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Date Topic Audio
2018-4-26 Dinosaurs: Were do the Dinosaurs fit into the Creation timeline?
2018-4-26 Faith other than in Christ: What about people who say they have a faith, but in something other than Christ?
2018-4-26 The Sabbath: Enjoyed debate you had w/ Doug Batchelor on the Sabbath. I'm non denominational, but I've been going to an SDA church & really enjoying it. Can you help me w/ Genesis 2:2 & Exodus 20:8 ? [Genesis 2:2 & Exodus 20:8]
2018-4-25 Humility & Humiliated: What is the difference between humility & being humiliated?
2018-4-25 The Book of Revelation & Partial Preterism: What do you believe has been fulfilled in 70 AD in Revelation, & what is still fulfilled? [Revelation 1-22]
2018-4-25 Physical Death or Spiritual Death: Which is worse, dying physically or dying spiritually?
2018-4-25 Trinity: Is the Holy Spirit God's errand Boy? Can you please just address the Trinity?
2018-4-25 Holy Spirit: Does the Holy Spirit convict us individually or as a world?
2018-4-25 Hyper-Grace: So you haven't quite joined the "hyper-grace" bandwagon yet?
2018-4-25 Supernaturally Changed Words of the Bible: Some of the words in the Bible have been changed, is this being done supernaturally?
2018-4-25 Trinity in the OT: Who are the 3 people that Abraham saw in Geesis? is the Trinity found there? What about the word Elohim in Deuteronomy? [Genesis 18:1, Deuteronomy 6:4]
2018-4-25 Timeline of Noah & the Flood: Can we determine the time frame of the flood & Noah with science?
2018-4-24 God drawing Everyone: Do you think God draws every man to His Son? [John 6:44]
2018-4-24 Sins of the Parents: Do you think God ever on occasion still does pass judgment on the children of the fathers even though in places like Ezekiel 18 He says He doesn't?
2018-4-24 Vision of a Dead one with Dementia: I've been seeing a vision of a dead loved one, could she have accepted Christ with dementia?
2018-4-24 Jesus & Other Religious Leaders: How is Jesus different from Buddha & other religious leaders? What is the difference between Buddhism and Christianity?
2018-4-24 Age of Accountability: Do infants go to heaven if they die? When is the Age of Accountability?
2018-4-24 David's Polygamous Relationships: Wasn't David's polygamous relationships actually adultery?
2018-4-24 Tormented forever in Hell: Hell & Mr. Fudge, 4 views of hell
2018-4-24 Adam's Original Sin: Where comes the doctrine that we inherited a sin nature, & that Adam's sin was imputed to us? [Romans 5:12, Psalm 51:5]
2018-4-23 Matthew & Luke Endings: Are the endings of Matthew & Luke referring to separate events or the same event?
2018-4-23 Heart Change: Can only God can change our heart? What is that process?
2018-4-23 God Ordaining Every Move: Does God pre-ordain everything that happens? [Matthew 6:33]
2018-4-23 Jesus' Old Flesh: What happened to Jesus' flesh after He was resurrected?
2018-4-23 Christology - Traditional View & Kenosis View: I've been reading, "Across the Spectrum: Understanding Issues in Evangelical Theology" by Gregory A. Boyd, & they were talking about the different view of Christology, the Traditional & the Kenosis View. Which view do you fall under?
2018-4-23 Calamity: My girlfriend's 2 year old cousin just drowned & how do we not view this as a punishment instead of a blessing?
2018-4-23 People Dying before their time: God doesn't like it when people die before their time. What's your take on that? [Ezekiel 13:18-20]
2018-4-23 Modalism: Caller comments a few things about Modalism.
2018-4-23 Olivet Discourse: How much of matt 24 has been fulfilled & how much is yet to come?
2018-4-23 People's Suffering: Suffering is not God's will.
2018-4-20 Complaints about Christianity: Do you love everything dealing w/ Christianity?
2018-4-20 Interpreting Ezekiel 28: Most people think Ezekiel 28 is talking about the Devil, but what do you think it is talking about?
2018-4-20 Cremation: Is it wrong to be cremated?
2018-4-20 Heaven for Pets: Are pets going to be in heaven or is there a heaven for pets?
2018-4-20 Plucking out your Eye: Lusting after a woman, & then having to pluck out your eye, cut off your hand so you stop lusting, so are you supposed to do this literally? [Matthew 5:27-28]
2018-4-20 God a Person: Is God a Person or a Spirit? [John 10:30, John 14:9, John 4]
2018-4-20 Nero: You being a preterist, who was the beast supposed to have been? What was the Mark of the Beast?
2018-4-20 Aaronic & Melchizedek Priesthood: Is the Aaronic Priesthood parallel today with the Melchizedek Priesthood? Is there duality there?
2018-4-20 Joseph Smith & the Melchizedek Priesthood: Wouldn't it have been blasphemous for Joseph Smith to claim that he received the Melchizedek Priesthood from God?
2018-4-20 Sabbath Debate: I watched the debate you had with Doug Batchelor, & you need to go review it at 1 hour & 22 minutes. It sums up the whole debate.
2018-4-20 Jesus Being Tempted: Was Jesus really tempted? Can we be tempted w/out sinning?
2018-4-20 Gifts of the Spirit: Being Baptized by the Holy Spirit, modern day tongues, all the gifts of the Spirit, are they gone now or still for the church?
2018-4-19 Calvinism & "Wasted Atonement": I've been going to a reformed church & when it says "all have sinned", that means ALL have sinned, so does that include babies? What does "wasted atonement" mean to the calvinist?
2018-4-19 Grounds for Divorce: Adultery, Abandonment, Abuse are they all grounds for divorce? A person who does remarry even though they were they cause can stay in that relationship as long as they show true repentance & restoration. What Do you agree? [Matthew 18:15]
2018-4-19 Mormonism & the Priesthood: Mormonism believes in 2 dual priesthoods, the Aaronic Priesthood & the priesthood of Melchizedek, but what other ones are there in the Bible?
2018-4-19 The Jewish Sacrificial System Ending: When did the sacrificial system end for the Jews? In 70 AD at the Destruction of the Temple or at the Cross when the curtain was rent in twain?
2018-4-19 The Whole World Saved: God chose from the beginning those that were to be saved in Christ? Why couldn't God just save ALL of the world? [Ephesians 1:4-5]
2018-4-19 Christ is the End of the Law: I've been studying dispensationalism & non-dispensationalism, & was doing a word study of "end", & was wondering if it meant the same in in 1 Peter what it means in Romans? [Romans 10:4, 1peter 1:9]
2018-4-19 James White Calvinism Debate: I enjoyed the Debate you had with James White, & he's right in so many things but completely wrong with Calvinism!
2018-4-19 Presuppositional & Evidential Apologetics: What is your opinion of Presuppositional & evidential apologetics? Just because God has foreknowledge of everything doesn't mean He can control everything. [Romans 1:19-20]