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Date Topic Audio
2013-12-18 New World Order: Are we headed to a New World Order with the anti-Christ as the leader?
2013-12-18 Hank Hanagraaff: What do you think of Hank Hanegraaff? Is he a reliable teacher?
2013-12-18 Steve Gregg a Reliable Teacher: Is Steve Gregg a reliable teacher? Caller used to disagree with a lot of what Steve said, but what to go see if what he says was true, & found out that it was! [Acts 17:11]
2013-12-18 Birth Control: Is it okay to use birth control?
2013-12-18 God knowing People won't become saved: Does God know some people are going to be born who never knew about Him?
2013-12-18 God's Will Being Changed by our Prayers: Do our prayers really change the way God will act sometimes? [James 4:2]
2013-12-18 Homosexuality & Pork: How come homosexuality is still forbidden like it was in the Old Testament, but eating pork is no longer forbidden? Since one is allowed shouldn't the other be permissible as well?
2013-12-17 Watering Down Hell: You seem to be watering down the importance of hell, & if it wasn't to be avoided, why did Jesus have to die on the cross? The listener thinks it sounds pretty serious to him.
2013-12-17 United Methodist Church & Homosexuality: Caller wanted to put a challenge to the United Methodist Church against homosexuality who seem to be embracing it.
2013-12-17 Every Knee Shall Bow: Is Paul is predicting that everyone is going to bow & admit that Jesus is Lord? [Philippians 2:11-12, Romans 14:11]
2013-12-17 Universalism: So do you think everyone is actually going to end of worshipping God?
2013-12-17 Charimastic Baptist Church: Is there such a thing as a Charismatic Baptist Church?
2013-12-17 Persecution of Old Testament Characters or Christians: Is Hebrews 11 talking about persecution of Chrstians or is it talking about Old Testament characters? [Hebrews 11]
2013-12-17 Churches that are Aposatizing: So in follow up to a previous caller, what are we supposed to do about churches that are embracing sin? [Revelation 3:16]
2013-12-17 Coarse Jesting: Can you talk about what coarse jesting is? [Ephesians 5:3-4]
2013-12-17 Division & Unity in the Body of Christ: How do we avoid dividing of doctrinal differences & having unity, but standing up for the true gospel?
2013-12-16 Free from the Mosaic Law: What verses would you use to debunk Judaizers that we need to keep the Law? [Galatians]
2013-12-16 Lectures refuting Messianic Jews/Hebrew Roots People: Do you have any lectures telling judaizers, Messianic Jews or Hebrews Roots people why they don't need to keep the Mosaic Law? (Steve didn't have any lectures at the time of this call, but he has plenty of lectures now on this subject! Especially on the Hebrew Roots Movement.)
2013-12-16 Paul's Authority: What Scriptures are there to prove that Paul had the genuine authority of an apoostle because i notice that Judaizers like to ignore his writings! [2 Peter 3:15-16]
2013-12-16 Time Getting to Cannan from Egypt: How long did it take the Israelites to get to the land of Canaan from Egypt?
2013-12-16 Eternal Security: Can you tell me some infomration on how "once saved, always saved" is not true, that you can lose your salvation, that you don't really have eternal security since you can lose it?
2013-12-16 Paul having Timothy Circumcised: If Paul was so against circumcision, why did he allow timothy to be circumcised? [Acts 16:3, Romans 2, Galatians 3]
2013-12-16 Large Churches: Caller called back to clarity what he meant when he called the other day about, is Steve saying large churches should disband & start home churches? How about just putting good pastors in the bigger churches?
2013-12-13 Interpreting Zechariah: Can you please tell me what this passage of Scripture is saying in Zechariah? [Zechariah 13:2-6]
2013-12-13 Sermon on the Mount & Teachings of Jesus: What do we say about teachers who say Jesus' teachings like the Sermon on the Mount is not applicable for us today, teachers such as Paul Washer?
2013-12-13 Teachers having a Stricter Judgment: It's scary that there are teachers teaching stuff that are completely wrong because they are going to have a stricter judgement. [James 3:1]
2013-12-13 Angels Singing: The caller was told that the angels can't sing. Is that true?
2013-12-13 Intimate Relationship with Jesus: What does the Bible say about having an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, having complete unity with Him?
2013-12-13 Knowing the Lord Without Being Taught: What about knowing the Lord without being taught, is that still future yet? [Jeremiah 31:34]
2013-12-13 New Covernant after the New Covenant: Can you explain this passage of Scripture about the New Covenant, some thinking that there's going to be even yet ANOTHER one after the New Testamaent Covenant? [Jeremiah 31:31-34]
2013-12-13 Don Preston Debate: Whatever happened to the debate you just had with Don Preston regarding Full Preterism?
2013-12-13 Full Preterism Problems: Can you talk about some of the problems with being a Full Preterist?
2013-12-13 Becoming more Christ-like: Do you become more & more Christ-like & sanctified as we follow Him? [Romans 7:15, 2 Corinthians 3:18]
2013-12-12 The 5-Fold Ministry: Are we supposed to have Apostles & Prophets in the church today? [Ephesians 4:13]
2013-12-12 Celebrating Christmas: Should we celebrate Christmas, all the secular parts of it? [Jeremiah 10:3-4]
2013-12-12 Women Covering their Head: Do woman have to cover their heads in order to pray & prophesy in the church? <Steve recoomends the article to read called, "Should women be veiled?">
2013-12-12 Healing if Faith is Strong Enough: Won't Jesus/God heal anyone & everyone if we have enough faith & no unbelief? [Matthew 13:58, James 5:13-18]
2013-12-12 Home Church: How can you have home church where there's a lot of people in churches like Mega churches?
2013-12-12 Melchizedek: Can you talk about Melchizedek a little bit? Was he a pre-Christ type figure? [Genesis 14:18, Psalms 110:4, Hebrews 7]
2013-12-12 Concerned about Chrildren's Salvation: Caller is concerned about her children not being Christian even though they were raised Christians.
2013-12-11 Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Is there a second phase of receiving the Holy Spirit after you become a Christian? Is being filled with the Holy Spirit a separate act? [Acts 19]
2013-12-11 Water Baptism, in the name of the Holy Spirit: So being baptized in the name of the Holy Spirit is not enough to be "filled" with the Holy Spirit?
2013-12-11 Monk who introduced Futurist View of Revelation: Who was the monk who first introduced the futurist view of the book of Revelation?
2013-12-11 Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: Caller wants to recommend a movement called, "Perspectives on the World Christian Movement", Steve likes the syllabus, & approves of the program.
2013-12-11 Limiited Knowledge of Jesus & the Gospel: What about the people who never get to hear of Jesus that much, & thus lose out on Salvation? Is that fair?
2013-12-11 Two Covenant (Dual Covenant) Theology: Isn't John Hagee a big believer in the Two Covenant Theology? How does it differ from reality & how do you refute it? [Hebrews 8:13], Galatians 3:26-29]
2013-12-11 Pre-Wrath (pre-tribulation) Rapture: Can you talk about the pre-wrath (Pre-tribulation), rapture of the saints? [John 6]
2013-12-11 Foreknowledge: Did you really say the only way God can know that something is going to happen only if it happens? Doesn't He know what's giong to happen even if the person doesn't do it? What about Abraham & offering up his son Isaac? [Genesis 22:1-19]
2013-12-11 Jacob have I loved, but Esau have i Hated: God knew that He would hate Esau & love Jacob, before they were even born. [Malachi 1:2-3, Genesis 25:23, Romans 9:10-13]
2013-12-11 Church not Evangelism: Caller thinks that church IS an evangelistic tool.