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Date Topic Audio
2021-6-23 The Bible Project: Are you familiar with "The Bible Project" with Tim Mackie, and what do you think of it?
2021-6-23 God's Glory & His Glorified Body: Could we say that God's glory is His image and is manifested in His glorified body? [I Corinthians 15:44, Hebrews 1:3, I John 3:2, Hebrews 2:10, Romans 8:29, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Romans 5:2, Colossians 1:27].
2021-6-23 First Fruits & the Tithe: Are the "first fruits" the tithe? [Matthew 23:23, Luke 14:33, Malachi 3:10].
2021-6-23 Ecclesia, Bride of Christ & The Church: Is the "Bride of Christ" a larger group, or synonymous for "The Church" [Acts 11].
2021-6-23 Old Testament Saints & The Body of Christ: Are the Old Testament saints part of the "Body of Christ"? [Ephesians 3:1-6, Matthew 8:11, Hebrews 11].
2021-6-23 Pharaoh's Dynasty in Exodus: In Exodus, was it because it was a new dynasty that arose, that the Pharaoh did not know Joseph? [Exodus 1:8].
2021-6-23 Heart & Mind: How do we differentiate between the heart and the mind? [Proverbs 23:7, I Peter 3:3, Mark 12:30, Matthew 22:37, 2 Corinthians 4:16].
2021-6-23 Re-baptism: If I was baptized as a child in the Catholic church, but have since accepted Christ, do I need to be rebaptized? [Acts 19:1-7].
2021-6-23 Tongues & Other Gifts in the Church: Why the church is not benefitting by more people exercising of their gifts in the church? [I Corinthians 14:26-29, Romans 12:6-8].
2021-6-22 Trials & Suffering: Should a Christian be concerned if they are NOT suffering any significant trials? [John 21:22-23, Acts 14:22].
2021-6-22 Apostates Cannot Return to God: Can you return to Jesus if you have fallen away based on Hebrews 6? [Hebrews 6:4, Luke 19:27, Matthew 19:26, James 5:19, Romans 11:22, John 15:6, Matthew 13:1-23, Mark 4:1-20, Luke 8:4-15, I Peter 1:5, Hebrews 3:1, Hebrews 3:12].
2021-6-22 Perseverance of the Saints (Eternal Security): I disagree with you in that I can't imagine ever walking away from the Lord, if one is ever really saved? [Revelation 2:10, I Timothy 4:1, 2 Timothy 4:10, Hebrews 6:4].
2021-6-22 Necessary Posture for Prayer: Is there anything in the Bible that indicates we need to close our eyes and bow our heads to pray? [I Kings 8:22, I Kings 8:54].
2021-6-22 Revelation Verses About the Second Coming: What parts of Revelation is about the Second Coming? [Revelation 11, Revelation 20:9, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
2021-6-22 Second Coming & Rapture Differences: Could you clarify some of the differences in views that the Dispensationalism and Amillennialist would have on the Second Coming and the Rapture? [John 6:39, John 6:44, John 6:54, I Corinthians 1:7, 2 Peter, 2 Peter 3, Matthew 25].
2021-6-22 Tongues & the Holy Spirit's Fullness: Could you clarify how much of the Holy Spirit do you get when you get saved, and how does this relate to speaking in tongues? Recommended book; "My Heart, Christ's Home" by Robert Boyd Munger. Recommended Lecture; "Charisma & Character"/ "Tongues" [Acts 19:1-7, Ephesians 1, Ephesians 5:18].
2021-6-22 Apostates Who Return To Christ: Have you ever known anyone who has fallen away (apostatized), but has come back?
2021-6-22 Great Men of God who Fall: Could you share your insights in regard to how seemingly great men of God can fall to sin, such as Ravi Zacharias?
2021-6-18 "Father Forgive Them": When Jesus said, "Father forgive them", who did He mean? [Luke 23:34, Act 3:17, Isaiah 53:12].
2021-6-18 Case Against the Trinity: Caller attempts to make a case against "The Trinity." [John 14:6, John 14:22-24, Galatians 4:6, John 14:16-18, Romans 8:9].
2021-6-18 Dying to Sin, Continuing to Sin, so Grace Abounds: How do I interpret this Romans verse about dying to sin, and continuing to sin, so grace abounds, and to whom is he speaking? [Romans 6:2, Romans 6:3-4, Romans 5:20-21].
2021-6-18 Universal Reconciliation & View of Hell: Where do I find whether early church fathers believed about hell, particularly,"Universal Reconciliation"? (Editor's Note: Steve Gregg continues talking about this question after the break even though he doesn't indicated that he's going to.)
2021-6-18 Mary Baker Eddy & Christian Science: What are your thoughts about Mary Baker Eddy (Christian Science)?
2021-6-18 The Biblical City of Bethel (Luz) Would you clarify when the city of Bethel (Luz) was named? [Genesis].
2021-6-18 Jerusalem Council & the Law of Moses: Could you clarify what was happening at the Jerusalem Council, and if keeping the Law of Moses is still required? [Acts 15].
2021-6-18 Steve Gregg's Bible Study Tools: What tools do you use for your Bible study? Recommended; In addition to the Bible-Interlinear Old (Hebrew) and New (Greek) Testaments, Strong's Concordance, Bible Dictionaries, Bible Commentaries by F.F. Bruce or Tyndale.
2021-6-18 Need Both Good & Evil: Caller posits the idea that we need to have both good and evil inclinations.
2021-6-18 Worship in Spirit & Truth: What was meant by "worship in spirit and truth"? [John 4:24].
2021-6-17 Compensation from Another Christian: As a Christian seeking compensation, can I ask my Christian dentist, to cover the costs of a botched attempt to fix my tooth? [I Corinthians 6:1-10].
2021-6-17 "The Jesus Christ Show" Radio Program: What do you think about the "Jesus Christ Show"? Do you think it is blasphemous?
2021-6-17 The Bethel in Genesis: Is the "Bethel" mentioned in Genesis chapters 12 and 28 the same "Bethel"? [Genesis 12:8, Genesis 28:19].
2021-6-17 Justification, Salvation & Sanctification: Do not justification, salvation and sanctification happen at different times, therefore disproving "eternal security"? [I Corinthians 6:11, Romans 4:19-22, Romans 5:5, Genesis 15:6, I John 3:27].
2021-6-17 Kenneth Hagin and Word of Faith: I want to disagree with you about Kenneth Hagin and the "Word of Faith" movement (Health & Wealth or Prosperity Doctrine). Recommended Topical Lecture: "Word of Faith".
2021-6-17 Pre-Trib Rapture & the Tribulation in Eschatology: Could you talk about the connection between these two verses in Daniel 12 and Revelation 3? [Daniel 12:1-3, Revelation 3:10, Matthew 24:21, I Thessalonians 4:16, John 5:28, John 17:15]. Recommended Topical Lecture; "When Shall These Things Be?".
2021-6-17 Chronology of the Main Last Days Events: In what order will the major last days events will take place? Recommended Topical Lecture: "When Shall These Things Be?"
2021-6-16 Jesus as the Begotten: Would not Jesus' birth be God "begetting" Him? [Philippians 2:6, Luke 1:35].
2021-6-16 Jesus Not God: Could you help me counter the argument that Jesus is not God? Recommended Topical lecture; "Knowing God".
2021-6-16 Lordship Salvation: Would you define "Lordship Salvation"? [Romans 10:9, Matthew 28:18, Matthew 16:24-26, Luke 9:23].
2021-6-16 Marrying an Unbeliever: Can you help me think through marrying an unbeliever?
2021-6-16 Saving My Fiancé : How do I make sure my fiancé becomes a Christian? [Matthew 5:30].
2021-6-16 Sex Before Marriage (Fornication): What about sex before marriage (fornication)?
2021-6-16 Gay Pride Month: Why does God allow Gay Pride month?
2021-6-16 God Helping Homosexuals: Why doesn't God help gay people better so they can please Him? [Romans 12:2, Matthew 11:29-30, Matthew 7:13-14, Psalm 14:1, Proverbs 9:10, John 8:31-34].
2021-6-16 LGBTW Marriages: Why are people caught up in the LGBTQ movement and so many are marrying each other?
2021-6-15 Suicide of an Unsaved Loved One (Addict): What do you say to someone who has lost an unsaved loved one-in this case, an addict's suicide? [Luke 12:47].
2021-6-15 "Tabernacle of David": Did David have the Holy Spirit and what of the "Tabernacle of David"? [Acts 15:8, Acts 15:16, Amos 9:11-12].
2021-6-15 Context for Romans 8:28 (All Things Work for Good): Could you put Romans 8:28 (all things work together for good) in context for me? [Romans 8:28-30].
2021-6-15 Pre-trib Rapture: Caller shares his view that he believes in the pre-trib rapture. [I Thessalonians 4-5].
2021-6-15 Cain & Sargon the Great: Do you know if Cain was Sargon the Great? [Genesis 4].
2021-6-15 New Earth Sinners: What is going to keep people from sinning on the new earth, and why would He not do that from the beginning?