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Date Topic Audio
2014-10-08 The Joy of the Lord is our Strength: What IS the joy the Lord? Is it the joy we have because we know the Lord, or is the Lord's joy, because it says the "joy of the Lord"? [Nehemiah 8:10]
2014-10-08 More Tolerable for Sodom & Gomorrah: When Jesus told His disciples, when He sent them out, that it would be tolerable for Sodom & Gomorrah than for the cities that reject Him, what does "more tolerable" mean? [Matthew 6:11
2014-10-08 Amillennialism & Anti-Semitism : A lot Dispensationalist attribute a lot anti-Semitism movements to the Amillennial position. What do you think about that? Martin Luther was anti-Semitic.
2014-10-08 Modern Israel: Modern Israel is a fulfillment & a sign of Prophecy that Jesus is about to come back soon.
2014-10-08 The Joy of the Lord: Caller thinks we the Holy Spirit is the Joy of the Lord, that she's been experiencing the Holy Spirit like never before, so she thinks WE get are joyful in His strength.
2014-10-08 King of Tyre: Is Ezekiel 28 talking about the King of Tyre, or the Devil, like most people think it is actually referring to?
2014-10-07 Paul's Writings: Paul's writings should be removed because he was usurping the Kingdom of God by saying we should obey government's authority. What do you think? [Romans 13:1-5, 1 Peter 2:13-25]
2014-10-07 Working for the Government: Should Christians work for the government since we belong to the Kingdom of God?
2014-10-07 Book of Romans: You say that the first section of the book of Romans was specifically written to the Jews, & so that "Romans Road to Salvation" is not really applicable. [Romans 3:23, 3:10, 5:8,12, 6;23, 10:9-10]
2014-10-07 Paul: God picked Paul to be an ambassador/apostle of Christ for a reason.
2014-10-07 Speaking in Tongues: Caller feels Speaking in Tongues is not necessary in this day & age. [1 Corinthians 14]
2014-10-07 Suffering: Caller feels there was a reason for his suffering.
2014-10-07 Suicide: Is it possible for a person to be forgiven who commits suicide?
2014-10-07 Replacement Theology: What is Replacement Theology?
2014-10-07 Speaking of Tongues: Is there 2 different kinds of tongues, one, just an unknown prayer language between you & God, and then two, a version that is a gift for the edification of the church?
2014-10-06 Appreciates Show: Thank you for your very awesome show!
2014-10-06 Intellectual & Personal Knowledge of God: How do I apply this passage of Scripture to my life, not worrying about our temporal life, but keeping our eyes on something we can't see & making it real, not just having an intellectual knowledge about God but a personal, deep one? [2 Corinthians 4:16-18]
2014-10-06 "God is not Loving, God is Love": There is a quote in a church's statement of faith that reads, "God is not loving, God IS love". That sort've rubs me the wrong way. What do YOU think of it? [1 John 4:8,16]
2014-10-06 Tithes & Offerings: What does the New Testament say about Tithes & Offerings? [Matthew 23:23, Hebrews 7:1-10]
2014-10-06 Dispensationalism: What would it take for you to acknowledge that your original belief system of Dispensationalism was correct? What could occur in the end time that would make you think twice & look at its accuracy again? [Matthew 24, Revelation, Ezekiel 6:3-5, 37:1-10]
2014-10-06 Abomination of Desolation & Man of Lawlessness: What is the Abomination of Desolation in Daniel & Matthew 24? Who is the Man of Lawlessness? Hank Hanegraaff thinks it's Antiochus Epiphanes IV. [Daniel 9:27, 12:11, Matthew 24:15, Mark 13:14]
2014-10-06 Using Maccabees as a reference: Is it appropriate to use the books of Maccabees as a historical reference?
2014-10-06 Robbing God: Jesus asked if we were going to rob God w/ our tithes & offerings? [Malachi 3:8, Mark 12:38-44]
2014-10-03 Submitting to Elders: The church i'm attending emphasizes that we must submit to the elders of that church building? What does the Bible say? [1 Peter 5:5, Hebrews 13:17]
2014-10-03 Hour is Coming & now is: Is this a Spiritual Resurrection or a Physical Resurrection that Jesus is talking about in John? What about in 1 Thessalonians 4? Spiritual & Physical resurrection in the Revelation 20? [John 5:24-30, Revelation 20:1-6]
2014-10-03 Earning a Living & Sharing the Gospel: Aren't we supposed to be earning a living & sharing the gospel at the same time?
2014-10-03 Perseverance of the Saints: Either you can lose you salvation, or their are people who seemed saved but never were, but it can't be both, the caller believes. He believes in eternal security, once saved, always saved.
2014-10-03 Wheat & the Tares, Sheep & the Goats: Isn't there always going to be a lack of unity because the wheat & the tares, the sheep & the the church?
2014-10-03 Appreciates Steve Gregg & the Narrow Path: Caller appreciates Steve Gregg & his ministry very much & thinks he's a hard worker.
2014-10-03 Strategies for Unity: Will the meeting you are doing tomorrow night be recorded?
2014-10-03 Tom Morris Debate: I enjoyed the debate you had with Tom Morris.
2014-10-03 Future Economy & Preparing: What do you think about the future of the economy, & if we do think it's going to go into a tailspin, should we as Christians prepare for it?
2014-10-02 Lamb: Is the word "Lamb" in the book of Revelation referring to the Body of Christ & not Christ Himself? [Matthew 21:16-17, Revelation 5:8,13, Galatians 3:16]
2014-10-02 Messianic Jews: What is Steve's interpretation of a certain passage of Scripture, the Gentiles being in the flesh? [Ephesians 2:11-19]
2014-10-02 Fire from the Holy Spirit: How can I re-ignite the fire from the Holy Spirit like I used to have?
2014-10-02 Go & Sin No more: How is it possible to sin no more like Jesus told the woman caught in adultery? [John 5:14, 8:11]
2014-10-02 Replacement Theology (Supersessionism): Is what you were just talking about to the previous caller, would you call that Replacement Theology? What would be the opposite of that then, Dispensationalism? How would John Hagee deal w/ the verse in Hebrews you were just talking about? [Hebrews 8:6-13]
2014-10-02 Jesus Glorified: When was Jesus glorified?
2014-10-02 Moving Mountains: Jesus wasn't really saying He was expecting us to move mountains just because we had a strong faith, was He?
2014-10-02 Apologetics & Pantheism: What do you think about the idea that we are just part of the universe, & that we can make our own reality, & no consequences, & what is it called?
2014-10-01 Apocrypha Books: The New Testament supposedly quoting to or alluding Apocrypha Books.
2014-10-01 Rising of the Sun & Incense being offered: Caller follows up on a call about a verse they were talking about sacrificing in a previous call. [Malachi 1:11]
2014-10-01 Lawsuits: Should the caller sue a company to recover her medical expenses?
2014-10-01 Anti-Christ: Will the anti-Christ be a Jew, or will he come from Revived Roman Empire? What do you say?
2014-10-01 Apocrypha Books: Jude seems to quote from Apocrypha Books, doesn't it, especially the book of Enoch?
2014-10-01 Out-of-Court Settlements: Not all injuries have to go to lawsuit:
2014-10-01 Medicinal Marijuana & Chronic Pain: Is it okay to use Medicinal Marijuana for Chronic Pain?
2014-10-01 Penal Substitution: What are your thoughts on Penal Substitution, being separated from God? [Psalm 22]
2014-9-30 Forgiveness: Is it God the Father that we come to when we ask for forgiveness & Jesus is just there as our Advocate? [1 John 2:1-2, John 14:16
2014-9-30 God's Chastising: How do we know if it's God punishing us or if it's just our own sin catching up w/ us when something bad happens? [Hebrews 12:5]