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Date Topic Audio
2018-3-12 Seeing God: There seems to be a contradiction in Scripture here because it says that Jacob saw God face-to-face, yet when Moses encountered God, God told him no one can see Him & live. [Genesis 32:30, Exodus 33:20]
2018-3-12 613 Jewish Laws: The 613 laws, were those from God or man?
2018-3-12 Tithing in the NT I've been listening to Doug Batchelor & he quoted a verse in Matthew that talks about tithing & says that tithing is for the New Testament Christians also. What do you think? [Matthew 23:23]
2018-3-12 Calvinism verses Arminianism: How can you reconcile, "no one can come to Me, unless the Father draws them" w/ your view of Arminianism? You asked a hypothetical question in one of your lectures, What is the difference between person A & person B, if it's about Free Will & a person choosing of their own ability to believe? [john 6:24-25]
2018-3-12 One Book in the Bible: If you could only have access to ONE book from the Bible, which one would it be? (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Romans, Acts & so on)
2018-3-12 Hell & Annihilationism: I was talking to a friend the other day who holds to the position of Annihilationism of hell, but when I read the parable of the sheep & the goats, the goats go to EVERLASTING/eternal punishment or hell.
2018-3-08 Dispensationalism & Steve Gregg: What made you change your views about the pre-trib rapture?
2018-3-08 Witnessing to Mormons: How do you convert Mormons, make them see the truth? 8, 1, 2, 83
2018-3-08 Abraham's Bosom: Does abraham's bosom still exist? Did all the people who were resurrected during Jesus' resurrection come from Abraham's Bosom?
2018-3-08 Apostles: Are there other apostles besides the 12? Are there apostles today? Was Mary Magdalene an apostle?
2018-3-08 Gifts of the Spirit: Are the gifts of the Spirit for today?
2018-3-08 Baptizing for the Dead: Why does paul saying being baptized for the dead like the Mormons do? [1 Corinthians 15:29]
2018-3-08 Giants & the Nephilim: Can you explain the Giants & Nephilim described in Genesis 6? [Genesis 6:4]
2018-3-08 Reprobate Mind: Comments about a Reprobate Mind
2018-3-08 Our Carnal Nature: Are we being tempted of ourselves, our flesh, our carnal nature, just as much as we are being tempted by Satan?
2018-3-08 The Devil's Powers: Does satan have powers to control us?
2018-3-08 Atheism by Default: Is there such a thing as being an atheist by default?
2018-3-08 Self-Baptism: Is there such thing as self-baptism?
2018-3-08 Adam wasn't deceived: Caller disagrees with Steve that Adam was deceived. [1 Timothy 2:14]
2018-3-07 Suing Fellow Christians: Are christians allowed to take others to court? [1 Corinthians 6]
2018-3-07 God's Name: All caps "LORD" in the Bible, what does this mean? YHWH
2018-3-07 Tithing in Christian History: When did tithing start becoming a thing in the Christians church?
2018-3-07 Calling someone a Fool: Does calling someone a fool make you in danger of hell? [Matthew 5:22]
2018-3-07 Reprobate: What does "reprobate" mean? [Romans 1:28]
2018-3-07 Tithing: Caller responds to something he heard about Tithing earlier. [Malachi 3]
2018-3-07 Saturday to Sunday: When they Christians stop keeping the Sabbath & start meeting on Sunday?
2018-3-07 Job: What did Job do wrong...if anything?
2018-3-07 Homosexuality: Are homosexuals reprobates & don't have the possibility of being saved?
2018-3-07 Rapture in Relation to the Tribulation: When does the rapture fit into the 3 views of the tribulation? (Pre trib, mid-trib, post-trib)
2018-3-07 Jesus' payment for our Sins: Wouldn't Jesus have to have been annihilated to truly pay for our sins?
2018-3-06 Gift of Ruling: The gift of ruling, how does this work, how was it done in the apostolic era? The only person I think of as my Ruler is Jesus! [Romans 12:8]
2018-3-06 Perfect as God: Jesus wants us to be as perfect as the Father in heaven, is that possible to attain? [Matthew 5:48]
2018-3-06 Missing Text: Why is verse 4 there in some bibles & not others? [John 5:4]
2018-3-06 Children with Special Needs: How accountable are people/kids with disabilities in the judgment? How do I raise them? What is the purpose for people w/ autism?
2018-3-06 Children of the Promise: Children of the promise, the Seed, who is that? Who is the true seed of Abraham? [Romans 9, Galatians 4]
2018-3-06 The Kingdom of God: What is the kingdom of God, & when is it?
2018-3-06 Genetically Modified Food: What about genetically modified food? Is it acceptable to eat? [Acts 10:15]
2018-3-05 Speaking in Tongues: Is speaking in tongues the only evidence that you truly have the Holy Spirit? Does this idea come from the book of Acts?
2018-3-05 Jesus as the Morning Star: A pastor said the famous passage of Scripture in Isaiah 14 is not referring to Satan, but that it's actually talking about Jesus. Is there any validity to this? [Isaiah 14:12, 2 Peter 1:9]
2018-3-05 Jesus' Crucifixion: Jesus was crucified at about 9 am? What time was there darkness? What was the cause of the darkness?
2018-3-05 Parable 3 Servants: In the parable of the 3 servants, the one who didn't collect any interest, what is that referring to, what was the purpose of the story, His point? [Matthew 25:14-30]
2018-3-05 Angels: I'm getting ready to teach some young people about Angels, so do you have any ideas of what I could teach them?
2018-3-05 Mercy & Forgiveness: What does this verse mean? God wants ALL sick people healed [Luke 6:38]
2018-3-05 Levels of Joy/Rewards in Heaven: Are the higher degrees of hierarchy in Heaven, greater rewards for some?
2018-3-05 Marriage: What is the purpose of marriage, does it reflect our relationship to God? Why remarriage?
2018-3-05 Angels: The lady who called about angels I wanted to comment that Jesus is our real focus, not so much angels.
2018-3-05 Healing: Even if we aren't healed here, we will be on the other side of glory for sure.
2018-3-02 Bible Translations: Which translations do you like best that are word-for-word?
2018-3-02 Physical Exercise: What do you thinks about the importance of Physical Exercise?
2018-3-02 Progress of the Narrow Path Ministry: Congratulations on the amount of radio stations you are broadcasting on. You have been doing this for 20 years. Can you tell us a little bit about the progress of your ministry from its start?