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Date Topic Audio
2018-3-02 Choosing God: Knowing & accepting Jesus by our own choosing. [Matthew 16:16-17]
2018-3-02 Adam's Curse having a lasting effect in Eternity: Caller feels there will always be a lasting effect of Adam's curse because people who were born out of wedlock or incest, they have a free will also, & will be able to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord & Savior even though they should've never been in existence.
2018-3-02 Mount of Transfiguration: What was the purpose for the mount of Transfiguration?
2018-3-02 Separation of Church & State: Is there a separation of church & state conflict issue with having Billy Graham in Rotunda?
2018-3-02 Truing to Get Jesus Politically Motivated: Were people trying to get Jesus polictically involved? [Luke 13:1-8]
2018-3-02 Early Manuscripts & the Adulterous Woman: The story about the Adulterous woman is not in the earliest manuscripts. How come? Is it reliable? Does it belong in there? [John 7:53-John 8:12]
2018-3-02 God Drawing Everyone: It says in the Bible that God is not willing that any should perish, but only the ones that are drawn can come so how come He doesn't draw everyone? [Matthew 23:27]
2018-3-02 Pre-Trib Rapture: (asked tongue & cheek) Who going to help Israel when the church is raptured up, Palestine?
2018-3-02 Age of Accountability: What is the age of accountability & what about people who have never heard the gospel? [Deuteronomy 1:39, Isaiah 7:16]
2018-3-01 "Get Behind Me, Satan": Is Jesus talking to Peter or the devil when He said, "Get behind me, Satan!"? [Matthew 4:10, Matthew 16:23]
2018-3-01 Michael the Archangel: Adventists believing Jesus was Michael the Archangel. Is it heretical to believe that?
2018-3-01 Pipes, Musical Instruments: What about all these pipes & musical instruments that seemed to describe Lucifer, Satan? [Ezekiel 28]
2018-3-01 AntiChrist(s): The antichrist, single, or antiChrists, singular? There's going to be a lot of them or singular, one antichrist at the end? [1 john 2:18]
2018-3-01 The Anointing: the annointing is the Holy Spirit, but what is "it" in the verse? [1 john 2:27]
2018-3-01 Hating People: I have a friend who banters the word "hate" around a lot. [1 John 3:15]
2018-3-01 Secular Music: What would you say about hip-hop music or any other music that is not Christian-oriented? They say hip-hop or rap music is of the devil.
2018-3-01 Catholic Priesthood: Isn't the Catholic priesthood null & void? Aren't they like a cult? [Hebrews 10:10]
2018-3-01 Paul Losing his Salvation: Where does it say that Paul thought he could lose his salvation? [1 Corinthians 9:27]
2018-3-01 Charles Stanley: Do you know of & ever listen to Charles Stanley?
2018-3-01 Children of the Light: Who are the children of Light that Jesus is referring to? [Luke 16:8]
2018-3-01 AntiChrist & the Beast(s) of Revelation 13: I agree w/ your talk about 1 John 2 & the antiChrist, but Revelation 13 is a whole different ball of wax.
2018-3-01 Human existence 6,000 years: How do we determine that from Adam & Eve that it's only been 6000 years?
2018-2-28 Divorced but Living Together: My mom divorced her husband, my step-dad, and now lives together.
2018-2-28 Sola Scripture: Is sola scriptura wrong because the Bible was compiled according to tradition?
2018-2-28 Jesus Movement: Was the Jesus Movement the 3rd great awakening?
2018-2-28 Images of God: People thinking God (Jesus) needs to look a certain way.
2018-2-28 Parable of the Sower: In the parable of the sower, are they all Christians being talked about?
2018-2-28 Tribulation: Is there going to be great tribulation in the last days? (I think Steve forgets to answer it.)
2018-2-28 Stephen's Last Words: Were the last words of Stephen the fulfillment of Matthew 24:30? [Matthew 24:30]
2018-2-28 "Angry without Cause" Missing from Bibles: What is your opinion on some bibles taking out the phrase, "without cause" in Matthew 5:22? [Matthew 5:22]
2018-2-28 Authority: How would you respond to the question, "Where do you get your authority"?
2018-2-28 Calvinist View of Evangelism & Discipleship: What is the Calvinist view of evangelism & discipleship?
2018-2-28 Leading Worship at an International House of Prayer: We would like to lead praise & worship music for an International House of Prayer and we are concerned people might think we endorse his teaching.
2018-2-27 Curse on Ham's Son Canaan: Irenaeus quotes passage from Genesis where Canaan is cursed and says Ham instead.
2018-2-27 Sola Scriptura & Relevancy of Scripture: Do you believe in sola scriptura and no tradition at all? Is any scripture outdated?
2018-2-27 Married People in the Ressurection: What will be the status or condition of people in the ressurection with regard to married couples? Will married people remember each other?
2018-2-27 Everlasting Gospel: Is the angel in Revelation proclaiming the Everlasting Gospel when he says, "Fear God and give glory to Him"? [Revelation 14:6-7]
2018-2-27 Higher Education: What's your view regarding higher education?
2018-2-27 Pentecostal/Apostolic Attitude: Why are so many Pentacostal/Apostolic people so mean and defensive? Are we not supposed to love?
2018-2-27 Image Speaking in Revelation: In Rev 13:15, is this possibly the state? Is the ability of the image to speak a demonic influence? [Revelation 13:15]
2018-2-26 The Use of the Term Supernatural: What is your view on using the word "supernatural" from the pulpit?
2018-2-26 "Go and Sin No More": When Jesus said, "Go & sin no more", was he telling her to literally never sin again?
2018-2-26 Exegesis & Eisegesis: Can you explain exegesis and eisegesis?
2018-2-26 The Woman in Revelation: Is the woman in Revelation the church or the mother of Jesus?
2018-2-26 NKJV vs KJV: Do you prefer the NKJV over the KJV?
2018-2-26 Women in Church Leadership: Steve's views on women in church leadership?
2018-2-26 Speaking to Others About Their Faith: Why don't more Christians share their faith and thoughts on God?
2018-2-26 Biblical Gospel vs Americanized Gospel: Can you elaborate on your thoughts regarding the gospel of the bible vs an Americanized gospel.
2018-2-26 Pictures of Dragons: Is having a drawing of a dragon in your house bad since Satan is depicted as a dragon?
2018-2-26 Family Planning: Is it appropriate for believers who are married to put off having children?