had a special connection to the spiritual realm. What do you think about reported experiences like these?
2019-8-02 Canaanite Genocide: How is the command to wipe out the Canaanites different from ethnic cleansing or genocide?