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Date Topic Audio
2021-1-05 The Little Horn: Can you identify who "the little horn" is in Daniel? [Daniel 2, Daniel 7, Daniel 9].
2021-1-05 Visions in Daniel: What is the best argument against the idea of the vision in Daniel 2 & 7 is about the end times? [Daniel 2, Daniel 7].
2021-1-05 Judging by Appearances: Does one's dress, language, music preferences, etc. change when one is saved, and how does it related to judging by one's appearances? [John 7:24, Romans 12:2]. (Same caller as 3rd caller.)
2021-1-05 Resurrection in the Old Testament: Are these Old Testament verses referring to the resurrection? [Job 19:25-27, Isaiah 26:19].
2021-1-04 Distinction Between 70 A.D. and the Second Coming: Could you help me sort out what verses refer to when the destruction of the temple and what refers to the second coming of Christ? [Matthew 24:25, Mark 13:31, Luke 21:33-36].
2021-1-04 Vaccine and the Mark of the Beast: Do you think that the vaccine, since not taking it could prevent buying and selling, could be the mark of the beast?
2021-1-04 Old Testament View of Afterlife: Could you clarify why Bart Erhman puts forward the idea that Old Testament Jews did not embrace an idea of an afterlife? [Psalm 49:15, Daniel 12:2].
2021-1-04 Prayer for Salvation: How does one have to do it, to be saved? Some say it isn't by a prayer, but by abiding in Christ.
2021-1-04 Pronunciation of the Name, Jesus: Some say that the accurate pronunciation of Jesus' name is important.
2021-1-04 Ezekiel's Temple: What is Ezekiel's Temple?
2021-1-04 Jesus' Return on a Jewish Fall Feast Day: What do you think about the idea of Jesus' return must be fall on a Jewish fall feast days?
2021-1-04 Pronunciation of Jesus' Name: Caller comments on the pronunciation of Jesus' name.
2021-1-04 Renouncing One's Sin: Does one need to verbally renounce their mistakes and sins for us to be free from them?
2021-1-04 Bob Kirkland's book: Are you familiar with Bob Kirkland's book on Calvinism, "None Dare Call it Heresy"
2021-1-04 Jewish Temple, 1st or 3rd: Why would modern Jews think of the 3rd Temple being rebuilt one day, when it would actually be their 1st temple, since they only adhere to the Pentateuch, which doesn't even talk about the first temple?
2020-12-31 666 & Allah: Are you familiar with the idea that the 666 refers to Allah?
2020-12-31 Holy Spirit Depart after Jesus' Return: When Jesus comes back, will we lose the Holy Spirit?
2020-12-31 Jesus Departs for The Holy Spirit to Come: Why did Jesus have to leave for the Holy Spirit have to come?
2020-12-31 Being Overweight & Our Witness: Is my being overweight a bad witness as I attempt to teach and witness?
2020-12-31 Forgiveness Toward Others & From God: Could you clarify if these two verses in Matthew & Ephesians about forgiveness mean the same thing, or are they different in meaning? [Matthew 6:14-15, Ephesians 4:32, James 3:2, I John 1:9, I John 2:2, Matthew 18].
2020-12-31 Eastern & Coptic Churches View of Eternal Torment in Hell: Where does the Coptic or Eastern churches stand on the issue of eternal torment view of hell?
2020-12-31 Christian Evangelism's Poor Record: Isn't it a poor track record that only 30% of the world population are Christians, when it has been 2000 years?
2020-12-31 Non-Christian Concern About Lack of Good Examples in Christians: From a non-Christian point of view, why doesn't the Holy Spirit move in Christian to evangelize others, and live as a better example?
2020-12-31 Visible Angels Flying Around: What do you think about someone who claims they are seeing angels flying around?
2020-12-31 Full Preterists Don't Believe in Jesus Return: Do some preterists believe that Jesus will not be coming back?
2020-12-30 God's Activity before Creation: What was God up to before He created this universe?
2020-12-30 Tozer's Refection on God and "I Am": Can you talk about Tozer's reflection upon, "I am" and going "into" our God, rather than out to God? [Romans 8:16].
2020-12-30 The Christmas Star: Do you think that the Christmas Star was a supernatural phenomena? [Micah 5:2, Matthew 2:1-2].
2020-12-30 The Cross of Jesus: Was the cross actually a X rather than the traditional vertical cross?
2020-12-30 Being Called to Missions: How does one get called to be a missionary? Is a missionary the same as being an elder?
2020-12-30 Evangelizing My Co-workers: How do I go about evangelizing my co-workers?
2020-12-30 Coronavirus (COVID) Vaccine: What are your thoughts about the new vaccine for the Coronavirus?
2020-12-30 Heaven & its Location: What is heaven, and where is heaven-particularly after the resurrection? [Revelation 22:3, Psalm 115:16, I Thessalonians 4:14].
2020-12-30 The Difficulty of Knowing God: Why does God make it so difficult to get to know Him, if the whole reason we were created was to have a relationship with Him (Rec lectures: Genuinely Following Jesus, How can I Know I am Really Saved?)?
2020-12-30 Live Not by Lies (recommended Book): What is the name of that book you recommended (Live Not by Lies, by Rod Dreher)?
2020-12-30 Study of Revelation: Do you have a treatise on the book of Revelation?
2020-12-30 Pass Through the Fire by the Kings: Why were the two kings allowed to live when they let their kids pass through the fire? [Leviticus 20:2-5, Leviticus 18:21, Ecclesiastes 8:11, Kings 3:27].
2020-12-29 "James the Just" & "James, Brother of Alphaeus": Could you clarify if "James the Just" is the same as "James, brother of Alphaeus"?
2020-12-29 Were Peter & Paul Intimidated by James: Were either Peter or Paul intimidated by James? [Acts 11:21, Acts 12, Acts 15, I Corinthians 9]
2020-12-29 The Book, Live Not by Lies: Could you comment on what you drew from the book, "Live Not by Lies" by Rod Dreher?
2020-12-29 Giving One's Tithe to Needy Family Members: What do you think about giving to one's own family members that are in need, over giving to the local church? [I Timothy 5, Matthew 15].
2020-12-29 Herod's Slaughter of the Innocents: Why did Herod seek to kill the infants?
2020-12-29 Jewish View of the Virgin Birth: Did the Jewish people understand and believe the virgin birth? [Matthew 1].
2020-12-29 Welsh Revival Love Song: Are you familiar with the love song, "Here is Love, Vast as an Ocean", of the Welsh Revival?
2020-12-29 Failure of the Contemporary Church: Caller comments on the failure of the contemporary church and loss of Bible literacy.
2020-12-29 Bargaining with God: What are your thoughts on bargaining with God? [1 John 5:3].
2020-12-29 The Son, Incarnate, of the Trinity: Could you help me grasp the idea of the son of the trinity, the incarnate God (Lecture series recommended; Knowing God)?
2020-12-28 Rabbi's Refusing to Recognize the Messiah: How do you think that Rabbi's explain this passage and refuse to acknowledge that Jesus is the messiah? [Daniel 9:25-26].
2020-12-28 The Maccabeans: Could you talk about the Maccabeans (Judas & Mattathias)?
2020-12-28 Speaking Positive Things into Existence (Power of Positive Thinking): Do you think there is some power in what we speak, partially because we are made in the image of God and when He spoke it was powerful (The Power of Positive Thinking).