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Date Topic Audio
2015-2-04 Spiritual Discernment - Judging: Aren't we as Christians supposed to judge one another? [1 Corinthians 2:15, Matthew 7:1, John 7:24]
2015-2-04 Day, Earth & Land: Why is "Day" capitalized in Luke? Is there a reason they chose the word "earth" instead of "land"? [Luke 21:34-36]
2015-2-04 Women not qualified for remarriage: Caller's brother is going around telling their mom that she needs to divorce their stepdad or she's committing adultery, & he might be saying the same thing about her.
2015-2-03 Body, Soul & Spirit & the Devil: Is it possible, since the Devil is a spirit, that God can't "destroy" him, so that's why he, the beast & the false prophet will be tormented all day & night for eternity? [Matthew 10:28 Revelation 20:10]
2015-2-03 2 Different Creations: Are there 2 different creations in Genesis since it seems to be saying different things about it? [Genesis 1, Genesis 2]
2015-2-03 The word, "Forever": Caller has a comment about the word, "forever".
2015-2-03 Virgin Birth: The Virgin Birth story seems to be similar to other stories of leaders who were heroic, doesn't it?
2015-2-03 Dispensationalism - Ethnic Israel: Is it true people don't have a true understanding of what or who Israel is, that that's why Dispensationalism is flourishing so much?
2015-2-03 King David's Concubines: Did David have concubines & if he did, isn't that adultery? How come he's not considered an adulterous?
2015-2-03 Meaning of Words & Interpreting Scripture: What's the benefit in saying that some words & verses don't mean what they normally would in the English language?
2015-2-02 Grace & Works: At what point do you think grace is overridden by failing to do a specific work, if at all?
2015-2-02 Calvinism - Election: Even though Paul was quoting from the Old Testament passages that were talking about nations, Paul was talking about individuals, wasn't he?
2015-2-02 Adulterous Pastor: What should I do if I think a pastor is committing adultery?
2015-2-02 The Loosing of Satan: Why would we want to loose Satan after he is bound up? [Revelation 20:1-3]
2015-2-02 Eternal Security: Caller wants to point out that passages about Eternal Security stand out by themselves, "proving" it, that you don't need other scripture to prove it.
2015-2-02 Infant Baptism: In trying to make a case, a defense for "infant Baptism, the Jailer & Lydia, after they got baptized, went & had their whole household baptized, including possibly infants. [Acts 16:14-15, 33]
2015-1-30 Overcome with Doubt: Sometimes I have doubts about God really existing, Jesus existing. How do I overcome that?
2015-1-30 "And this Word": What does "this word" mean in Hebrews? Isn't this book talking about Jesus, & don't forget about Moses & the Law, but that Jesus is SO much better? Why is he referring to Haggai? [Hebrews 12:27, Haggai 2:6]
2015-1-30 The Law of the Atonement: The 2 Goats, one for Lord, one was as the Scapegoat. But what is "Azazel" (in the Hebrew)? [Leviticus 16:6-10]
2015-1-30 Peter & Vision of Unclean Animals: Caller thought the vision of the unclean animals Peter had was just talking about animals & diet, but it was talking about people. [Acts 10, 11]
2015-1-30 Faith in America: Caller thinks has a theory on why so many people are having trouble with their faith in America & thinks he has the remedy for it.
2015-1-30 The Book of Revelation: I have a friend I debate with, sharing with him partial preterism, but he's suggesting I'm adding or taking from the book of Revelation. [Revelation 22:19]
2015-1-30 Recognizing Relatives in Heaven: Will we know our relatives in Heaven? What age will be appear there? Will we be speaking the same language?
2015-1-30 Rick Warren & Islam: Has Steve heard anything about Rick Warren trying to merge Islam with Christianity?
2015-1-30 Rick Warren: Caller wanted to say that he personally knows Rick Warren, & knows that he is a very reputable man, & isn't trying to merge Islam with Christianity.
2015-1-29 Gospel of the Kingdom vs Grace: Is the gospel of the Kingdom of God the same as the gospel of Grace?
2015-1-29 Kingdom of God & the Millennium: Is the Kingdom of God & the Millennium Related?
2015-1-29 Eternal Security: People could become complacent with eternal security, but caller has been studying the Bible in that prism, & don't you get credit by not believing it?
2015-1-29 Falling Away: Steve & others don't understand how people can fall away, BUT the caller wants to explain how it's possible.
2015-1-29 Great White Throne Judgment: Are Christians going to be in the Great White Throne Judgment also?
2015-1-29 The Soul being Eternal: What does it mean the soul is eternal/immortal?
2015-1-29 The Parousia (Full Preterism): Caller has been reading the book, "Parousia" by J Stuart Russell, & that there was a "dead zone" after 70 AD, & people were resurrected/raptured then.
2015-1-29 Judge not: People at church tell me, who I am to judge, citing a verse in Matthew? What do you say? [Matthew 7:1, John 7:24]
2015-1-28 Jesus' lineage being of David: Joseph lineage was full of sinners, & he wasn't really Jesus' biological father, so Jesus is just the seed of David by faith? [Matthew 1, Luke 3:23-38]
2015-1-28 Addicted to Narcotics: How do I break the addiction of prescription drugs? I've tried everything!
2015-1-28 Eternal Security: What about verses in John that seem to endorse eternal security? [John 10:28, 6:37]
2015-1-28 Sanctification & Age of Accountability: How does a person who dies young who gets to go heaven not have to go through the process of sanctification?
2015-1-28 Gifts with Attachments: I gave money as an incentive for grandchildren to read a book, & the parents didn't think I should add attachments to a gift.
2015-1-28 Becoming Sinless: Can we become sinless?
2015-1-28 Jesus as a Child: Was Jesus aware of who He was when He was a kid (younger than 12)?
2015-1-28 Mary's Conception: Was Jesus any part of Mary? Did God just use Mary's womb as an incubator?
2015-1-28 Jesus was conceived with immortality: Jesus was immortal, no death in Him. He wasn't capable of sinning, apparently. A caller has all kinds of ideas about Jesus while a Man.
2015-1-28 World Events: The world seems to be getting worse & worse, & prophecy seems to be fulfilling itself, doesn't Steve agree?
2015-1-27 Continually Repenting: Some say you don't have to repent from sins, but from unbelief & that we don't have to keep repenting once you are saved.
2015-1-27 Same-Sex Marriages: Caller wonders if there is a movement out there about only obeying the red letters of the Bible, that we only have to do what Jesus said, so we don't have to worry about homosexuality since He didn't talk about it?
2015-1-27 Belief You Can Move Mountain: If we have enough belief, we can move mountains?
2015-1-27 Rebaptism: Is it important to be re-baptized if I was baptized as an infant?
2015-1-27 Divorce: There is the exception clause to get divorced (adultery & fornication). What about unlawful marriages? [Matthew 5:31-32]
2015-1-27 Jacob blessing grandchildren: How was Jacob able to leave the birthright blessing/inheritance to Joseph's 2 sons?
2015-1-27 Witchcraft vs Spiritual Gifts: An ex-witchcraft, Occult person who is now a Christian claims she has the spiritual gift to stop the wind. Caller didn't know how to tell her that was crazy.