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Date Topic Audio
2019-5-06 Homosexuality: How do we show love and acceptance of homosexuals, without compromising Christian values? [Matthew 11:16-19].
2019-5-06 Book Recommendations: Would your recommend some books that are good for study? ["The Pursuit of God" (A.W. Tozer), "Imitation of Christ" (Thomas a Kempis), "Pilgrim's Progress" by (John Bunyan), "Mere Christianity" (C.S. Lewis), "The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life" (Hannah Whithall Smith)].
2019-5-06 Bored Reading the Bible: Am I wrong to be bored by parts of the Bible?
2019-5-06 Promise from God: How do you know when the promise is to us? Rather than to a particular person, instead? [Joshua 1, Psalm 118].
2019-5-06 Sinlessness: Do you know Jesse Peterson? He says that people cannot sin once they have been born again. [I John 3:8, I john 2:, I John 1:7, Galatians 5:17,]
2019-5-06 Demons Returning: What situation would be that an evil spirit leave someone, and be able to come back? [Luke 11:24a, Matthew 12:43f].
2019-5-06 End Times: What are your views of the end times? [I Thessalonians 4, Revelation, Acts 1:7].
2019-5-03 Condolences to Non-believers: If a house of worship is of another faith, should we reach out with condolences? [Galatians 6:10].
2019-5-03 The Apostles: What is the difference when scripture talks about "The Twelve" and "all the apostles" Was Mathias chosen before the ascension? [I Corinthians 15].
2019-5-03 Eternal Security: Can someone lose their salvation?
2019-5-03 Sheep & Goats Parable: Regarding the parable of the sheep and the goats-were the goats Christians? [Matthew 25:44, Matthew 7].
2019-5-03 Israel's Relevance: Why should we be concerned about the state of Israel? Are the Jews still God's chosen people? [Romans 2:5-10]
2019-5-03 Seeing God: Will we see God - ever? [Revelation 1:7, 22:4, I John 3:2, Psalm 11:7].
2019-5-03 Elijah: Did Elijah gain his forgiveness and not have to die because of his faithful obedience? Why was Elijah exempted from having to die?
2019-5-03 Foreknowledge & Freewill: If God knows everything we will do, how is that freewill? Open theism discussed.
2019-5-03 Two Witnesses (Revelation): Did Jesus know everything? Can we know absolutely who the two witnesses were in Revelation?
2019-5-03 Jesus's Tomb: What was the nature of the wrappings that were put around Jesus while he was in the tomb? Could Jesus have passed through the stone, rather than requiring it to be rolled away?
2019-5-03 Transubstantiation: Regarding transubstantiation, do they not have scriptural support in John 6? [John 6:40, 54, 63, John 2, 4, 7].
2019-5-03 Forsaken Jesus: The forsaking of Jesus while he was on the cross, could it simply be about having the departing of the Holy Spirit from that earthly body? [Psalm 22, Isaiah 53:6, I Peter 2:3-3, 2 Corinthians 2].
2019-5-02 Baptism: What is the best age for baptism? Should one be baptized, if they have been slack in their following of Christ?
2019-5-02 Salvation: Since I think that you said that just belief in Jesus, is insufficient for salvation, do you believe that confessing belief in Jesus enough?
2019-5-02 Moses' Genealogy: Why isn't there more information about Moses' family line? [Chronicles].
2019-5-02 Current Culture Discouragement: As a Millennial, I am rather burdened for others in my generation, and even struggle with relating to my peers. What should we do about the environment we are living in and how do we affect this generation for my children's future?
2019-5-02 Cult-like Churches How do you think about churches that have cult-like tendencies? What are the signs of cult-like behaviors? [I Corinthians 11].
2019-5-02 Miracles & Faith: What about the signs and miracles of the past as compared to today?
2019-5-02 Life Span in Old Testament: Why did Noah and other Old Testament characters have such a long life-span as compared to us today? [Psalm 90].
2019-5-02 Moses Authorship: How did Moses know what happened in the Garden of Eden, and other events, when he wrote about the events in Genesis?
2019-5-02 Ark of the Covenant: Why did God choose the particular things He did to be placed in the Ark of the Covenant [Ten Commandments, Gold pot of manna, budding rod]? Where is the Ark today?
2019-5-01 Denominations: Why so many denominations? What happened to create so many?
2019-5-01 Holy Spirit: How do you know when you are listening to and obeying the Holy Spirit?
2019-5-01 Wages of Sin=Death: If death is owed us as a penalty for sin, then why did Enoch and Elijah, who were also sinners, apparently not die?
2019-5-01 Demons: Where have all the demons gone? How would I recognize a demon possession today?
2019-5-01 Power as the Disciples: Why do we not operate with the same kind of power as did the disciples in the 1st century?
2019-5-01 Paul-Imitate Me: How do you harmonize Paul telling others to imitate him, and is rebuking the Corinthians because they were seeking the luxury living, but Paul is telling them that they need to care for their families? [I Corinthians 4, I Timothy 5:8].
2019-5-01 National Day of Prayer: What do you think about the National Day of Prayer? Should we not be praying every day? Shouldn't more churches be more involved?
2019-5-01 Heart of Flesh: Can you expound this passage about stony hearts being made flesh? Does "make you walk in my ways" suggest that He will take away our freewill? [Ezekiel 36:24-37, 37]
2019-5-01 Escaping Jerusalem AD 70: How and when did the Christians get the warning to leave Jerusalem prior to A.D. 70? Pray that it will not be on the Sabbath or in winter? [Eusebius].
2019-5-01 King James Only: How do we minister to people who believe that the KJV is the only translation that is acceptable?
2019-4-30 Christian Gatherings: What is our obligation to gather together to fellowship, as believers? How do we see the organized corporate church in light of this scripture [Hebrew 10:25]?
2019-4-30 Christians of 70 A.D.: What happened to the Christians in and after 70 A.D.?
2019-4-30 Church Loyalty: Should I be concerned about splitting my time and involvement between my home church and another local church?
2019-4-30 Denominations: How do we justify all the denominations within the church, when there is only one church? [I Corinthians 3].
2019-4-30 B.C. & A.D.: How did people date the years prior to the BC & AD identifiers? And when was this instituted?
2019-4-30 Catholic traditions: Is holding one's hands a certain way restricted to the priests?
2019-4-30 Signs of End Times: Do you believe that all the Jews will be returned to Israel? Do you believe the two witnesses will be literal? You do believe in the rapture, right? [Luke 17, Matthew 24, Revelation 11]
2019-4-30 Denominations: Are there way too many denominations? [I Corinthians 3].
2019-4-30 Jehovah Witnesses: The group teaches that Satan was cast out of heaven in 1914, that and some other things that don't sound right. [Revelation 12:11, 31].
2019-4-30 Bible Study Fellowship (BFS): What do you think of Bible Study Fellowship?
2019-4-30 Church Loyalty: Should I leave a church that seems to think that I should simply go to a church that has the same views as I do, rather than discuss the concerns and differences I hold?
2019-4-26 Salvation: When Jesus said, 'Father, forgive them for they know not what they do", doesn't that indicate that all will be saved? The parable of the prodigal son [Luke 15:11-32, 23:34]