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Showing 17,101 to 17,150 of 24,566.
Date Topic Audio
2016-12-02 Tracts only havsing Limited Information: Caller concerned that there's not enough information in a tract on how to become a Christian, only saying a sinner's prayer.
2016-12-02 Jews vs Gentiles accepting gospel: Why does it seem the Gentiles accepted the gospel more readily than the Jews?
2016-12-02 King Solomon: Did Solomon die in his sins or climb out before he did?
2016-12-02 Hebrew Israelites: They believe Salvation is only for the Hebrews. What is a Gentile? Caller would like more evidence that the gospel is for the Jews also.
2016-12-01 Resurrection on the Last Day: Is the Resurrection on the last day for both the righteous & the wicked? [John 5:24, Rev 22, Daniel 12:2]
2016-12-01 Rulers Contradiction: Is there a contradiction between Hebrews 13:17 & 2 Corinthians 1:24 about submitting to others? [Hebrews 13:17 & 2 Corinthians 1:24]
2016-12-01 Benny Hinn: Does Steve have any thoughts on Benny Hinn?
2016-12-01 Converting Spouse: Caller has been trying to expose his wife to Jesus, & have her accept Jesus, & would like advice from Steve the best way to do that.
2016-12-01 Reincarnation & Resurrection: The difference between reincarnation in contrast to a judgment & a resurrection.
2016-12-01 Positive & negative thinking: Caller wants to point out that the way you think affects the way your life turns out. [Proverbs 23:7]
2016-11-30 Recognizing people in Heaven: Are we going to recognize people in heaven?
2016-11-30 Samson Breaking Vows: The Spirit of the Lord came upon Samson & he would often break his vow. [Judges 16]
2016-11-30 Rapture: Did I hear you right-That you do not believe in the "Rapture"?
2016-11-30 Atheist Question number 1 - Bible Confusion: If God's not Author of confusion, why is the Bible more confusing that anything else in history?
2016-11-30 Atheist Question number 2 - God's Omnipotence: If God is omnipotent, how could He change something?
2016-11-30 Old Friend of Steve Calls (Ed): Ed just wanted to call & say hi & reflect on old times.
2016-11-30 Samson (Calling to disagree): Caller calling to disagree w/ what Steve said earlier in the show about Samson.
2016-11-30 Second Coming of Jesus: Dead came out of the grave when Jesus rose, so when He comes in again, will it be the 2nd coming or the 3rd coming?
2016-11-30 First Love: Caller wants to find his first love & fire of Jesus that he had before & wants recommendations on how to do that!
2016-11-29 Apostolic Succession: The Catholic or Eastern Orthodox seems to think they have the succession of apostles from Peter. Do they have any evidence?
2016-11-29 Constantine & the Catholic Church: The Catholic church didn't even exist until Constantine, so no bishops of Rome before then, is the caller's thought.
2016-11-29 DIDN'T believe in Jesus: Shouldn't be in verse 31 of John 8 say that they DIDN'T believe in Jesus in relation to the rest of the passage of Scripture in John? [John 8:31-59]
2016-11-29 Lawsuits: Are Christians allowed to sue people?
2016-11-29 "Eat My Body"/Communion: What did Jesus mean by "Eat My Body" & why did so many people leave Him as a result of Him saying this? [John 6:40, 54]
2016-11-29 Love & war: Caller is having trouble harmonizing loving your enemy but then war being acceptable?
2016-11-29 Unpardonable Sin: No one mentions blaspheming the Holy Spirit as saying that Jesus was Beelzebub, why not? Is it just denying Jesus to the bitter end? [Matthew 12:25-32]
2016-11-28 Journey on the Hard Side of Miracles by Steve Stiles: Caller is getting Steve's book on the 4 views on Revelation, & wondering if he co-authored the book with Steve Stiles called "Journey on the Hard Side of Miracles".
2016-11-28 Conscience: Michael the Buddhist wonders about your own conscience verses what the Bible says to do or not do & eating animals.
2016-11-28 Gap-theory & Lucifer: There is a gap theory, & Lucifer was created during that time (as opposed to being evil from the beginning).
2016-11-28 King Saul: Why did God give Israel Saul as the first king?
2016-11-28 Regret in Heaven: Even though a person might be saved, is it true they won't be happy if they fail to really obey God while down here on earth?
2016-11-28 War in Heaven: What heaven is this in reference to regarding this war, how do angels fight, and is it them we are fighting with now in spiritual warfare? [Revelation 12, Ephesians 6:12]
2016-11-23 Praying in the name of Jesus: Why are some prayers not answered if we are promised that if we ask in His name it will be answered?
2016-11-23 Surrendering to God: What is surrendering to God?
2016-11-23 Gog & Magog: Why does Steve believe that it was fulfilled in the past? [Ezekiel 38-39]
2016-11-23 Restoration of Israel: Doesn't it say in Amos that Israel is going to be restored? [Amos 9:11, Acts 15:14-17]
2016-11-23 Myles Munroe & The Kingdom of God: The gospel is about the Kingdom of God, not just Jesus dying on the cross, being born again? [John 3]
2016-11-23 CHange: Who needs to change, me, or other people?
2016-11-22 Lukewarm, spewing them out of His Mouth: Does that mean loss of Salvation? [Revelation 3:16]
2016-11-22 Calvinism: Can you please talk about Calvinism & the 5 points, such as Total Depravity, Regeneration, Irresistible Grace. {Romans 8, John 6]
2016-11-22 Righteousness: Imputed & Imparted Righteousness [2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 John 3:2]
2016-11-22 Choosing God or God choosing us: Both can be reconciled, right? We choose God, but He ultimately chose us
2016-11-21 George Whitefield: & John Wesley: Caller would like Steve's thoughts on George Whitefield & John Wesley.
2016-11-21 Kingdom of God & USA Patriot: Any thoughts on Patriotism?
2016-11-21 U.S. Constitution: U.S. Constitution being effective because of these Christians?
2016-11-21 Old Friend of Steve: Old friend of Steve’s thanks him for his ministry, & thanks his wife who got killed in an accident for bringing her to the Lord &/or studying the Bible effectively.
2016-11-21 Sin & Homosexuality: Is Sin Sin? Are we soft on some sins & hard on other sins? How can we say sin is wrong when we are all sinners? Such as Homosexuality?
2016-11-21 Celebrating Holidays: Why is it that we celebrate Christmas & Easter since Jesus wouldn't?
2016-11-21 Church Hunting: Wondering about the Nazarene Church.
2016-11-21 Law - OT vs NT: What is the difference between the law of the Old Testament & the NT?